Love Dependency Disease

737 737 Two women compete for the wind?

"What kind of god soldier was born, it surprised you all!"

Liu Yi asked.

"Since you know it, there is no way."

Gu Yu shrugged, "Then tell you."

"It didn\'t matter if I told him, Xiu Xianjie is already known to everyone!"

Moran added on the side, "Liu Yi, I ask you, have you heard of Tenjin?"

Liu Yile said, "Hey, have you ever heard of it? You are a quasi-ten god!"

However, Liu Yi didn\'t want to make such a thing known to everyone, so he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I heard it."

"Then it is easy to explain that the God of Heaven is in the ninth heaven, which is the supreme existence in the cultivation of immortals. Among the Gods of Heaven, there are six gods, the six strongest people in the God of Heaven. It is said that it fell during the battle with the nine-yin demon dragon family. The weapon in his hand was separated from the human world by the gilt. The original gun should not be known, but it was passed by Fuxi Temple not long ago. The hexagram found that the sharp gun would soon be born in this direction. And the news came out accidentally, so we will investigate first."

"There is such a thing!"

Liu Yi was a little surprised and asked Moran, "What about the Wuling Conference, what are you going to do?"

"Wu Ling Conference? What Wu Ling Conference?"

Both Moran and Gu Yu looked at Liu Yi strangely. Obviously they didn\'t know what the Wuling Congress was all about.

"Don\'t you know?"

Liu Yi was even more surprised. No one knew Liu Haisheng\'s Wuling Conference except himself.

"I haven\'t heard of it..."

"Yeah...what happened?"

"Nothing... Maybe I remembered it wrong."

Liu Yi frowned, not saying much.

This incident revealed an evil spirit inside and out. Before I figured it out, Liu Yi didn\'t want to say too much to outsiders.

"In short, in the school, you are our two mentors, and the two of us are your students, don\'t make a mistake!"

Gu Yu worried that Liu Yi would be exposed, so he reminded.

"Relax, my years in the city are much longer than you."

Liu Yi smiled, "I still know these things. Forget it, there are no other things. Go back."

"By the way, now you are all wanted by the right, you still have to be careful."

Gu Yu remembered this matter and couldn\'t help but said to Liu Yi with some anxiety, "Many of the real masters in the martial arts have already stared at you, saying that they will take your surgery..."

"Haha, I\'m already mentally prepared for this."

Liu Yi didn\'t care too much, "The world\'s right way is nothing more than that. I haven\'t seen it before."

"It\'s different this time... Those are real masters!"

Gu Yu reminded, "They are the predecessors of the older generation. They have been living in a simple style and have never appeared before. There are so many masters in every school. We have three such masters in Xianxuefeng. When the golden gun is born, there must be one. You won’t be able to cope with it at that can hide it by then..."

"Huh? Didn\'t you always shout and kill me before?"

Liu Yi smiled and asked Gu Yu, who was wearing a black vest and a gold-lined scarf on a white background.

"Well, this fairy has just converged now."

Gu Yu snorted coldly, pushed his glasses down, pouted, and said, "And evil guys like you don\'t even need this fairy to shoot, you\'ll take it out!"

This girl\'s mouth is really hard.

"Gu Yu, how can you say my husband like this?"

Moran immediately raised his eyebrows and said loudly, "Dogs still have to look at their masters. Are you provoking me Moran?"

Liu Yi suddenly twitched, Nima, who is a dog!

Also, who is your husband!

"You made a big deal!"

Gu Yu gave Moran a glance, "And when did the two of you become husband and wife? Moran, do you guys all like wishful thinking?"

"Do all of you at Xianxuefeng like to do more business?"

The two sisters began to pinch in the corridor, and one of them stretched out his palms, and the ground began to freeze slightly.On the other body, a black arc began to flow gently, and it seemed that the upper body of the Ming King would not be used!

I rely on it, but it’s a school here.

Liu Yi hurried over to persuade him. He stretched out his hands and put them on the shoulders of two MM grounds.

"Don\'t make trouble, this is the school. You really fought, is that enough?"

When two masters of the terrain fought together, what school can\'t resist tossing?

Moran and Gu Yu were still a little dissatisfied. As soon as the girl\'s temper came up, it was not easy to use even if someone mediated it.

The two of them wanted to really compare, but found that they couldn\'t put up any strength at all!

They didn\'t know that Liu Yi\'s ability to seal the veins at this time blocked the power of the two of them.

His Jiuyang Divine Power is too large, especially two heliospheres will be restored soon. Although he is still a bit stretched to deal with the demon emperor, he is still at hand to deal with the little girl of the two levels.

"This... what power is this!"

