Love Dependency Disease

875 Chapter 875 Meeting

"I am dangerous?"

Liu Yi laughed, "It doesn\'t need you to remind, my father is always dangerous. There are many people who want to kill me in this world. Tell you, my enemy, you have to give them a number, you can From our city of Beilong, queue up to New York City!"

"It\'s not the same! Those are all small shrimps, but now they are all big shots!"

An Qi said, "Shenjie Army is here!"

"Come and chant."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders, "It\'s not the first time I saw it anyway."

"Not just the Divine Army! Now the rebels have joined forces with the Divine Army!"

"Then why are you here to help me?"


An Qi blushed and said hurriedly, "I think the rebels are no longer the former rebels. The gods of the rebels have taken advantage of the gods of the gods. Several people sat together and redefined the gods. Site. Since then, there will be no more rebels."

"Isn\'t this good, then God Realm will be unified, and there will be no war."

Liu Yi said, "Whether it\'s a rebel army or a God Realm Army, it\'s just your brothers and sisters who are fighting."

"You are right, this looks pretty good."

Angel said anxiously, "Now the entire God Realm, they regard you as the greatest threat! They, want you to die!"

"Then let them come."

Liu Yi put his hands in the pockets of the trench coat, the collar stood tall, and let the snowflakes in the sky fall on him.

"No matter how hard it is, I will suffer from Liu Yi. We Huaxia have a saying, the soldiers will block it, the water will cover it!"

"Liu Yi, you fool!"

An Qi scolded angrily, "I am taking the risk to come to you, why do you say that!"

"You are reminded me, I thank you. But the Divine Realm Army will come if they want to come. If they don\'t come, I will find them sooner or later."

If you are an enemy, you can’t let it go.

Liu Yi hasn\'t taken time to take care of Western God Realm now, and when it comes to time, it\'s their suffering day.

"Do you think they will find you directly?"

An Qi pouted, "The Divine Army is not a fool, they know you are powerful, so they don\'t pick you up!"

"So who do they want to pick?"

Liu Yi\'s eyes suddenly turned sharp.

He sinks in his heart and already knows what the Shenjie Army is going to do!

"Thank you."

An Qi said, holding a photo in her hand, "They found out that this woman has an unusual relationship with you, so you should start with her!"

Liu Yi raised his eyelids and saw that the woman was no one else but her girlfriend Wang Yuzheng!

Damn it!These damn birdmen can\'t beat themselves, just pick their own women!

"Your God Realm Army is so mean..."

"This, this... in my face, can\'t I say that?"

Angel looked embarrassed.

"No, I have to go to Wang Yuzheng immediately!"

Liu Yi hurriedly called Wang Yuzheng, but nobody answered the phone.

"This girl... where is it now!"

Liu Yi was anxious.

"No, I asked the sea..."

Before Liu Yi\'s phone call was made, Xiaoxuan reminded.

"Master, there is your phone."

"Busy now, don\'t answer!"

"Good host."

"Wait... who hit it?"

A trace of miracle flashed in Liu Yi\'s heart, and he couldn\'t help asking.

"It\'s a saber."


Wasn\'t he helping himself to practice the naval forces in Songjiang? Why did he suddenly call himself?

Liu Yi felt uneasy in her heart and always felt a little uneasy, so she answered the phone of the saber first.

"Saber, what\'s the matter, hurry up."

"Commander, something urgent!"

The sound of the saber is still so cold, "We are now fighting with the East China Sea, and the East China Sea is losing ground. They sent assassins to assassinate you!"


Liu Yi almost broke his teeth, Malle Gobi, how can these people only know how to play Yin!

The three princesses of the East China Sea did not write a letter to themselves in advance, grandma has a claw!

It is estimated that this girl still has a hand on herself!

The people of the East China Sea and the Shenjie Army are now gathered in Beilong City, which is really lively.

"Angel, can you do me a favor?"

Liu Yi\'s eyes fell on An Qi.

"Want to know where your girlfriend is?"

An Qi was smart, and immediately guessed.

"Yes, you are smart, you guessed it."

Liu Yi nodded, "Can you help? These tricky skills really depend on you."

"Hee hee, it\'s okay, but you have to beg me."

An Qi picked it up and looked at Liu Yi with a smile.

"Fuck, you got it! Isn\'t it just begging you once!"

"Yeah, so beg me."

An Qi smiled even more. "Don\'t your Chinese men know how to be polite and don\'t ask someone to do something?"

"Yes, your mouth has become more powerful."

Liu Yizheng remembered Wang Yuzheng\'s safety and had to say.

"My Angel Angel, I beg you, can you help me?"

