Love Dependency Disease

748 Chapter 748: Intrigue

As the saying goes, three women have one play.

Now that they are three dragon palace princesses, wouldn\'t it be possible to perform the rhythm of an 80-episode soap opera?

Especially the three princesses and the second princess, all with thorns in their words, it is just the battlefield dedicated to their women!

What is the battlefield for men?The two of them didn’t look good, okay, come out and have a fight, it’s good to win.

The two women looked upset at each other?Then it is really a black-bellied means, do not play the other side until the unhappy posture!

So since ancient times, there is a saying, don’t mess with women...well, let’s not say whether this is what the ancients handed down, but Liu Yi thinks it makes some sense.

It\'s like the demon emperor Zhang Yunyun... In order to avenge his revenge, even destroy the entire human world!

This is the crazy revenge of a woman!

The second princess deliberately gave the three pony a look, which seemed ambiguous, and directly aroused the three pony\'s love-desire.

It is estimated that in the hearts of these three horses, Long Xing is obscene, and I do not know how many times YY has lost his auntie!

Although before the Dragons, women out of the wall, or male concubines are nothing new.But her sister in front of her face blatantly hooked up with her man, which made the third princess unbearable!

"I said second sister, it\'s not a big deal for you to go out this time!"

She pointed the spear of the attack at Liu Yi, "This is the only time to go out, and the men around me have been replaced...what about your fiancé Liao Wang? Was it abandoned by you? Is it our second sister who is so good , Changing men is faster than changing pants."

Liu Yi\'s eyes glared, Nima, this chick pointed the finger at me to dry hair!Lie the gun properly!

"Oh, no introduction yet."

Regarding Liu Yi\'s remarks, Ao Na has already thought about it.

"Father, I forgot to say that this time when my daughter went out to play in Songjiang, I ran into a group of powerful aquarium robbers. My poor fiancé, in order to protect my daughter, was already dead. This man saved his daughter. Then escort her daughter back."

When Aona said these words, her complexion remained unchanged, and she could not see that she had made it up!

Liu Yi had to admire that this woman is scheming!

"Little girl is fine, that would be great."

The big princess hurriedly patted her chest. "This gentleman, thank you so much."


The third princess was not very happy. It seemed that her second sister had not died, but it was a pity.

"Your sister still seems to care about you."

Liu Yi sent a message to Ao Na, "It\'s your little sister, who has a bad relationship with you."

"My little sister wants me to die."

Ao Na blinked at Liu Yi and said, "As for my elder sister, huh, huh, she doesn\'t care about me, but the identity of Longan\'s confidential person."

Longan confidential person?What is this?

It didn\'t take Liu Yi to understand that the Dragon King of the East China Sea had already spoken.

"It turns out that this is the young man who protected the East China Sea Princess. Where are you from?"

The sound resounded in Hong Zhong, echoing in Liu Yi\'s ear.

"Return to the Dragon King of the East China Sea."

Pretending to be respectful, Liu Yi shook his hand and said, "The villain is Songjiang Dragon King."

"Oh, it was Songjiang\'s Dragon King."

The East Sea Dragon King nodded, his eyes widened a lot.

Hey, I guess this old guy looks down on himself.Liu Yi understands that although Aona’s lies are true, they are also full of danger.Because as a second princess of the East China Sea, there will be many people who want to climb her tall branch.So she was attacked and rescued by someone else, probably by the director who rescued her.The reason why the East Sea Dragon King asked about his identity was to see if he threatened the East Sea Dragon Palace!

After hearing his identity, he was relieved.This Dragon King of the East China Sea, I am afraid that he did not take his little Songjiang Dragon King in his eyes at all.

I want to come too, just like the emperor of the great Tang Dynasty, I heard that there is a Korean king from a small country next to him. Although there will be courtesy, it will not be regarded as such.

How can a super-empire owner despise the village chief of a projectile land?

But if let the East China Sea Dragon King know that he is the strength of Tianjie... I am afraid that he should not be able to sit on the golden chair at this time.

"You saved my daughter, the king wants to reward you. Say, what do you want?"

After hearing the words of King Donghai, Ao Na looked at Liu Yi slightly nervously.

Liu Yi also knew what she was worried about and sneered in her heart.

This old fox is clearly testing himself!

"Oops... this...what a shame..."

Liu Yi deliberately pretended to be embarrassed, rubbing his hands, hey laughed.

"But it doesn\'t matter, you are a meritorious person, and the reward should be."

The East Sea Dragon King waved his hand.

"Hey... Then if that\'s the case... that... Could you please ask the East Sea Dragon King to reward the villain with some treasures..."

After talking, Liu Yi gazed greedily at the night pearls inlaid next to him.

Hearing this, the third princess sneered beside him. The eldest princess did not say anything, but her eyes became a little contemptuous.

The second princess flashed a look in her eyes, but quickly erased it.

