Love Dependency Disease

743 743 Can't help it

"How about getting married?"

Liao Wang spit in disdain, and then said, "In this world, the strong is the most important! Even if I want her to be my concubine, do you dare to say anything?"

He glanced at the old dragon king and then at Liu Yi. "And you, the so-called new dragon king, do you dare to say anything?"

"I really dare not say anything."

Liu Yi pressed his hands and said, "But please ask the second prince to think twice. If the second prince insists on taking my wife, I will not say anything, but I will fight with death."

Liu Yi\'s words caused Naona to raise her eyebrows slightly, her eyes falling on the humble new dragon king.

"Oh? Your kid dare to say it!"

Liao Wang stood up from the chair. His dark skin, burly figure, and Long Wei released him unconsciously. "I, Liao Wanggui, is the crown prince of Heilongjiang Dragon Palace. Are you afraid that you are such a small ground dragon? Let your wife be my concubine, that is to exalt her! It’s not up to you, even those of you, who are qualified to carry my shoes! So don’t force me to get angry, otherwise the consequences will not be affordable for you! "

"Prince think twice."

Liu Yi looked at the nervous look of the old dragon king shaking his head again and again.

"Think of your paralysis!"

Liao Wang scolded directly, "The dragon girl quickly roll over! Don\'t let the crown prince make me angry! Otherwise, I let the Heilongjiang Dragon Palace come directly to destroy your ruined place!"

"It seems that the crown prince is determined to tear his face?"

Liu Yi gently pressed Susu\'s shoulder, and then asked the arrogant Liao Wang in front of him.

"Ha! Torn face? What about torn face? It\'s my crown prince who has been giving you face, you are shameless!"

"In this case, I will give you the same words."

Liu Yi straightened his waist, not bowing down.

"If the crown prince does not take our Songjiang Dragon Palace into consideration, then our Songjiang Dragon Palace will not be polite to you again!"

He said that he was covered with golden dragon emperor armor again, and a strong dragon spirit filled the entire dragon palace. "Who is against me Songjiang, we will not let him feel better!"

"Yes, Xiang Gong, I support you!"

Suo Susu pinched his little fist, waved it, and said excitedly.

The man she loves is a great hero, not a terrifying breed!

The old dragon king covered his forehead and looked ugly.

"Ah... after all, there is still a fight..."


Liao Wang laughed directly, "It\'s really a group of overwhelming guys. It\'s up to you to fight against Prince Ben. Is it up to you? Do you know what the higher dragons are?"

With that, he let out a dragon roar, and a pair of dragon horns immediately grew on his forehead, and his power surged a lot!

"Prince Ben is a strong man of the land! Who are you guys, who can block my finger?"

Songjiang Dragon Palace is famous for its weakness. It seems that except for their grand prince who was a squad in the Tiangong Palace, they are all scum power.

Therefore, Liao Wang did not take them seriously.

This time, Liao Wang will let them know what is the gap between power and land!

"It seems that it has been too long to show the power of our Heilongjiang Dragon Clan, and the ants are no longer afraid of us."

He moved his joints and said very majesticly.

"Prince, don\'t use force!"

The old dragon king made his final efforts, "After all, we are still in the Songhai family in Songjiang..."

"Hahaha, do you still want to count on the East China Sea?"

Liao Wang turned his head and asked Aona, who was leaning on the golden chair, "Nana, what do you say?"

"What a good lesson is for the minions."

Ao Na\'s answer made the old dragon king desperate, "but move faster, don\'t disturb me."

"Nana can rest assured that it will not take long to resolve these minions."

Liao Wanghe laughed, and the old Dragon King\'s heart was cold.

"I was really wrong..."

The old dragon king knelt on the ground, his face pale, "I always thought that tolerance will give me tolerance..."

"Some people you can tolerate, some people tolerate, will only make them feel that you are bullying and more rampant."

Liu Yi comforted the old dragon king, "but you can rest assured that Songjiang Dragon Palace will not be bullied anymore. Even in the East China Sea, we will not bow down."

"You are really interesting. I don\'t know what to say about you being stupid. I should say you are ignorant."

After hearing this, Ao Na finally interjected, "Do you know how powerful the East China Sea is? Our army is overwhelming, how can you fight against Songjiang?"

"Oh, second princess, is your big-headed, right?"

Liu Yi sarcastically said, "I want to see how the East China Sea can overwhelm my Songjiang. How many of your big army can survive in the river? Even if it comes, how much combat power can be left? Do you think every race in the sea is as tyrannical as the dragon race?"

Most of the creatures in the sea cannot survive in the freshwater area.Therefore, even if the army in the East China Sea is really overwhelmed, when it reaches Songjiang, its combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened.

