Love Dependency Disease

857 857 Brother Stone is mine

Although the princess does not have mana, the Brahma enchantment comes from the ability of the Jiutian God\'s fire stick, so it is still easily opened to protect the entire room.

Liu Yi ate the soup the princess gave him, and the whole person fell into a dream completely, knowing nothing.

Where would he know that now the outside has become a ball, all for him!

It is estimated that Liu Yi knows that she will burst into tears, after all, so many women fight for him!

The top ones are all big beauties!

"Liu Yi is mine!"

"not mine!"

"Damn, who dare to rob me!"

There was a ball outside, the women of the daughter country showed their magical powers, and the sound of the impact of the weapons was also one after another.

Any woman who loses will be disqualified, so these women fight very hard!

Yue Qing\'er, who had just grown up, showed her incredible bravery. She danced two magic swords with great vigor, and defeated a woman who didn\'t know how many!

At this moment, a woman appeared in front of her.

"Qing\'er, I didn\'t expect you to be so brave!"

"Sister, even if you are, Qing\'er will not give in!"

"Don\'t do that...Sister is so good to you at ordinary times!"

"One, one yard back to one yard! For the brother of Stone, my sister can also temporarily stop it!"

"Damn, you little white-eyed wolf, look at the sword!"

The two women were in a ball.

The guards of the palace faced too many enemies, and finally defeated.

After winning, the women were blocked by Brahma enchantment, and the attacks were blocked.

"Princess, you are close to Brahma Enchantment!"

"That\'s right, this is cheating!"

The women complained.

"I just don\'t accept!"

There was a triumphant smile on the corner of Princess Longhe\'s mouth, "You can kill me with the skill!"


Who can kill the princess of this daughter country!

Even fair competition cannot threaten the safety of Princess Princess!

"His Royal Highness, you are cheating!"

A female elder vomited, "So how do we get into the guest room! Can\'t we approach Liu Yi at all?"

"This, this...I don\'t care about this!"

Princess Long He played a rogue, "Anyway... this person just can\'t let you..."

"It\'s impossible, Highness Princess..."

Suddenly Qiu Han moved his heart, and then asked, "Isn\'t it possible...His Royal Highness...You really, like this Liu Yi?"


Princess Long He suddenly stopped talking, but two groups of red clouds flew to her cheeks.


"God, Your Royal Highness, you and him are just the first meeting!"

The women wailed one after another, after all, this is a big deal!

The princess actually fell in love with an outsider!

This thing seems to be like the queen of the year...the queen fell in love with Tang Sanzang...even, and gave birth to a princess with him...

Therefore, the princess is a very special existence in the daughter country, because other women are born from the river of the Son-mother river, without a father.

And now... the princess actually fell in love with an outsider?

"No, no!"

Qiu Han shook his head for the first time, "Princess, you can\'t fall in love with outsiders! Let\'s not fall in love with Liu Yi! Otherwise, you can only regenerate the tragedy of the Queen!"


"Her Royal Highness, please think twice!"

All the women knelt before the princess, pleading.

"Yes, Your Highness think twice!"

Qiu Han asked again.

"The tragedy of the Queen can\'t appear for the second time! Her Royal Highness, the daughter\'s country can\'t have a woman tempted by a man!"

Qiu Han\'s face was urgent, she felt that she was thinking about the royal family of her daughter\'s country!

"I will decide my affairs and I will not worry about Elder Qiu."

Princess Long He has made up her mind and cannot be changed at all.

"It was the mother who sent him to me. The two of us are destined. So, please ask Elder Qiu not to say more, no one can change the thoughts of this princess. This Mr. Liu, I have to decide!"


"Your Highness, please think twice!"

The people quickly and pleaded, and they really didn\'t want the queen\'s thing to happen again.

"You are kind, I got it. But it\'s too late tonight. Please come back."

The princess waved her hand and said.

"Now that the princess\'s mind has been decided, I can only use my own strength to wake up the princess!"

Qiu Han said, reaching for two magic swords.

"Elder Qiu, do you dare to deal with me?"

"Of course I would not dare to deal with you... However, I can capture you back!"

With that, Qiu Han\'s body flashed and appeared beside the princess, with her hands on her shoulders, trying to grab her back.

"Nine Heavens Fire Stick!"

The princess raised the staff in her hand.

"Father, please help me!"

A monk figure flew out of the nine heaven god fire rod.

The monk is composed of golden light, covered in red cassocks, and looks like that is a handsome!

If Liu Yi is here, he will be amazed, Nima, handsome guy!

Such a handsome guy is just a monk, no wonder that the king of his daughter\'s country will be fascinated!

"Well, these nine god god fire rods... can it still be used like this?"

Everyone was astonished. They had lived in their daughter\'s country for so many years, and it was the first time they saw that Jiutianshen fire rod had such a valve!

