Love Dependency Disease

886 Chapter 886

"Since we are all following Liu Zhenren, but Liu Zhenren has no way, I\'m afraid it\'s not good?"

That Qiu Jiqing was very cunning, he thought in his heart, Liu Yi is now the elder brother, what is really going to happen, he ran away, who are you looking for?

As the saying goes, the monk cannot run the temple!No, Liu Yi has to leave a nest!

"Liu Zhenren, look, this temple of raising immortals is now no longer a master, and you used to be a disciple of raising immortals, it would be better..."

Liu Yi heard what Qiu Jiqing meant.

He was afraid that he would have a single family, so if he had any trouble afterwards, he would just run away.

However, Liu Yi also had a long-term plan to re-conquer the Immortal Hall, just pushing the boat along the river and nodding.

"The foundation of raising the fairy palace for thousands of years cannot be destroyed in this way."

After thinking for a while, Liu Yi said, "But the three characters Yangxiandian are notorious because of Liu Haisheng. Now I will take over Yangxiandian, and this place will naturally have a new look! I Liu Yi announced that starting today , Yangxian Temple officially changed its name to Tu Shen Temple! My Liu Yi is the first leader!"

Temple of Slaughter!

Good fellow, this Liu Yi\'s tone is really not small!

It seems that the goal of this martial art is not just to be famous in the Six Realms, but even point to the Jiuzhongtian!

This man is really extraordinary!

"We don\'t want to establish enemies when we slaughter the temple. As long as we don\'t take the initiative to provoke us, we will not provoke! But if we dare to provoke us to slaughter the temple, we will never let it go! And, our current enemy, There is only one, that is the Qin Palace! We and the Qin Palace are at odds!"

This sentence touches the hearts of everyone.

In the future, there must be a battle with the Qin Emperor\'s Palace. Then the Qin Emperor wants to conquer the world, which is more terrible than Liu Yi!

Although Liu Yi is strong, this kid is also low-key, never interferes with other martial arts, and does not think about dominating the world.

Therefore, following Liu Yi to fight Qin Huang is the best choice!

Qin Emperor Palace...they are the whole Xiuxian Realm...No, it is the biggest threat to the Six Realms!

"From today on, the Shrine of the Slaughter will widely recruit disciples from all over the world!"

Liu Yi waved his hand and said.

Three seal characters appeared in the back of his coat and slaughtered the temple.

Liu Yi released the Tongtian Sword, a sword whose size can be changed at will, replacing the previous Liu Haisheng statue and inserted in the center of the square.

The Tongtian sword is long when it meets the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it becomes a huge sword with a length of 100 meters.

"Tongtian returns to the throne, and the god of slaughter is established!"

Liu Yi said loudly.

All those who cultivate immortals in the world are obedient, and Liu Yi is indeed a great mana.

Since then, his name, Xiu Xianjie, is probably unknown to everyone, and no one knows it.

"Master... You, you must stick to it!"

The disciples of Kunlun Mountain pulled Yang Mianmian and said, "Don\'t think about joining the school of Liu Zhangmen! You can\'t leave us Kunlun Mountain!"

"Woo... It\'s really annoying... Can\'t you quickly choose a new leader!"

Yang Mianmian complained.

These disciples in Kunlun Mountain are going crazy. Everyone is eager to be the head of their own.

"Master, you think, when you left Kunlun Mountain, the newly appointed leader may not necessarily follow Liu Zhangmen\'s heart!"

A smarter disciple of Kunlun Mountain turned his eyes and then said, "Only if you are in this position, can you give Liu Zhangmen the greatest help!"

"It makes sense!"

Yang Mianmian nodded, and the disciples around Kunlun Mountain were relieved.

"After the establishment of the Tu Tu Temple, an embassy will be established for you."

Thinking of the current political method, Liu Yi had his own thoughts and said, "All the martial arts can have your embassy in the Temple of My Slaughter, and leave the ambassador to work together with the Temple of Slaughter for allies. The only goal is to fight against the Qin Emperor’s Palace. This alliance is called Chu Han League. What do you think?"

Chuhan League?

It seems to have sworn the Qin Palace!

This idea actually received unanimous praise from the immortals who were present.

Everyone is afraid of being put on the eyeliner by other martial arts. This temple can be a good place to let them in.

Looking for someone to stare at the Temple of Tu Tu, even if the Temple of Tu Tu does not have this embassy, ​​they will find a way to put their eyes in.


Chen Keqing stepped forward and whispered in Liu Yi\'s ear, "The establishment of this embassy... is not blatant, let them send their attention?"

"Sister, do you think that if we don\'t set up an embassy, ​​wouldn\'t they put in the eyeliner?"

Liu Yi chuckled, "Now when we set up the embassy, ​​we can let their eyes go from the dark to the bright. What\'s more, the more important thing now is to fight against the Qin Palace. The views of the portals between those schools are thrown first Go aside."

"The leader is so good..."

