Love Dependency Disease

898 898 Robbing

"It\'s you!"

Liu Yi\'s eyes suddenly burst into anger, "What are you doing!"

"Hand over the blood lotus."

The subject of the Great God Church was amazing, and Liu Yi stared at him.

"What do you want Blood Lotus to do?"

"Blood Lotus is in your hands and is destined to fail in the resurrection eventually."

The Great God leader stretched out one hand in front of Liu Yi, the other hand closed behind, and said slowly.

"Leave it to me immediately! I will spare you!"

"I won\'t leave it to you!"

Liu Yi frowned, "Also, why do you say that I can\'t be resurrected? I am now the body of the Protoss, as long as I keep condensing the real blood of the Protoss, I can wake my chick!"

"Really naive!"

The Great God leader sneered, "I know five hundred years before, and five hundred years later. Can you succeed, how could I not know!"

"You never want to get the blood lotus!"

Liu Yi said that the mana of the whole body, the dazzling sun light came up from behind him.

"If you want to take it, take it from my body!"

"Humph, do you think I can hold what I want?"

The God of the Great God said, reaching for a move.

Suddenly, Liu Yi shuddered, and the blood lotus, which had grown into the size of a football, immediately flew out of his arms and slowly drifted into the hands of the great god leader.


Liu Yi was shocked and immediately reached out to the blood lotus.

But the Great God teaches the master to flick his finger, and the dazzling flame immediately exploded on the blood lotus, instantly flicking Liu Yi\'s body out.


Liu Yiyi turned over and climbed up from the ground, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The blood lotus has been held in the hands of the great god, and there is a slight glow of blood on the lotus.

"Give me back!"

Liu Yi\'s eyes cracked and roared, and a powerful dharma body popped behind!

Fashen grabbed four Divine Fire Swords in both hands, held the Divine Gilt in both hands, and then jumped with Liu Yi to the Great God Sect Master.

Liu Yi also held two swords in his own hands, the small Taiji in his left hand, and the Tiantian sword in his right hand, and he launched an offensive against the God of God!

The Great God Sect Master stood there, just holding a finger.

The red flame surrounded his body, protecting the Archbishop as a shield.

Liu Yi\'s weapon fell on it, only splashing fire, but could not stay a little hurt!

Is the level of this great god leader so defiant?

Is the crossover so terrible?

Liu Yi roared again and again, constantly urging his own strength.

His attack became more and more fierce, and a residual image was drawn in the air.

The Great God leader stood there steadily, letting Liu Yi continue to attack.

"Weak people, don\'t you understand the gap between you and me?"

The great god leader sneered again and again.

"Ah! Damn it!"

The fire in Liu Yi\'s heart was burning, he roared, and the power in his body was completely mobilized.

The sun behind him is even brighter, the clothes on his body can\'t bear these forces, and the pieces are broken!

Pieces of ice and fire armor condensed by strength covered his strong body, and at this moment his strength had reached its strongest state!

The dharma body was compressed, covering Liu Yi\'s body, and covered his ice and fire armor with a golden glow.

The four Shenhuo swords continuously rotate around Liu Yi\'s body, strengthening his mana.

Liu Yi held a golden light on his palms, and then Dayao Ri\'s palms were shot out one after another, shot above the firelight.


The flames constantly exploded violently and exploded waves, impacting all around!

But the flame is still there. The old god, the great god leader, is standing behind the flame, holding the blood lotus in his hand.

"Too weak, really too weak."

There is a sneer on the mouth of the Great God Sect Master, "It\'s a violent disaster for you to use this big sunray palm!"

"Day Yao Palm! Thirteenth Palm!"

Suddenly a spit of blood spewed out of Liu Yi\'s mouth, forcibly urged his own strength, to show the last palm of this great sun palm!

Although he has mastered the first twelve palms of Dayaori\'s palm, the last palm is still unable to cultivate.

Sister Fox Fairy once warned Liu Yi that the thirteenth palm can only be used when it reaches the strength of the crossover.

Liu Yi was forced to urge at this time, and his internal organs were immediately injured.

His entire skin began to turn black, and a small golden sun line burned out at the center of his eyebrows, exuding golden light!

Liu Yi\'s eyes also burst into dazzling golden light, just like substance!


Now even the Great God Leader was a little surprised, "The power of the four heliostats, want to urge the thirteenth palm? Interesting, interesting!"

"Interesting behind!"

Liu Yi growled and said, "Come to death! Destroy the world!"

Liu Yi\'s palms were perpendicular to his chest, and then slowly closed together.

