Love Dependency Disease

885 Chapter 885 Exchange

"You see that you said so, then I will satisfy you."

A smiled smugly, "Your weakness will appear immediately."

He said, clapping his hands.

A ten-day job in a Qin imperial palace immediately escorted a girl to appear in front of Liu Yi.

Seeing this girl, Liu Yi was shocked!

Wang Lele!

"Brother Xiao Yi!"

Lele struggled desperately, but the man behind her held her tightly.

"Qin Palace, you are too mean!"

Liu Yi couldn\'t be more angry, and his anger was burning. If the flame is true, it is estimated that half of the sky will be red!

Gangsters!They even caught Wang Lele to threaten themselves!

"Don\'t make trouble."

Jia watched Liu Yi squeeze his fist and hurriedly said, "You are so strong, we can be afraid. Be careful not to move, otherwise you little girl, I am afraid that you will be in a different place."

With that said, the ten-day man standing behind Wang Lele, holding a Yuehua dagger in his hand, touched Wang Lele\'s neck.

As long as the dagger is harder, Wang Lele\'s throat can be cut.

Liu Yi\'s heart suddenly became anxious, Wang Lele was just a mortal, his throat was cut, and the person was dead!

He immediately loosened his fist and stood there daring not to move.

"Don\'t mess up, say something!"

"In front of your weaknesses, you can\'t help it."

Jia shook his fan, and his smile made Liu Yi feel sick.

"Now give you a chance to choose, either choose her or choose Wuling Zhibao."

C held a dagger in his hand and smiled triumphantly.

No one would want to give up Wuling Zhibao. When Liu Yi makes a choice, her woman\'s heart will come back.

At that time, they pretend to put Wang Lele back, and then Wang Lele can make a fatal blow to Liu Yi!

In this way, Liu Yi is dead.

As soon as he died, wasn\'t the Wuling Treasure still in the Qin Palace?

Perhaps his fiancée liked this man, but he was just a small episode in the Qin Palace.

The episode will pass by sooner or later.

"Let\'s say, do you choose Wuling Zhibao, or this woman! Tell you, there is only one chance!"

A emphasized once.

"Leave her."

Without hesitation, Liu Yi directly throws out the Wuling Treasure in his hand.

The people in Qin Palace are a little stupid. Does Liu Yi actually hand over Wuling Zhibao?

Even Wang Lele was taken aback by herself, she watched the Wuling Zhibao fly over.


Wang Lele suddenly screamed, then jumped out, grabbed the Wuling Treasure, and fell to Liu Yi\'s side.


Liu Yi was a little surprised to see Wang Lele jumping so high.

Is this...the height at which ordinary humans can jump?

"Are you a fool?"

Wang Lele grabbed the Wuling Treasures and asked Liu Yi angrily, "This is the Wuling Treasures! How can you give them to others casually!"

"What\'s wrong with Wuling Zhibao?"

Liu Yi blurted out, "As long as something like strength is cultivated, there will be it! And Wang Lele, this world is one!"

"You! You fool..."

The corners of Wang Lele\'s eyes suddenly became wet, "I don\'t deserve you to do this!"

"Gu! What are you doing!"

Bing saw Wang Lele holding Wuling Zhibao standing on Liu Yi\'s side and shouted anxiously, "Come back with Wuling Zhibao!"


A light flashed in Liu Yi\'s eyes, and his eyes fell on Wang Lele.

Wang Lele... turned out to be ten days?

"You know what!"

Wang Lele bit her lip, looked at Liu Yi and said, "I\'m just a liar, I don\'t deserve you to do it for me!"

Liu Yi was a bit confused for a time, staying there.

There are too many shocks today, and I will be able to digest it in my head in a while.

But at this time, everyone in Qin Palace rushed out and wanted to seize the necklace in Wang Lele\'s hand.

"Don\'t move!"

Wang Lele immediately pulled the Gouyu necklace with both hands, "Whoever dares to come, I will destroy this necklace!"

"Gu, you are crazy!"

Cing yelled loudly, "Don\'t forget that you are a member of the Qin Palace! You dare to do this, and you have to think about the price!"


There is no fear in Wang Lele\'s face. "I\'ve been a person who has died once. I have looked away from life and death. It is useless to threaten me with death."

"Gu, look at what this is!"

A reached out and grabbed a wooden sign.

The wooden sign was written with a clear "gui" seal character.

"You are optimistic, this is your life and death card! As long as I destroy your life and death card, you can\'t even leave your soul!"

"Then you will kill me."

After Wang Lele finished, put the Gouyu necklace back into Liu Yi\'s hands, "I\'m tired of it!"

"Okay, then I will fulfill you!"

A fierce flash of light flashed through the nail eyes, and it was necessary to crush the life and death card.

"and many more!"

But Liu Yi shouted, "Be slow!"

Jia sneered, and I knew that you would call me.

"Give me the card of life and death, Wuling Zhibao, I give you."

Liu Yi held the hook jade necklace and said.

