Love Dependency Disease

738 738 Liu Yi's Legion

Liu Yi couldn\'t think of it. He finally returned to the University of Science and Technology and wanted to take a vacation. As a result, it was even more disaster-prone, and there was a so-called artifact to bubble up!

Daddy, this is not it!

Suddenly Liu Yi remembered a sentence, when you step into the Immortal Realm, you will always be a person in Immortal Realm.It\'s even harder to jump out.There will always be a whirlpool, re-engaging you in.

This is the case for himself. He wanted to leave three times and five times, but he was always involved in it and could not extricate himself.

After sending those students away, Liu Yi returned to his dormitory.Zhang Meixin was much busier than him and hadn\'t returned, so Liu Yi was finally able to relax completely, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, preparing to enter a state of cultivation and allowing his second solar cycle to fully recover.

But at this moment, a little black signal suddenly came to my mind.

It seems that the little black who replaced himself as the dragon king in the dragon palace is calling himself strongly.

According to the order in advance, it will only happen when it encounters a major event that Xiaohei cannot solve.

So, without hesitation, Liu Yi directly completed the body transfer.

When he opened his eyes again, he had come to the Dragon Palace below Songjiang!

"Master Dragon, what the hell is you going to do, you have an idea, the little ones are absolutely right before they saddle!"

6257 The big-headed black fish general is kneeling in front of Liu Yi, his armor clamoring loudly.

"What\'s the matter? I took a nap by accident just now, you repeat it again."

Liu Yi coughed twice and said.


6257 All kinds of cold sweat, when the heart is really critical, the Dragon Lord can still take a nap!Is this the style of a master?

It\'s really not what they small fish can understand.

"What else is worth repeating, in a word, get it!"

And Su Su Su suddenly broke in at this time, this little girl hadn\'t seen for a long time, and she was much more beautiful.

A red dress unique to the Dragon race was draped over her. Her long red hair was also scalded into waves and spread across her shoulders.

Although it looks like a weak woman, the temperament of Bosu Su is not very good.After she broke in, she said directly.

"The Ao shrimp tribe in Heilongjiang has been provoking us for a long time? It was at this opportunity to take them down and kill the chickens and monkeys, so that the entire aquatic community in Heilongjiang would know the power of our Songjiang Dragon Palace!"

While Liu Yi was taking advantage of the situation, he had investigated the information that Xiaohei had compiled for himself.

It turned out that during his absence, Songjiang Longgong, led by him and Susu Su, worked hard and gradually expanded his strength.

The idle forces in Songjiang have been unified by the Dragon Palace.

The saber has been staying at the Dragon Palace to train those shrimp soldiers and crabs. With this demon instructor, under his local training, the army was originally loose, and now the combat power is powerful!

Moreover, the saber also designed some related arms to cooperate with each other, which greatly strengthened the military strength of the Dragon Palace!

After Songjiang was unified, Songjiang Dragon Palace began to expand toward Heilongjiang according to the initial plan.

However, the power of Heilongjiang is more mixed, it is really difficult to tame.

Especially between the Heilongjiang and Songjiang Dragon tribes, there is an Ao shrimp tribe. The tribes of the Ao shrimp tribe are all huge Ao shrimps with a length of five or six meters!They are like natural checkpoints between the two waters and have been firmly occupying this important passage.

"Actually, this group of people is the goalkeeper of the Heilongjiang Dragon Palace."

6257 explained again at this time, "When the end is still in Heilongjiang, how much do you know. That tribe is not bad at fighting, even if it is the Dragon Palace in Heilongjiang, it is not willing to offend them. So, I reached an agreement with them, this only The tribes live there, guarding the gate for Heilongjiang, and the Dragon Palace is not guilty of their autumn. That\'s the case."

"It seems to be a group of thorns."

Liu Yi already understood what was happening, and at this time, as the Dragon Lord, he had to make a decision.

In front of him stood four people, all familiar faces, 6257, Su Susu, Laolongwang, and the saber.

"Master Dragon, I think this matter still needs to be discussed!"

The old dragon king was more cautious in doing things. At this time, he made different suggestions. "Our dragon palace should not make too many kills! We should use our benevolence and morality to make those forces happy and convinced!"

"Old Dragon King, you are wrong."

The saber smiled, because there was a connection with the water, he took out a lighter, lit a cigarette, and took a sip, then said, "Benevolence and morality are used to govern the country that has been firmly established. At this time, all you need is force! Do you know the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, and why did you finally unify the world with Qin State?"


"Those of you, benevolence and morality, are all useless here! You don\'t conquer the Ao shrimp tribe, how can we enter Heilongjiang?"

"Yes, Father, we can\'t bear it anymore this time!"

Suo Susu waved his fist, "If you are fighting against the Ao shrimp tribe, I will be the vanguard!"

