Love Dependency Disease

745 745 Dare to go to the East China Sea?

Aona, the second princess of the East China Sea, although not the most beautiful of the three princesses of the East China Sea, is the smartest.

Although the dragon king killed her fiancé in front of her, for Aona, Liao Wang was not very important.The two are going to get married, but it is also the Dragon Palace in Heilongjiang to climb the tall branches of the East China Sea.

In particular, he couldn\'t satisfy Aona, who wanted to find a chance to get rid of him.

Now that he was killed by Liu Yi, it was his wish.

Moreover, looking at the ambitious new dragon king in front of him, Aona could only remember a word.

Is Jin Lin something in the pool!

This man will definitely be able to work out his own world in the future!

She seems to be gamble... Otherwise, she can only be the second sister of her little sister to despise her life.

How can this work!Ao Na is very smart, she understands that if a woman wants to have dignity, she must have a strong man!

The Liu Yi in front of me... seems to be a good choice!

Yes, gamble!Anyway, even if you lose, you will not suffer any losses!

"Now give you a chance to be our concubine in the East China Sea, how?"

Ao Na\'s words surprised everyone present.

This woman... what rhythm is Nima?

As soon as her fiancé died, she began to seek the next house?

This woman... is too natural to be cool!

"What a bitch!"

6257 couldn\'t help secretly cursing, but considering that the other party was still a second princess, she lowered her voice.No one heard it except Liu Yi.

"How? This is a rare opportunity!"

Ao Na thought that Liu Yi was tempted, so she seduce again and again, "When you become the concubine of the East China Sea, that\'s what you want. Especially since we don\'t have a male heir in East China Sea, the father is our three daughters. Maybe you are the concubine of the concubine. It is you who will inherit the East China Sea in the future. Think about our strength in the East China Sea and owning the East China Sea. Isn’t it better than you to be a little Lord Songjiang Dragon?”

Suo Susu was a little nervous, squeezing his fists and staring closely at Liu Yi.

She really can\'t make up her mind. Will Liu Yi agree?

I have to say that Ao Na\'s words, if you want to change to another dragon family, it is estimated that you will get on the train!

Become the concubine of the East China Sea, indeed a hundred times stronger than the nest in the small Songjiang!But if Liu Yi becomes the concubine of the East China Sea, then he really has no place.You may be Liu Yi\'s concubine by then, but since then, you must be oppressed by Aona.She didn\'t care about letting her be a concubine, but letting her be under Aona could not bear it.

It is a pity that Liu Yi heard these words.

He smiled lightly and said.

"It sounds very tempting. The East Sea concubine, it is estimated that other dragon races have to break their heads in order to compete for this position, right?"

"Of course, there are too many people who want to marry Princess Ben."

When Aona talked about this matter, she was proud again.She lifted her chin and raised her hand and said, "But Princess Ben now gives you this opportunity, aren\'t you grateful to Dade?"

"Sorry, I think you thought something was wrong."

Liu Yi looked at Aona and said, "This kind of strength is not waiting for someone to give it to you, but to fight for it by myself. My Liu Yi has more than ambition and confidence. Songjiang Dragon Palace It’s my base camp, and the Four Seas Dragon Palace is the target of my strategy. If I abandon even my own base camp, wouldn’t my foundation be gone? If I don’t even have a foundation, talk to conquer other sea areas? Songjiang Dragon Palace is a brother that I brought out with one hand. Even if they don’t want them, what kind of empire can I build? Aona, Princess Donghai, you tell me, if you are me, how should you choose? Ronghua is wealthy, or can you fight yourself to the last partner?"

Ao Na was asked by Liu Yi\'s words and stayed there for a while, not knowing what to answer.

Only then did she realize that she was not smart, but rather confused.This man is different from the guys she has encountered in the past, he is really the first man to enter his own eyes!

By comparison, what is Liao Wang?What is his little sister\'s man?

Liao Wang’s guy is brave and has no ambitions!

Sister\'s man?Hey, Xiaobai\'s face is all right!What can he do!And the man in front of him will surely have some achievements in the world!

Therefore, Aona couldn\'t help but release such words, hoping to attract Liu Yi into her second princess\'s arms!

It can also be said that this is an investment for smart women!

But the other party rejected himself, which is something that other dragon men cannot refuse.However, Ao Na was very clever, her eyes turned and she had a new idea.

"Well, even if you don\'t want to be my maid, but I think you should go back to the East China Sea with me."

"Do you think I look like a fool?"

Liu Yi heard Aona\'s words and looked at her with a smile.

