Love Dependency Disease

856 856 No Princesses on the Battlefield

How much mana is Liu Yi, how could it be caught by Qiu Han.

Poor Qiu Han thought that something was wrong, and Liu Yi could not be taken away for a long time, and Princess Longhe pounced again, pulling Qiu Han\'s arm.

"Elder Qiu, you can\'t do this! He, he is mine..."

"His Royal Highness, he has no Lord yet, you can\'t dominate yourself!"

Qiu Han\'s attitude is also very firm, making Liu Yi more puzzled.

These women...what are you doing?

Liu Yi was a little dizzy, and the two women suddenly grabbed him by the side and pulled desperately.

"Liu Yi, come with me!"

"Sir...please follow me..."

The two women were alone on one side, so they dragged Liu Yi, making Liu Yi crazy.

"Two, two, let\'s calm down!"

Liu Yi persuaded, "Can you tell me anything? Don\'t do that, I\'m embarrassed!"

"Sir... When you come with me, you will know!"

Princess Long He has made up her mind and will not let go of her life. She said to Liu Yi.

"Don\'t follow the princess, the princess wants to hurt you!"

Qiu Han continued to fall into the well.

"Me, I don\'t have it, I won\'t hurt Mr.!"

Princess Long He was about to cry. She found that she was really bad enough. Her face was not as thick as Qiu Han!

It feels like I dug a hole and jumped in...

"Well, what\'s the matter, can you explain?"

Liu Yi said that his body shook, a force burst out, and the two women bounced off gently, without causing any harm to the two of them.

"This, this thing..."

Princess Longhe blushed, I don’t know how to explain it to Liu Yi.

After all, it\'s to talk to others... Will Liu Yi be treated as a too casual woman...

"Want to know what happened, come with me!"

Qiu Han\'s eyes flashed cunningly, and continued to seduce Liu Yi.

Liu Yi was really moved. He was curious what the hell was going on.

The feeling of being always in the dark is really uncomfortable!

"No, no! Never go with Elder Qiu...she, she will eat you!"

Princess Longhe said quickly.

Even Qiu Han blushed when he heard this.

What is eating...the princess said too...too shameful!

"I\'m not good again, I can\'t live forever after eating..."

Liu Yi cold sweat is down, what is the situation!

"Brother Stone!"

Just when the two were deadlocked, there was a cry of surprise next to them.

Liu Yi turned his head to see that it was none other than his lovely sister Qing\'er.He was about to say hello, but his expression became frightened.

"Liu Yi, Liu Yi is here!"

"Mr. Liu! Mr. Liu!"

Black and crushed, a group of women ran towards Liu Yi.

So many women ran together... even the ground shivered...

"My mother... have these women gone..."

Liu Yi is really a little scared, and the beauty is certainly good... But so many beauty, it gives a sense of pressure!

Especially my heart has always had a bad hunch, which makes Liu Yi not happy!

It really is... going crazy!

These women are so violently engaged, but they don’t say what the matter is, they are so sad!

"Sir... hurry, come with me!"

Princess Longhe once again asked, "I won\'t hurt Mr.!"

"I won\'t hurt you! Follow me!"

Qiu Han did not let go.

With the stalemate of the two women, the other sisters have already fallen down, draining Liu Yi\'s water around them.

So many women... All kinds of body fragrances are mixed together, almost making Liu Yi fainted.

It\'s an exaggeration... these women are so crazy... what are they going to do!

Liu Yi couldn\'t understand it, he could only be squeezed between women, so "happiness"!

This farce lasted for an afternoon, and no one could speak well, and neither would let Liu Yi leave.

No one can take Liu Yi away, no one can let Liu Yi go.

This situation has been so deadlocked until the moon quietly hung on the sky.

"You guys, take a break, I\'m tired."

Liu Yi was dragged around by the beautiful women for so long, and his heart was haggard, "You are not tired, I am tired, I want to rest..."

"Want to rest, okay!"

Before waiting for someone else to speak, Princess Longhe\'s eyes suddenly turned, "Since Mr. Liu is tired, do not put it in the palace for a good night\'s rest. Just leave for Ruyi Sect tomorrow."

Qiu Han immediately thought of something, a glint flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, Liu Yi, go to bed!"

"Thank you Princess! Thank you Elder Qiu!"

Liu Yi arched his hands, really grateful.

I have been sleepy for an afternoon, and I really want to person cope with so many women...I can\'t cope with it really...a woman or something...It\'s terrible.

The women saw that Liu Yi wanted to go to bed, and the princess and elder Qiu said so, they were not good to continue to force.

And there is indeed a lot of tiredness in Liu Yi\'s face, if you force it down, I am afraid there will be bad consequences!

