Love Dependency Disease

730 Chapter 730: Meeting Again

"My emperor, the day when my demon clan rises is just around the corner."

Ao Ri knelt beside the demon emperor and said with joy, "As long as you have mastered the genetic map, the strength of the demon clan will soar! My emperor\'s injuries can also be healed!"

The demon emperor sat there, with one hand on the armrest, and the other hand stood up, placed in front of his eyes, and looked at his slender fingers.

"Day, tell me, how long has it passed?"

She did not directly answer Ao Ri\'s words, but asked.

"My emperor has been full of 1,300 years."

"Yeah, it\'s 1,300 years..."

The demon nodded, her loli\'s face, her arrogant figure, with a black crown on top of her head, the posture of queen loli.

"Thirteen hundred years...the agreed time was reached...but he was gone."

She murmured, "Suddenly forgot, what was the reason for attacking the human world back then... Day, you tell me, why did I attack the human world?"

"Isn\'t it to let my demon race unite the Six Realms?"

Ao Ri raised his head and looked at Zhang Yunyun, the demon emperor sitting there.

"Unify the Six Realms?"

The demon emperor smiled faintly, "Yeah, you still look at me too high. Although I am classified as a demon emperor, I am still a woman. All this, speaking of it, is just for revenge against that man... Revenge, I gave everything. Even, gave his life..."

"My emperor, Sword Emperor does not have to die like this. When his apprentice comes, all this will be revealed. Then we will arrest his apprentice and don\'t believe that his master will not appear!"


The demon emperor thought of the man covered by the dragon scales that day, and speaking of it, his exercises were exactly the same as those of the sword emperor.

Unfortunately, his strength is too weak.Jianhuang\'s strength is much higher than him.If he is really alive, I am afraid that after 1300 years, he has already become stronger.

And myself, Kankan has just returned to the previous level.There is damage to Xing Xuan on his body, and if he does not repair it, he will not be able to gain any further advancement.

Thinking of this, the demon emperor glanced at the delicate young girl thrown in front of him. Was the secret of the gene map hidden in this woman?

"If that is the case, let me see it!"

The demon emperor extended a finger and pointed at the unconscious Xiaomi.

Suddenly, two blood pillars flew out of Xiaomi\'s ears, directly jumped into the air, and then formed a ball.

The demon emperor is not talking, but his eyes are fixed, as if he is comprehending the secret of this blood cell.

Ao Ri stood aside and did not dare to disturb the demon emperor.

But his brow suddenly wrinkled and said.

"My emperor, it seems that a few mice are coming."

"Such hidden places will be found?"

The demon snorted coldly, "Since they came to die by themselves, you should send them away."

"Got it, my emperor!"

Aoji nodded, then stepped forward and stood at the gate.


The sturdy gate was kicked open by a foot, and three figures came in.

Chen Cai and Zhang Meixin were standing beside Liu Yi, and Liu Yi\'s face was covered with a blood emperor\'s mask to hide his identity.

When his eyes fell on the demon emperor in the hall, he couldn\'t help shaking.

is her……

It is indeed Zhang Yunyun...

Suddenly Liu Yi felt the wonder of fate. When he first met, he didn\'t know the demon emperor at all, and the emperor regarded himself as his apprentice and let him go.

The second meeting, the demon emperor is not yet a demon emperor, and he is not yet a sword emperor.Because of her own reasons, she became the emperor of the unified demon world!

The third time she met, she was the demon emperor and herself the sword emperor.The two of them went to war and broke Xing Xuan by her own hands, sealing her back to the demon world!

The fourth meeting, after this 1,300 years, things are wrong.She was the same as before, and she has changed a lot.

Like Ai Ling, she has gone through a full 1,300 years, and she has only experienced a moment...

Perhaps, in a way, is this particularly unfair to them?

But these are not what I want to choose, because of fate.Destiny, destiny, is really an annoying thing.

"It turned out to be you?"

Ao Ri saw Liu Yi dressed in the blood emperor\'s eyes narrowed, "I really can\'t talk about people during the day and ghosts at night. Just mentioned you and you came out. Just came, take you down, take your master Force it out."

"Are you looking for Jianhuang?"

Instead of looking at Ao Ri, Liu Yi looked at Zhang Yunyun.

Hearing the word Jian Jian, the piece of Yun Yun shuddered suddenly, his eyes retracted from the blood cell, and then fell on Liu Yi\'s body.

"where is he?"

Even after 1,300 years, the mood of the demon emperor wants to see the sword emperor has not changed!

"Now, it is not the time for you to meet."

Liu Yi shook his head, "You have waited for 1,300 years, why do you still struggle with this time?"

"What do you know?"