"That...I think I should send troops too!"

6257 tried to brush the sense of existence, "Anyway, our army won the Ao shrimp tribe under the tune-up and teaching of the saber instructor, even if there is no tenth, there is a seven-point certainty!"

"It seems that if we vote, we are three to one."

Liu Yi straightened his crown, and then said, "That\'s it. I personally led the army to conquer the Ao Xia tribe in preparation for the direct long drive to the future. The purpose is to win all the forces of Heilongjiang."

Only by taking down the forces of Heilongjiang first can it slowly develop into the East China Sea.Although the area of ​​these rivers is not small, compared with the is the difference between a super city and a small village!

"Master Dragon... I still don\'t think that you should be arrogant!"

The old dragon king still insisted, "The leader of Ao Shrimp is an old friend of the old minister. As long as we reason with them, we can definitely let them make this way!"

"Since that... Then, the old dragon king, would you be willing to go?"

Liu Yixin said that this old man had never been so polite to himself, but now he likes to be a lobbyist.

"Okay, the veteran will walk you for the king!"

Dragon Lord arched his hands, and then turned to leave the hall.

"Eh, don\'t worry, Old Dragon King, let me send someone to protect you!"

Liu Yi said quickly.

"No, the veteran believes that if he is right, there will be no danger! And that the leader of Ao Shrimp has a deep friendship with the veteran. When the veteran saved his life when he was young, he will not treat the veteran."

The old dragon king refused Liu Yi\'s kindness and turned away.

"My father is too stubborn!"

Suddenly stamped his feet, "No, I have to follow him. Liu Yi, I will take a step first."

After Su Susu finished speaking, he secretly chased the old dragon king and left.

"I depend, this girl is impatient!"

Liu Yi hurriedly ordered 6257, "Find two reliable guys, follow them, and don\'t let them fail!"

"Got it, let\'s arrange this!"

6257 immediately shook his head and left.

"Dragon Palace guys are too unreliable."

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but sigh, the old dragon king was more stubborn, and being a vegetarian was anxious.

"It\'s already some scale."

The saber came over and used the usual indifference, like a robot without emotion.

The cigarette in his mouth had not been extinguished, and he continued to swallow the clouds.

"Come on, Lord Commander, let me show you our current army. Your mood will definitely get better."

The Saber knew that Liu Yi was not feeling well now, so he took the initiative to take him to see the current Dragon Palace army.

Liu Yi followed the saber out of the hall and came to a newly built Yanwu Stadium near the Dragon Palace.

The Yanwuchang area is not small, and there are rows of dragon palace warriors standing on it.

Liu Yi couldn\'t help blinking, these guys were completely different from the old and weak soldiers he had seen at the time.

The current Dragon Palace warriors, with powerful holes, bright armor and sharp spears in their hands.

"The front row is the basic unit of our Dragon Palace, the spearmen!"

The saber pointed at the generals and said, "They used to have very poor combat effectiveness. Now I am trained to look like a professional soldier."

The saber finished and shouted, "What if there are enemies in front of you?"


Those shrimp soldiers and crabs will raise the spear in their hands and growl together!

A murderous sky rose, and Liu Yi couldn\'t help but be surprised.

Good guys, this bunch of guys is simply new!

"The back row is our shield soldier."

The saber nodded in satisfaction, and then led Liu Yi to the back, showing him the tortoise warriors with heavy tortoiseshells on their backs.

"These fighters are defensive enough, but the ability to act is a bit worse?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Of course, so I have a third legionary."

The saber said, and took Liu Yi back a few steps.

A row of tall and strong soldiers immediately appeared in front of the two, each more than three meters tall, carrying a sledgehammer in his hand.

"This is my hippo team, their existence is to destroy everything! When needed, they will directly pick up the shield turtle and become a real shield warrior."

"This is good, very imaginative!"

Liu Yi had to praise the saber.

"In addition to this force, I have a long-range attack force."

The saber reached for a finger, and Liu Yishun looked down and saw a row of toad soldiers in the distance.

"What can these toad warriors do?"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help asking.

"Long-range troops are ready!"

The saber did not explain, but snapped his fingers, "Target, the boulder in front of four o\'clock!"

The words of the saber fell, and the toad soldiers all squatted on the ground, then opened their mouths, and puffed out a green liquid!

Like an anti-aircraft gun, these green liquids flew directly over the sky, and then fell across the boulder.

A boulder over four meters high was corroded into stone chips in an instant.

"I\'ll just wipe it...this is a long-range biochemical weapon..."

Liu Yi wiped the cold sweat, and sure enough, it was quite correct to use the saber to build his own Dragon Palace.

"The Ao shrimp tribe must win."

The saber played with a dagger in his hand, "I can still wait to build a cavalry regiment in the sea!"