Love Dependency Disease

874 Chapter 874: Angel Comes Home

On the second day of New Year\'s Day today, Chen Dahai couldn\'t be idle.

As the former boss of Red Star, he is busy with his feet every day.

After the New Year, I can\'t spare any time.

Today is to talk to the boss and some managers of Red Star Real Estate in Beilong City.

However, during New Year\'s business, I don\'t want to talk to the company anymore. A few people went to the cafe outside and enjoyed the New Year atmosphere.

After the talk, Chen Dahai led them downstairs.

While going downstairs, several managers were still surrounded by Chen Dahai and slapped.

Chen Dahai didn\'t stop it or ignored it. He listened to his right ear.

These people, you stop them, it will make them feel embarrassed and difficult to communicate with in the future.

Just ignore it, then take their bullshit seriously, then you can\'t really see anything.

It doesn\'t matter if you go downstairs, Chen Dahai suddenly surprises.

I rub, this is not Liu Yi Liu commander!

I didn\'t expect that I hadn\'t returned to my grandma\'s house during the Chinese New Year, so I came here to drink coffee with my sister paper!

One of the managers\' eyes also fell on them, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"President, please wait for me... I met an acquaintance."

The manager finished, went directly down the stairs, and then walked sullenly to Liu Yi and Wang Jing.

"Wang Jing, what are you doing?"

As soon as Wang Jing heard the voice, his complexion suddenly changed.

"Ah, manager, manager?"

She stood up in a panic and hurriedly explained to the man in her forties who had become bald and became a Mediterranean man.

"Me, I saw a friend..."

"Meet a friend? See you in this cafe, right?"

The manager sneered, "It\'s really leisurely, I said, I came to you today, how do you say something is wrong, and you are here to meet Xiaobai, right?"

Liu Yi almost understood.

Hey, I thought how Wang Jing mixes so well, the feeling is to be the third person for others.

It is a way to exchange money with youth for money.

", you really misunderstood..."

Wang Jing desperately explained, "This is my old classmate. He came back after the Chinese New Year. When he came out, he saw him, said two words and left..."

"Say two words and leave?"

The manager sneered. "Our president is here today, Xiaolang\'s hoof. I don\'t care about you too much. You\'ll wait back."

Wang Jing\'s face was pale and he sat down without saying a word.

"It\'s you, be careful!"

The manager turned his head to look at Liu Yi and said, "Your boy gives me a little time. In this world, it\'s not a woman you can touch! At least this woman, don\'t you touch it, can\'t you think about it? , This Beilong City, I can’t let you walk around!"

"The world has really changed. Can even managers of real estate companies be so crazy?"

While drinking coffee slowly, Liu Yi said, "If you know you are a manager, if you don\'t know, you think you are the mayor."

"Your kid really knows nothing!"

The manager scolded, "It seems that I will not teach you today, you don\'t know who can provoke who can\'t!"

"Don\'t I dare to mess with the underworld, is it because you are underworld?"

Liu Yi gave the manager a squint.

"I am not a triad, but I can know the triad."

The manager sneered, "Do you know what company I am? Tell you, Red Star Group! Do you know what the background of Red Star Group is? Tell you, it is the Red Scarf Army!"

The manager gave a thumbs up, "Do you know the Red Scarf Army? It\'s a matter of minutes to kill you!"

"Really? Is the Red Scarf so powerful?"

Liu Yi licked the foam around her mouth and asked.

"Of course, in Beilong City...oh no, throughout the entire China, who is not afraid of the Red Scarf Army?"

"If you want to really ask that... then I can really tell you one."

Liu Yi raised a finger.

"Oh? Who? I want to hear it."

The manager snorted and asked.

"Just look here."

Liu Yi said that the finger pointed to himself.

"You? It\'s you?"

The manager suddenly couldn\'t help but laughed, "It\'s up to you too! I think you are alive!"

He said, returning his hand, "If you don\'t see it, that\'s our president of Red Star, the big boss! He put you to death in one sentence!"

While talking, the big boss of Red Star had run over fartly and said respectfully to Liu Yigong.

"Boss! Why are you here! Didn\'t you say I\'ll come and serve you tea?"

In a word, the manager and Wang Jing were shocked.

"Oh, the sea, you\'ve been pretty good lately."

While drinking coffee, Liu Yi laughed, "It\'s awesome, look at all of your men, they are so powerful, they threaten everyone to threaten the cafe."

"Ma\'am, who dare to threaten my boss!"

Chen Dahai suddenly slapped the table, and the manager kneeled directly to Liu Yi and Chen Dahai.

"General, President..."

The manager\'s face, cold sweat.

Offended yourself... turned out to be Chen Dahai\'s boss?

Well, isn\'t that the boss of Red Star!

The manager was scared to pee now.