"Liu Yi, you, you are really crazy!"

Wang Lele looked at Liu Yi in shock, "Do you know what the consequences of doing so? You hand it over, and the Qin Emperor will be resurrected! The Qin Emperor will be resurrected, and the world may be alive! \'S strength will advance by leaps and bounds, and will soon become like a crossover!"

Just like being a crossover...

This is really too much for the cultivator.

The strength of cross-border...that is the pinnacle of the Six Realms!

"If even my woman can\'t protect, what can you do to protect this world?"

Liu Yi smiled at Wang Lele, "Besides, I have lost an important person today and do not want to lose the second one."

After he finished speaking, he shouted, "People in Qin Palace, can you count?"

"Take our great majesty Qin Huang swear!"

A was also loud.


Liu Yi was not a procrastinator, and immediately dropped the Gouyu necklace.

A did not hesitate and threw the life and death card over.

The two exchanged items, and A held the Wuling Arcana, laughing.

And Liu Yi held the card of life and death and stuffed him into Wang Lele\'s hands.

"From now on, you are a free man."

" stupid..."

Wang Lele burst into tears, "How can you be so stupid!"

"This is not stupid."

Liu Yi reached out his hand and pulled Wang Lele behind him. "Only if you stand behind me, I will keep getting stronger."


Wang Lele threw herself in Liu Yi\'s arms, crying all the time.

"Liu Yi, spare you once today."

Jiayi closed the fan and said, "Sometimes sooner or later the Qin Palace will come to the world again! Liu Yi, the account between us, we will count back!"

With that said, he was leaving with the entire Qin Imperial Palace.

"and many more!"

Bing quickly shouted, "Gui can\'t just give up! She is my fiancee!"

"She is no longer."

Jia shook the necklace in his hand, "We Qin Palace will rise again, don\'t forget our grand cause for a woman!"

"Yes, but..."

"But what! Or else you go with it!"

The face is cold.

Bing stopped talking immediately, he shouted to Wang Lele below as he flew up with the Qin Palace.

"Gui, come back. As long as you come back, I will make a guilt with Your Majesty. We still do it for ten days, or the competent officials of the Qin Palace, okay?"

"I\'m no longer guilty."

Wang Lele stood beside Liu Yi, looking at Bing in the air, and said coldly.

"From this moment, Gui no longer exists. I am Wang Lele."

After talking, Wang Lele slowly closed his eyes.

Then she shuddered, then fainted, and then woke up in Liu Yi\'s arms.

"Brother Xiao Yi... Here, where is this..."


"Brother Xiaoyi, what are you talking about?"

Wang Lele looked at Liu Yi with a puzzled expression, "Aren\'t I at home... how come I came here in a flash...where is this..."

"It\'s alright, Lele, it\'s gone."

Liu Yi gently kissed Lele\'s forehead, and Wang Lele immediately felt a drowsiness, and then fell asleep in Liu Yi\'s arms.


Liu Yi called out, and Angel\'s figure appeared beside Liu Yi instantly.

Liu Yi handed Wang Lele in his arms to Angel\'s arms, "Help me send her back to Beilong City."

"it is good."

An Qi now admires Liu Yi\'s five-body investment. What Liu Yi said, she immediately followed suit.

The figure of An Qi and Wang Lele disappeared in front of Liu Yi, and Liu Yi was relieved.

As long as Lele is safe.

After finishing the matter of Wang Lele, Liu Yi looked at the Qin Imperial Palace disappearing in the air, and then looked at a kind of immortal practitioner, Tao.

"Everyone, you have all seen that the rise of the Qin Palace is sooner or later."

Liu Yi\'s eyes fell on each of the immortal practitioners, "You don\'t want to be a slave to the Qin Emperor\'s Palace? If you don\'t want to be a slave, please take your magic weapon and stand on my side!"

"I support Hujun!"

Yang Mianmian immediately carried the giant axe and took the people from Kunlun Mountain, standing behind Liu Yi.

"Our daughter\'s country also supports the Holy King!"

Princess Longhe and the beauties behind her are Liu Yi\'s most loyal supporters.

Suddenly won the support of the two major schools, and Liu Yi\'s influence suddenly increased a lot.

"Feng City also follows Liu Zhenren\'s mission!"

Then Tao Cheng rolled his eyes and said.

He felt that following Liu Yi did not suffer.

There are already two martial arts follow him, there will certainly be more.

You have to grab a good position first!At least some impression points can be added in Liu Yi\'s heart!

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

I kept watching the lively living Buddha and said, "Since that is the case, then I might as well join in the lively. The secret religion will fight against the Qin Palace with Liu Zhenren!"

Secret religions have spoken!

If Ru Yizong was not willing to fall behind, Qiu Jiqing hurriedly expressed his willingness to form an alliance with Liu Yi.

In this way, the remaining large and small schools also announced their willingness to follow Liu Yi.

Liu Yi looked at the big and small schools that surrendered to him in front of him.

Chick, waiting for uncle...