Love Dependency Disease

746 746 East Sea Dragon Palace

"You actually followed me."

On the way to the East China Sea, Aona looked at Liu Yi with a weird look, "Are you really afraid that Princess Ben will betray you?"

"Your Dragon Ball is not in my hand?"

Liu Yi wanted to play Ao Na\'s Dragon Ball as if playing a glass ball, and Ao Na was shocked.

"If you want to get reborn earlier, you can try it."

"What if princess Ben is just to lie to you in the past to kill a fish?"

Ao Na refused to whisper, "Princess Ben is like a person with no integrity?"


Liu Yi shook his finger, "You are not like you, you are."

"Damn it! How dare you look down on Princess Ben... Beware that Princess Ben really came to you with a broken net! And, don\'t play, it\'s not a marble, it\'s Princess Ben\'s most precious dragon ball!"

"This thing is much more fun than marbles."

Liu Yi continued tossing Ao Na’s Dragon Ball and said, “And you have to know one thing, the reason why I dare to come with you is not just the problem of holding your Dragon Ball. You have to believe, my Strength, even if you have spared your life and tried to kill me with a dead net, I can escape from the siege of the East China Sea."

Liu Yi is now the strength of Tianjie, almost in the rhythm of the human world.

If it were not for the purpose of cultivating the strength of his aquarium, Liu Yi could wipe out the sea alone.

It is easy to destroy, but it is difficult to conquer.What Liu Yi is doing is conquering, so that his power can become even greater!

"You man, I\'m so arrogant!"

Ao Na reminds Liu Yi, "Princess is too lazy to expose you, but I still have to tell you first that the power of the East China Sea is not as weak as you think! Although there are no male heirs in the family, the strength of my brother-in-law and brother-in-law They are not weak, they are all masters of the upper level. Liao Wang is nothing compared to them."

Speaking of these two people, Liu Yi remembered what Su Su Su told him before leaving.

"Fujun, when you arrive in the East China Sea, you must be careful of my brother."

The girl was extroverted, and after she had followed Liu Yi, she focused on him.

"My second brother Biantian called the smiling tiger, what he said... don\'t take it too seriously!"

"What kind of people are your brother-in-law and brother-in-law?"

Thinking of this, Liu Yi couldn\'t help asking.

"Princess Ben\'s brother-in-law, your second prince in Songjiang, can be called our military division in the East China Sea."

Ao Na talked about that, "Speaking of that, although Songjiang is a small place, a few sons are quite famous. The crown prince boiled extensively as an official in the Tiangong, but he ate the official meal of the court. God, when we entered the East China Sea, we were considered to have a backer. Unfortunately, the third prince was still young and he did not see him this time. In other words, where did he go?"

Ao Na asked, Liu Yi coughed suddenly.

"Then... Except for the two males, Donghai has no other powerful characters?"

Liu Yi coughed twice and hurriedly digressed.

Where else can you go?I was killed by myself, and even my head was cut off.

Although he was not intentional, but this is after all a vegetarian brother.Speaking of fate, if it was not because he killed Bo Li, he would not know Bo Su, nor would he become the master of this Songjiang Dragon Palace.

Although Liu Yi does not like the theory of destiny, he sometimes has to sigh the wonders of fate.

"East Sea naturally has many powerful characters! But they are not dragons, but other races."

Ao Na said something about it, and got a little proud again, "For example, our prime minister, he is a deep-sea turtle, very powerful! We are among the strongest in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, except for the father and king. Okay."

"A turtle is so powerful?"

"You too underestimate our aquatic creatures!"

Aona pouted, "All creatures in the world can become monsters, all can become immortals, and all can become Buddhas! You are in the Immortal Realm, and you don\'t even understand this simple truth? Want to fight that Buddha Sun Wukong? It\'s from a stubborn stone!"

This Ao Na\'s words shocked Liu Yi.

Yeah...I seem to be caught in a misunderstanding!

Everything in the world can become a fairy, and all can become a Buddha!Wasn\'t it the same as myself?With a mortal body, stepped into the immortal realm!

And what\'s wrong with a turtle cultivating to great success?

Are all beings equal?

Liu Yi feels that the power of the Buddha in his body seems to have improved!

The improvement of the mood can often lead to the improvement of power!

Liu Yi\'s current state, all kinds of strength in the body, are very abundant!

But he seemed to have reached a bottleneck. To make an analogy, it was like his body is now a basin. If he wants to hold more water, he must replace his body with a bathtub.Otherwise, if more water is poured in, it will only overflow.

