Love Dependency Disease

889 889 I Bid

Blatter\'s figure suddenly appeared from behind Liu Yi. He opened his fangs and bited at Liu Yi\'s neck.

Liu Yi smiled and didn\'t move, so he stood there with his arms folded.

Blatter\'s teeth were bitten on Liu Yi\'s neck, preparing to release toxins and then sucking blood.

Unexpectedly, a huge force hit Blatter\'s face, shattering his two teeth directly, and then flicked him whole.

Blatter fell out more than ten meters directly, broke several bodies in the air, and then smashed it on the wall.

"This, what power is this..."

Blatter climbed up in embarrassment, staring inconceivably at Liu Yi with his back in front.

"Obviously just a Templar! Why do you have such terrible power!"

"Obviously I know that I am a Templar, and I still want to blackmail me. Do you want to tear up the agreement?"

Liu Yi is not too busy attacking, first put this guy\'s words.

He didn\'t feel the breath of other living people in this room, he already knew that Blatter lied.

However, in order to know Liu Hongxian\'s whereabouts, Liu Yi took the plan, followed Blatter in, and pretended to be in his game.

"Damn light running dog, think you are safe with the agreement! I want to turn you into my blood slave, and then let you go back to the Holy Court and become my spy!"

Blatter growled loudly.

"Where did you shut her?"

Liu Yi did not panic, but asked.

"Hahaha! Go ask the great Satan!"

Blatter laughed, "In this darkness, it is my world! You can\'t find me, but I can clearly smell the blood on you! You have nowhere to hide, ha ha ha!"

"is it?"

Liu Yi\'s voice suddenly sounded from behind Blatter.


Blatter was taken aback, and then creeped!

How did he find himself in this darkness!

Because you just talked!

Blatter quickly turned into countless bats, and then instantly appeared in the other corner of the house.

Now look at how you found me!After you are at a loss, revealing the flaws, I will kill you quietly!

"Where do you want to escape?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Yi\'s voice sounded in Blatter\'s ear again, and Blatter was cold and sweaty.

"This room is so big, would you like to play hide and seek with me?"

Coincidence, it must be coincidence!

"No need to hide, you can\'t escape my eyes."

Seeing that Blatter was about to escape as a bat again, Liu Yi immediately raised his foot and kicked it.

Blatter\'s body reunited, and then fell hard on the ground.

"What the hell are you!"

Blatter finally felt that Liu Yi was extraordinary.

He is definitely not an ordinary Templar!

"Say, where is she."

Liu Yi reached out a hand, holding Blatter\'s neck, and asked coldly.

"Damn light running dog!"

Blatter\'s mouth was full of blood, but he said fiercely, "Come on to say a few words from my mouth!"

"Is it?"

Liu Yi\'s eyes fell on Blatter\'s eyes.

In an instant, pictures appeared in front of Liu Yi.

"This woman is a good sacrifice."

Blatter held Liu Hongxian in his hand and gave her to one of his men.

"Take her to the church for an auction, and it will definitely sell for a good price."

"Got it, master."

The person opposite was a blood slave. He nodded, embraced Liu Hongxian in his arms, and then turned away.

Subsequently, a picture of a church appeared in front of Liu Yi.

"St. Bruce Church..."

Liu Yi grunted.

"You, how do you know!"

Blatter was overwhelmed and wondered why Liu Yi could know this secret!

"Of course you told me."

Liu Yi smiled.

"Impossible! I didn\'t say anything! You, you are the devil!"

"It\'s really an honor to be called such a fallen creature."

Liu Yi pulled out the small Tai Chi and held it in his hand.

"Now, it\'s your turn to meet your Satan!"

Having finished speaking, he thrust Xiao Taiji into Nablat\'s heart.

Blatter screamed, his soul was sucked crazy by Xiao Taiji!

Since letting Liu Haisheng\'s soul reinvigorate Xiao Taiji, this little Taiji has one more ability.

As long as it is a stabbing person, he will consume his flesh and soul!

This big sword bought by Taobao has become Liu Haisheng\'s avatar!Evil fierce!

Blatter is just a little vampire, how can he withstand the magic of Little Taiji, and be sucked directly and clean.

It seems that Liu Yi can hear Xiao Taiji hiccups, okay... to what extent can this sword of his own evolve!

Wait and see!

"It seems to be going to the St. Bruce Cathedral."

Liu Yi said, reaching out and brushing himself.

