Love Dependency Disease

884 884 Liu Yi's weakness

"Hahaha, the deity has won the five spirits treasure, who is the opponent of the deity!"

Liu Haisheng laughed, and didn\'t seem to take Liu Yi\'s eyes at all.

His body was shocked, colorful and smooth wrapped around his whole person.

A pair of white meat wings spread out from behind his back!

Demonization, angelization!

After Liu Haisheng learned the demon sword technique, it really turned to the extreme.

He lifted his palm, and the huge sculpture under him suddenly moved with him!

With the movement of Liu Haisheng, the huge statue palm grabbed Liu Yi in the past!

Such a method is indeed evil, but Liu Yi patted the huge arm that he grabbed.


His palm wind swept on it, and this arm immediately collapsed!

Liu Yi shot angrily and used all his strength to get up.

Tenjin\'s transformation has begun, and the sun\'s lines are shining behind him.

Ice Fire Armor, Jiuyang Chain, no matter what method, as long as they can strengthen themselves, Liu Yi has all come out!

Anger, like a catalyst, urged him to make his golden pupil blood red!

Liu Yi now has only one thought, kill Liu Haisheng!

"Devilish awe-inspiring!"

Liu Haisheng folded his hands together and continued to urge the Fa.

Dark clouds change in the sky, and a huge image of the demon king appears in the clouds!

This guy is huge, like a god!

It pulled the clouds away with his hands and popped his head, six demon eyes stared at Liu Yi.

Liu Yi\'s heart raised a bad hunch.

That day the demon king suddenly stretched out his arms, his palms pressed from the sky, and shot towards Liu Yi.

This is the trick that Liu Haisheng just wiped out from the cabinet!


Liu Yi growled!

A huge armor warrior emerged immediately behind him!

This armored warrior is the power of Shura, the Shura demon that is condensed from the power of Shura in Liu Yi!

Armored Shura Demon reached out his hand, grabbed the arm of Demon King, and then held the huge Shura Blade with the other hand and cut it on that arm.


This arm broke directly in response!

Liu Haisheng was taken aback, and the Sky Demon King, who had worked hard to feed him, was so vulnerable.

"Go to die!"

Liu Yi grabbed the fentian gilt in one hand, then took a deep breath and roared at the screaming Demon King in the air!

Dragon Breath!

The red thunderbolt flew out of Liu Yi\'s mouth, forming a red thunderstorm!

The storm directly rolled on the demon king\'s head that day, tearing him from his head and tearing it together with his body!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the demon king announced the gameover that day.

"Liu Haisheng! Your turn!"

Liu Yi growled and appeared in front of Liu Haisheng in a blink of an eye.

He stepped on the statue with his feet and ran up the statue!

Liu Yi exerted a lot of force under his feet. Every time he stepped on the statue, the force on his feet shattered the statue\'s steps!

"Impossible! The deity\'s demon Dafa, why did you lose so easily!"

Liu Haisheng is still in shock, and in the blink of an eye, Liu Yi has reached him.

"Go to hell!"

Liu Yi\'s hands were staggered on the head of Liu Haisheng, and then twisted hard!


This Liu Haisheng\'s head was directly grabbed by Liu Yi!His body was sprayed with blood, and he fell down after shaking twice.


Although Liu Haisheng\'s head fell off, his vitality was tenacious and he had not died for a while.

His head fell to the ground while he was muttering.

"Why...the deity has the Tianfa Dafa, and the Five Spirits Treasure, still can\'t beat you..."

"Wu Ling Zhi Bao does not belong to you at all!"

Liu Yi reached out his hand, grabbed the hook jade necklace, and held it in his hand, "With your power, you can\'t exert the power of one thousandth of the five spirits at all!"

"The deity is not reconciled!"

Liu Haisheng growled and his eyes were red!

From below his head, there are still white meridians wriggling!

These meridians are twisted and intertwined, and soon an angel\'s body is formed!

The angel\'s body was as white as white fat.

Two pairs of meat wings stretched out from the back, and some feathers grew on the meat wings.

The angel\'s body and legs are slender, and there is a tail behind the butt.

To be an angel is worse than a monster!

This is Liu Haisheng after alienation!

"This man\'s terrible..."

An Qi saw this scene while fighting a few immortals, and couldn\'t help but panic.


What exudes from that person\'s body is definitely the breath of God King...

He actually has the physical body of God King!

"Liu Yi, the deity wants to send you to meet the woman!"

Liu Haisheng growled, his two hands turned into silver swords, then his body shook, flew over, and slashed towards Liu Yi.


Behind the law body of Liu Yi, he wields four Shenhuo swords, one Tongtian sword, one small Taiji, and six swords, capable of attacking and defending, not only defending Liu Haisheng’s attack, but also suppressing his breathlessness.

"The deity is not reconciled, the deity is not reconciled!"

Liu Haisheng fought and suffocated, the more suffocated the more angry!

