Love Dependency Disease

736 736 What are you doing here

HKUST is a science-based institution, but it has a very special department, that is, the Department of Fine Arts of HKUST.

Originally, the University of Science and Technology did not have this department. Later, in order to enrich the teaching content of the University of Science and Technology, and to make the boring University University style more artistic, they opened more art majors.

For example, music, art, etc.

This is how the art major was born, but the traditional old professors of the University of Science and Technology found that whether the art major is a mentor or a student, all the characters are very "unusual", and all aspects are incompatible with them!

People who study fine arts pursue romance, and their other majors pursue reality, so the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Science and Technology can often go to war with other colleges!

However, many students are still envious of the students of art colleges, especially seeing that they can carry a sketchpad, use the time of class, and collect wind and other things on campus or outside the campus.

At this moment, Liu Yi stood in front of the head of the Academy of Fine Arts, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

This old director, who is almost forty years old, is already bald, but he is extremely gorgeous!

The upper body is a white shirt with lace, and the lower body is red tight trousers that Liu Yi can\'t understand the style, and there are many ornaments on it.

The head of the department still had ear studs on his ears, and even a nose ring was poked on his nose. Liu Yi watched for a while and his scalp tingled.

This old guy... Could it be the legendary old unjust?

"You are the mentor hired this year?"

The dean squinted his eyes and looked up and down Liu Yi several times.

"Really...really...too bad! Too bad!"

The dean of the department pinched an orchid finger and shouted with disappointment, "How did the personnel department recruit someone like you, it\'s too bad!"

"Hey, hello, where am I going to be bad?"

Liu Yi was very upset by this old perverted duty and immediately asked.

"Look at your whole body, what\'s wrong?"

The dean of the department pointed at Liu Yi and shouted, "Your dress is really terrible, there is no taste at all! Such a person with no taste is going to be a teacher in my department! God, you are completely Destroy the fashion and atmosphere of our place!"

"I just came to be a mentor..."

Liu Yi was unable to spit out, "I\'m not here to be a model, what am I doing with flowers?"

"What do you know? It\'s called taste, do you understand taste? You don\'t even have taste, how do you be a mentor for those children? Do you know how to bring them bad?"

"The job of the mentor is to convey the information of the school to the students, and at the same time feedback the information of the students to the school. In addition, it is also responsible for the daily life of the students in the school. , Not responsible for modeling them, thank you!"

"Your tasteless guy, dare to talk back!"

The department head jumped angrily, "Don\'t you want to do it with me?"

"Don\'t you drive me away if you don\'t agree? Really have no taste at all."

Liu Yi smiled, "I heard that the head of the Department of Fine Arts is a man of good manners. Seeing today, it doesn\'t seem to be the same as the rumor..."

"Who said this?"

The head of the department immediately sorted out his collar, and then said with a straight chest, "Which one of the University of Science and Technology can have more grace and taste than me?"

"That\'s right!"

Liu Yi pointed to himself, "Department head, you see, I am a very simple person, although I have no taste, but I am willing to work hard and work! The most important thing is that I have a heart for caring for students! I think, I do After this job, I will take good care of my students! They are not only my students, but also my brothers and sisters! I am a mentor and a servicer! Department head, please give me a chance , Let me prove myself!"

"Um... It\'s okay to give you a chance because of your sincerity."

The head of the department nodded.

Liu Yi laughed inwardly, in fact, if you let the above come forward to solve it, you can get it.But the head of the department is not his own enemy, or a bit paranoid in the arts.

What a taste you need to be a mentor, really.

"Okay, since that\'s the case, there will be a small meeting in the department\'s small hall for two of your majors in a while, and you will meet just then. You don\'t have a lot of work to do, leave them a contact, school If you have any notice, you will be responsible for notifying them. At the same time, they will tell you if they have something. You just need to pass it on to the school... Well, you should know all the related work, I won’t tell you more! Go! "

This time, the dean of the department did not take any more reason, and gave a command and said.

"Knowing the director, I\'ll go by now."

Liu Yi turned and went out, but the head of the department threw another sentence, "Remember to wear some tasteful clothes next time! What a terrible business..."

Liu Yi\'s cold sweats, this old man is really crazy...

Fortunately, I didn\'t study art at that time, otherwise it would become like this... Murong Die, Wang Yuzheng, they must be crazy!

After saying goodbye to the dean of the department, Liu Yi came to the small hall during class.

In this small auditorium, there are no more than forty people sitting. It seems that there are more than ten people in a class!

