Love Dependency Disease

739 739 Undersea War

"Wait for the East China Sea, you can use sea horses to build a cavalry regiment."

Liu Yi suggested.

"I have thought about it for a long time, but that is a mobile cavalry regiment. I want to build a crushing cavalry regiment."

The saber re-lighted a cigarette and handed it to Liu Yi.

"I don\'t smoke."

Liu Yi quickly waved his hand.

"Hi, man, how can you not smoke?"

The saber lit his own cigarette while saying, "No smoking, no drinking, Bai walks in the world."

"What makes sense."

Liu Yi whispered, "People who live in the world should cultivate their bodies and exercise their energy. Smoking is a kind of chronic suicide. There is no harm to people. If you can\'t smoke, you will naturally not smoke."

"Everyone has their own ambitions."

The saber didn\'t care what Liu Yi said, but vomited a smoke ring, and then said, "For me, how can it be a lifetime. Even if you try to exercise your spirit, it will be at most a hundred years old. Being happy is the real life."

He said, glancing behind him and practicing the army, "Sometimes, I really appreciate the commander, if not you, I will not have this opportunity. Such a life, I really did not think about it before. . I thought I would be a triad for life, but now it has become the head of a sailor army of more than 10,000 people, hehe..."

"The world is unpredictable. I never thought that my ordinary student would now become Lord Dragon."

Liu Yi smiled and patted the shoulder of the saber. "After we settle the world, I will let you do this... The general manager of the four seas army!"

"Fuck, how does it sound like an eunuch!"

"Haha, where is the eunuch from the aquarium. I can fight the world, but I don\'t have time to guard and manage the world. By then, these things must be left to you to take care of."

"I\'m not good at this either!"

The saber quickly waved his hand, "Manage this kind of thing, or teach the old dragon king to take care of it. He is a talent for ruling the country, and he has organized the Songjiang Dragon Palace in an orderly manner. Although his strength is not very good, but this head makes me admire. "

The Sabre Cultivation Spiritual Achievement has achieved good results. Now it also has B-level strength and above. Liu Yi feels that he is close to A-level.

This guy is a violent man!

"Okay, then let\'s work together to win the world!"

"Hey, Master Commander thinks so far, let\'s get this Heilongjiang first!"

When the two big men were boring the ground, they saw the men of the two aquariums who had been sent out running back.

Both of them were covered in blood, and one of them had a broken arm in his hand.

"Master Dragon! Lord Dragon is not good!"

Hearing their shouts, Liu Yi and Saber frowned at the same time.

"What\'s the matter? Hurry!"

"Paper, report, old, old dragon king and little princess they... they were detained by the people of Ao shrimp! They, they also cut off the old dragon king\'s arm and asked me to give him to the dragon king..."


Liu Yi suddenly angered, "What a tribe of Ao shrimp, who dare to catch me Liu Yi! It\'s really boring!"

Even if I caught the old dragon king, even my booze!

Liu Yi is crazy about everything!

"Don\'t the old dragon king say that the leader of the Ao shrimp tribe is his old friend? There is still a deep friendship, how could they be detained by chopping their arms?"

The saber asked beside.

"They... the old leader of their tribe has passed away, and now the new leader is coming..."

A man explained, "Their new leader also said... This, this is just a warning... If the Dragon Lord does not lead the Songjiang Dragon Palace to challenge them... They will directly press the army into the Songjiang Our Dragon Palace is slaughtered!"

"To bully too much!"

Liu Yi hit the dragon column next to him with a punch, and this thick one-person pillar directly broke his waist and broke, hitting the ground with one end, splashing smoke and dust.

"What else do you need to say! The soldiers of Songjiang, the enemy has bullied us, what shall we do?"

The saber asked loudly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Three kills, has announced everything.

"Okay, one thousand pikemen, five hundred shields and one hundred super soldiers! plus two hundred long-range gunners!"

The saber started to order soldiers, and Liu Yi waved his hand directly.

"Follow me and let those Ao shrimp know who they are causing!"


These troops followed Liu Yi and began to rush into the Ao shrimp tribe with great enthusiasm.

At this time, among the Ao shrimp tribe.

Ao Shrimp lived in the most central part of this place, with a cauldron.

Sitting in the pot was a strapped one-armed old man. This old man was none other than the old dragon king who retreated from Songjiang Dragon Palace.

And Suo Su Su was tied to one side and tied to the shelf.

She closed her eyes and seemed to pass out.

Those Ao shrimps turned into human figures, and each person had a height of three meters, entrenched around the cauldron.

"Ji-Ji-Ji... so grown up, I haven\'t eaten Dragon Meat yet!"