Liu Yi\'s Yu Guang has been staring at the Dragon King of the East China Sea and found that after he said this, his eyes were looser and more contemptuous.

Very good, all he wants is this effect.

"It\'s easy to say, Ao Li, you\'ll go and get the seven fine night pearls to reward this person."

"Yes, Father."

The princess nodded, her face calm.

It can also reduce the vigilance of the East China Sea, and can earn seven first-class night pearls, why not do it?

Liu Yi laughed inwardly.

Sure enough, the belly black one has become more and more influenced by himself, but Liu Yi is not repelling these.

In order to protect yourself and protect the person you love, there is nothing darker.

Even if it degenerates into a demon, Liu Yi can do nothing!

"Since that is the case, Aona, take your savior and go around."

The Dragon King of the East Sea basically put down his vigilance, and with a wave of his hand, he planned to send Liu Yi.

Ao Na and Liu Yi were secretly happy, saying that they finally passed this level.

But at this time, the heaven that had been closing his eyes and raising his mind suddenly opened his eyes.

"Songjiang Dragon King? Why haven\'t I heard? You guys, who is not good to pretend, why did you just impersonate me Songjiang Dragon King?"

Liu Yi turned his head and looked at the brother who was a vegetarian.

With all the difficulties, he has already been mentally prepared.

Liu Yi saw a hint of cunning flash in the eyes of the Grand Princess. Sure enough, the two men were wearing a pair of pants.

No wonder they will become couples.

"This should be the second uncle."

Liu Yi didn\'t panic and hurry, and once bowed her hand, she gave a salute to the sky.

The second brother-in-law gave a little stunned cry.

What is the situation with Nima?Why is it so good that suddenly he evolved into his second uncle?

"Below is the prime minister\'s husband, who is the concubine of Songjiang Dragon Palace. Now that the old dragon king abdicates, I am the official dragon lord of Songjiang. Because my second uncle has been in the East China Sea, I don\'t know about it yet. Brother can send someone to ask."

Liu Yi\'s remarks made the sky frown.

The changes in Songjiang were probably unexpected.

"Since you say you are the Songjiang Dragon King, can you have a token?"

I still asked one more question, full of doubts.

"There is naturally this."

Liu Yi reached out his hand and pulled out the flag of Songjiang.

"This is the wind and rain flag of our Songjiang. Brother Uncle should be familiar with it. And this Songjiang Dragon Crown!"

Looking at the two familiar tokens brought out by Liu Yi, I couldn\'t help but believe it.

"Heaven, you haven\'t returned to Songjiang in a long time. Would you like to go back and take a look?"

At this time, the grand princess suddenly said.

"Alright, I haven\'t been home for a long time and I miss Songjiang\'s loved ones."

Suddenly his eyes turned, and nodded and said, "Father King, I want to go back to Songjiang, and also ask Father Wang Zhunxing."

"There\'s nothing wrong with going home. Since you miss Songjiang, go back."

The East Sea Dragon King nodded, "Ao Li, do you want to go back with your pony?"

"Daughter will not go, there are many things in the East China Sea that the daughter needs to do."

The grand princess shook her head and resigned.

"Then let Skybone go back alone."

"Thank you Father."

He immediately turned into a red long dragon and flew directly out of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Hey, this guy is really cautious.Unfortunately, he returned to the East China Sea, where it was seamless.

Before traveling, they had long thought they would come back.Therefore, most of the aquarium soldiers have been transferred to the site of the Ao shrimp tribe, and the remaining ones in the Dragon Palace are some of his familiar faces.

Returning to Songjiang, this guy was shocked at most by the death of his younger brother and his dad\'s lack of an arm.Other things, he could not find Liu Yi head up.

The old dragon king has long been in the same heart with himself. Although he killed the hardship by mistake, the old dragon king will not bury another daughter.

Suo Susu\'s heart is all on himself.

What\'s more, now that the old dragon king is so cruel, he obviously wants to make Songjiang Dragon Palace bigger with himself!

The old man was ambitious, and Liu Yi could see it.

But he has reached the twilight years, and the great cause of revitalizing the Songjiang Dragon Palace can only rely on himself!

"Okay, Aona, walk around with your life-saving benefactor."

The East Sea Dragon King has dealt with these things, and there are many other things to do, so he gestures impatiently.

"Got it, Father, the daughter is gone."

Aona nodded and led Liu Yi out of the hall.

The two came outside and were relieved.

"Huh, it seems that this pass is safe."

"Do you know why Princess Ben asked you to cooperate?"

Ao Na smiled bitterly at Liu Yi. "In the East China Sea, the intrigues are happening every day. However, Princess Ben is much stronger than them. Because the man chosen by Princess Ben is the best."

Liu Yi couldn\'t help crying, "Should I be happy?"

"You should kneel down gratefully and lick Princess Ben\'s shoes!"

"Your sister, I just want to hang up and smoke you!"

"This...can also..."
