Love Dependency Disease

883 Chapter 883 Forget Me


Xueluo shouted aside, "Dare to talk to my master about the conditions! Believe it or not, I killed you!"

"Hehe... what about killing me, anyway, I\'m already a dead man."

Guitongtian smiled faintly, and didn\'t seem to put life and death in his heart. "What if you die early or late?"

"You will die soon?"

Ai Ling frowned, "No, even if you are going to die, you must first tell me what I want to know!"

"I have fate, and naturally know when I will die."

The ghost laughed, "I said, if you get anything from me, you have to pay the price."

"it is good!"

Ai Ling agreed, regardless of Xue Luo\'s obstruction.

"No matter what the cost, you say yes!"

"I want your Protoss blood!"

Ghost Tongtian spoke amazingly, and Xueluo scolded immediately.

"Good old thing, you have a big tone! The true blood of the Protoss is the essence of our Protoss, given to you, my master will die under God\'s punishment in the future!"

"Oh, this is the price."

Guitongtian said slowly, "In this world, there will never be a free lunch. If you want to know the truth, you will have to surrender your Protoss true blood to me. Although I have cultivated fatalism, I have failed to cultivate it. Without leaking out, I can’t escape life and death, and still have to fall into reincarnation."

"Then I will send you this old thing to reincarnate now!"

Xue Luo said, grabbing a bloody sword in his hand.

"Snow falls, stop!"

Ai Ling grabbed Xue Luo\'s hand, and then he fell back.

"I will give you real blood, but you tell me what I know!"

"Your girl is very smart. You will not give you real blood first, I will not tell you a little bit of information."

Ghost Tongtian smiled slyly.

"it is good!"

Ai Ling gritted his teeth, and then spit out a red blood cell in his mouth, and slowly reached the ghost in front of him.


Ghost Tongtian saw the blood ball and suddenly couldn\'t help laughing.

He swallowed the blood ball in one bit, then stretched out a finger and poked it on Ai Ling\'s forehead.

"Everything you want to know, come and see for yourself!"

After talking, his body disappeared into the air.

Ai Ling was shocked, and a picture began to appear in his mind.

Because they are looking at Ai Ling\'s memory, these pictures also appear in Liu Yi\'s eyes.

Liu Yi stood in front of Huan Mang Mountain, and she was frantically performing a wine sword technique while weeping!

But time and space couldn\'t get in anyway. He hit the gap of time and time again and again and was bounced back.


Ai Ling saw Liu Yi crying, and she couldn\'t help but shed tears.

At this moment, the screen suddenly changed.

The world was dark, and Liu Yi was lying in the pool of blood.

On his chest was a golden-red Shenhuo sword.

His eyes had collapsed, apparently dead.

And beside him, there is a man\'s feet.

No one knows who the man is.

Ai Ling shuddered, and a line of blood shed in his eyes.

My heart hurts so much... so painful...

Uncle... chick can\'t let you die!

Ai Ling thought of this and wiped away the tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Xue Luo, we have something to do."

"What is the host to do?"

"I want to pave the way for the uncle, I want to make him invincible!"

"the host!"

Xue Luo was shocked, "You have lost your real blood, what you should do now is to change the pseudo spirit vein Liu Yi into a Protoss, and then take his real blood!"

"No one can hurt my uncle in this world."

Ai Ling finished speaking, his body turned into a blood, disappeared in place, Xue Luo hurriedly chased.

The picture was all spread out, and Ai Ling\'s Qianying reappeared in front of Liu Yi.

Her eyes became very gentle, and her hands loosened the golden gilt, but she hugged Liu Yi\'s waist gently.



Liu Yi peeped into Ai Ling\'s memory, and her heart was about to be broken!

It was like having a hand clutching his heart hard again, making him breathless.


Ai Ling\'s Qiqiao slowly emerged from the golden light, and merged with the glory of several other women, floating in the air.

Soon, five different colored hook jade condensed out, and then worn together by gold thread, turned into a necklace.

This is the Wuling Treasure, what everyone in the world wants to win!

"Hurry up!"

I don’t know who shouted, and the cultivators all around couldn’t sit still anymore and rushed up.

Xueluo hurriedly started to resist these people, but there were too many people who cultivated immortals in the world. She couldn\'t resist alone.

"Block them!"

Suddenly, these people Yang Mianmian no longer besieged Xueluo, but became a battle with the world\'s immortals.

Xueluo\'s pressure was immediately reduced, blocking many immortals who wanted to take advantage of it.

The following has been huddled together, while Liu Yi and Ai Ling still hug together.


Ai Ling\'s tender feeling that couldn\'t be melted in his eyes, "Forget the chick..."

After she finished speaking, she reached out and pushed Liu Yi away.

At this time, the sky suddenly dropped a blood-red thunderbolt, directly split on Ai Ling\'s body.

Liu Yi\'s heart broke.

