Love Dependency Disease

881 Chapter 881 Spirit Master Master

Long Tianzheng said, reaching out his right hand, and quickly transformed a Taiji gossip figure in front of Liu Yi.

The Taiji Eight Diagrams slowly rotates, and at the same time, the whole world changes color.

Dark clouds shrouded in the sky, and a gust of wind swept through.

Can easily drive the energy of the world, it can be seen that this dragon is also a man with great mana.

Liu Yi made a rough judgment, this man\'s strength probably has 24 stars!

Worthy of being the main hall of Fuxi Hall, the strength is really super.

The person next to me was also surprised, and said that Fu Xidian\'s shot was generous!

A huge Tai Chi figure appeared on top of Liu Yi\'s head, and then he pressed it down thinking about it.

"World and earth! Go!"

The Tai Chi map fell very quickly, and it reached Liu Yi in the blink of an eye.

And Liu Yi popped the dharma body behind him, and six arms were supported on the Taiji figure together, and he abruptly carried the Taiji figure down.

"The holy king\'s dharma is so powerful!"

Seeing this scene, Qiu Han couldn\'t help but exclaimed, "The form surpassed our dharma body!"

"He was chosen by his mother, of course, not a mortal."

Princess Longhe said slowly, her eyes hidden so much, "So, he is the Holy King."

"Can you stop the world of this place?"

Long Tianzheng was also surprised. He thought that with his mana, he could win Liu Yi with one move.

But I didn\'t expect that I had no success in this move, as if I didn\'t hurt the opponent at all.

"Dragon Master\'s strength is indeed very strong."

Liu Yi’s dharma body carried a Tai Chi figure, "but it is not enough to win this game."

With that said, the arm of his Fa body stretched out, and the Tai Chi figure was suddenly torn apart!


Long Tianzheng exclaimed, and Liu Yi had stepped on his feet and appeared in front of Long Tianzheng.

"Dragon Master, accepted the move!"

Liu Yi took a slap in the face and shot towards Long Tianzheng\'s chest.

A trace of fear flashed in Long Tianzheng\'s eyes, and he hurriedly painted symbols on his right hand again, turning out the same Taiji figure, blocking him.


Liu Yi\'s palm fell on the Tai Chi picture, and it suddenly made a loud noise.

The Tai Chi picture shattered, and Long Tianzheng\'s body stepped back two steps, stepping on the ground fiercely, and stepping the ground out of a deep hole, which stabilized his figure.

"Good boy! It\'s really tricky!"

After Long Tianzheng stabilized his body, he snorted, and then secretly drew a charm.

Suddenly a picture flashed in Liu Yi\'s mind.

A figure\'s palm is like a knife, piercing through his lower back.

Liu Yi was shocked, and subconsciously flashed to the right.

At the same time, a black figure appeared at the position where Liu Yi had just stood. His palm was like a knife, and he stabbed into the air.


Long Tianzheng was a little surprised, "You even escaped the Tai Chi clone of this seat!"

Liu Yi himself is also a bit strange. What happened just now was like a prediction?

Did you learn the unknown prophet?

"It seems that the Holy King also got my power."

Princess Long He stood in the distance, looking really.

"Who the Holy King is... who can get the princess\'s ability!"

Qiu Han didn\'t understand it. Where is this Holy King?

"Tai Chi Doppelganger! Anxious!"

Long Tianzheng continued to urge his avatar to attack Liu Yi.

This doppelganger constantly played a series of simple thunder and fire runes, although not the main attack, but played a harassing role.

Emperor Shield flew out, turning into six sides, and caught in the six hands of his dharma body.

The six-sided shields are still one side, and the six-sided shields are disassembled, and they are constantly resisting the spells of the machine gun.

A flash of light flashed in Long Tianzheng\'s eyes, and he suddenly opened his cuffs, and a huge pull in the wide cuffs.

Liu Yi shook his body, completely unprepared, and was directly sucked into Long Tianzheng\'s sleeve.


Long Tianzheng shook his sleeve and laughed, "He has already been included in the Qiankun sleeve of this seat, this time the winner is this seat!"

Everyone exclaimed, Long Tian in Fuxi Temple is indeed a figure who has been famous for many years, and even that Liu Yi was conquered!

"Ai Ling, you can now give Wuling Treasure to this seat!"

Long Tian was raising his head and proudly said to Ai Ling.

"Not yet."

Ai Ling replied coldly, "The victory or defeat has not yet been divided."

"Haha, that kid has already been included in the Qiankun sleeve! Even if the Da Luo fairy is in the Qiankun sleeve, don\'t think about it!"

"Why is the Dragon Palace Master so anxious? You can see the difference within three seconds."

Ai Ling smiled gently, and Long Tianzheng just wanted to speak, his right hand suddenly raised uncontrollably.

The sleeves, which had already been folded up, were directly stretched out as if they were full of wind.

Then, this sleeve swelled to the extreme in Long Tianzheng\'s amazed gaze, and finally exploded with a bang!