Yue Qing\'er stood aside, frowning slightly, but quickly loosened.

Ah... It turned out that the princess and the elder thought of something like this...

Hum, I thought Yueqinger didn\'t understand anything, I would definitely get Brother Stone!

Yue Qinger made up her mind secretly, made a decision, and then stood silently among the crowd.

Under the escort of princess, Qiu Han and a group of women, Liu Yi finally returned to the palace room.

"That... there are so many people in the room..."

Liu Yi blocked the sister papers who came with them and prevented them from coming in.

Who knows what these girls will do when they come in, it\'s terrible.

"Let me serve Mr. Alone."

The princess said, clapping her hands.

A maiden stepped forward and served a bowl of soup.

"This is the assorted soup of our daughter\'s country. It has the effect of Guben Peiyuan. It is very suitable for drinking a bowl before going to bed. Sir may wish to taste it."

As the princess served the soup and handed it to Liu Yi, the women who had just tweeted just now were quiet.

Not to mention, the soup smells very fragrant and tastes delicious.

Liu Yi hasn\'t eaten anything in these two days. He just saw a few hard buns in the black coal kiln.

The princess brought this daughter\'s assorted soup, which really aroused Liu Yi\'s appetite, and his stomach groaned.

He took the assorted soup and sniffed it gently.

what!Too fragrant, it really makes me too greedy!

"Then thank the princess for her hospitality first!"

Liu Yi said, holding up this daughter\'s assorted soup and swallowing it.

Lying trough, delicious!

Liu Yi licked his tongue, really wanted another bowl!

But how can a big man be defeated by appetite, not so greedy!

"How is it, Mr. He?"

The princess and other women\'s eyes light up.

"Very good! I hope I can get a good sleep today!"

Liu Yi returned the bowl to the maiden next to him, and then waved his hand, "Then I will rest first, see you tomorrow!"

"Mr. wish a good dream!"

The princess smiled mysteriously, and then took the initiative to pull the door of Liu Yi\'s room.

Liu Yi was indeed a little tired. He planned to take a bath after going to bed, but lay in a wooden barrel and fell asleep unconsciously.

At the same time, the princess stood in the palace and spoke to many members of the Queen\'s Guard in front of her.

"Those who are loyal to my royal family! Fight for this princess!"


More than a dozen elite warriors of the Queen\'s Guards held their hands high and responded in unison.

"Help me keep the palace, and all will come and go away!"

The princess continued.

"May I give my life to the princess!"

More than ten guards immediately grouped Liu Yi\'s room into a ball, not holding a magic sword but a spear.

Only high-level queen guards will take the sharp guns, they are the reliance of Princess Longhe!

It\'s all up to you, you must protect Mr. Liu for me!

Princess Longhe was desperately hoping.

At the same time, some shadows are approaching silently towards this side.

I saw Qiu Han and other elders, each bringing some women to the palace.

"Princess Ben is here today. You would like to take a half-step closer to your bedroom! As the guardian of the royal family, you should stand on the side of Princess Ben!"

Princess Long He was like an old hen protecting a chick, she said aloud.

"His Royal Highness, forgive us for being rude this time!"

Qiu Hanzheng said, "Supreme Elder, this name, we have been waiting for too long!"

"Yes, Your Highness, please forgive me!"

The elders "betrayed" the princess one after another, making Princess Longhe a little crazy.

"Okay, since that\'s the case, then let\'s see who is the final winner!"

Princess Longhe picked up Tang Sanzang\'s staff and held it in her hand, loudly.

"Sisters, the opportunity will not come, let\'s go!"

Qiu Han waved his hand and hundreds of female soldiers immediately rushed up.


The warriors of these daughter countries fought together, and the Fashen kept fighting against each other in order to fight for the man who was sleeping in the room!

"All give up!"

Qiu Han\'s strength is the highest here, carrying two magic swords, as if entering a no-man\'s land, his opponent fleeed in embarrassment.

She broke through the obstacles and finally reached the front of the room.

At this time, Princess Longhe knocked Tang Sanzang\'s staff heavily on the ground.


A crimson-red enchantment rose and enveloped the entire guest room.


Qiu Han couldn\'t help but scream, "Princess, you have released Brahma Enchantment!"

"Why not?"

With a smug smile on the corner of Princess Longhe’s mouth, she stood inside the enchantment and looked at the women who had been huddled outside. “This staff is originally a father’s thing. I use it for nothing wrong.”

"Princess! You you you, you are too shameless!"

Qiu Han is really mad, and this time the princess really... did unforgivable things!

"It\'s fair."

A little pride hung on the corner of Princess Longhe’s mouth, “Look, you Elder Qiu is proficient in mana, but I don’t know mana, I can only use the Jiutian God Fire Stick! So we are all the same!