Love Dependency Disease

858 Chapter 858

As soon as Princess Longhe touched the fire rod of the Nine Heavens God, the spell of the seal was unlocked immediately!

"Qiu Han, how bold you are!"

Princess Longhe doesn\'t care if she is naked, so she must start the spell with the Nine Sky God\'s Fire Stick.

"Oops! Let the little girl count!"

Qiu Han hurried out of the window and hurriedly hid.

"Damn it, return my husband!"

Princess Longhe put on a white coat and rushed out.

At the same time, Yueqinger has put Liu Yi into the cave.

This cave is very hidden, and outsiders have absolutely no idea.

I was naughty once and accidentally fell off the cliff before discovering this place.

Yue Qinger looked at Liu Yi lying on the ground, her face flushed.

"Brother Stone... Now you are Qing\'er..."

Deep in her emotions, she couldn\'t help but reach out and gently stroked Liu Yi\'s cheek.

You can also feel a burst of warmth, which may be the reason for the hot water just now.

"Brother Stone has been soaked for so long, his body has softened."

Yue Qinger squatted there, looking at Liu Yi, and gently turned his head.

How does this fit...

It looks like my sister has never taught herself this...

By the way... I remember that there seems to be an unhealthy book at home... It seems that there are special records of these things... I might as well secretly go home and take a look.

"Brother\'ll wait for a while..."

Qing\'er said, turning her mana into a beautiful feather coat, gently covering Liu Yi\'s body.

"Qing\'er will come soon..."

After talking, Yue Qing\'er quietly left the cave, and then returned home in a short while.

Qinger took advantage of the fact that the family had fallen asleep, and quietly found out the booklet with the male and female fit, and put it in his arms.

"Hee hee, Brother Stone, Qing\'er is here for you."

Yueqinger touched the door again and slipped out of the room.

But she did not know that, at the same time, the two figures followed each other from the dark.

"Brother Stone, Qing\'er is here!"

Yueqinger jumped into the cave and was excited when Liu Yi was still asleep.

"Now Qing\'er will be able to be one with Brother Stone..."

With that said, she also lost her clothes, and then walked towards Liu Yi in a shy answer.

"Qing\'er, he can\'t give it to you!"

Qiu Han\'s figure suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Yue Qing\'er.

"You, why are you here!"

Yue Qinger was suddenly taken aback, and she did not expect that Elder Qiu would find it!

"It seems that you hid him here a few days ago, but it is a good place to hide."

Qiu Han smiled, "But girl, you\'re too anxious, and accidentally exposed your feet. This Liu Yi, I belong to tonight."

With that, he suddenly reached for a poke and planned to hit the bloodline of Yueqinger.

Although Yueqing\'er is the Queen\'s Guard, the strength is far worse than that of Qiu Han who is an elder!

If it is poked, it is estimated that she will be sealed for one or two hours.

And Yue Qinger\'s reaction was also very quick, her body suddenly flashed into the distance, and posted on the wall of the hole.

A pink plumage was pierced by Qiu Han\'s fingers, apparently the avatar left by Yue Qing\'er.

"Qing\'er, you are not my opponent, don\'t resist."

Qiu Han warned.

"For Brother Stone, Qing\'er is willing to spare her life!"

Yue Qinger said firmly.

"Qing\'er, you girl, you won\'t..."

Qiu Han was shocked, why, did this girl like Liu Yi?

What\'s so good about this stinky man who actually hooked the souls of so many people in her daughter country!

It\'s really abominable, and indeed a man is a very annoying creature!

This man can\'t stay... Wait for his essence to be taken away immediately!

"Qing\'er, I\'ll help you!"

Unexpectedly at this time, another person appeared at the entrance of the cave. Princess Longhe stepped on the fire stick of the Nine Heavens God, flew in, and fell to the ground, holding the staff in his hand again.

"Elder Qiu, I can\'t let you wanton today!"

Long He said that with a wave of the staff, Tang Sanzang, which was formed by the golden light, stood in the cave again, and the Buddha\'s light was dazzling.

"God, princess, you are here to release the shadow of Tang Sanzang, the whole cave will collapse!"

Qiu Han said quickly.

"do my best!"

Princess Long He\'s eyes were firm, "If you don\'t get a sir today, Long He will be entangled with you to the end!"

"His Royal Highness, Qing\'er accompanies you!"

Yue Qing\'er shouted.

"Either... Or do we have a gentler way..."

Qiu Han was afraid that the princess would be injured, and hurriedly said, "Since your determination has been determined, it is not easy for the prince to block...but this is the matter of the Supreme Elder, everyone is qualified! It is better to... change the way?"

"In what way?"

Long He couldn\'t help asking.

"It\'s better... use guessing to make a decision..."

Qiu Han was also quite helpless. "We can\'t get a result, and it\'s easy to hurt both sides, and even hurt Liu Yi, then it\'s not good."

"But...this guessing is too much fun..."

Long He looked a little strange.

"How can it be called a children\'s play? This is for God to help us decide."