Long Tian was throwing an arm out and stepped back awkwardly for several steps.

The figure of Liu Yi appeared there, squatting on the ground, with a golden glow faintly on his body.

"I have to say that the world inside is very dark."

Liu Yi said jokingly, and then looked up at the panicked Long Tianzheng.

"How can it be!"

Long Tianzheng\'s shocked eyes are about to fall out, and his own sleeves can\'t help Liu Yi even?

Is Liu Yi a monster!

For the first time, his brain was not enough.

When Long Tianzheng was shocked, Liu Yi\'s figure suddenly appeared in front of the doppelganger, and then smashed the Taiji doppelganger with a palm.

"If you don\'t retreat, the next palm will fall on you!"

Liu Yi warned.

"Crazy kid! The true power of this seat will make you fear!"

Long Tianzheng said, reaching out a hand and poking his own eyebrows.

"It\'s a magic technique!"

The disciples of Fuxi Temple shouted excitedly, "With the magic technique, the kid is dead!"

"Yeah yeah, the master of the hall is invincible!"

During the speech, Long Tianzheng was shocked, and a strange light shone on him.

He suddenly opened an eye on his eyebrow, and Liu Yi looked puzzled.

Could this guy be the upper body of Erlang God?

"Lingmu Tianjiang!"

Then Long Tianzheng shouted the buddy\'s name, let Liu Yi relieved.

It’s not like the upper body of Erlang God, but what is the beginning of Lingmutian?


Long Tianzheng\'s finger pressed against his brow and eye, and then gave Liu Yi a glance.

Suddenly, a black light flew out of his eyebrows and slammed under Liu Yi\'s feet.


It\'s like exploding an atomic bomb!

The black mushroom cloud rushed into the sky, and the huge impact was spreading in the smoke and dust!

Some of the weaker ones are directly flew out!

The power of this trick is really terrible, just like the end!

Long Tianzheng laughed, thinking that this trick could already kill Liu Yi.

But the smoke swept away and a figure appeared in front of him.

The coat on Liu Yi\'s body was slightly worn out, and flames were still burning in some places.

But he himself was unharmed, but his expression was slightly embarrassed.

"Dragon Palace Master is a good way! But it\'s over!"

"It\'s still alive!"

Long Tianzheng was frightened and hurried to run mana again. Lingmu spurted another shot at Liu Yi.

However, Liu Yi raised the palm of his right hand and only used his own palm to catch the black light.

"Not broken!"

The unbreakable in Dayaori\'s palm can almost resolve all methods!

Long Tianzheng\'s attack was just broken by Liu Yi.

"Dragon Master, offended!"

After Liu Yi broke this trick, he directly turned it into a residual image, and then instantly appeared in front of Long Tianzheng.

Liu Yi\'s body suddenly put on an ice fire armor, and at the same time, his right fist was hit hard on Long Tianzheng\'s chin!

Behind him is the golden sun pattern, as if it were really like the same round of small sun, shining in the eyes of everyone!

The smoke was instantly dispelled by this golden light!

Long Tianzheng hadn\'t responded yet. His jaw was hit immediately. The whole person flew out directly, turned into a meteor, and disappeared into everyone\'s sight.

"This this……"

"How terrible this is..."

Those immortal cultivators were trembling with all fear, and they shot a twenty-four star celestial master in seconds...

Liu Yi is terrible... really terrible...

Why doesn\'t he know how many times stronger than before when he appears in front of everyone!

How did he practice!

"Okay, next."

Liu Yi held his arms and separated his feet as wide as his shoulders. He stood proudly before the statue.

Liu Yiyi drove away Long Tianzheng, and had shocked everyone.

Qiu Jiqing, who was previously Ruyi Zong, was still eager to try, and he also stopped seeing this scene.

No wonder the Qin Palace would guard against Liu Yi in this way... This guy is too perverted!

His strength is better than that of Long Tianzheng, but he is not the kid\'s opponent!

The cultivators looked at each other without knowing who wanted to go up next.

One of the most angry is Penglai Island, because they think that Liu Yi killed their island owner!

However, they can only watch in the corner, no one dares to go up to find the trouble of Liu Yi!

His strength is already super god!

"Is there no one?"

Ai Ling seemed a little disappointed, "It seems that the world\'s immortals are nothing more than that."

Everyone was scolding in their hearts, and they said mom, your messenger became a god, who can fight him?

Unless he is tired and crooked, he wants to fight him!

Long Tianzheng is already a good example!

"If not, then the five treasures are the property of Liu Yi."

Ai Ling said loudly.

Everyone was quite helpless, and no one wanted Liu Yi to get the Wuling Treasure and take it to the next level.

But now it is indeed in such a deadlock, Liu Shuyao suddenly feels as if he was fooled!

Brought his own golden spirit body, it seems to be involved in this deadlock!

Could it be said that Ai Ling planned this Wuling Conference just to give Liu Yi the Wuling Treasure?

Cold sweat immediately hung on her forehead. What did Ai Ling calculate?