Really deterrent, it may be the strongest cruising in the four seas.

However, there are many Yakshas in Heilongjiang, and Liu Yi and the Saber are planning to conquer those Yakshas.

Unlike other races, Yaksha does not live in groups and lives alone.However, even if you search the entire Heilongjiang, Liu Yi will give these Yaksha to the Internet!

Yasha is the most powerful unit in the aquarium. If you make an analogy, the other shrimp and soldiers will be regular troops, and Yasha is a special soldier!

"What a courage!"

Hearing that Liu Yi dared to scold himself that he had no brains, Aona suddenly became furious, and the princess temper also came up.

"Liao Wang, give me a hard blow to his mouth!"

"Okay, my princess."

Liao Wangxie laughed a few times and walked towards Liu Yi with his fist held.

"Scum, this is what you found yourself. When I smoke your dragon tendons, you pick your dragon skin."

With that, Liao Wang\'s body flashed directly in front of Liu Yi, and then slapped towards Liu Yidi\'s Tianling Gai.

This palm is truly merciless, if Liu Yi is only at the level of the old dragon king, this palm is enough to kill him.

It is a pity that Liu Yi is a special number of Songjiang Dragon Palace.


Liu Yi raised his arm and slammed Liao Wangdi\'s palm straight away.

At the same time, he lifted his right leg up high, directly splitting his leg with a battle axe, kicking on the head of Liao Wangdi.


Liao Wang, the strength of this place, was directly bombarded into the floor under him, smashing the floor into a pit.

Liu Yi withdrew his feet and looked at Liao Wang lying there motionless.

"Who is the enemy of Songjiang, this is the end."

Ao Na\'s eyes widened in surprise, that Liao Wang is a master of twelve stars and earth!He was beaten down by the Songjiang Dilong King in one photo?

"But... hateful..."

Liao Wang regained his consciousness slightly, he didn’t know what happened just now, he was put down by the new dragon king!

When he found himself lying in front of the new dragon king, in addition to the pain, he also felt a deep shame!

Therefore, Liao Wang red eyes, growled, and then climbed up again, slammed into Liu Yidi\'s abdomen.

Liu Yi feels that this guy is desperate for rhythm, just like the fighting method of the city\'s gangsters!

Liu Yi entered the Dao with martial arts, and the melee was almost invincible rhythm.

He did not dodge, and lifted his knees directly against Liao Wang\'s face.


Liao Wang’s body was raised high, and his nose and body flew out very high!

Liu Yi reached out a hand, grabbed Liao Wangdi\'s ankle, then dragged him down again, and fell to the ground.

"Sura\'s Gate!"

A gate covered with grimace and grimace fell from the void, and then smashed Liao Wang\'s body hard, pressing him under the gate of Shura, two meters high.

"Do you think this can trap me?"

Liao Wang growled, and then the whole person began to turn into a prototype!

The prototype of Liao Wang is a black dragon nearly 100 meters long!

The black dragon made a huge dragon roar, and then twisted his body, trying to push open the small door of Shura.


Liu Yi pinched a decision with one hand, and then slammed!

Suddenly, the gate of Shura expanded continuously!

In the blink of an eye, the original Shura Gate, which was more than two meters high, became more than ten meters high, thick and heavy!


And Liu Yi waved his hand again, and it was the door of six Shura. He fell down one after another, hitting the black dragon\'s body, and he crushed him without any temper.

"Well, what power is this! This is not a dragon spell at all!"

"You know too little."

Liu Yi jumped lightly, jumped to the top of Shura\'s Gate, and sat on it, looking at the black dragon under the pressure, unable to move.

"Now, dare to look down on me Songjiang Dragon Clan?"

"Damn, what kind of thing do you dare to ride on Prince Ben\'s head?"

Heilong Liaowang was still dissatisfied and roared, "As long as the prince ordered, the aquarium of Heilongjiang will be under pressure to completely destroy your Songjiang Dragon Palace! At that time, I will capture your woman and let her be my slave! I am going to cut off your dragon head and be my chamber pot!"

"act recklessly!"

A fierce light flashed in Liu Yi\'s eyes. As soon as he raised his hand, four huge black swords appeared in the air, which was formed by his dark power.


He pressed his palm down, and one of them suddenly fell on one of Liao Wang\'s dragon claws.

Suddenly, gold and red blood spurted out, and with Liao Wang screaming, the dragon claw was cut off and washed aside by the blood.

"Me, my hand, my hand!"

Liao Wang screamed again and again, the pain constantly hit his brain.

"Did you dare say it again just now?"

Liu Yi sat on the gate of Shura, with a cold murderous voice in his voice, which made everyone present stunned.