Jin Wufa started, and his shape immediately changed, and in the blink of an eye he turned into another Blatter.

At the same time, Jin Wufa wrapped his left hand, hiding the breath of the angel\'s mark.

With this thing, it seems a bit difficult to dive into a place full of fallen creatures.

Putting away the angelic breath, Liu Yi also released some dark power, deliberately imitating the breath of fallen creatures.

Doing all this well, Liu Yi immediately worked as an elevator, entered the previously memorized password, and left this unsightly "food" warehouse.

Liu Hongxian, you must be safe and secure, absolutely nothing can happen!

Liu Yi came outside, jumped into the air immediately, and quickly flew towards the direction of the cathedral.

According to Xiaoxuan\'s information, the St. Bruce Cathedral is a private property, and no outsiders can visit it.

This is also in the United States. If it is in China, such as churches are cultural relics and are under national custody.

The United States is a so-called democratic country that respects private property.Because it is the big chaebols who control this country, what if their own interests are not allowed by the government to protect private property!

Everything looks good, but in fact it is just a trap to protect the interests of a small number of people.

Liu Yi\'s body flashed, speeding up, and fell before the St. Bruce Cathedral.

The St. Bruce Cathedral is very quiet, like a monster sleeping under the night.

Many of the sculptures on the church are dark in style, and most people may feel uncomfortable after reading it.

There are many guards standing outside the church, protecting this "private property".

Liu Yi walked in, but no one stopped.

It seems that Blatter is a regular visitor here.

Liu Yi wore a black coat, borrowed Blatter\'s skin, people who don\'t know, probably thought he saw a Hollywood star.

I have to admit that these vampires are all good.

But those guards seem to be ordinary people and should be hired for money.

Liu Yi ignored them and pushed open the side door of the church and walked in.

The church was a bit dark, and there were people in black robes everywhere.

Seeing Liu Yi, these people just nodded to him and said hello, and continued to work on their own.

Liu Yi was also low-key, and he found a more advanced position and sat down.

It seemed to be an auction, and a host stood on it, carrying a small hammer in his hand.

"The auction item below is a blood cup from William Castle in England."

With that said, the two women pushed up a small car with a wine glass carved from a skull.

As soon as the cup was taken out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people below.

"This blood cup is a real treasure! Whether you pour white water or fine wine in it, it will become the sweetest blood in the blink of an eye!"

With that, the host took out a glass of white water and poured it into the skull wine glass.

In an instant, the white water turned into red blood.

Liu Yi felt a little sick.

"Good stuff, good stuff!"

"I must clap my hands!"

The following people were all excited. Liu Yixin said that it was indeed an auction of fallen creatures, and the things they sold were heavy enough.

He sat there and watched with cold eyes. If Liu Hongxian was really as precious as Blatter said, then it must have been put out in the back.

He tried to keep his patience and bitterness.

Next came a bunch of messy heavy-taste items, the most exaggerated was a cloak sewed with a hundred virgin scalps, which was bought by a werewolf.

I\'m a grass... Is it more elegant that fallen creatures can\'t live?

When Liu Yizheng lamented the importance of these people, the host finally said.

"The last auction item is very precious! She is a young girl and a virgin! Her body is an excellent sacrifice. Whoever consumes her blood can raise a level of power!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

The fallen creatures were all excited, with green light in their eyes.

Liu Yi was also nervous, staring at the stage with concentration.

At this time a girl was slowly pushed out from the stage. The girl\'s eyes were covered with a black mask, and her hands and feet were wrapped with chains.

As soon as she appeared, the people below roared excitedly.

The young girl shivered in fear and shrunk in a cage.

Liu Yi clenched his fists.

Liu Hongxian, I will come to rescue you immediately!

"The starting price of this auction item is a little higher!"

The host smiled and said, "The base price is one million US dollars, and each increase must be no less than 10,000 US dollars!"

As soon as he spoke, the following outcry began.

"1.1 million!"


"two millions!"

"three million!"

The price has been rising continuously, and finally stopped at 55 million.

Liu Yi shook his head. These guys are crazy enough, 55 million... But it can be regarded as a flower worth to upgrade one level.

"Five-five million, is there any higher!"

The host did not expect to be able to shout so high, a little excited, asked with a hammer.

"I bid."

When everyone thought it was the final price, Liu Yi suddenly raised his hand.

"Oh? This gentleman, how much did you bid?"

"My the life of all of you!"