Love Dependency Disease

729 Chapter 729

"Where did they escape?"

Zhang Meixin asked.

"Back, the direction of the back door..."

The guard reached for a finger.

The back door of the laboratory leads to the underground martial arts field!

"Okay, you\'re going to heal soon, leave the rest to us!"

Liu Yi and Zhang Meixin glanced at each other, and then ran in both directions towards the underground martial arts arena!

The speed of both people is very fast. Liu Yi is obviously faster. Almost in a blink of an eye, he walked through the corridor and then opened the back door to the empty underground martial arts ground connected to the lake.

In the huge underground martial arts ground, there was only one man standing, wearing a black trench coat, holding a frame in one hand, and holding a novel in the other, looking at it with relish.

"Hey, someone finally came?"

The sound of the back door being knocked open was not small. The man raised his head and looked at Liu Yi with blue eyes. "I thought no one was defending here. The legendary defense of the University of Science and Technology Laboratory seems to be nothing more than that. Well."

Since all important materials have been removed, the defense here has naturally become much weaker.

Liu Yi frowned and asked coldly.

"You took that girl there?"

"Oh, it\'s too urgent to talk, not a gentleman at all."

The man patted his trench coat, then put away the novel, stuffed it into the pocket of the trench coat, and then said, "And you came too late, the girl had already been sent back to the headquarters. As for me, yes I stayed and wanted to pass the time, but I didn’t expect to wait so long."


Suddenly, Liu Yi smelled a bit of demon power from the man, so she frowned and asked, "Are you a LOST person?"

"Huh, did you guess it?"

The man was a little surprised, "Where am I exposed?"

He looked at his clothes, it seems that there is no sign marking LOST?

"Far away, I can smell the bad smell on you."

Liu Yi snorted, "Who else besides LOST is this smelly monster? Tell me where the girl was sent to, I will keep you alive."

Liu Yi is most concerned about the safety of Xiaomi.

"Although your request is not excessive, this is not enough..."

The man in the windbreaker shrugged his shoulders, "That girl is the key to the rise of the demon clan. How can I tell you to give it to you. Let\'s fight, let me pass the time.

"It seems that you are a monster who joined LOST later?"

The corner of Liu Yi\'s mouth rose slightly.

"Oh? How do you know it again, wouldn\'t you be a gossip?"

The windbreaker man was interested.

"Because they are members of the older generation of demon clan, it is impossible not to know me!"

Liu Yi mentioned his strength and was planning to solve this guy, then suddenly the door rushed out again.

"Liu Yi, did you catch them?"

"Huh, ah! In this place where the bird is not shit, you will meet such a beautiful woman."

The windbreaker man\'s eyes fell on Zhang Meixin who had just come over. "Beautiful lady, I don\'t know if you would like to have dinner with me?"

"Is this man a monster?"

As a Chinese zodiac beast, she was a little sensitive to enchantment, so Zhang Meixin immediately judged the identity of the windbreaker man.

"Great, I just want to dissect a monster to see! After seeing them become adult, what is the difference between our body and our human structure!"

Zhang Meixin was excited, licking his tongue, pulling out two scalpels from his pockets with his hands, playing with it, causing cold sweat on the forehead of the windbreaker.

"Okay... still a very personal beauty..."

The man in the windbreaker took out a handkerchief and wiped his cold sweat. "Let\'s talk about fighting."

"I don\'t have time to ink with you."

Liu Yi cared about Xiaomi’s safety. He lifted up his strength and gave out a dazzling golden light in his palm, "Either say or die!"

"Human temper is really not good."

The man in the windbreaker shrugged his shoulders. "You should be more self-cultivation and self-cultivation, otherwise, isn\'t it even our monster?"

"People have good and bad, and monsters have good and evil."

The killer flashed in Liu Yi\'s eyes, "but playing the kidnapped monster is definitely not a good thing! Suicide!"

"In that case, let you know how powerful our LOST is."

The windbreaker man said, flicking his windbreaker, "How to say, I am also a newly-advanced cadre, don\'t show it well, how could your demon lord appreciate me?"

Just as Liu Yi was about to spike this buddy, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Boss, why do you come here for such a small role, leave it to me."

With a flash of purple light, a person jumped out of it and fell between Liu Yi and the man in the trench coat.

This figure Liu Yi is very familiar, not others, it is Chen Cai!

