Love Dependency Disease

747 747 Women's War

Liu Yi now understands why Aona can be so proud.

She does have proud capital, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace is now striking his sight!

At this moment, Liu Yi only realized how "little childish" the Songjiang Dragon Palace was.

I used to think that the Songjiang Dragon Palace was quite big, but now I know that it is just a small village!

The East China Sea Dragon Palace is so huge, the entire trench is endless, and there are magnificent palaces everywhere!

Surrounding the palace are towering dragon pillars. These dragon pillars are nearly a hundred meters high and go deep into the upper part of the sea water, hiding a part.

Around the Dragon Palace, aquatic soldiers wandered one by one.Liu Yi observed, 360 degrees in all directions, no dead ends!

The guard is also very strict!Liu Yi began to meditate, if his army attacked, where should he attack first.If you want to evacuate, it is best to withdraw from where.

Liu Yi floated in the water and began to let Xiaoxuan scan the map of the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace.

At this moment, a roar came from the opposite side.

"Who dares to approach me at the East China Sea Dragon Palace? Sign up!"

"You dog minions, can\'t you recognize who this princess is?"

Ao Na turned into an adult and floated beside Liu Yi, cursing.

The shrimp soldiers on the opposite side saw Ao Na and immediately saluted one by one.

"I don\'t know if it\'s the return of the second princess, it\'s really the fault of the minions! Please also princess the second princess!

Looking at the groveling shrimp soldiers, Liu Yi couldn\'t help but shook his head.

These prawn soldiers, although they look like they are, but they are golden, and they are defeated.

Too weak, there is no soldier\'s spirit at all, there is a kind of slavery in the bone!

Probably this is the style of Donghai, it really makes Liu Yi not like it.

Being a son-in-law in such a place... I\'m afraid it\'s not much better.

"Second Princess, don\'t you know who this is?"

A shrimp soldier\'s eyes fell on Liu Yi.

"Bold, is this what you should ask?"

The second princess pinched her waist, glared, and yelled.

The princess came up with a temper, so terrified the shrimp soldiers.

"Yes, I\'m sorry Princess II, the minion knew the wrong!"

"Then don\'t hurry up and show us the way!"

"Yes Yes!"

Where can this little shrimp dare to talk back to the second princess, and quickly start leading the way in front.

The second princess glanced at Liu Yi proudly, which clearly said, how is it, this princess is amazing?

Liu Yi did not answer, but just extended a finger and pointed to the top.

The meaning is also obvious. The second princess is so clever. When I saw it, Liu Yi meant that you are so powerful because you have someone on it.

The second princess is very depressed, damn, this damn guy, can you boast about death?

The second princess couldn\'t scold it directly, so she had to swallow her breath in her stomach.From small to large, I have received more anger today than in my whole life!

Liu Yi followed the shrimp soldiers all the way to the depths of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. From time to time, he would encounter rows and rows of outposts.

"You too are too cautious in the East China Sea."

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but send a message to the second princess, "Ten steps and one sentry, is this the rhythm of the prison?"

"This is something that cannot be done."

The second princess shrugged her shoulders and replied, "At that time, a monkey splashed into the East China Sea and took away the Dinghai Shenzhen of our East China Sea. Since then, Donghai\'s defense has become much stricter."


Liu Yi couldn\'t help laughing. "Even if there are these guards, if they fight against the Buddha, if they make trouble again, can they stop it?"

"This... is better than nothing."

The second princess also had some guilty conscience, and indeed, the great mana that defeated the Buddha with a battle, these prawns and soldiers were indeed not enough to watch.

"Although the Four Seas Dragon Palace is very strong, it can\'t be compared with Heavenly Court and Western Elysium."

The second princess had no choice but to say, "Since ancient times, there has been only one king of the sky dragon, who can go to the heaven of the nine heavens. The other dragon kings do not even have masters of the heavenly rank. How can they fight against the forces of the heaven of the heavens? We are just the small government under the heavenly court, responsible for helping the heavenly court to look after the world."

She sighed faintly, "At that time, the four seas were independent, and the power pattern was more than a fight. Everyone wanted to be the king of the four seas. Until the end of the day, the king of the dragon was born and unified the four seas. But the character of the king of the dragon is a bit lonely, and has always been his own way. Yes, I heard that after she conquered the four seas, she never rained and rained in accordance with the requirements of the heaven, which caused floods and droughts everywhere. Finally, the court was furious and sent people to suppress the four seas. The king of the dragon was alone and challenged the entire heaven. God, he fought against the Six Gods in the Celestial Realm and finally fell."

Liu Yiting\'s heart moved, did the Dragon King have such a legendary history that day?

Does this make Liu Yi fascinated, create legends, create history, and is there anything more exciting than this?

I also created a story about the sword emperor... but it was just a tragic story.

