Love Dependency Disease

880 Chapter 880

"Yuanyuan, why are you here?"

Liu Yi looked at the little sister in front of him in surprise.

"I am also surprised!"

Ma Yuanyuan rejoiced when she saw Liu Yi, "It turns out that you, Liu Yi, the big devil that the brothers are talking about, is really you!"

"This, this..."

The conversation between the two people surprised Liu Shuyao. What happened, did the two people know each other?

It seems... unfavorable... it seems, it is advantageous!

Liu Shuyao is a smart person, and she soon thought of a place.

Who is Liu Yi?

He was fighting for the sake of a woman, fighting with all the cabinets in the world!

This man is indeed a hero, but as the saying goes, the hero is sad about beauty!

Ma Yuanyuan is definitely a standard beauty, and if Liu Yi is really a lover, he will definitely release water!

"Big stupid cow, you are said to be great!"

Ma Yuanyuan played with the sword in his hand and said, "But I am in the school, they also said that I am very powerful! Hee hee, stupid cow, let me try your weight!"

Ma Yuanyuan said, grasping the scabbard in one hand and pinching fingers in the other, and then raised upward.

The sword immediately got rid of the scabbard, and flew out with a cry, and then seemed to have a spiritual lift, flying in the air, constantly making the sound of dragon chant.

"Big cow, I\'m welcome!"

Ma Yuanyuan said, dropped the scabbard, and then scored with both hands.

A sword in the air immediately became hundreds, and then fell like a violent wind and rain towards Liu Yi.

Liu Yi smiled bitterly, this guy, really...

I haven\'t explained why she would become a fairy cultivator.

Ma Yuanyuan seems to be making rapid progress, and she doesn\'t know how Cangjian Pavilion cultivated her. Her strength is actually 15 stars!

This is against the sky, it is simply unscientific!

Liu Yixin said, could it be that he was dreaming?

But these swords are true!

Forget it, just play with the girl.

Liu Yi stepped back two steps, and those sword rains immediately landed on the ground in front of her.

I don\'t know how many swords were immediately inserted on the ground, like a sword mound.

And these swords didn\'t hurt Liu Yi at all, he was smiling while standing a mile away.

"Damn, you hide quickly!"

Ma Yuanyuan is still the character of the little devil girl next door, stomping hard, "I will definitely hit you!"

With that said, those Jianyu chased Liu Yi and shot over.

Stepping on Linghubu at the foot of Liu Yi, he kept dodge the sword rain.

Although Ma Yuanyuan\'s Jianyu was fast and fast, he couldn\'t hit Liu Yi at all.

"Ah! What do you always hide! Damn big bull, obediently let me fight a few times!"

Ma Yuanyuan shouted.

"So how can it be, for no reason, why should you fight!"

Liu Yi said with a smile.

"Because I am a big beauty! You have to let me do it!"

Ma Yuanyuan said, continue to urge the spell.

The sword rain immediately circled down and surrounded Liu Yi in the center.

"Anyway, even if you don\'t let me fight, you will still hit you!"

With that said, the swords began to concentrate towards Liu Yi\'s body.

And Liu Yi stood there, his palms constantly flapping, and even all the swords that came to him were flapped.

"Oh my god! With only a pair of fleshy palms, did my sword rain fly away?"

Ma Yuanyuan exclaimed, "How is this possible!"

She has almost no opponents in the school!

In addition to Elder Liu can not beat, everyone else was beaten down by her!

Now I can\'t help Liu Yi at all, and I can\'t even hit my clothes, which is really annoying!

"Big stupid cow! You will make me stab a sword!"

Ma Yuanyuan said, suddenly reached out and grabbed a long sword, and then I held the long sword and turned into a Changhong.

And Liu Yi stretched out two fingers and caught the sword easily.

"Yuanyuan, want to stab me, I\'m afraid your ability is not enough."

Liu Yi\'s smile made Ma Yuanyuan want to be crazy.

Ma Yuanyuan stomped on her feet, and then the sword in her hand made a dragon sound, and then a dazzling golden light erupted!

A golden sword qi directly hit Liu Yi\'s finger, and then directly passed Liu Yi\'s shoulder, with a bloodshot, flew out from behind the shoulder.

Liu Yi clutched her shoulders, her eyes were a little shocked.

"Oh! Oh! I stabbed you, big stupid cow, I stabbed you!"

Ma Yuanyuan clapped her hands happily.

But Liu Yi was shocked in his heart and said nothing.

This Ma Yuanyuan\'s power just now...he couldn\'t be more familiar!

This should only be owned by her sister... Jin Ling body!

Ma Yuanyuan turned out to be a gold spirit?

No wonder she will progress so fast!Was it the cause of the spirit?

I am a spiritual body, and with the full-scale cultivation of the gate-sect of Zangjian Pavilion, all kinds of elixirs are feeding, then the fifteen stars are no problem.

What\'s the matter... Ma Shuangling?

