Love Dependency Disease

882 Chapter 882

Who will be the owner of Lingbao?

This is a question that all martial arts thought about before coming here!

Wuling Zhibao, the name moves the world, who doesn\'t want to get it?

But it seems that when you get here, it seems that you have made wedding dresses for others!

"Please come out with five spirits!"

No one could figure out Ai Ling\'s mind, and she stood there, gently clapping her hands.

Suddenly, five blood-red chains flew out!

These five chains are wrapped around the five girls!

One of them was directly put into Liu Yi\'s body and bound Lin Tong!

"Sister Fox Fairy!"

Liu Yi was shocked, but unexpectedly Ai Ling forcibly took away the spirit!

"Liu Yi!"

Lin Tong didn\'t wait for the reaction. The whole person had been forcibly pulled out of Liu Yi\'s body by Ai Ling, and then locked around the statue.

Yuan Zhenyue, Ma Yuanyuan, Lin Tong, and Li Moli and Wang Yuzheng who didn\'t know they were dragged out there!

The five spirits have indeed gathered together!

The five spirits gathered, and the world changed color!

There are dark clouds in the sky, and there are five colors of glory in the dark clouds!


The five colors are divided into no five sides, constantly rotating, faintly with a mysterious power!

"Liu Yi, if you want to open the Wuling Treasure, the five spirits will die."

Ai Ling suddenly sent a voice to Liu Yi, "I waited for 1,300 years, but you have been with other women! Today, the same pain, I want to give you!"


Liu Yi suddenly looked bloodless!

Is Ailing crazy?

It turns out that all these are revenge against yourself?

"What do you charge me, don\'t take them!"

Liu Yi hurriedly shouted, "If you want to kill or kill, as long as you say a word! They are all innocent!"

"They are innocent?"

Ai Ling smirked, "Which woman will be innocent? They all have inextricable relationship with you! Liu Yi, I have been waiting for you for 1,300 years. Do you know how hard it is? I will open the Wuling Arcana and get the power to dominate the world! At that time, I will kill every woman of you!"

"You are crazy!"

"Yes, I\'m crazy!"

Ai Ling continued to grin, "Liu Yi, a woman is crazy, then the whole world will be her enemy! Remember, you are driving me crazy!"

With that said, she continued to urge the spell.

The five women suddenly shot five rays of light, rushed to the sky, and merged into the five groups of colorful clouds in the sky!

At the same time, the five women made a cry of pain, and Liu Yixin was like blood dripping.

"Chick! Stop it! I don\'t want to do it with you!"

"Shut up, I am not your chick, nor are you my uncle!"

Ai Ling\'s eyes flashed with anger, "You can\'t stop me anymore!"

"I will!"

Liu Yi said, jumped, his body jumped directly into the air, appeared in front of Ai Ling.

The two faced each other and faced off like this.

Liu Yi\'s thoughts suddenly returned to the past, and the two men also confronted each other in this way.

At that time, Ai Ling came out with a male disciple in the martial arts. They fancy their dragon ball and wanted to snatch it.

Two people turned from enemy to lover, and finally turned into enemy.

Everything is like a dream, a day is like a century, and suddenly it has been a few years.

Liu Yi\'s heart is not a taste, but everything is beyond his control.

Even if Liu Yi could defeat the whole world, he could not change the heart of a woman.

This is the reality, and everyone is not under his control.

Liu Yi can make people fear him, fear him, but can\'t make people fall in love with him.

He opened his favored eyes and tried to see how Ai Ling liked him.

But Ai Ling\'s head is still a string???, Liu Yi sighed.

I still can\'t see through Ai Ling\'s heart.

When she looked at Ai Ling before, she liked herself a series of question marks.

Now, this is still the case.

Chick, chick... do you still love me?

Liu Yi could not understand Ai Ling\'s heart.

"You can\'t stop me!"

Ai Ling said, accelerating the spell.

The five pillars of light suddenly became more turbulent, rushing to the sky.

Surprised by Liu Yi, he immediately threw out five sets of armor harvested in the island country!

Vulcan armor, water god armor, war god armor, earth god armor, god armor!

Five sets of armor were wrapped around the five women, which played a role in protection.

"Useless, their vitality will be exhausted by me sooner or later. You can only delay it for a while."

Ai Ling sneered.

"that\'s enough!"

Liu Yi growled and endured the pain in his heart, covered in ice and fire armor, and instantly reached Ai Ling.

He flew up and slapped Ai Ling\'s heart.

But when he put his palm in front of him, he changed the place abruptly and slammed it on Ai Ling\'s shoulder.

Ai Ling\'s shoulders didn\'t even shake, Liu Yi\'s palm felt like he was hitting cotton.

"This is the immortality of the Protoss."

Ai Ling\'s eyes were cold and he looked at Liu Yi. "The powerful method that Wuli couldn\'t cultivate at that time, but let me cultivate it. Becoming this god clan seems to have some benefits."

