Love Dependency Disease

742 742 Be My Concubine

Since ancient times, the Dragon Palace has rules.

The dragon lord must be served by the dragon family. If other races want to be the dragon lord, it is against Tiantiao!

Only the Dragon family can walk in the clouds and rain, this is the rule for thousands of years!

Upon hearing the question from Ao Na, Lord Dragon really changed his face.

"Okay, you dare to dare to find human beings to be the dragon lord?"

Liao Wang also showed his arms and sleeves, "I think you are tired of living?"

He was already upset, and now he can take a chance to be angry, so he doesn\'t plan to let it go.

The words of the two of them made the Dragon Palace a little nervous up and down.

Liu Yi is indeed human... This is the undisclosed secret of Songjiang Dragon Palace... Now let others know, what should I do?

If you really want to go to the fairy world... I am afraid that their Songjiang Dragon Palace will completely become history!

Even Su Su Su secretly clenched his palm, not knowing what to do.

"Oh, who said I\'m not a dragon?"

And Liu Yi finally spoke.

As he said, he slowly stood up from the golden chair and walked down.

"Are you a human or a dragon, can\'t I tell?"

Liao Wang sneered, "You don\'t have any breath of the Dragon Clan in your body, and still want to deceive me?"

"Yes, you are not a dragon at all!"

Ao Na also said with a lip in his mouth, "I didn\'t expect to go out to play, and I would still encounter this kind of trouble. It was really trouble, Liao Wang, dealt with this matter. My father mainly eats, wants to take a bath, needs to rest !"

"Got it, Nana, let me handle this matter."

When Liao Wang finished speaking, he turned his head and raised his mouth slightly, looking at the old dragon king with unwilling intentions, and said, "Hang on, don\'t blame me for being impersonal this time, waiting for the punishment of heaven!"

"Should it be enough to talk to yourself?"

Liu Yi sighed, "How come IQ is so low?"

"What do you mean? Do you dare to look down on me as a fake dragon king?"

Liao Wang growled, "Are you a dragon, do I judge wrongly?"

Liu Yi no longer spoke, but took a deep breath.

A dazzling golden light erupted suddenly on his body, and then, Dragon Emperor\'s Armor draped over his body.

And the strong breath of the dragon clan erupted from his body, flooding the entire dragon palace!

Strongly, Long Wei spread like this, and many of the people present could not bear it!

The Dragons themselves are okay, Longwei is ineffective against themselves.

"This is... Long Wei? How is it possible? Why didn\'t you feel it just now?"

Liao Wang looked incredulous, looking at the man standing on the opposite side, dressed in Dragon Emperor Armor.

This is Dragon King Armor, the real Dragon King Armor!

Even if it’s the Dragon Lord, it’s only a matter of miles to summon this armor!

Legend has it that only the real dragon emperor is worthy of possessing the dragon emperor armor!

No one from the Dragon tribe of Heilongjiang has Dragon Emperor Armor. It seems that even if there are four seas, only three talents have Dragon Emperor Armor!

Now, in this small Songjiang Dragon Palace, can anyone even put on Dragon Emperor Armor?How can this be!

"How could it be Dragon Emperor Armor?"

Ao Na raised her eyebrows, "I know, it must be counterfeit. We have a lot of such counterfeit products in Xihai, and many crown princes in the world like to wear them. Unexpectedly, Songjiang also has counterfeit products.

Is it a fake?

Liao Wang was relieved, and he felt a lot more comfortable.

"I no longer doubt my identity now?"

Liu Yi doesn\'t want to entangle them with the Dragon King Armor. Anyway, as long as you pass the second princess passing by soy sauce, it will do.

As for her fiancé, anyway, after finishing up from Heilongjiang together!

"It\'s fine, it\'s so troublesome to save."

The two princesses walked directly over and sat on Liu Yi\'s golden chair, then commanded.

"Prepare this princess Ben immediately! Hurry, my father is starving!"

The two princesses were as if they were their masters, and many people in the Dragon Palace were a little unhappy.

"Hearing the second princess? Are you ready to eat it?"

Liu Yi was also uncomfortable, but he had to give the old dragon king face.

He looked around and then said.

"Duan Feng, come here."

"Yes, Lord Commander."

A Chi Yiwei, who had been asked to lower his sword before, immediately stepped forward and fell there respectfully.

This guy is called Duan Feng, and Liu Yi is quite impressed because he is a rare butler-type talent in Chi Yiwei.

Originally, Chen Dahai wanted to keep him in the Red Star as the second in command, and manage the company together.But the saber made him just because Red Star was too scattered.

The reason why Songjiang Dragon Palace is in good order now, in addition to the old dragon king doing well, there are many contributions from this section of wind.

"Go for the second princess to prepare food, and there is a room. Um... also carry the room for the crown prince."

"Got it, let\'s do it."