Chen Keqing quietly sighed, "Just don\'t know, can other schools have this demeanor..."

"Master, you must hold on to the leader!"

The disciples of Kunlun Mountain pulled Yang Mianmian again, "You can\'t be an ambassador here!"

"Why not! Whoever rules the head cannot be an ambassador!"

Damn, I have seen which school\'s head is not staying in his own school, but depends on others\' schools every day!

Wasn’t it rumored that Kunlun Mountain became a joke?

This will definitely not work!

"Master, you think, even if you stay here, Liu Zhangmen will not be in the Temple of Tu Tu every day!"

The clever disciple said before, "Not to mention the ancients have a cloud, Xiaobeisheng is newly married! You are soaked in the Temple of Tu every day, maybe Liu will be bored! Only you are in Kunlun Mountain, not in front of him Master, I will think of you and miss you!"

"You say that, it makes sense."

Yang Mianmian nodded, and everyone was relieved again.

Nima... how can you spread such an unreliable leader!And she is a rare genius in Kunlun Mountain for thousands of years, and she can\'t do it without her!

"Qiu Han, you just stay here."

Long He doesn\'t look like Yang Mianmian. She knows the whole body and doesn\'t stay in Tu Shen Temple in person, so she orders Qiu Han.


Qiu Han agreed without hesitation, there seemed to be some expectations in his heart.

I... Looking forward to what happens with Liu Yi?

Other schools also left their ambassadors, which made Liu Yi feel interesting. The ambassador left by the world is Moran, and the ambassador left by Xian Xuefeng is Gu Yu.

Even Yao Wanggu left Huang Jie as a waiter. It seems that the Immortal Realm outside the cabinet is competing to leave some people close to Liu Yi to deepen the relationship with Liu Yi.

In the past, Liu Yi was a rat in the cabinet, and everyone shouted.Now, Liu Yi has become a confectionery, everyone wants to hug his thigh!

Regarding this point, Liu Yi himself knew it well, so he didn\'t break it.

In fact, where is the cabinet, even the cabinet.

For example, Penglai Island, the master left is Zhang Jiashuang.

It seems that the future will be more and more interesting.

"Liu Yi."

When Liu Yi hurriedly dealt with the affairs of the Tu Temple, Xueluo suddenly came to him.

"Snow falls?"

Liu Yi looked at the woman in front of her, not knowing what she wanted to do.

All in all, her two generations of masters seem to have died in their own hands.

But the chick was still alive and turned into a blood lotus, waiting to nourish herself.

"Would you please show me the owner?"

Xue Luo\'s voice was dull, which made people feel depressed.

For this request, Liu Yi cannot refuse.

He carefully took out the blood lotus and held it in his palm.

Xue fell into tears for a while, her pretty face suddenly turned red, and then a spout of blood was sprinkled on the blood lotus.

Suddenly, this blood lotus kept spreading out!

The blood lotus, which was originally a fist, turned into a big slap in the blink of an eye!


Liu Yi was taken aback!

Xue Luo took out all his real blood and poured it on the blood lotus.

"the host……"

Xue Luo reached out his hand and touched on the blood lotus indifferently.

"You are such a stupid woman...but... isn\'t Xueluo so..."

A miserable smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and at this time, a reddish thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, and fell on Xue Luo\'s body!

Xue Luo turned into fly ash in the blink of an eye, disappeared without a trace!

Because her strength is too weak, she seems to have no soul left!

Liu Yi was horrified, this snow fell, and even gave his life for Ai Ling!

Does she love her chick?

Indecent love, really indecent love!

Alas... Speaking of it, it is also an idiot.

At this time, Liu Yi\'s fifth solar vortex also lit up, because Ai Ling bit him, the blood power was complete.

Nine Yang Divine Power merged with the power of blood, and he is not a complete Protoss.

Liu Yi does not know what kind of monster he is now. In short, this monster will definitely not hurt the person he loves.

The Wuling Conference ended in a hurry, and Wuling Zhibao finally fell into the hands of the Qin Palace.

The Great Protestantism did not appear, which did not surprise Liu Yi.

Liu Yi himself could not guess what the Great God Master planned.

Li Heqiang ran away, the only teaching has not been completely eliminated.

Liu Yi ordered people to search for the whereabouts of these people.

At this moment, a disciple of the original Yangxian Temple suddenly came over to report.

"Head! Not good! Liu Haisheng\'s body is gone!"


Liu Yi was taken aback, could it be that Liu Haisheng was not dead?

His celestial monster-French is so strange, can he still split his soul?

"Look! You must find him! To see someone alive, to see a dead body!"


Liu Yi\'s expectation was good, then Liu Haisheng did separate part of his soul, prepared to steal his life, and waited for revenge later.

But he never imagined that he encountered a more terrible enemy.

A beautiful woman, wearing a cheongsam, smiled and stretched a foot, stepping on top of his head.

"It seems that I didn\'t come to this five spirits meeting in vain, and I have harvested such a good dessert...soul absorption!"