The demon roared, and the whole room shivered, "Do you know what my mood is? Do you know how much I want to see him? I want to tell him, how much I hate him! Cut the meat piece by piece! I want to hear him cry in pain, so that the pain in my heart can be relieved!"

This crazy woman... Liu Yiting felt numb behind him for a while, and even less dared to reveal his identity.

"Boss, do so much nonsense with them, do it yourself, save Xiaomi back!"

Chen Cai said, the purple light began to appear on his body, and the power of Shura continued to emerge.

Zhang Meixin on the other side was also nervous, ready to perform his magic.

"Want to do it? Okay? Day!"

"Hey, boss, why is this girl dirty?"

Chen Cai couldn\'t help but asked Liu Yi, "It\'s a pretty girl!"

"Insult my emperor, damn it!"

The status of the demon emperor in Ao Ri\'s heart is like a god!Hearing Chen Cai\'s words at this time, he suddenly burst into tears!

This guy swallowed the Poseidon Lamp directly, exploding the power of the Heavenly Order, and then appeared in front of Chen Cai in an instant, and took a shot towards his Heavenly Spirit Cover!

The palm is full of the power of thunder and lightning, with a blue brilliance!


Chen Cai felt the huge power of this man, and was shocked, but also greeted him without forgetting!

The huge Shura\'s hand stretched out, in line with Chen Cai\'s movement, and collided with Ao Ri\'s palm!


The wandering thunder and the power of the Shura boiling directly hit the fragile house.


This is the top floor of a LOST building. The walls and walls were immediately lifted off, and the black night sky appeared in the sight of everyone.

"This is, the power of Heavenly Order?"

Ao Ri stepped back two steps, and looked at Chen Cai, who also stepped back, in surprise.

"Good guy, LOST is a bit talented!"

Chen Cai also shook his hand and said in surprise, "Boss, this guy is very fierce!"

"His name is Ao Ri, but he is the right arm of the demon emperor."

Liu Yi reminded Chen Cai, "The junior level of Tianjie should have its own strength at the top of the terrain, but it has swallowed the Neptune Lamp and forcibly improved its strength."

"It turns out so!"

Chen Cai nodded, "Boss, you know so much, you can call it Baidu!"

"I know more than that."

Liu Yi remembered that he had met Ao Ri 1,300 years ago and couldn\'t help whispering.

But this guy was temporarily thrown to Chen Cai to serve, he stepped forward and said to the demon emperor.

"Release Xiaomi, what\'s the matter for me?"


The demon emperor glanced at Liu Yi, "Why do I want you to come?"

"Don\'t you just want a gene map? I have the strongest dragon gene on me. You can get it if you have the ability!"

Liu Yi raised his head proudly and said.

"It\'s such a strange guy."

The demon snorted coldly, "I took the initiative to die."

With that, she raised her palm, and her palm was aimed at Liu Yi opposite.

"In this case, I will fulfill you!"

Day Yao Palm?Disillusioned!

This is the way the demon emperor learned from Liu Yi!

"Dai Yaori Palm? Not broken!"

Liu Yi flew up with his palm and directly broke the power of this demon king!

"It is worthy of his successor, indeed a bit of strength."

The Demon Emperor smiled faintly, "However, the strength is too much. I just used a little less than 10% of my strength."

She has returned to the level of heavenly ranks, and now it is the strength of the mid-term of 19 stars, so Liu Yi is not taken into consideration at all.

"You can\'t look down on people!"

Liu Yi intends to hide his true ability in front of the demon emperor, so he runs the dark power of the vacuum cleaner and then imitates someone\'s ability.


He stroked a hand around his waist, and suddenly, the blossoming black cherry blossoms fell, flying continuously in the moonlight under the night.

The black cherry blossom armor directly chopped on Liu Yi\'s body.

Liu Yi carried a black shield in his left hand and a black knightly gun in his right hand. It was a blackened version of the cherry blossom knight!

"What move is this?"

Zhang Meixin rounded up a pair of beautiful eyes. She remembered that Liu Yi\'s skills should all be of the Dragon Gene class. Why did he get such a set of armor?

"Fancy gadgets."

The demon snorted disdainfully, and then took another shot in the air!


Liu Yi immediately lifted the shield in his left hand and protected it in front of him. With a bang, he blocked the palm power!


The Demon King was finally a little surprised this time. She used 30% of the force this time, but she was still blocked?

"Come on, my majesty the devil, otherwise you will be defeated!"

Liu Yi stepped on a few fox steps, and then came to the front of the demon emperor, and the knight\'s gun in his hand directly thrust towards the emperor\'s belly.

"Huh! Very good, then I will use 50% strength to deal with you!"

My own strength of 19 mid-stars, 50% strength, is enough for this guy to drink a pot!

The demon emperor let the knight\'s gun pierce his lower abdomen, and then slapped his right palm towards Liu Yi\'s forehead!