Love Dependency Disease

744 Chapter 744 The Conditions of the Second Princess

The old dragon king stood quietly, surprisingly did not stop Liu Yi.

He knew that the situation was about to set off sooner or later, and Songjiang Dragon Palace could not calm down again if it wanted to develop.

Since you want to do it, make it bigger!

Liu Yi, Songjiang\'s new dragon king, we all depend on you!

"You, how dare you hurt me!"

Liao Wang shouted, "Dare you hurt me! I want to destroy you, destroy you!"

"It doesn\'t matter, you still have three paws, we can play slowly."

Liu Yi said, standing up, palm down.

Another black giant sword fell down and chopped off one of the black dragon\'s claws.

Liao Wang was about to die, and his eyes were completely dark. If it weren’t for the Dragon Clan’s strong body, I’m afraid he would have just lost his blood!

"You, you are so brave! Ah ah! Me, I\'m going to kill you, kill you!"

Liao Wang has almost lost all his reason. When has he suffered so much?

But he didn\'t have the strength to fight back at all, and could only be crushed underneath.

"You, you are really a lunatic!"

Ao Na finally couldn\'t sit still. She stood up and covered her mouth to Liu Yi, "Are you going to bring Songjiang Dragon Palace to extinction?"

"No, I am rebuilding the dignity of Songjiang Dragon Palace."

Standing at the gate of Shura, Liu Yi looked down at the Second Princess of the East China Sea below. "Songjiang\'s dignity has been lost for too long. From today, no one can insult Songjiang Dragon Palace!"

"Dignity is not what you want, but what you can earn in exchange for your strength!"

The second princess of the East China Sea couldn\'t help but remind the arrogant guy in front of him, a dragon king in a small tributary, who dare to speak so loudly!

"Strength? If you want to see our Songjiang strength, I can give you this opportunity."

Liu Yi held his arms and stood on the door of Shura. The whole person was undoubtedly majestic, "You can go back to find your father, and even bring your East Sea Marines to me! I Liu Yi said today that Songjiang Dragon Palace is not afraid of challenges, any aquarium can challenge us! But no matter who it is, if you want to defeat us, you must first be prepared to be defeated by us!"

"Arrogant, too arrogant!"

Ao Na couldn\'t help stomping her feet and was half-dead by Liu Yi\'s attitude!

He has grown so big, he has been spoiled, and when has he been treated like this!

"Songjiang Dragon King! You beast looking for your way!"

Liao Wang regained his consciousness a little bit and scolded, "As long as I don\'t die, I will let the Heilongjiang Navy attack you! Slaughter all of you!"

"It\'s all here, why don\'t you understand?"

Liu Yi rolled over, jumped from the gate of Shura, and stood in front of Liao Wang\'s dragon head.

Liao Wang had a pair of yellow eyes, staring at Liu Yi fiercely, roaring continuously, and smelling a bad smell in his huge mouth.

Liu Yi held his hands and ignored the roar of the black dragon.

"It seems you still don\'t understand."

Liu Yi sighed and raised his palm.

Those doors of Shura were directly lifted by Liu Yi, and then transformed into nothingness.

Heilong Liaowang was surprised, and seemed to understand something, and then flew into the air with a smile.

"Hahaha, you are still afraid! My aquarium in Heilongjiang, you exist untouchable! Now obediently surrender your life, Prince I will spare your woman\'s life!"

With that, Black Dragon twisted his body and roared towards Liu Yi. He seemed to want to use his teeth to bite Liu Yi\'s body into minced meat.

Black dragons are good at physically attacking, and their spells are not very proficient.Their flesh is stronger and more powerful.

But in front of Liu Yi, it was all scum.

He stretched out a finger and flicked in front of the black dragon\'s nose.

At the same time, Optimus Prime possessed a huge force that filled his whole body.


The nearly 100-meter-long black dragon was directly flicked by one of Liu Yi\'s fingers, and then the entire body directly hit the top of the dragon palace, collapsing a large piece of the ceiling of the dragon palace hall.

"Eh, I\'m not sure of my strength, and I broke the palace... and I must be nagging."

Liu Yi saw the old dragon king\'s eyes resentfully, a hair behind, and then extended his right hand to the flying black dragon.

"Come back to me!"

A purple hand of Shura appeared in the void, and the giant\'s arm generally passed directly through the broken sky canopy, and then grabbed the black dragon\'s body, just like holding a small snake, and directly pulled the black dragon back, and was subsequently Liu Yi hit the ground hard.

"Damage my ceiling. Damn it!"

Liu Yi complained while controlling the hands of Shura, lifting the body of the Black Dragon again and again, and bombarding the earth again and again!

"My God, my God..."

As soon as Aona\'s legs were soft, she almost sat down on her knees.