The monk sat cross-legged above the fire rod of the Nine Heavens God, and the golden light rose from behind, like the same round of tomorrow.

He kept chanting Buddhist scriptures in his mouth, and Sanskrit sounds flooded his daughter\'s country.

All the women were dull for a moment when they heard this Buddhist sound.

"If you dare to disrespect me anymore, then you will blame me Longhe!"

Princess Longhe said loudly.

She shouted so much that everyone was honest.

"It turned out to be Tang Sanzang? Obviously, all of them have become Buddhas. Why are they still in the Jiutianshen fire stick?"

A female elder frowned, a little strange.

"Chen Li, you can try Jiutian God Fire Stick!"

Qiu Han ordered.

Her status in the elder daughter\'s country was not decent, so at this command, a female elder immediately carried two magic swords and flew towards the shadow of Tang Sanzang in the air.


Tang Sanzang sat in the air, his body didn\'t move, but he spit out a Buddhist sound in his mouth.

Suddenly, a huge round of golden words fell down and hit the female elder.

The female elder was suddenly blasted to the ground and fainted.

"Good mana..."

Qiu Han, they were even more shocked, this is too cruel, what a mana!

"Who dares to surpass?"

Princess Longhe held up the Nine Heavens God\'s fire stick and whispered.

Those women have gone backwards, it is so, who can grab the limelight!

"Neither of you come, I come!"

Yue Qing\'er was anxious to see her stone brother, she was ready to pounce on her sleeves.

"Qing\'er, you stop."

Qiu Han grabbed the excited Yue Qinger and said in her ear.

"Qing\'er, don\'t be impulsive..."

"But, but..."

"you listen to me……"

Qiu Han told Yue Qing\'er by voice, "The Nine Heavens God\'s fire stick releases the ordinary Brahma enchantment, and the princess must always maintain her mental strength. If she wants to do something else, the enchantment will be lifted. We might as well wait. , Wait for the enchantment to be lifted, and then start to decide what to do!"


Yueqinger can only promise to come down.

"It seems that you finally understand."

Princess Long He nodded, "Since that is the case, Mr. Liu will be the princess tonight."

After talking, she carried the Jiutianshen fire rod and turned and walked into the guest room.

The other women had no choice but to retreat silently.

Yueqing\'er and Qiu Han glanced at each other, nodded, then flashed and disappeared.

"Mr. Liu...Long He is in..."

The princess asked softly, then pushed the door in.

There was no sound in the room, and nobody answered her.

The corner of the princess\'s mouth raised, and she inserted the fire rod of the Nine Gods on the ground, and then walked slowly behind the screen.

Liu Yi was leaning against the body, leaning against the barrel, and his face was a little blushing, and his body was still hot.

The princess couldn\'t help but be blushing. After all, she saw the man\'s body for the second time. Although she was the same man... she still couldn\'t help being shy.

Was this man destined for himself... he had good looks and sharp edges.

For many days, Princess Long He has imagined in her heart what her future destiny is like. She is really worried that it will be an ugly monster.

But since the mother and her had set it with herself, even if it was an ugly monster, she had to admit her fate.

Fortunately... Fortunately not ugly, hee hee...

There was a lot of luck in Princess Longhe\'s heart.

She slowly faded her clothes, showing a perfect body without a trace of flaws.

A bumpy figure, with a chest and chest, buttocks and buttocks, is simply a masterpiece of God.

If Liu Yi saw it when she was awake, she might have nosebleeds.

However, the secret formula of her daughter\'s country is still very useful. Liu Yi is still asleep and has no response at all.

If you are sober, I am afraid that Xiao Liu Yi has risen.

"Sir... let me serve you..."

Princess Long He walked slowly into the wooden barrel. The hot water was very warm. Princess Long He felt like Liu Yi\'s body temperature.

She was shy to the extreme, but when she knew she was not shy, she dared and slowly leaned towards Liu Yi.

"Sorry, princess, please forgive me for being impolite!"

Qiu Han suddenly appeared in front of Princess Longhe, stepped on the edge of the wooden barrel with his feet, and then extended a finger to poke Long Princess.

Princess Long He was suddenly shocked, and then unable to move.

Qiu Han sealed the blood of Princess Longhe with his own power, so that Longhe could not take the initiative to play.

Now that he couldn\'t even speak, Princess Longhe could only stare round her eyes, and looked at Qiu Han opposite.

"Brother Stone was handed over to us, Her Royal Highness."

Yueqinger picked up Liu Yi from the water and then appeared outside the door in a flash.

Qiu Han originally asked Yue Qing\'er to help her.Unexpectedly, Yue Qing\'er grabbed the Jiutian God\'s fire stick on the ground and threw it to the princess.

"Your Highness, the rest is yours!"