Love Dependency Disease

876 Chapter 876

The little boy looked up and saw a man wearing a black turtleneck trench coat stepping on the top of the cage and squatting there.

"Want to take my woman, at least ask me first?"

The person coming is not someone else, it is Liu Yi.

He squatted half above the cage, staring at the little boy underneath.

When Wang Yuzheng saw him, he was immediately surprised.

"It came so fast?"

The little boy raised his head and looked at the man above the cage.

This guy is the first person on their wanted list.

"Can you be happy? If you don\'t come again, my wife will be taken away."

Liu Yi sneered. "The God Realm Army is a good abacus, but they are all here. I think, your God Realm is too quiet!"

"This woman is very important to us. If you block, you will blame me."

"You\'re welcome? I want to see how you\'re welcome."

Liu Yi thought, why did Xiaozheng say so?

Didn\'t they come towards themselves?But at Wang Yuzheng?

Not quite right...Why did they come to Wang Yuzheng?

However, they will never let them succeed here again!

Anyone who wants to take away his own woman can only step on his body!

"Liu Yi, you asked for it."

Xiaozhengtai said, a move in both hands.

The table and chair cameras in this hall flew up suddenly, and then they smashed them together towards Liu Yi.

"Trick and worm skills."

As Liu Yi said, he raised his right hand and pinched his palm.

A golden light burst out suddenly, rushing away all the broken things in an instant.

Although this little Zhengtai\'s moves are miraculous, the gap between him and his strength is too great.

He exploded with the power of Nine Yangs, not just those fragmented, even Xiao Zhengtai\'s body was lifted out, and then he knocked over the back sofa and fell to the ground.

"What a powerful force..."

Xiaozhengtai got up from the ground, with blood on the corner of her mouth, with hatred in her eyes.

"I promise you will see stronger."

Liu Yi sneered, "If you messed up with me, even if you started with Wang Yuzheng. Well, doesn\'t God Realm like trouble? Then I will make God Realm uneasy!"

"It\'s you alone?"

Xiao Zhengtai also sneered, "You are too little to see the power of our God Realm!"

"Don\'t talk about God Realm, I didn\'t even look at God King!"

"It\'s arrogant!"

Xiao Zhengtai suddenly roared, "God King bless me!"

A pair of white wings suddenly spread out from behind him, stretching to both sides.

The white feathers are falling around, very beautiful.

The people around were terrified... what is this, angel?

Xiao Zhengtai\'s figure also suddenly changed, blinking into a handsome blond man over two meters tall.

With the divine light on him, people around him looked at all of them with piety and wanted to kneel down and worship.

"My St. Lens, I will get rid of you heresy today!"

With that, he stretched out his hand, and suddenly a silver cross fell in the sky, each of which was as large as a tablet, and slammed into Liu Yi\'s head.

Liu Yi opened his arms, his dharma body flew out, more than three meters high, holding a huge black shield in his hand.

This is the Emperor\'s Shield, the defense is super god!

The crosses fell, crashed into the shields, and then shattered into silver.

But the cross continued to fall, just like rain, and kept falling.

At this moment, the Fashen turned into another arm, and then grabbed the Divine Gilt Gun, and flicked it out of his hand.


This gilt lance directly penetrated the chest of St. Lens, and then took his body and nailed him directly to the back wall.

Silver blood stains spilled out and spilled all over the place.


Blood also bleed out from St. Lens\'s mouth, his eyes a little stagnate, but with a hint of hatred.

Liu Yi knew that this angel must hate himself, but he didn\'t hate them!

It is unforgivable to start your own woman!You can forgive everything, that is, people who cannot forgive their women!

This group of idle eggs hurt the Divine Army!Did they do nothing every day?

"But... don\'t think it\'s over to kill me!"

The body of Saint Lens was nailed to the wall, and the power in the body was constantly disintegrated.

The power of Thunder, the gilded rifle of the sky, kept swimming in his body, making him unable to lift any strength, only feeling more and more pain.

He wanted to die, but he couldn\'t die. He could only look at Liu Yi with hate!

"The one who came to catch you today... is more than me!"

During the conversation, several men and women squatting on the ground suddenly stood up.

These people should have been the staff of the TV station, but it seems that they have been possessed by angels.

As long as they can accept the possession of angels, the human body can be descended by angels.

Ten people standing up are angels of God Realm.

From the perspective of the power they radiate, they are all gods.

"Be sure to grab people today!"

A god will roar.