Qiu Han said, "If the queen has spirit, it will naturally help one of us."

"Then I agree, Qing\'er\'s luck has always been good!"

"It can only be so..."

Long He seemed to sigh helplessly.

The three men sat in a group, hiding one hand.

"Then listen to my slogan!"

Princess Longhe\'s eyes flashed a gleam, "scissors, stones, cloth!"

Two vague figures flashed through Long He\'s mind, and the corners of her mouth could not help to lift slightly.

Qiu Han suddenly felt something wrong, but the timing was too late and he had already shot.

She and Qing\'er both opened their fingers and spread their slaps.

Long He stretched out two fingers and won easily.

"It seems that the queen and luck are on my side."

Princess Long He laughed.


Qiu Han almost wanted to suck his mouth!

How can she forget this, the princess can peep into the memory of others!

You can peep at the memory, and you can also peep at the heart!

What did she and Yue Qing\'er do, the princess would have known for a long time!

Ahhhh!This time, I dig myself and jump!

Qiu Han despised his IQ for the first time!

"Since I won, I\'m sorry for the two."

Princess Long He smiled and said, "I also hope that the two of you will not get fat with words!"

"Now that it is finalized, Qiu Han will not break his promise!"

Qiu Han was defeated this time.

"Ah, annoying, so annoying!"

Yue Qing\'er also stomped straight, but they had become losers and had no choice.

"You two haven\'t left yet?"

Princess Longhe asked with a muttered mouth.

"How does this work?"

Qiu Han waved his hand, "We two have to protect Princess and Liu Yi\'s safety here!"

"Yeah, yeah, just watch it!"

Yue Qinger gambles.

"You, just watch if you want to..."

There is no way for Princess Longhe. Anyway, she is so determined today.

She faded her white clothes, re-exposed her perfect carcass, and then walked slowly to Liu Yi.

Yue Qing\'er and Qiu Han didn\'t stop her anymore, but stood on the side, full of complaints and unwillingness.

Regardless of them, you must hurry to do your own business...

Long He had been around Liu Yi for a long time, but he didn\'t know what to do. He was sweating a little in a hurry.

"This...His Royal Highness...Will you read this book..."

Yue Qing\'er watched the princess wander around for a long time, knowing that the princess didn\'t know how to start, and had to pass the book hidden in her arms.

"Okay... Then I research..."

Long He took it, took it in his hand, turned a few pages, and suddenly turned red.

" turned out to be..."

"Can\'t your Highness do it? Let Qing\'er come!"

Yue Qinger immediately took the initiative to ask for a taunt.

"No need... me, I can do it!"

As soon as the princess gritted her teeth, she climbed onto Liu Yi, but she was a little puzzled.

"He...his stuff is can\'t be stuffed in..."

"His Royal Highness...the book says...if soft, you can lick..."

Yue Qing\'er turned the book and blushed.

"Oh, oh..."

Long He had no other choice but to lie down under Liu Yi, then opened the cherry mouth and slowly swallowed Xiao Yi into his mouth.

Although Liu Yi was unconscious, his physical response was still very faithful!

With the help of such a small mouth of cherry, Xiao Liuyi immediately began to grow and develop!

"Um... um..."

Soon Long He’s small mouth could not contain Liu Yi’s behemoth, she quickly released her mouth, spit out Xiao Liu Yi, and then began to get nervous.

"It\'s time to sit up, princess!"

Yue Qing\'er seemed a little curious, staring at Xiao Liu Yi without moving her eyes, and then yelled.

Qiu Han covered his eyes and said, "Why is this girl still choked up... Really heartless..."

Princess Long He gritted her teeth and sat up against Xiao Liu Yi.

A pain came from the lower body, but although not an immortal, Princess Longhe\'s body was still good.

The pain passed quickly. She lay on Liu Yi\'s body with a few gasps, and then began to rise and fall, her hips moving.

Soon, Princess Longhe felt a strong thrill and attacked her from the bottom.

"Okay, so strange..."

Princess Long He groaned to herself while moving, "Okay, so comfortable..."

"How comfortable are you?"

Yue Qing\'er sucked a finger and couldn\'t help but wonder, asking.

"Anyway, anyway, very comfortable... I, I can\'t..."

Princess Longhe\'s combat ability was not good, and she quickly fell off Liu Yi. Her physical strength was gone, but the essence of Liu Yi had not been released.

"That won\'t work, the essence hasn\'t come out yet!"

Qiu Han exclaimed.

"Qing, Qing\'er, you go on..."

When Princess Longhe knew it was not selfish at this time, she ordered.

"Okay, I\'m going!"

Yue Qing\'er\'s expression was like going to the execution ground, and she came with her head upright!

She learned how to look like Princess Longhe and also rode on Liu Yi.

Yue Qing\'er soon understood why Her Royal Highness the Princess said...comfortable...

Indeed...very just went up...

Feeling this kind of stimulus, I had to move myself... I was really tired... Soon, Yue Qing\'er was also full of fighting power.

"Elder Qiu...It\'s your turn..."