"You don\'t have to hurry to deny Princess Ben, but listen to Princess Ben\'s words."

Ao Na said at this time that she was not in a hurry.

"In our East China Sea, there is something that you must take away. With my help, you can do more with less. If you don\'t take such a thing, you are not eligible to become the King of the Universe."


Liu Yi heard this and frowned slightly. What does Ao Na mean?

"Princess Ben doesn\'t lie about this matter, you can also ask the old dragon king."

Ao Na reached out with a finger and sat next to him, "What do you need to be the King of the Dragons of the Four Seas!"

Liu Yi\'s eyes immediately fell on Boao, and Bobo also nodded and said, "This one has forgotten to tell the Dragon Lord. If you want to be the head of all aquariums, the Dragon King must have four dragon eyes. This is what the Dragon King of the year left. Only when you get these four dragon eyes can you open the tomb of the Dragon and get the heritage of the Dragon King."

"Is this the same?"

Liu Yi suddenly became interested.

"Tianlong tomb! It turned out to be Tianlong tomb!"

Lin Tong also jumped up and down on Liu Yi\'s shoulder, "That\'s a great place! The place where the legendary treasure of the Dragon King is hidden!"

"Sister Foxxian know?"

Liu Yi thinks that her sister Sister Fox is a little Baidu!

"Of course, people in the demon world, don\'t you know this Tianlong tomb! If there are two largest treasures in this world, then the first is the five treasure secret treasure, and the second is the Tianlong tomb secret treasure! Among them, there is the inheritance of the King Tianlong, and those who can get the inheritance of the King Tianlong can have the power of a unified world!"

"Is it so evil?"

Liu Yi listened.A guy who has already hung up can still leave such a big energy?

"Of course, this Dragon King has surpassed the existence of the crossover. I heard that he had a tie with the water god of the six gods of the gods! Can he still have the wrong treasure?"

"It sounds like awesome..."

Liu Yi pondered for a while, "Why did Aona tell me this..."

"Because Princess Ben wants you to unify the world."

Ao Na\'s mouth slightly raised, "At that time, you are the king of the dragon all over the world, and you have sealed me as the queen of the East China Sea!"

I have to say that Ao Na\'s words surprised Liu Yi.

This woman has such ambitions?

"This woman may be throwing bait."

The saber reminded Liu Yi, "Her words are not enough."

"This is a gamble."

Ao Na held her arms, "Anyway, no matter whether you go to the East China Sea or not, Princess Ben has no loss. But if you want East Sea Longan, you should do this. In the East China Sea, only the Princess and Two fathers. You missed this opportunity, even if you have the power to attack the East China Sea and take the position of the East China Dragon King, my stubborn father will not tell you the position of the longan. Without the longan, you can’t open Tianlong Tomb."

"Aren\'t you afraid that after I took the longan, I would kill you in a blink of an eye?"

Liu Yi asked Aona.

Ao Na laughed, "You are really too cautious. Didn\'t Princess Ben say that, this is a big gamble. You are betting, I am also betting. If you really don\'t believe me, Never mind, I can give you my Dragon Ball."

With that, Aona lightly opened her red lips and spit out a white bead.

The bead slowly floated in front of Liu Yi and fell into his palm.

When the beads fell into his hands, Liu Yi felt a little warm, and at the same time it was full of vitality.

"Now my Dragon Ball is in your hands, as long as you pinch, I will ruin all the cultivation behavior."

Ao Na\'s eyes fell provocatively on Liu Yi, "I already bet, do you dare?"

"Why not dare?"

Liu Yi waved his hand and put Dragon Ball into his arms. "Any trip to the East China Sea, what\'s the point? Saber, you are in charge of Ao shrimp training these days. Duan Feng, you and the old dragon king work together to take charge of the interior of the Dragon Palace .. When I return from the East China Sea, we will go to Heilongjiang."


Now that Liu Yi has made a decision, others will not talk much.

They know that Liu Yi\'s character is not very fond of listening to others talking about things.This is better said, it is called decisive.It\'s broken, and I just want to use it.

But the sabers believed that Liu Yi did this for his reason.

"Are you going to the East China Sea?"

Pao Susu glanced at Liu Yi with some concern.

"Well, you don\'t need to accompany me, take care of our base camp and help me sit down."

Liu Yi turned around and hugged Su Susu, then said softly in her ear.

"Wait for me to come back... let\'s continue our double cultivation..."

"Stinking rogue……"

Suddenly red with a pretty face, "You can rest assured, I will protect this place, and then welcome your triumph."

"Haha, good! Princess II, let\'s go!"