Then, the gods will flap their wings, wear silver armor, carry a huge lightsaber in their hands, and pounce on Liu Yi.

A dozen gods will surround Liu Yi.

At the same time, the legal body behind Liu Yi put away those weapons, and then the six palms kept hitting the sun.

The disillusionment is continuously photographed from six directions. Those angel gods will fly fast and fly out fast.

Screaming one by one, flying backwards, falling everywhere.

Liu Yi\'s Day Yaori palm was already very powerful, and now with the power of the dharma body, it is even more powerful.

Six palms are constantly attacking, like a machine gun, no god will be able to approach him half a step at all!

"This person is too strong!"

"His strength...Is this God King?"

Those gods will be beaten back and forth, crying and howling.

An Qi hid in the dark, looking a little dazed.

How does it seem that Liu Yi is getting stronger and stronger!

What is the huge figure behind him, how is it so powerful!

In the past, the prestigious Divine Army, but now it is of no use at all, the beaten farts are peeing!

"Whoever dares to move my woman! Let me die!"

A fierce light flashed in Liu Yi\'s eyes, and in an instant, appeared in front of St. Lawrence.

"Who the hell are you, who sent you to catch my woman?"

The body behind Liu Yi stretched out an arm, grabbed St. Lawrence, and dragged him off the wall, then pinched his neck and lifted him in midair.

"Account immediately!"

"Even if I die, I won\'t betray God Realm!"

St. Lens laughed, "My St. Lens is a generation of gods, taking the great cause of God Realm as his duty and safeguarding my God’s supreme light! Liu Yi, you kill me! If you are afraid of death, I will be holy The name is written backwards."

"Okay, this is what you said."

Liu Yi moved his body behind his back, grasping the two wings of St. Lens with two hands, and then pulled it off.

Although this trick is not only used once, but it is very easy to treat birdmen!


Sure enough, St. Lens screamed in pain, cold sweat.

"You, you demon!"

St. Lens screamed and scolded, "Someday, God\'s punishment will come to you!"

"Come on now!"

Liu Yi worried about Wang Yuzheng\'s comfort, said fiercely.

"Don\'t talk big things if you can\'t come!"

For her own woman, Liu Yi will not hesitate even if she is a demon!

"It\'s all alliances, don\'t you come out!"

At this time, St. Luns suddenly shouted.

At this moment, Liu Yi felt a wave of this power around him.

A series of water curtains fell from the roof, and after the water curtain, came out one by one soldiers in black armor.

These soldiers Liu Yi are very familiar with them.

After these came out, these sea-watching yakshas with terrestrial power did not do anything else. They screamed and rushed towards Wang Yuzheng.

Huge TV studios popped up with hundreds of yakshas at once, and the scene was quite big in the blink of an eye.

"Are there more people?"

Liu Yi laughed loudly. Although he didn\'t expect the East China Sea to join forces with the Western God Realm, everything hadn\'t exceeded his ability.

The Netherworld glowed black, and then nearly a thousand Nether Warriors appeared densely inside the house.

These Nether Warriors all have strength above the level, filling the room in a blink of an eye.

They are all wrapped in black samurai armor, and the location of their eyes is burning with a green flame, terrifying.

Ghostly, murderous!

"This, what is this!"

Saint Lens was dumbfounded.

Those Nether Warriors easily overthrow the navy.

Yasha is not an opponent of Nether Warrior at all!

"It was so defeated! How is this possible!"

St. Lens didn\'t believe his eyes at all. Their cooperation between the Divine Realm Army and the Eastern East Sea Marine Army was defeated so easily!

How is this possible!

The Divine Army should be unstoppable!

Why can\'t even a small Chinese person deal with it!

"King of God! Dear Lord of God!"

St. Lens roared up to the sky, "I beg my humble life, I beg you to come! Use my soul to open the channel of your god descend! God King! Come!"

At this moment, a ghost warrior had already rushed to St. Lens, and the ghost knife in his hand was wiped towards St. Lens\' neck.

St. Lens\' eyes, ears, and nose suddenly gleamed with silvery white light, as if the soul was burning!

A sacred light descended from the sky. Then, a man\'s figure fell directly, his feet stomped on the ghost warrior\'s head, and stomped his helmet.

The man\'s hair was shiny and slippery, wearing a white suit, his body was thin, but the leather shoes on his feet were black.

As soon as this person appeared, he immediately carried an unstoppable force.

He smiled wickedly in the corner of his mouth, looking at Liu Yi opposite.

"It seems... came to a nice place..."