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but quietly sighed, and the students sitting in the auditorium were writing and painting, some playing with mobile phones, some dragging their chin directly, staring out the window.

Fortunately, Liu Yi has already had the experience of being a teacher, but he was not too nervous. He wrote his name and contact information on the black spots casually.

Although some people in the school knew that Liu Yi\'s identity was the blood emperor, but those were the students of Liu Yi\'s age at that time, and there were few people, so they consciously kept Liu Yi secret.

This is the freshman student who just came this year, but some people know Liu Yi\'s things, and also read the school posts.

"I will be your mentor in the future. If you have any study or life issues, just contact me. If I\'m not here, just contact another phone number that I wrote down next, and he will take care of you."

Liu Yi clapped his hands, and in the future he was going to be a shopkeeper.

The above considers that he may come out from time to time, so Liu Yi is equipped with a deputy who is his assistant mentor.

It is estimated that the other instructors will be jealous. Nima has been working in the university for so many years, and for the first time heard that the instructor has an assistant.

"Instructor, are you the one who beat the islanders?"

"Instructor, you sing pretty well, why not teach music?"

Asked some curious students.

"Haha, you don\'t need to care about this. If you have anything related to the school, come and ask me again. Then what, you two classes, choose two class leaders to come out, and let the class leader come to me if there is anything else."

Liu Yi was too lazy to know one by one, so he planned to find two people in charge directly if he had anything in the future.

"Instructor, our squad leader has already chosen it!"

"Yeah yeah, already selected!"

"Oh, so, come out and get acquainted."

Liu Yi clapped his hands and wondered what would be the monitor of these two art major classes?

If that\'s what the department head looks like... Liu Yi is expected to spur blood directly.

At this time, the two beautifully dressed girls stood up directly.

One is as cold as an iceberg, and one is brisk.

Liu Yi saw the two of them, their feet were soft, and they almost sat on the ground.

Nima... he is too familiar with these two girls!

Isn\'t this the valley rain of Xianxuefeng, or the Moran in the world?

These two girls are not practicing in the martial arts. What do they do when they go to the University of Science and Technology?

Do these two girls come for the genetic map?It\'s unlikely... that thing is useless for Xiu Xianjie.

What are they doing here?Liu Yi really can\'t figure it out!

"If you have anything in the future, just contact me!"

Moran smiled and smiled beautifully, especially with some heroism in it, which obsessed men and envied many girls.

But Liu Yi felt that there was some furry behind it... This is definitely not a kind smile...

"I hope the school has less things. I hate trouble."

Gu Yu put on a pair of glasses on her exquisite little nose, she reached out and pushed, and then said.

"Well, there is indeed something to tell your two squad leaders, and go outside with me."

After Liu Yi finished speaking, he turned and left the small auditorium.

Gu Yu and Moran glanced at each other and went out.

The rest of the people talked.

"Oh, both beautiful squad leaders have been called out!"

"Oh my god, the mentor has taken a look at their beauty, would you like to start with them?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense, don\'t the instructors have girlfriends? It seems that they are still two school flowers!"

"You don\'t understand this, as the so-called two are also raised, a group is also raised, why not raise more?"

"You\'re dead, do you think she\'s a shepherd? She also raises a group!"

Liu Yi didn\'t matter how the people inside talked about himself. At this time, he was pressing his voice, and asked the two sister papers in front of Xiuxian Realm in a low voice.

"What are you two doing here? Will you come to see me?"

"Yeah, I got you back to get married!"

Moran pinched his waist and looked at Liu Yi with his chin raised. He stretched out one hand and hooked on Liu Yi\'s chin. "Are you going back with me?"

"Don\'t mess around!"

Liu Yi took off Mo Lan’s little hand of mischief. "I want to catch you early, not to mention the reason for your dad. If you can marry me, you must kill your dad first! Did you do it?"


Moran saw that he had failed to deceive Liu Yi and could not help but pouting.

"Don\'t be too narcissistic, the two of us are here, it really has nothing to do with you."

Gu Yu looked at one side, but actually used Yu Guang to secretly look at Liu Yi. "Soon, something big will happen here. Both of us are observers who came a step earlier."

"What\'s the big deal? What\'s going on here?"

Liu Yi is a little strange, "Is there any magic weapon that cannot be born?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

The two women looked at Liu Yi in surprise. Liu Yi couldn\'t help but covered her forehead. Nima, bluntly, even guessed!