Duan Feng immediately turned to buy, and Liao Wang was a little unhappy.

Why do I look like a guy who eats and drinks, and is still in the rhythm of the second princess?

Does he look like a little white face?Is it obviously dark?

Liao Wang was a little uncomfortable, so he roared.

"I want to eat deep-water crabs! Don\'t hurry to get me!"

"This is really sorry!"

The Dragon Lord on the side hurriedly said, "We don\'t eat our own race here at Dragon Palace! We have other food, which is also very good. Would you like to try it?"

"Nonsense, Prince Ben only eats deep-water crabs, but not all others!"

Liao Wang said arbitrarily, "If you don\'t take out the deep-water crab, Hugh blames Prince Ben for getting angry!"

"The crown prince anger, anger!"

The old dragon king hurried out to calm down, "Is the deep-water crab right? I\'ll arrange for someone to get it! Let\'s go!"


Liao Wang scolded, "Don\'t let Prince Ben wait too long! Beware of Prince Ben getting angry!"

"Yes, let\'s get it, let\'s get it!"

"Don\'t forget to go to the princess first!"

Ao Na also cheered loudly, "Late late, don\'t blame me for turning over in the East China Sea!"

"Let\'s get it, let\'s get it! The two of you will have a good rest here for a while! Quickly fan the second princess, and who else, Xiao Cui, come and beat the eldest son!

Dragon sex is still a kinky, even if he already has the status of fiancee and fiance, as a male dragon, he can still be intimate with other girls.Female dragons don\'t care about these things, and sometimes they even make derailments with some men.

Therefore, even if there were two maidens sticking to Liao Wang\'s side and giving him a tender back rubbing his legs, Aona didn\'t care.

Even Liao Wang put a hand on the buttocks of a maiden and kneaded it, she didn\'t care.Her eyes have been walking around the men in the hall, looking for men who are interested in herself.

It is a saying to come out and see what the ice sculpture is.

In fact, another reason why Aona came out was because she wanted to find a suitable male friend.

Liao Wang this man is really bad, sometimes makes Aona feel that he is not a dragon!

Ability is too weak to give yourself enough pleasure!She hasn\'t arrived for a long time, and this man hastily handed over the gun!

This makes Aona really uncomfortable, especially when her little sister comes back, and whenever she brags about how strong her man is, Aona is even more uncomfortable!

Her eyes kept turning, looking at Liu Yi, the saber, and even the old dragon king.

Liu Yi looks very ordinary, it seems to be placed like a stone there, not noticeable at all.So Aona just looked at him and looked away, and didn\'t care.

Instead, the saber and Duan Feng gave her a few more glances.

The momentum of these two people seems to be very good, I don\'t know how hard it is

Hope not to be like Liao Wang, just a silver gun wax head.

"How about Ben Prince and the second princess? When will you prepare!"

Liao Wang shouted from time to time, showing prestige.And Liu Yi said nothing, standing on the side, watching the anime played by Xiaoxuan, not bothered by the sight.

Old Dragon King and Duan Feng have been busy, taking care of these two "nobles".

"That woman, come here and give my prince a pinch!"

Liao Wang was bored by the two maidens, and suddenly his eyes fell on the bodily element standing on the side like a benchmark, and his eyes lit up.

Susu Su was suddenly surprised, and then squeezed his palm.

The Old Dragon King was also taken aback, and said quickly.

"Grand Prince, Grand Prince, she is not a maid, she is my daughter..."

"Nonsense, Prince Ben has long felt the dragon\'s breath on her!"

Liao Wang glared at the old dragon king, "It\'s not your daughter, I won\'t let her come! Let her squeeze her leg to the crown prince, I can\'t look at her! Come over quickly, this prince calls you, what do you want time?"

Liao Wang called again, and Su Susu still didn\'t move.

"Are you deaf?"

Liao Wang broke his mouth and scolded, "Do you want Prince I to personally invite you?"

"Grand Prince, I\'m so sorry."

Suddenly Liu Yi stepped out and said, "This is my wife, my wife. I don\'t want her to do this kind of thing. There are still many maidens in our palace. You can choose your prince slowly."

"Your wife?"

Liao Wang glanced at Liu Yi squinted, then looked at the beautifully primed vegetarian, and snorted.

"How could your boy, He De, even marry such a beautiful dragon girl as his wife!"

He said, beckoning to Susu Su, "What are you doing with him? I\'m the crown prince of Heilongjiang, come and be my concubine! Make sure you are beautiful in the future! Follow this guy , What\'s so good about this backcountry!"

Hearing this, Liu Yi suddenly squeezed his fist, and his joints made a click sound.

His anger value has reached the limit.

The Old Dragon King immediately got nervous and hurried forward.

"Prince, this joke is unbelievable!"

He kept saying, "The little girl never thought of being a concubine to an outsider! She is already married!"