He really wants to die now!Pretend-it\'s impossible to get rid of it, he only now understands the true meaning of this sentence!

"Mal Gobi, it\'s you?"

Chen Dahai grabbed the manager by the collar, "Your little manager still wants to turn the sky, right?"

"I, I... President, please spare..."

Although Chen Dahai is the president of Red Star Group, he is also the leader of the Red Scarf Army!

He wanted to fool himself, wasn\'t his little manager dead even without a sound!

Wang Jing also sat there staring blankly at all this. What the hell is going on... How did this junior high school student turn into a blink of an eye... The boss of the underworld?

"Fate? Ha ha..."

Chen Dahai sneered twice, "Say that, just keep talking to Lord Yan."


The manager was so scared that he couldn\'t speak a word.

"Forget it, the sea."

Liu Yi put down the coffee cup and said slowly, "Don\'t worry about it, the Red Scarf Army is not a murderous demon. Don\'t move and just shout and kill."

"Yes, boss."

Chen Dahai only loosened the collar of the manager. "Hurry up and resign and get out of the company. Our group does not need someone like you."

"I\'ll just go, this will go!"

The manager ran out of the cafe even crawling on the ground, not even dare to breathe.

"Boss, I will give you a cup of tea!"

Chen Dahai smiled and said to Liu Yi.

"You can pull it down, this is the cafe, where is the tea."

Liu Yi waved his hand, "I still have something to do today. I will serve tea next time. Also, red stars will accept people and watch them. This is the first few. Ah. Otherwise, the reputation of our Red Star Group will become smelly sooner or later."

"Yes, yes, the lesson is! The red stars will be accepted in the future, we will definitely check it out!"

"That\'s the best, please do your best."

"Yes, yes, the sea is here! Boss, you play with you, hehe..."

Then Chen Dahai looked at Wang Jing vaguely, then turned around and left.

The look was self-evident, Liu Yi secretly said, hey, Chen Dahai, where did he think about it?

It is time for him to leave. Liu Yi wants to pay, and the waiter quickly waved his hand.

"Sir, the guest just finished the money for you!"

"This sea is clever."

Liu Yi smiled and stood up.

"Old schoolmate, here today, you drink slowly, I will go first."

"Ah, no, no!"

Wang Jing hurriedly took Liu Yi\'s sleeve and said, "We, our blind date is not over yet..."

"Blind date?"

Liu Yi looked at Wang Jing in surprise, "Aren\'t we all coming here for a walk?"

"Just a joke with my old classmates...just a joke!"

Wang Jingjiao said drop by drop, "Look, you are unmarried, I am unmarried... I have to continue the blind date!"

"Still blind date?"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help crying, "I don\'t have money, I don\'t have a car, and I don\'t have a room. What\'s the blind date?"

"Oh, you see what you said."

Wang Jing grinned, "No, we can make money slowly, we are still young, there will be one day sooner or later, right?"

"I can\'t even afford a bag."

"There is no need not to buy it, and you see that I have so many, and I don\'t have to buy new ones!"

"Poor couples mourn?"

"It\'s true love from scratch!"

Liu Yi is speechless, this girl really can say anything.


"Oh, you don\'t have a girlfriend anyway, just watch us and try it out..."

Wang Jing wanted to rely on Liu Yi as a big user.

No money, no car, no room?

The boss of Red Star, who has nothing, who believes!

Liu Yi wanted to go, but Wang Jing took Liu Yi\'s hand and refused to let him go.

But at this time, the door of the cafe was pushed open.

A woman came in from the outside, as if a ray of sunlight shone into the cafe.

For a time, all men\'s eyes were attracted by this woman.

Men\'s eyes are full of admiration, women\'s eyes are full of jealousy!

A man holding coffee in his hand was pouring it into his mouth.After seeing the woman, I forgot to drink it for a while, and the coffee was sprinkled on the crotch, so hot that he screamed.

I have to say that this woman is beautiful.

The beautiful woman came directly and pulled Liu Yi\'s hand.

"Follow me!"

Wang Jing is a bit silly. Who is this beauty?Why do you look familiar?

Without waiting for her reaction, Liu Yi has been dragged away!

"Eh, Liu Yi, Liu Yi! My Liu Yi!"

Wang Jing hurried out to chase, but as soon as he went out, the streets outside were clean and clean. There were fewer people who would have gone out after the Chinese New Year. This would make the street more calm.

Where else is there anybody?

Did these two people fly away?

Wang Jing was really right. At this time, the woman had already pulled Liu Yi and appeared at the top of the building in an instant.

"Angel, are you?"

Liu Yi looked at the familiar female angel in front of her, "How did you find me?"

"I told you a long time ago that our angels are always a little special."

Angel\'s face was a little nervous, "But these are not important, the important thing are dangerous now!"