Love Dependency Disease

888 888 Mr. Baron

After participating in the mission of the island country, Liu Yi is also a veteran agent who is familiar with the road.

He was wearing a high-end black suit at this time, dressed like a businessman from the upper class.

Liu Yi’s goal is to have a party in this high-level club today.

The owner of the club is none other than Blatter.

The British baron, who would have some parties every three to five, was quite free.

In Washington, many people take pride in being able to attend Blatter\'s party.

The invitation letter for the party is hard to find and has no price.

Liu Yi was not in a hurry. He was sitting in a Mercedes-Benz outside the clubhouse, watching the people who kept entering and leaving the clubhouse.

Soon, Liu Yi\'s eyes fell on a blonde beauty.

Xiaoxuan\'s database was immediately transferred out, proving that this blonde beauty is a small and famous model in the United States.

And... it looks like it just broke up with a tyrant boyfriend not long ago.

Liu Yi smiled, it was her.

He pushed the door of the car and walked down, then pretended to bump into the blonde accidentally.

"My God, don\'t you have long eyes!"

The blonde beauty exclaimed and scolded.

"Sorry, I\'m really not careful."

Liu Yi apologized very politely, "Are you all right?"

"No, nothing..."

The beauty saw Liu Yi\'s good suit and noticed a piece of Patek Philippe on his wrist, and immediately changed her attitude.

"Are you...Hua Xia?"

"Yeah, Chinese."

Liu Yi nodded with a smile, "I bumped into you just now, it\'s really embarrassing."

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay, you Huaxia have something to say...well, don\'t collide!

The beauties immediately approached Liu Yitao, and Liu Yi laughed inwardly, well, he got hooked.

"That\'s no match, no acquaintance."

Liu Yi speaks fluent American English.

When training in the organization, Liu Yi proficiently mastered British and American English, and it was no problem to deal with these occasions.

"Ah, this is the case. It seems that my Chinese is too poor."

The beautiful woman put out her tongue playfully.

"It doesn\'t matter, if you are interested, I can teach you."

Liu Yi blinked at her.


The beauty seems to be a little surprised.

"Swear in the name of God."

Liu Yixin said, and took your old man as a shield, forgive me, and ask you to drink after a big deal.

"It seems that this time it really became a collision and no acquaintance!"

The beauty smiled, and then reached out, "My name is Jenny."

"My name is Liu Dabo."

Liu Yi shook hands with her, the big Yangma\'s hand is really not small.

"Oh, big wave? Liu!"

Jenny read the name according to their way, making Liu Yi full of black lines.

Alas... the name is so miserable!

"Let me call Mr. Liu..."

"Okay, dear Mr. Liu, are you here to join the team?"

"Yeah, but I forgot to bring the invitation letter, and I am planning to go back."

Liu Yi shrugged sadly.

"It doesn\'t matter, I can help you!"

Jenny\'s eyes lit up and took Liu Yi\'s hand, then took his arm by the way.

"Our fate can\'t end here!"

With that said, she took Liu Yi\'s arm very kindly and walked towards the door of the clubhouse.

Several burly men at the door of the clubhouse asked for invitations.

Jenny handed in the invitation letter and then pointed to Liu Yi, "This is my male partner."

"Please come in!"

Several people suddenly gave way.

Many parties in the United States can bring male or female partners. Liu Yi\'s estimate is good, and it really blended in!

The two were close together, like a sweet couple, and walked into the party venue.

There are already people from the top of the society. Three or five people gathered together and talked about the economy, stocks, or mistresses.

Along the way, Jenny is asking about Liu Yi, especially interested in whether he is single.

Liu Yi is not impatient either, and has been answering carefully according to his pre-edited identity.

Soon, Liu Yi finally found his goal.

His eyes fell on Bart Blatter, who was talking to a beautiful woman, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

From that guy, Liu Yi smelled a rancid smell.

This is the breath that fallen creatures have. Since An Qi was attached to the palm of Liu Yi, Liu Yi could slightly perceive the breath of some fallen creatures.

It seems that this girl is helping herself even if she is lethargic.

There are only two ways to make Angel wake up, the first is to leave here, and the second is to kill the person who affects her.

It might not be the blond guy in front of him. Although he is a fallen creature, his breath is very weak.

And when Liu Yi noticed the other party\'s breath, the eyes of the blonde baron also fell on Liu Yi.

A strange color flashed in the guy\'s blue eyes, but he smiled, said goodbye to his female companion, and took the initiative to come to Liu Yi.