He also turned his silver feet into silver knives, hacking Liu Yi again and again.

But the legal body behind Liu Yi was extremely powerful, and he responded unhurriedly to Liu Haisheng\'s attack.

He grabbed a gap in Liu Haisheng\'s hand and slapped his palm directly on his chest.



Liu Haisheng spouted a sip of silver blood, and then flew out of the body, flying several hundred meters in a row, and finally destroyed a hall in the Yangxian Temple.

As soon as Liu Yi flashed, he caught up.

He stretched out his hands behind his back, lifted Liu Haisheng\'s body from the ruins, and then waved the Divine Fire Sword directly to cut off one of his arms.

Liu Yi wants to let Liu Haisheng taste his pain and die!

And Liu Haisheng broke his arm, but sneered.

The silver veins continue to stretch out and condense into that arm.


Sure enough, and the evil baby!

For other people, in the face of such spells, you will definitely feel tricky.

But for Liu Yi, it is not a problem!

"You can\'t kill the deity at all! The deity is immortal! The deity will kill you and send you to see the stupid woman!"

Liu Haisheng\'s words just fell, and Liu Yi appeared in front of him, punching him hard on the top of his head.


This Liu Haisheng\'s body was like a cannonball, which instantly smashed into the ground, cracking the ground.

Liu Yi held a Shenhuo sword in his hand and descended from the sky.

The Shenhuo sword with a dazzling flame tail pulled a red light in the air.

Liu Yi pressed the Divine Fire Sword, and the sword edge instantly penetrated Liu Haisheng\'s head.

Brain splatters were everywhere, and Liu Haisheng still grinned.

"Do you think you can kill the deity? The deity will only be resurrected again and again!"

"Liu Haisheng, did you forget?"

Liu Yi held the hilt of the Shenhuo sword in both hands, with cold eyes in his eyes, "You still learned from me the demon sword technique!"

"Demon Sword Art!"

Liu Haisheng\'s eyes suddenly erupted with fear, and his body was extremely cold!

Demon Sword Art... Demon Sword Art is the nemesis of his own method!

"Liu Haisheng, many acts of unrighteousness will kill you, you admit your fate!"

Liu Yi said, urged the demon sword technique, the spirit launched!

The soul of Liu Haisheng was directly drawn by him, caught in his hands, and then broke into the small Tai Chi!

This little tai chi immediately changed, and the little tai chi, which had originally radiated green light, immediately began to become silvery.

A pair of small white wings grew out of the sword, and the sword began to look somewhat bone-like.

Xiao Taiji\'s level has risen several levels directly, it seems that Liu Haisheng\'s soul is a big supplement!

The body of Liu Haisheng fell there, motionless.

When Li Heqiang saw that Liu Haisheng was already dead, he was suddenly scared.

"Retreat, retreat immediately!"

He immediately took the angels and the dragon summoned them to flee.

Liu Yi also dropped Liu Haisheng\'s body, holding a jade necklace in his hand.

"Wu Ling Zhi Bao is in my hands, who dares to make this time!"

Liu Yi\'s scolding, those who cultivated immortals suddenly calmed down.

Wulingzhibao...Is it finally in his hands?

Then this world...who can stop him in the future!

He held the Wuling Treasure in his hand, and no one dared to come up and grab it.

However, it just fell into the hands of Liu Yi, and most of the immortal practitioners were still not convinced!

When their thoughts just came out, a few silvery white lights suddenly fell in the sky.

The clouds in the sky kept spreading out, and soon, a giant palace emerged from the clouds.

"what is this!"

"Where\'s the palace... terrible pressure..."

Everyone was shocked beyond confession, the people in the cabinet were puzzled, and the people in the cabinet were in danger!

Qin Palace!

This is the legendary Qin Palace!

For the Five Spirits Treasure, Qin Palace finally appeared!

Several moonlights came down, and several figures appeared in the moonlight.

"Wu Ling Zhi Bao!"

It is not others who are heading, it is A.

He held a fan in his hand, slowly fanning like a dashing scholar, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Liu Yi, we finally met."

"Qin Emperor Palace, can\'t you guys bear this?"

Liu Yi held the Wuling Treasure, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, "I thought you would hide like a shrunken turtle!"

"We are only here to retrieve the lost things."

Jia slowly said, "The five treasures of treasures were originally the things of our Qin imperial palace. The spirit veins and the power of the reincarnation of the spiritual body are the power of our great Qin emperor to be separated! Now, it is time to pay. It\'s time for us."

"The beauty you want!"

Liu Yi whispered, "You said it\'s yours, it\'s yours? Want, I have the ability to grab from my hands!"

"Liu Yi, I won\'t fight you."

Jia shook his fan, and the smile on the corner of his mouth kept going.

"I know you are strong, and you are strong. But even if you are strong, you also have weaknesses."

"My weakness? I want to know!"