Moran exclaimed directly, "Liu Yi, where have you practiced?"

Moran is certainly not Liu Yi\'s opponent if he knows he is fighting.After all, the last time she fought, she was defeated.But fights come back to fights. If you want to suppress your own strength, the strength needed is definitely above several levels!

And Gu Yu also had a blue light in his eyes, and looked at Liu Yi, then shed the light, frowned at Mei Dai and said, "I actually... can\'t see your star Xuan Xuan!"

Liu Yixin said that it is too normal to see it broken, and he has already been promoted to the level of heliostat now!

But these words can not tell Gu Yu, such things as strength, as much as you can keep!

"How can a man be easily seen by a woman!"

Liu Yi said half-jokingly, "You two little girls, want to see through me, they are too tender."

"When did you learn to be so slick?"

Moran was quite strange, "Isn\'t it silly to die before?"

"Cough... that\'s a thing of the past."

Thinking of his appearance in the past, Liu Yi couldn\'t help but blush.

"I don\'t care if your mouth is stupid and quick, let\'s release the two of us first!"

Gu Yu snorted coldly and said.

The girl was already proud and proud, but Liu Yi was subdued by one hand at this time, and she was very unwilling.

"That\'s right, let\'s release the two of us! We haven\'t got a win yet!"

Moran also whispered.

"Separate your sister\'s victory!"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help crying, "This is not your battlefield!"

"Well, our school has tricks that specifically break the way of setting the law!"

Gu Yu saw that Liu Yi was not letting go, and instead of waiting passively, he stretched out his other hand, pinched a decision, and whispered.

"Xuan Bing\'s gas, break!"

Liu Yi felt that the direction of energy flow in Gu Yu\'s body was reversed for a while, and he really broke his seal!

I go, this girl still has this hand!

"Do not move King Ming! Open!"

And Moran was not outdone. She also used the secret method in the family to resolve Liu Yi\'s ability to seal the veins.

The two girls extended their other hands at the same time, and then attacked Liu Yi.


Have you made any mistakes?

Gu Yu\'s palm is condensed with the power of Xuan Bing\'s gas, and Moran\'s fist is also wrapped in the breath of immobile King.

They are all ruthless!

It seems that without teaching these two girls, they don\'t know that the sky is thick!

Liu Yi turned the emperor armor and transformed his breastplate directly into his chest. Dangdang made two sounds that blocked the attack of the two girls.

"It\'s so hard!"

Gu Yu shook his palm, and the little hand was red and swollen.

She slammed Xuan Bing\'s air and slapped on Liu Yi\'s condensed breastplate, which not only caused no harm, but shocked her hand so hard!

Moran didn\'t get cheap either. She shook her body. If it weren\'t for Liu Yi pressing her other shoulder, I\'m afraid she would take a few steps backwards.

"What kind of armor is this defense so good?"

"Don\'t worry about this, let him let go first!"

Gu Yu gave Moran a glance, and Moran understood it.

Liu Yixin said to Nima, you two are so good at working together now!

At this time, the other hand of the two people was caught on Liu Yi\'s arm, trying to crush Liu Yi\'s arm.

But Liu Yi\'s arms were infused with Jiuyang Divine Power, just like two iron pillars, so that the two girls could not be shaken at all.

"too weak!"

Liu Yi didn\'t forget to laugh at the two of them, "Did you make any progress since the last contest? Did you put down the contest and learn embroidery?"


The two girls were immediately angry, wishing to kill this man!

But their power was helpless to him, so unscientific!This is such a short period of time, how can he practice so against the sky?

The strength of the two chicks attacked Liu Yi\'s body at the same time, but the power in Liu Yi\'s body was like a high mountain.

The three people refused to give in and stalemate here.

"Instructor, it\'s almost time for get out of class. Can we go back first?"

At this time, the students inside were finally impatient, and several students walked out the door.

Seeing the three people standing outside the door, they were all taken aback.

Gu Yu and Mo Lan, two beautiful girls, each holding one of Liu Yi\'s arms, were reluctant to let go.

Originally, it was the secret wrestling of three people. To outsiders, it was like two girls playing coquettish or fighting for Liu Yi...

"Oh my god... the two classmates are fighting for jealousy..."

"Big news...I should go to the journalism department..."

"Quick, draw down as evidence!"

"You are stupid, take a picture!"

These students each took out their phones, and Liu Yi hurriedly pulled her arms out of the entanglement of the two girls, which surprised the two blushing Gu Yu and Moran.

Liu Yi Now... Where has he practiced?

"What do you shoot, go back and sit down, and leave after class!"

Liu Yi glared at these people, then hurried away.