"Beautiful Jenny, can you borrow your male partner first?"

"Since the distinguished baron has spoken, okay."

Jenny shrugged her shoulders and then put a business card in Liu Yi\'s hands.

"Mr. Liu, you can have a drink together at night!"

After he finished speaking, he blinked his eyes ambiguously, and then turned and twisted his hips away.

"That girl is very hot."

Blatter licked his tongue. "How else would even the Templars move their hearts?"


Liu Yi smiled inwardly, it seems that this guy regards himself as a believer in angels.

It should be affected by the weak breath of the angel mark on his hand!

"Treat beautiful things, everyone is the same."

Liu Yi did not break through, and said.

"But I don\'t know what it means for the Templar to not come here?"

The baron lowered his voice and asked, "Did you forget the agreement between us?"


Is there any agreement between the angels and fallen creatures here?

Forget it, he is the one who wants people.

"Still say, I just invested in the industry, Holy Court also want to get involved?"

"The baron is not interested in what business the baron wants to do."

Drinking foreign wine, Liu Yi pretended to say casually, "However, we can\'t just ignore the baron who caught us."

"Your people?"

The baron raised his eyebrows, "When did I catch the people in the court? I followed the agreement very much!"

"A woman."

Liu Yi reminded, "Chinese like me."

"Damn it! Is that your guy?"

Blatter frowned, "I thought she was Huaxia\'s spy!"

"That\'s the person we installed in China. You caught it and almost ruined our plan!"

Liu Yi said.

" was a misunderstanding this time."

Blatter said apologetically, "China is our common enemy!"

"This is natural. That woman, didn\'t you hurt her?"

"not yet."

Blatter shrugged. "Recently, I was so squandered by the investment that I caught her. I didn\'t have enough time to deal with it. I had planned to free her into my blood slave in the past few days, and then I will be sent back to China Yes. I didn’t expect her to be your spy. It seems that this time, you are the first."

"That is of course, our Holy Court never lags behind."

Liu Yi was so angry that he wanted to turn Liu Hongxian into his blood slave?It’s really mysterious, almost a step late.

Once he became a blood slave, Liu Hongxian was brainwashed.

And that girl is so pretty, who knows what Blatter will do to her!

Liu Yi secretly thanked Qilong Sanlai, fortunately this guy reminded him in time!

No... Mom should remind me the first day of his disappearance, go back and clean him up!

"If the baron has insufficient funds, I am willing to provide a little help."


Blatter was slightly surprised, "Not as a Holy Court?"

"Of course not, it\'s me."

Liu Yi smiled shyly, "The baron grabbed the fiancee under him."

"Oh shit, I\'m so sorry!"

Blatter looked ashamed. "Dear Mr. Liu, I will take you to see your fiancee. I hope you can forgive me for my rude behavior."

"It\'s easy to talk."

Liu Yi pretended not to be angry, and had abused this man a thousand times in his heart.

"Please follow me."

Blatter turned and walked towards the back. "Your fiancee was locked in the closet below me."

"Then the hard baron took me on a trip."

Liu Yi walked in along with Blatter.

The two quickly left the venue and walked into an elevator.

Blatter opened a hidden door of the elevator and entered a string of codes, and the elevator immediately drove down.

"Adult leader of the Holy Court has been in good health recently?"

"Of course, there is the blessing of the true God."

Liu Yi answered Blatter\'s very nutritious questions in the elevator.

"That\'s good, may our friendship last forever!"

With that, he picked up the wine glass in his hand.


Liu Yi also raised his glass and touched it, but he kept thinking of his own Liu Hongxian.

God bless...No, Buddha bless you, she must be safe!

In the speaking room, the elevator paused, and then the elevator doors slowly opened.

A huge underground space appeared in front of Liu Yi, which surprised Liu Yi.

Good guy... there is such a big place, how much did it cost?

But as soon as the elevator door opened, a rotten smell immediately rushed into Liu Yi\'s nose.

I saw a woman fishing on the ceiling of the underground, and each woman became a corpse, obviously sucked up by some people.

"Sorry, this is where I store food."

Blatter grinned, and Liu Yi smelled a bloody smell from his mouth.

Damn... this guy is a vampire!

"Mr. Liu, please here!"

Although there was no light inside, a small space was illuminated by the elevator light.When the elevator doors closed, it was completely dark.But Liu Yimu can night vision, there is no obstacle to walking here.

Blatter led the way, and his footsteps were still clear.

"Baron, where are we going?"