"It seems that the Dragon King is as powerful as fighting the Buddha."

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but praise.

"Just kidding, how could the battle against Buddha be compared to the Dragon King?"

The second princess literacy for Liu Yi, "Before becoming a Buddha, although the Nabo monkey had high mana, he could only draw an equal tie with the god Erlang of the heavenly court. In front of the Western Buddha in the fourfold sky, he was beaten. Later, after going west to learn from the sutra, he became a battle to defeat the Buddha, and since then he realized a greater Buddha power, and his strength has improved a lot. And our Heavenly Dragon King, sweeping through the heavens and the bliss world with one person, if not the heavenly god of the nineth heaven How can he fall when he is out!"

Speaking of which, the second princess was proud.

"What strength is the Dragon King that day...I really want to see."

Liu Yi was cherished.

"When you are extremely long-eyed and open the Dragon Tomb, you can see it."

Princess II said, "However, whether you guys can do all this, Princess Ben really has to wait and see."

"Well, let\'s wait and see."

The kung fu of the two people had reached the front hall of the dragon palace.

A huge dragon gate appeared in front of Liu Yi, with a height of nearly 100 meters, and two dragon pillars on both sides, with a golden dragon carved on it.

A pair of plaques hang on the gate, and there are four ancient characters in the script on the plaque.

"Donghai Dragon Palace."

Two giant whale warriors stood on either side of the gate.

The two giant whale warriors are each thirty to forty meters tall, covered in deep sea gold armor, carrying a giant axe in their hands, majestic.

Liu Yi blinked, thinking that he saw the rhythm of the crossover.

The hall is radiant and splendid, with pearls and gemstones everywhere, very gorgeous and luxurious.

Liu Yi looked closely and found that the ground was actually paved with gold!Male Gobi, is this Donghai Dragon Palace not a home of local tyrants?

Could it be that he was here to borrow a magic weapon to win the Buddha?

Immediately after entering the hall, they saw the two drainage tribes, standing on either side of a golden-red blanket.

The golden-red blanket kept rushing forward, extending a few hundred meters, and finally spread upward, stopping in front of a huge golden chair.

On the golden chair, sat a burly earth dragon king.

Unlike the old dragon, the dragon king in front of him seems to be middle-aged, strong and strong, and the dragon\'s breath is very strong.

Behind the dragon king stood two beautiful clam women, holding a fan in hand, slowly fanning the dragon king.

At this time, it seems to be the same as the Kai Dynasty, a Shui is talking to the Dragon King.

Lying trough, this is simply a small court!What is the difference between the Dragon Lord and the Emperor?

Liu Yi\'s eyes swept slightly, and suddenly saw a tall man standing in the front row.The man had a bald head, a burly figure, muscular stones, and a sharp air on his body.As a dragon hunter, Liu Yi is very sensitive to enchantment.He smelled the other party\'s enchantment, and it seemed that this guy was the prime minister from the deep sea turtle in Aona\'s mouth!

"Father, my daughter is back."

After coming in, Aona said.

In fact, Liu Yi was still a little nervous. If Aona really turned abruptly and told the truth, then he could only go to war.

Although not afraid of the power of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, for the development of Songjiang, it is not yet time to start the war.

"It turned out to be Aona, just come back."

The Dragon King glanced at his daughter and said lightly, there was an indescribable majesty in his voice.

"How did you go out this time?"

A woman who looks a little like Ao Na, but looks old, said slowly.

Liu Yi glanced at her and found that the man standing next to her looked somewhat similar to Susu Su, and immediately knew who the man was.

The great princess of the East China Sea, the one next to her is the Susu\'s older brother, who has been in the sky.

At this time, Biantian closed his eyes slightly and seemed to be standing Xiaomei.

"Not bad, elder sister, don\'t you always nest in the East China Sea, next time I will go out with my second sister to relax."

The relationship between the two princesses and her sister seems fairly harmonious, as can be seen in the conversation.

"It\'s not necessary anymore. Together with me, I have to help my father Wang manage the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Where is the second sister so leisurely, you can play around."

The big princess smiled bitterly.

"Oh, it\'s time when the second sister came back."

At this time, another woman\'s voice flew out.

Liu Yi turned her head and looked at it, a younger woman, wearing a brocade skirt and various jewelry on her head, which was very luxurious.

"I thought my elder sister was hiding me and wouldn\'t come back."

"Little girl, where is this?"

Ao Na resisted the unpleasantness in her heart and laughed lightly, "We are a family, why should we hide from you. When you are an elder sister, I wish you and your three pony come back a few times. Isn\'t it, three pony?

With that, she made a pretentious gesture and threw a charming flare at the three pony horses.

A handsome little white-faced prince beside the third princess suddenly shook her body, and then he laughed twice.

For a time, the third princess looked ugly.

Liu Yixin said, Nima, the war of women!