The surrounding air seemed to be squeezed violently, and it waved fiercely!

With the closing of Liu Yi\'s palm, the surroundings quickly fell into darkness.

When his palms were completely together, everything returned to darkness.

Darkness has converged in the position of the Archbishop, as if the whole world is really ushering in the end, everything returns to nothing!

More blood came out of the corner of Liu Yi\'s mouth, and this move almost wiped out half of his life.

And at this moment, a blaze burned from the darkness.

Just like the fire of the star Liaoyuan, the fire spread quickly and quickly!

In the blink of an eye, the whole world is bright again!

The body of the Great God Leader appeared again in front of Liu Yi, and the world in the enchantment also returned to its original appearance!


Liu Yi could no longer suppress it and spouted a big sip of blood.

"What a stupid guy."

The God of the Great God couldn\'t help but ridicule, "I didn\'t reach that strength, I tried to exert the trick of that strength! You are still alive, really shit!"

"For my chick, even if I save my life, why not?"

Liu Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, propped up his body, sneered.

"Oh, but she died for you, you waste!"

The god god sarcastically said, "Why don\'t you die like this waste!"

With that said, a flame arm flew out of his body, then slapped Liu Yi\'s body fiercely, shot his body out, and then smashed it into the ground.

A deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and Liu Yi\'s body was embedded in the pit, unable to move.


Liu Yi lay in the pit. He heard the Great God leader humming, and then knew nothing.


Ai Ling suddenly opened her eyes, then reached out and tried to catch the beloved man in front of her.

But her palm rested on a man wearing a Jiulong robe in front of him, and was immediately taken aback.

"who are you?"

She frowned, looking at the man.

"Who am I……"

For a moment, she seemed to remember something.

But now, she has forgotten to be clean and does not even know who she is.

"You want to know who you are?"

The God of the Great God looked at the woman in front of her, his voice with a touch of unbearable joy.

"Of course I want to know!"

Ai Ling covered her heart with one hand, "I feel... what seems to be missing here... I must have forgotten something particularly important... even more important than myself... tell me, tell me! "

"Want to know, yes."

God the Lord nodded, "But you must work for me in the future. When you finish the work that I have given you, I will tell you who you are!"

"It\'s a word."

Ai Ling just lost her memory, but her character remained the same.

"Very good, your first task is to scrap this person for me."

The Great God taught the Lord to release a flame on his palm.

That flame formed a man\'s figure. This man was no other than Liu Yi!


Ai Ling saw him, his eyes slightly blurred, but he soon recovered his clarity.

"Who is he?"

"He is your enemy, he killed you."

Said the Archbishop.

"Why not kill him? Isn\'t that more direct?"

Ai Ling asked coldly.

"Because he is still useful to us."

The Archbishop replied, "So, you can\'t kill him, just abolish his mana."

"Okay, then give it to me, remember your promise!"

After Ai Ling finished speaking, his body turned into a blood and disappeared in place.

"The gear of destiny... has changed..."

The Great God Master looked at her disappearing figure and said slowly.

"Chick...chick...don\'t go!"

Looking at the woman who disappeared a little bit in front of her, Liu Yi panicked,

He quickly reached out and tried to catch the woman.

But the hand was caught in the air, and the woman disappeared without blinking.


Liu Yi woke up suddenly and sat up, only to find that the whole body was extremely painful.

"You finally woke up?"

A familiar voice rang in Liu Yi\'s ear. Liu Yi opened his eyes and found that no one else was sitting in front of the bed, but his cheap master Ma Hua.

And now he is not in the American park, but in the duty room of the University of Science and Technology.

There was still light snow outside, but the room was a bit warm.

Liu Yi lay in bed, watching her master Ma Hua pick up the kettle from the stove and brew a cup of tea with a slightly fragrant taste.

The tea flavor is very strong, and Liu Yi can smell it clearly while lying on the bed.

"This is Peiyuan tea."

Carrying the tea, Ma Hua handed it to Liu Yi, "A sip is good for your injury."

"How long have I been sleeping...Master..."

Liu Yi endured his own pain and sat up, took the tea with white smoke and asked.

"Three days and three nights."

Ma Hua said.

"Huh... okay, not very long..."

Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought of the blood lotus being taken away by the Great God Leader, he couldn\'t help but put down the tea and left when he got up.

"Where are you going?"

"I\'m going to grab my chick!"

Liu Yi growled in his throat, "No one can take her from me!"

"Come on first, your injury is not good yet!"

Ma Hua hurriedly pressed Liu Yi, "If my friend reminded me, you are now dead in Washington!"