Protoss is not dead?

There is such a thing against the sky?

"The undead of the Protoss can dissolve 90% of your strength and spread it into the surrounding air."

Ai Ling said, "So, your attack, for me, is not itchy."

After that, her palm suddenly penetrated from Liu Yi\'s abdomen.


Crimson blood immediately ran out of Ai Ling\'s fingers, ticking down to the ground.

"Ah! Holy King!"

Princess Long He was surprised. Yang Mianmian carried a black giant axe directly and jumped up.

"Dare to hurt my husband, die!"

But Xue Luo\'s figure suddenly appeared in front of her, then flew a foot and kicked on Yang Mianmian\'s shoulder.


Yang Mianmian\'s body smashed directly into the ground, smashing the ground out of a huge deep hole.

"Who dare to disturb the owner, kill without amnesty!"

Xueluo has also been practicing for more than 1,300 years. Her strength is so great that she shocked the audience with one shot.


Princess Longhe and they were not scared, and the people of her daughter\'s country immediately besieged with Xueluo.

Xue Luo singled out the group of Long He and they did not fall at all!

Everyone in Xiuxian Realm was shocked, when did so many masters appear in this world!

Are masters worthless?

Just as the following were in a ball, Ai Ling injured Liu Yi with a stroke.

Although Liu Yi\'s healing power is very strong, Ai Ling\'s hand has never been drawn.

Liu Yi felt that his physical strength was constantly being lost, as if there was a faucet, and the water in his body was madly placed.

Ai Ling...What kind of method is this...

"Liu Yi, I have to give you back my pain!"

Ai Ling\'s mouth leaned against Liu Yi\'s neck, and then the tiger teeth in his mouth stretched out, biting hard on his blood vessel!

Liu Yi burst into shock, and the light in his eyes faded away.

A force of blood melted into his body, and the blood in his body began to flow backwards!

What kind of pain will this die?Liu Yi simply cannot describe it!

He wanted to scream, but couldn\'t scream!

I can\'t even listen to my tongue, and I can\'t make a sound in my throat!

All over the body, painful heart!

Finally, the blood was broken up and all the blood vessels burst!

The blood gathered together, and fell to the day of Xuan in the center of Liu Yi, condensed, forming a small blood cell essence!

Protoss blood!

Liu Yi was directly transformed into a Protoss by Ai Ling!

"Turn you into an immortal protoss, then kill your woman and let you live forever in loneliness and loneliness!"

Ai Ling sounded like a cold wind, ringing in Liu Yi\'s ear.

Snow began to fall in the sky, too, like white elves floating in front of Liu Yi\'s eyes.

What a big snow...

The snowflakes fell on Liu Yi\'s face, and Liu Yi could not feel the slightest coolness.

After becoming a Protoss, Liu Yi began to lose some feelings.

Among them, the skin\'s sense of touch began to decrease.

Pain or something will disappear from now on...

This is the Protoss, and it will lose a lot when it gets eternal life.

"Kill these women first!"

Ai Ling pushed Liu Yi\'s body away and let Liu Yi fall to the ground.

With a squeeze in the palm of her hand, the five sets of armor immediately fell into pieces and fell from several women.

A piece of armor fell on Liu Yi\'s face, and he woke up immediately.

No way!You must stop the chick yourself!

He must stop these five spirit spells!

Liu Yi grabbed the rifled gilt in his hand, stepped on the air under his feet, and the whole person flew up again.

His body was like a lightning, and he reached Ai Ling in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the split-day gilt in his hand directly penetrated Ai Ling\'s heart and emerged from her back.

The red Judgment Thunder swam Ai Ling\'s whole body.

Liu Yi was surprised!Ai Ling didn\'t use Protoss to die!

She held the gun body in both hands and her eyes fell on Liu Yi.

Liu Yi looked at Ai Ling\'s eyes. At this moment, there was a scene before him.

Ai Ling was standing on the Huan Mang Mountain, staring blankly into the distance.

"Uncle... Why didn\'t you come to find the chick..."

The sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and time passes day by day.

Ai Ling has been standing there indifferently, regardless of the sun rising and falling.

Xueluo accompanied her, looking at her master, eyes full of intolerance.

So I don\'t know how many years have passed, and finally one day, Xue Luo said.

"Master... I heard that at the corner of the horizon, there is a man named Guitongtian. Heard that he has fate, five hundred years before, five hundred years afterwards. Perhaps, if you ask him, you will know that person Falling..."

"Ghost sky?"

Ai Ling was shocked and immediately pulled Xue Luo.

"Take me to see him! Hurry!"

As the picture changed, two people stood in front of a mysterious old man wrapped in a black robe.

The old man was a little rickety, and he curled up there like a dead man.

"Ghost sky, you should know my intention?"

Ai Ling asked anxiously, "Tell me what I want to know!"

"I never give people fortune-telling."

The voice of Guitongtian is like a ghost, cold and ruthless, "You need to pay the price."