"Eat this old one first, and eat that tender one later!"

"What anxiety, the leader said, we must use the tender hook of Songjiang\'s people to come! We Ao shrimp, but we have to wait for them to win!"

Each of these Ao Shrimp is proud, licking his lips excitedly.


Old Dragon King endured severe pain with one arm, and the water under him was getting hotter and hotter. It is estimated that he should be cooked soon.

He opened his mouth and scolded the tallest Ao shrimp.

"You beast! You used the banquet to give us medicine! You insulted your father! You are not worthy to be the leader of the Ao shrimp family!"

"Hey, old stuff, you are so dead that you are still talking hard."

The leader embraced his arms and sneered, "My father\'s stubborn old man has been eliminated. He died really well, otherwise I haven\'t had a chance to come up! I\'m a leader, I will definitely take Ao shrimp This is the real overlord of Heilongjiang! It is the right time for you to come today, just take your old thing first! I heard that the taste of dragon meat is very good, but I can try it this time!"

"You beast!"

The old dragon shivered with anger and scolded again and again.

"You will not scold for a long time, and soon you will be cooked and turned into a dish."

The leader continued to ridicule, "It is now to scold, come on, I will make you scold, and you continue!"

"Our Lord Songjiang will not let you go!"


The leader laughed with the Ao shrimps under his command, "Lord Dragon Lord is a fart! My Ao Shrimp family is the real king of the water! We have been suppressed by the Dragons for too long, all because of my father\'s old bastard ! I grabbed you just to lead your dragon lord! Then I will commit suicide by himself, chopped off his paws and head, and made our banner! I want all aquariums to know that the Ao shrimps are in the water Overlord!"

"is it?"

At this time, a cold voice rang in the leader\'s ear.

The leader was stunned. When he turned his head, a man wearing a golden dragon emperor and a dragon crown was already standing in front of him, and at the same time, he lifted a foot and kicked hard on his lower abdomen.


The leader, who was nearly four meters high, was kicked out and hit the cauldron behind him.

The large pot with hundreds of pounds of heavy weight was directly knocked over, and the hot water inside was spilled and sprinkled on the body of many Ao shrimps, and they screamed when they were hot!

The old dragon is a fire, so it is heat-resistant.But those ao shrimps are not so heat resistant!

A group of Ao shrimps fled around, and the leader climbed up from the ground in awkwardness, staring at the man in the golden armor and red cloak in front of him with amazement.

"Master Dragon!"

Seeing the man, the old dragon king burst into tears and knelt directly on the ground.

He is very regretful, if it is not that he does not listen to persuasion, he will not lose his arm!

"Two arms."

Facing the leader, Liu Yi stretched out two fingers, "I abandon both arms, and I will let you go alive."

"Do you think you are?"

The leader shouted, "It\'s just a sneak attacking junior! Dare to be so arrogant in front of my Ao shrimp family, it is simply to find a way out! Warriors, let this dragon lord taste our strength!"


The Ao shrimp turned into prototypes one by one, and turned into giant lobster-like creatures that were five or six meters long. Then they waved iron tongs and attacked Liu Yi.

Liu Yi glanced. These Ao shrimps are indeed huge in size, and their strength is not bad. They have an average of four or five stars. If they are cultivated, they may be higher.

It is a pity that they are all scattered sand, and for themselves, it is poor and pitiful, as long as he moves the method of Jiu Xuan Xin Jing, he can freeze all these things.

But Liu Yi is not here to show his strength, but to save people, and check the strength of his army by the way.

"Saber, attack!"

Liu Yi grabbed the old dragon king, and immediately appeared beside Bosu Su, rescued her from the shelf, then flashed again, and appeared in the distance.

"He is going to run!"

The leader shouted with his arms waving, "Don\'t let this guy run away! Kill him!"

Those Ao shrimp immediately climbed over, quite fast.

The Ao shrimp tribe also has a huge underwater enclave, so there is no difference between the enclave and the outer land world, isolating all the river water.

But at this time, Liu Yi suddenly rushed out of hundreds of burly hippopotamus warriors, carrying turtle shields in their hands, and then running, carrying shields with their bodies and rushing against those Ao shrimp.


Don’t look at the huge body of Ao Shrimp, but the strength of the hippo warrior is not overwhelming, plus the impact of running, directly hit these Ao Shrimp one by one.


The sound of the saber was heard again, and a thousand spearmen immediately formed a formation, leaving the spears outside, like a meat grinder, and killed the Ao shrimp group, frantically tearing the bodies of the Ao shrimp.Even if it is protected by hard armor, it cannot withstand such a intensive attack. Soon, many Ao shrimp ground armor was crushed and then pierced!