Ai Ling\'s body was split into powder by this lightning, and then a red blood drop fell.

Liu Yi hurriedly reached out and took the blood bead in his hand.

At the same time, a figure jumped out, grabbed the Gouyu necklace in the air, and fell to the top of the statue.

The five women of the Five Spirits fell asleep, fell to the ground, and were caught by the people of their daughter\'s kingdom.

"Hahaha! Wuling Zhibao! I finally got Wuling Zhibao!"

Liu Haisheng held the necklace high and stood above the statue, laughing loudly and laughing like a lunatic.

"The world, the world is mine!"

All of Liu Yi seemed to be out of sight. He was holding the red blood bead in his hand, and there was blood in his eyes.

"Eun Gong! Use your real blood to pour blood beads!"

Mengxi, the mother of the Eight Wastes, immediately shouted, "Quick! Otherwise, it\'s too late!"

Although I don\'t know what Mengxi means, Liu Yi immediately followed suit!

A sip of real blood was urged from his Dantian and then sprayed on the blood bead.

Although the real blood is very precious to the Protoss, if it can save the chick, Liu Yi would rather take out all the real blood!

This blood bead was sprayed with real blood, and immediately looked like a watered flower bud, and the form began to stretch out!

Soon, a beautiful blood lotus appeared in Liu Yi\'s palm.

"Protoss is not dead!"

Mengxi’s voice came into Liu Yi’s ear, “plus Miss Ai Ling’s magic power, even if she dies, her soul will not die! This blood bead contains Miss Ai Ling’s three souls and seven souls! Watered with real blood, she will be born again from the blood lotus!"

"Really, really!"

Liu Yi was excited, and the chick could be resurrected!

Is there anything more gratifying than this?

He hurried to urge real blood, but he felt a emptiness in his body, and his eyes were black, surrounded by Venus.

"Engong, your real blood is not enough to feed Blood Lotus!"

Mengxi immediately reminded, "You must continue to cultivate your Protoss true blood, and then slowly pour blood lotus! Otherwise, even if you kill yourself and attract God\'s punishment, it will not be enough to regenerate Miss Ai Ling!"

"I know, I know!"

Liu Yi nodded, carefully taking the blood lotus into his arms.

This blood lotus is more precious than his life, he must protect it!

Chick, uncle must make you come back to life soon!You are waiting for uncle!

You have kept the uncle for 1,300 years, now it is time for the uncle to guard you!

At this moment, Liu Haisheng, who had been standing above the statue, shouted.


This sound, with a strange magic power!

For a time, many people couldn\'t stand it, kneeling on the ground and bleeding!

Immortals who have better strength are also shocked!

"Hahaha, Tianfa Dafa is so powerful! Now that I have got Wuling Treasure, the world is the only one I teach!"

The only teach?

Liu Yi turned his head immediately, staring coldly at Liu Haisheng.

"Are you the only person teaching?"

"Hahaha, of course!"

Liu Haisheng now has no fear of Liu Yi. He put the Wuling Treasure on his neck, and his body was immediately surrounded by five colored lights, just like a god!

"Accurately, I... No, the deity is the only leader who teaches! Everyone must worship under the deity of the deity! Those who do not obey, kill without pardon!"

"Yes, what do you count!"

A master of a cabinet sect finally couldn\'t help but yell at him.


Liu Haisheng waved his hand, and a huge black hand suddenly fell in the sky, wiped out of thin air, then the entire cabinet faction disappeared into the air!

All immortal practitioners are all scattered!

"Come out, my soldiers!"

Liu Haisheng called out, and the dark clouds spread out in the sky.

Angels flapping their wings one by one descended from the sky.

These angels and Liu Yi have seen different before, they are more like those semi-finished products of human evolution!

Half angel, half monster!

"It\'s the Divine Realm Army!"

As a member of God Realm, Angel is most familiar with these people!

"No... It\'s clearly a Divine Army... But why did they become like this?"

Not only the alienated Divine Army, Li Heqiang also appeared with a dragon call.

"The only thing taught...very good!"

Liu Yi squeezed his fists tightly, "Today, I will calculate the general account with you!"

Liu Yi touched his ghost ring and released thousands of ghost warriors!

These ghost warriors immediately fought with the alienated angels in the air, as well as Li Heqiang\'s dragon summons.

"Do you think you can win me?"

Liu Haisheng sneered again and again, "The deity waited for a long time, and finally waited until this day! Now that the woman is finally dead, she is really stupid! Obviously, she has the same strength as the crossover, but she sacrificed herself for you idiot! Ridiculous! Ah, it’s ridiculous! She thought she could get you the Five Spirits Treasure, and the organization was exhausted, but she didn’t expect the Five Spirits Treasure to fall into the hands of the deity in the end! This stupid woman, was not dead in the end!

"Dare to insult the chick! Die!"

Liu Yi\'s eyes were red, and he rushed towards Liu Haisheng.