"It\'s almost the same, come with me!"

An Qi said, putting a hand on Liu Yi\'s shoulder.

A white light flashed through, and both bodies disappeared on top of the building at the same time.

"Yuzheng, this TV interview is very important. You must show all your vitality and status!"

The new agent is a man in his thirties, holding a book in his hand, and directed Wang Yuzheng and Qian Dingwan to the sofa.

"Well, Brother Wang, I know, I will."

Wang Yuzheng nodded cleverly. This TV interview was also arranged by Red Star Entertainment, mainly to promote Wang Yuzheng\'s new album.

Now Wang Yuzheng\'s career is in the ascendant period, so she must be busy with her work during the Chinese New Year.

Not only is she busy, the staff on the TV station are also busy.

And outside the TV station stood a group of fans, holding the sign of Wang Yuzheng, just waiting to meet Wang Yuzheng.

These are Wang Yuzheng\'s fan groups. After the TV station interviews, they are going to meet.

"Okay, ready to shoot!"

The director came and shouted.


The agent responded, and then urged again, "Remember, you must play well. Don\'t be nervous, it\'s recording and broadcasting anyway."

"Got it, Brother Wang."

The makeup artist at the side applied makeup to Wang Yuzheng, and she went out Shi Shiran.

The host is a veteran. After the shooting, he said something hot, and then talked about Wang Yuzheng\'s new album.

Wang Yuzheng didn’t come out to be an artist on the first day, but he answered quite decently.

"By the way, Yuzheng, look at you so beautiful, your male fans can be described as ridiculous."

The host asked with a smile, "These male fans are all concerned about a question, Yu Zheng, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Ah, this..."

Wang Yuzheng\'s eyes rolled and hesitated.

The agent on the opposite side hurriedly gave her a wink, for fear that she would miss!

The agent now knows early that Wang Yuzheng has a boyfriend, and knows that her boyfriend is her big boss!

But this is related to Wang Yuzheng\'s career, and it must not be delayed!

Wang Yuzheng sighed softly in his heart and had to say.

"Not yet, my university has been busy studying, and later became an artist, there is no time to find a boyfriend..."

Hey, when will you tell everyone that you already have a master?

I hope Liu Yi will not blame herself...

"Male fans must be happy to die when they hear this."

The host led the topic, "Just now there is a fan group waiting to see Yuzheng. The popularity of Yuzheng is really high. These fans were waiting outside in the morning. Just, we found a few fans Come and meet Yuzheng, will Yuzheng sign a few new albums for them?"

"no problem."

Wang Yuzheng nodded, a shy smile on his face.

Soon, several selected fan representatives came in excitedly, waiting for Wang Yuzheng to sign them one by one.

"Wang Yuzheng, I am your most loyal fan!"

A fifteen-six-year-old boy came over, holding a lot of flowers in his hand, and said shamefully to Wang Yuzheng.

"Hello, which school are you from?"

"Then...that, I am one..."

The little boy smiled very shyly, "This year\'s high school..."

"Yizhong, it\'s still my alma mater!"

Wang Yuzheng clapped his hands happily, "If you talk about it, I am still your school sister! School sister gave you the album, you have to listen carefully!"

"Instead of listening to the album, you can sing it to me every day."

The little boy suddenly laughed evilly.


Wang Yuzheng tilted his head, wondering what this little boy meant.

"That\'s what I meant to catch your sister."

The little boy said, grabbing Wang Yuzheng\'s sleeve.

"What are you doing here?

The agent rushed over immediately, trying to pull the little boy away.

And the little boy waved his hand, and the agent\'s body flew out by himself, and then smashed a camera next to it.

"Hey, what\'s going on?"

Everyone stayed for a while.


The little boy made a silent gesture, and the others couldn\'t even speak.

These people were shocked with cold sweat. Who is this Nima?What is this demon?

"Who makes trouble, who makes trouble!"

Several security guards also rushed in. The little boy waved his hand, and the security guards immediately flew up to the ceiling, bumped into a mess, and fell to the ground again.

"Really, there is always trouble."

The little boy sighed, "Let my sister go with me for a quieter place."

With that, the little boy clapped his hands and a huge golden bird cage appeared immediately out of thin air, shutting Wang Yuzheng inside.

Wang Yuzheng clutched the cage with panic in his eyes.

"Sister is the life of a natural golden bird."

The little boy touched the golden bird cage and smiled, "It\'s really distressing...Sister, let\'s go, follow me to a quiet and beautiful place, where is suitable for you."

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell on the cage.

"Sorry, the woman who wants to take me away, you have to ask me before I talk?"