Love Dependency Disease

887 Chapter 887

Liu Yi was used to throwing his hands away, such as the establishment of the Red Towel Army, which was later thrown to Chen Dahai.The Red Star Group was established, and it was thrown to Zhou Ziying and Lin Zhuoyi.

Became the Dragon King of Songjiang, he threw it to his own avatar, as well as a saber, to keep them busy.

Even the crusade against the world, he did not get out.

Now he is the head of the Temple of Tu, but it can be regarded as a busy life for him.

In the early days of the establishment of the Temple of Tu, he did not dare to let go of big and small affairs, and he did it all by himself.

Liu Yi now can\'t wait to split himself in half!

After two months passed, everything was back to normal, and Liu Yi was a bit idle.

Li Moli and Chen Keqing are Liu Yi\'s left and right hands, and the two girls are busy.

Although Ai Ling frightened herself and said that opening the Spirit Vessel requires the sacrifice of several spirits, now Li Moli and they are all living well, and the ability of the spirit has not been lost.

The former elder Zhang Wentao was also reused by Liu Yi, but the grumpy old man was a good talent.

Without his protection, Li Moli now does not know what it is.

At this time, Liu Yizheng sat cross-legged on the hilt of Tongtianjian, fully absorbing the essence of heaven and earth to supplement his fifth solar energy.

Nine golden suns slowly rotated behind him, and there were immortal practitioners who saw them, all envied and jealous.

This is the legendary Jiuyang Divine Power, the god\'s method!

This Liu Yi is really unique!

"Master, there is a communication request!"

Just as Liu Yi\'s cultivation was thorough and comfortable, Xiaoxuan\'s reminder suddenly sounded.

"Who called?"

This means that someone called and Liu Yi slowly received the credit and asked.

"It\'s Long San."

Long San?What did this guy do for himself?

He used to be his boss, but now... the law enforcement officer\'s position is so ruthless, Long San has become his own.

It\'s been a long time since this year, shouldn\'t it be a New Year\'s greeting for yourself?

Liu Yi waved his hand and let Xiaoxuan answer the phone.

There was immediately some anxious voice from Long San.

"Liu...Sir, big, big, big things are not going well!"

"What\'s the matter, yelling."

Liu Yi frowned and said, "What kind of system is this? Have something to say."


Long San adjusted his emotions and said, "It\'s Liu Hongxian\'s accident..."


Liu Yi stood up directly from Tongtianjian, his eyes glaring round.

"Liu Hongxian? What happened to her?"

"Master Liu, don\'t worry, listen to me..."

"Don\'t you worry about it?"

Liu Yi hurriedly said, "Don\'t Liu Hongxian go to the US? Did something happen?"

"Yes...but recently she lost contact with us! The dispatched liaisons couldn\'t find her anymore, she seemed to have evaporated from the world! If it was not a last resort, we wouldn\'t find Mr. Liu!"

"Where did she lose contact in the United States?"

Liu Yixin said that it seems that he must go to the United States for a trip.

"In Washington."

Washington?It seems that this is the highest stage of the spy war between China and the United States, and the world has reached the political center of others.

"Got it, let me do the rest."

Liu Hongxian is also her own woman, and Liu Yi can never let her go.

But it is impossible to rush to find fear, but fortunately Liu Yi also carries a multi-function individual soldier system.


Liu Yi shouted and shouted.

This sound, like thunder and lightning, flooded the entire Temple of Slaughter.

"Liu Yi, what\'s the situation?"

Angel, the little angel appeared in front of Liu Yi in an instant, flapping a pair of small white wings behind her.

"Take me to Washington."

Liu Yi opened the door and said directly.

"Ah? Go west?"

An Qi was taken aback, "Where is the Western territory... It is impossible, you are going to God Realm for trouble?"

She was really worried that Liu Yi and Western God Realm could not get through. Although some things in Western God Realm were not done right, after all, there was their own homeland. An Qi didn\'t want Liu Yi to do much damage in the past!

"No, I\'m just going to save people. I won\'t be in trouble with God Realm. You can rest assured."

Knowing what An Qi was worried about, Liu Yi comforted, "Just trouble you to be a little radar for me."

"This is no problem, I will do my best to help you!"

An Qi was relieved. It seemed that she had to help Liu Yi to rescue people!

Never let Liu Yi stay there for too long, so as to avoid extracurricular!

"Go, send me over."

Liu Yi gave a command, and Angel nodded and put her hand on Liu Yi\'s shoulder.

The two turned into white light and disappeared in place with a whizz.

Almost in between, Liu Yi\'s feet fell on the top of a tall building in Washington.

"Your ability is really convenient..."

Liu Yi had to sigh with emotion.

And Angel was beside, with a virtual sweat on her forehead.

"Alright, alright..."

"Angel, what\'s wrong with you? Is it too far to make you too tired?"