Here, what kind of strength is this Dragon King...?

Liao Wang is a master of the terrain, but in front of him, he was beaten with no power to fight back!

What is this rhythm...

"Su Su, this guy just insulted you, what do you say?"

Liu Yi reached out and pointed to the black dragon, Liao Wang, who had passed out, and asked the Su Su Su side.


A fierce light flashed in the eyes of Nao Susu, "He not only insulted me, but also my father, and you, and even the entire Songjiang Dragon Palace! If such a guy does not kill, what is the dignity of my Songjiang Dragon Palace?"

"Old Dragon King, what do you think?"

Liu Yi turned his attention to the old dragon king.

"It\'s already like this, it\'s better to kill."

Jiang is still old and spicy. He has put down all the old dragon kings and said viciously, "If you let him go back, I am afraid that the dragon palace forces in Heilongjiang will attack immediately. It is better to kill this Liao Wang, never to suffer, and take advantage of Heilongjiang The Dragon Palace has no precautions, killing them by surprise!"

"I agree with the old dragon king\'s idea!"

The saber also raised his hand, "Hide the news first, when I train out the Ao shrimp can do a big job this time!"

"Well, okay, what do you think of this woman?"

With a wave of his hand, Liu Yi directly cut off Liao Wangdi\'s faucet happily, and at the same time took out his Neidan and threw it to Lin Tong in his body.

The dragon\'s inner dan, for Lin Tong, is a big supplement.In this way, her strength can also be greatly improved.


Sure enough, Lin Tong groaned happily, "If only a few more dragon\'s inner dans would be good! The girl\'s strength can catch up with you sooner! You will be able to double-climb by then!"

by!Sister Fox Fairy, when this thing is jelly bean, there are a few more.

"No, don\'t kill me!"

And when Liu Yi\'s eyes fell on Aona, the proud princess of the East China Sea almost fell down, sitting there trembling, holding her arms, pale, trembling, the whole person was terribly frightened.

"Kill him!"

The old dragon king said sullenly, "Only let her shut up, can we keep the secret of our dragon palace! Fight for precious time for our development!"

Liu Yi\'s cold sweats, this old dragon king is changing too fast.

"Yes, killing him is the best option."

The saber also nodded, "She is not dead, and the threat to us is not small."

"Don’t kill me... I beg you... It’s not good for you if you kill me! Then, when my father knows it, he will definitely be angry, and then he will come and kill him! Hold me up as a hostage! There is no need to kill me!"

At this time, Aona seemed to be much smarter.

Liu Yi nodded, "It\'s really not necessary to kill you. After all, although you are a little arrogant, you haven\'t touched my counter scale."

When talking about the scales, his eyes became gentle, and he looked at Liu Yi in the back.

It’s really good to have this man to rely on...

No matter what happened, he would be carried in front of him.

Who can\'t love such a man?

"However, I won\'t let you go."

Seeing Aona obviously relieved, Liu Yi added, "If you let go back, I\'m afraid the East China Sea and Heilongjiang will come back in an instant."

"Me, I promise I won\'t say it..."

Ao Na raised her right hand and said.

"Well, who is right?"

But Liu Yi sneered, "In my opinion, only dead people can keep secrets. I didn\'t kill you, you should burn incense and worship Buddha."

"You, you guys... are you really not afraid of us in the East China Sea?"

Aona couldn\'t understand why this new dragon king could be so arrogant?

The strength of the four seas, together, even the heavenly court, should be afraid.Although they are not the strongest among the four seas in the East China Sea, they are not a provocative existence of a small ground Songjiang Dragon Palace!

It can be said that the military power of the East China Sea wants to destroy Songjiang, it is really a matter of seconds!

"Some things are not something you are afraid of, just don\'t do it."

Liu Yi looked at Naona and said, "Even if we honestly shrunk in Songjiang, will you let us go? Looking at Liao Wang, he still wants to dominate my wife. Why not because of you Is it more powerful than us? If you think this is a place with weak meat and strong food, then we can only try to climb to the top of the food chain! I will not honestly make your food, I, be a top predator !"

Liu Yi\'s eyes were like two sharp knives, stabbed in Aona\'s body, so Aona could not help shivering.

This man... is really scary...

He seems to be not an ordinary dragon!In his body, Aona saw something other dragons didn\'t have!

"I appreciate your ambition."

Thinking that the other party would not kill himself, Ao Na calmed down a little, and then said to Liu Yi, "You are different from other dragons, you are more aggressive, which makes me feel that you are different. So, I don’t want you to die."

She blinked her eyes, looked at Liu Yi, and then said.

"Look, my fiance is dead. If you want, I can marry you and let you be the concubine of the East China Sea."