Both of them are golden spirits...the possibility of thinking of two people as sisters is quite high!

I rub... two golden spirits, it is really against the sky!

This Ma sister is too lucky!

There is one who is already happy, this is good, both!

Liu Yi took a breath and let go of his hand.

The injury on his shoulder was immediately healed. Although he was injured, Liu Yi\'s body is still half a dragon body after all, and healing power is super!

This minor injury had no effect on him.

"Huh? Why is it okay so quickly?"

Ma Yuanyuan looked at Liu Yi\'s shoulder without any injuries, and even the clothes were all intact, which was a bit strange.

"Can I be stabbed?"

Ma Yuanyuan tilted her head and looked at Liu Yi.

"Liu Yi, don\'t forget your task."

Ai Ling\'s voice came over his head.

Liu Yi immediately shuddered, then woke up and said to Ma Yuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan, I can\'t make trouble with you, it\'s time for you to leave."

"Trouble with me?"

Ma Yuanyuan immediately pouted her mouth and said with dissatisfaction, "Dabenniu, I admit that you are so small and powerful, but I am not a vegetarian Ma Yuanyuan! Let me see, my strength!"

With that, her pupils turned golden, and she raised her right hand.

"Ah! What\'s wrong with my sword!"

"Hey, my sword is out of control!"

The immortals who were present exclaimed.

Their sabers all flew by themselves, trembling, and floated into the air.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of swords were all driven by Ma Yuanyuan\'s golden spiritual power, and then gathered together in the air, spinning like a long dragon.

"Big cow, you must be careful!"

Between the speeches, the sword long dragon flew over and went towards Liu Yi.

"Sure enough, it is Jin Lingli, it is very powerful."

Liu Yi smiled, "However, for your brother, it\'s just pediatrics."

With that said, he directly grabbed the Divine Gilt Gun and then slammed it hard on the ground.

The point of the gun pierced the ground, and a red lightning suddenly flew out.

The red lightning directly hit the sword dragon in the sky. For a time, those swords were directly torn apart, and then fell to the ground one after another.

"Well, what\'s the situation?"

Ma Yuanyuan was taken aback, trying hard to continue to urge those swords.

But she found that the swords seemed to have lost their sense of self and could no longer be mobilized.

"The Thunder of Judgment has destroyed the connection between you and those swords."

Liu Yi held up the celestial gilt and said, "These are just tips. If you don\'t admit defeat, I have to be serious."

"You\'re serious fart! Come up with your true skills!"

Ma Yuanyuan stomped on her feet, only thinking that Liu Yi looked down on herself.

"Then I will send you back."

Liu Yi said, facing Ma Yuanyuan, patted across the sky.

With a loud bang, Ma Yuanyuan\'s body was immediately hit by Liu Yi and fell directly into the square of the Tibetan sword pavilion.

Ma Yuanyuan was a little silly, and she didn\'t know how she came back.

She was beaten back without any harm. It was a miracle!

"You have too much mana in Liu Yi..."

Liu Shuyao patted Ma Yuanyuan on the shoulder and comforted her, "So I beat you back and made you safe. Hey, I thought Liu Yi could give you water... Miscalculated!"

"Isn\'t the elder saying that my strength is already the strongest?"

Ma Yuanyuan asked unwillingly.

"Of the peers in the Cabinet, you should be the strongest..."

Liu Shuyao sighed, "But you now... encounter a perverted pervert... a monster among monsters..."

"Big cow is a monster? Why didn\'t I find it before..."

Ma Yuanyuan lowered her head and muttered.

"Zangjian Pavilion has been disqualified."

Ai Ling stood on the lotus platform and announced, "Who will do the next one?"

The cabinet seems to have little chance, and it was proved when I was in HKUST last time.

Those elders of the outer cabinet, who were beaten by Liu Yi\'s fart!Even if they are here now, they will do nothing.

And Liu Yi... looks stronger!

How did he practice this pervert!

"Let us come to Fuxi Temple next!"

In the Fuxi Temple, a person came out.

This man is not Chen Sihan, but a raw face.

Liu Yi glanced at him, and found that he had more elegant clothes, obviously not a good stubble, it is estimated that this is the main hall of Fuxi Hall.

This is the same as the head, is the highest person in charge of Fuxi Temple.

"This seat is the main hall of Fuxi Hall, Long Tianzheng."

Long Tianzheng put his hands in his sleeves, but his sleeves were very wide and hung down all the way to his knees.

"This seat has heard of your name, is it Liu Yi?"

He looked at Liu Yi with a scornful look in his eyes. "Maybe you are in the limelight recently, but you are a fledgling hairy kid who doesn\'t know what it means to be heavenly and thick! Today, I intend to let you know!"

"Dragon Palace Master\'s tone is quite big."

This is not the first time that Liu Yi has encountered such a person. He smiled with his hands on his hands.

"I just don\'t know if the kung fu at hand is so powerful."

"You will know right away!"