Liu Yi feels that An Qi\'s condition seems to be a little bad.


Angel shook her head, not asking why, but asked instead.

"Who do you want me to find, do you have a picture of her?"


Liu Yi took out his mobile phone and took a photo with Liu Hongxian inside.

"A great beauty again."

Angel\'s smile did not know whether it was satire or jealousy.

"In short, it\'s easier to have photos."

She said, a finger gently poked on the photo, and closed her eyes.

An Qi\'s body was trembling slightly. Liu Yixin said, when it comes to searching, is there a vibration mode?


Without waiting for Liu Yi\'s conjecture to understand, An Qi suddenly spouted a sip of blood, and then weakly fell into Liu Yi\'s arms.

"Angel? What\'s wrong with you?"

Surprised, Liu Yi quickly raised Angel and asked.

"Here... there is a stronger energy..."

An Qi smiled bitterly, "Unlike the bright energy, this is a degenerate makes me feel uncomfortable..."

"How can I not feel it?"

Liu Yi looked around, only to feel that this is a bustling city, but other things are not noticeable.

"Because you are an oriental immortal, there is no divine power, and naturally you cannot perceive the power of depravity."

An Qi explained, "It\'s like you can feel the power, but I can\'t feel the same."

"Understood, what should I do? There is no way to find the person I am looking for, is it?"

"Yes... my mana... was affected too much..."

An Qi said as if she was half awake and half awake, then her body spread out a little bit, and finally turned into a white starburst, printed on Liu Yi\'s palm.

"You can only... rely on yourself..."


This girl was asleep!

Where to sleep is not good, you have to sleep on your own hands!

Come, it seems that at this critical moment, this girl can\'t count on it!

Liu Hongxian, where is your girl?

Liu Yi had no other choice but to call Long San\'s phone and find someone from Long San to connect with him.

Liu Yi also struggled to explain for a long time before telling them where they were.

He jumped silently from the upstairs, but fortunately it was night, and no one noticed him.

After waiting for more than an hour, a black antelope stopped in front of Liu Yi.

It seems that the United States likes to drive this muscle car, but Liu Yi doesn\'t like it. He loves the SUV alone.

"Manager Liu, I\'m so sorry, I\'m late to come too late!"

A fat man jumped out of the car and apologized to Liu Yi with embarrassment.

Managers are used to hide their identities.

Liu Yi\'s current identity is that Liu Dabo, a manager of a foreign trade company, went abroad to investigate.

"It\'s okay, get in the car."

Liu Yi waved his hand and pulled the car door into the car.

The fat man ran back to the driver\'s seat and started the car.

"Is it safe here?"

Liu Yi asked.


The fat man nodded. "There are no bugs in the car. I check it several times a day."

"it is good."

Liu Yi started talking about the topic, "How long has Liu Hongxian disappeared?"

"Three days!"

As soon as the fat man mentioned this, he was in a hurry. "We found a security officer in the United States frequently met a man a few days ago. In order to get information, Team Leader Liu approached the man, and the result evaporated from this world..."

"who\'s that person?"

There was anger in Liu Yi\'s eyes, and he dared to move his woman, just to death!

"It\'s him."

While driving, the fat man took a photo from his arms.

Liu Yi took it and looked at it. The picture shows a blond man with some fascinating looks.

"It\'s pretty good to grow..."

Mengxi leaned out of her head and couldn\'t help but say, "Isn\'t it eloping with the woman of Eun Gong..."

"Go, don\'t talk nonsense!"

Liu Yi Chuanyin scolded Mengxi, this girl, talking nonsense.

"Engong, the slave family knows wrong... or do you punish the slave family..."

Mengxi said with some grievances, Liu Yi was sweating, punishing you, how to punish, punish in bed?

Forget it, anyway, this girl is also careless.

"Does this person have any history?"

Liu Yi asked, ignoring Mengxi.

"He\'s a pretty big boy. He\'s a British baron!"

The fat man said, "His name is Blatter, and he is also very famous locally. There are several companies under this person\'s name.

"give it to me."

Liu Yi intends to find this guy directly, break his teeth, and see if he will explain it!

"Sir, this won\'t work!"

The fat man hurriedly said, "We can\'t use strength, we can only use measures!"

"Why can\'t I use force?"

"Because this person is our breakthrough for the US X plan!"

The fat man said honestly, "The United States has made Plan X against China, and now we are all helpless about this plan. So, this Blatter can’t die. And Team Leader Liu didn’t die, although we couldn’t find her, but she was The biosignal is still there, but the position cannot be determined!"

Liu Hongxian is still alive!

Liu Yi immediately felt relieved.

Earlier, he sent a safari to protect Liu Hongxian. Later, because he needed staff to participate in the Wuling Conference, he was transferred back.

It\'s all my own fault, Liu Hongxian, I must rescue you!