Now every kind of comprehension will increase the body container of Liu Yi a little.

His energy has also reached 17%, and with another 3%, he can fully open the second solar vortex and then hit the third solar vortex.

"thank you."

After Liu Yi felt the growth of Fo Li, he turned and thanked Aona.

"Thank me? Thank me for what?" Aona was surprised, not knowing why Liu Yi had to thank herself.

"Thank you for being so beautiful."

Liu Yi didn\'t explain much, just ridiculed.

"Humph, a slick man."

Ao Na was somewhat flattered, but in the pride of the princess, she still arrogantly snorted in her face.

Liu Yi didn\'t pursue it either, and the two continued to march in the water quickly.

Both of them are masters, even if Aona has not reached the level, it will not be much worse, not to mention that she is a dragon, and she is as easy as arriving at home in the water.

Especially after entering the East China Sea, Aona uttered a whisper directly, and then turned into a white dragon with a length of 30 to 40 meters, which traveled faster in the water.

The white dragon, the incarnation of Aona, turned around and asked.

"Why don\'t you turn back to the ontology, I still don\'t know what your ontology looks like!"

Hearing this, Liu Yi hesitated slightly.

Where did you come from?He is a normal human... It just happens to be a dragon body, also a half-human half-dragon, and there is no way to turn into a real dragon.

"I like the human body."

Liu Yi quickly followed Bailong, pretending to say.

"How is the human body good? Too weak!"

Aona vomited.

"The dragon\'s flesh is the most arrogant!"

"This is wrong."

Liu Yi smiled and said, "The human body is the most perfect existence in the world. The golden ratio, and the speed of cultivation is faster and more convenient. You say that the body is strong, but those who practice Buddha are practicing a body that is not bad , I don’t know how many times stronger than the dragon’s flesh!"

"Huh, we dragons can also practice! Dragons are kings among demons!"

Aona said disapprovingly.

"You have to admit this? You are also a dragon family, how can you speak to outsiders!"

"Isn\'t that what you told me? All creatures in the event can become immortals and Buddhas! Since you have such consciousness, why do you think too much about yourself? Too obsessed with your race will be covered To look away."

"Cut, why is it so philosophical again, really boring!"

Ao Na suddenly had a lot of fun, "If you have the ability to chase the princess, catch up with the princess, the princess will admit that you have a point!"

With that, her tail twisted, and then suddenly accelerated like a torpedo, breaking through the water directly at a rapid speed.

"Really a girl..."

Liu Yi smiled faintly. Although he couldn\'t become a real dragon completely, there were nine Xuanxin Sutras in his cultivation method.

This is an ice spell, born out of water.

In the water, Liu Yi completely let go of the rhythm.

And he directly entered the state of the washing machine appendage, water unicorn is the darling of water, swimming is nothing but a piece of cake.

Liu Yi\'s body was swimming fast in the water, and his whole body was like a wave-breaking shark, the speed was almost extreme!

The resistance in the water is the same for Liu Yi as anyone who doesn\'t know, thinks he is flying!

Ao Na was proud, saying that without the streamlined body of the dragon, how could Liu Yi surpass herself.

She turned her head secretly and almost broke her tongue.

That Liu Yi was so fast that he surpassed himself in the blink of an eye!

How can it be!Obviously a human gesture, even faster than himself!

Is the dragon family the king in the water?

Others are not as good as this guy, can\'t they even swim faster?

Does he make people live anymore?Is Liu Yi a monster?

Aona really couldn\'t understand this man.

What kind of monster is he?It seems that it is not an ordinary dragon race!

Where did Song Jiang find such a tough guy to be the Dragon Lord?I was confused for a lifetime, but I found a good son-in-law!

"Slow down... wait for this princess!"

Ao Na felt a little difficult to swim, and could not catch up with Liu Yi in front.

"You are too slow."

Liu Yi also spoke easily, even turned around, and walked backwards, looking at Aona, with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth, let Aona gritted her teeth.

This guy... so shameful!Really want to smoke him!

But he can\'t be drawn, this is the biggest problem!

"Don\'t be too fast, the Donghai Dragon Palace is not far away!"

Ao Na finally had no choice but to plead.


Liu Yi turned around and slowed down.

Sure enough, there is a huge trench in front, and there is a rather majestic palace in the trench!

Although this dragon palace is under the sea, there is a mysterious enchantment to protect it, so ordinary people can\'t find it at all, only those who cultivate immortals can see it.

If it can be seen by ordinary people, it is estimated that this kind of thing has long been on the news.

While seeing the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Liu Yi was really shocked.