Lying trough, how long have you been with Chen Cai?

It has been more than three years since I returned to the past from now on!

But looking at Chen Cai, it seems that he has matured a lot!

His black armor is slightly ragged, his hair grows very long, and it hangs down to his waist. Anyone who doesn\'t know, just looking at his back, thinks this guy is a girl!

"Who are you?"

The man in the windbreaker looked at Chen Cai who appeared suddenly, and he was slightly surprised.Because he never realized there was a third person here.

"Well, I\'m just a trivial little man."

Chen Cai reached out a hand, grabbed the long hair behind his back, and then took a purple light with the other hand, and passed all over the hair.

Suddenly, his long hair became short hair again, making Liu Yi feel a lot more comfortable.But he was also struggling at the same time, and it seemed that Chen Cai\'s power had increased a lot.

This is only two months away, and there is no Shura here. Shura wants to make progress and can only continue to absorb the power of other Shura.

Could it be that Chen Cai returned to Shura?

"You can call me passerby!"

Chen Cai lost his hair and said.

"I don\'t appreciate your sense of humor."

The man in the trench coat pushed his glasses off and said, "But I don\'t mind tearing you into pieces."

"Chen Cai, don\'t talk nonsense with him, ask Xiaomi\'s whereabouts!"

Liu Yi said.

"Relax, boss, I can smell Xiaomi\'s breath, and I know exactly where she is!"

Chen Cai appeased Liu Yi, "Don\'t underestimate Shura\'s nose."

Lying trough, Shura is not a dog.Liu Yi vomited, but still believed Chen Cai.

This time I feel that Chen Cai is a lot stronger... even more than the Shura God...

In particular, Chen Cai\'s breath of returning to nature made Liu Yi start to doubt that this guy has already stepped into heaven?

"Then give me a little fun!"

The nails on the man\'s hand in the windbreaker suddenly grew very long, like a few sharp daggers, and his pupils became slender.

"It turned out to be a cat demon."

Chen Cai pouted, "I thought it was a powerful guy, LOST also underestimated our zodiac signs."

"Powerful or not, you will soon know!"

The man in the windbreaker suddenly disappeared in an instant, and the speed of this man was extremely fast.

Chen Cai didn\'t take it seriously, one hand stretched out of his trouser pocket, and then punched down!

A huge Shura fist immediately fell in the void, directly hitting the man in the trench coat, smashing him out of the void and slamming into the ground.

The ground trembled, and several cracks appeared.

The man in the trench coat lay inside and his glasses were broken.

His heart was greatly shocked!

He is a master of twelve stars!

Originally came here, full of confidence, want to find a sense of superiority!But as soon as I met, I was beaten down by a guy who claimed to be a passerby, and there was no way to fight back!

"It\'s too weak, so is LOST."

Chen Cai shook his hand, stood up, and said casually, "It seems that your so-called demon emperor is not very good."

"How dare you insult the demon emperor!"

Upon hearing this, the man in the trench coat blew his hair immediately!

He climbed up from the ground, with blood on the corners of his mouth, with ten cold lights in his hands, as if sharply slashing, he flung towards Chen Cai.

Chen Cai crossed his arms, and the power of Shura condensed a purple shield in front of him, directly blocking those swords.

At the same time, Chen Cai grabbed the huge Shura sword with the other hand, and cut it directly across the waist of the windbreaker.

"This... what power is this..."

The upper body of the windbreaker man slowly detached. He relied on the tenacious vitality of the demon race and finally asked.

"It\'s better to let you die."

Chen Cai put away his sword of Shura, and then said slowly, "This is the power of Shura."

Liu Yi was shocked when she heard this.

Emperor Shura?

Did Chen Cai even become Emperor Shura?

Doesn\'t that mean that he killed Shan Honghe who stayed in the abyss of Shura?

This kid... Why did he go to Shura Dao to take such a big risk?

"Hey, boss, how is it, I was shocked by my strength!"

Chen Cai killed the man in the trench coat and said excitedly to Liu Yi, "Now I am a celestial master! Boss, I am afraid even you are not my opponent!"

"I was a Sky Master a long time ago..."

Liu Yi covered his forehead. "It\'s just that the strength has changed now, so I have to practice again."

"Lying trough, this is not scientific!"

Chen Cai looked at Liu Yi in disbelief, "I can practice in Shura Dao for a thousand years, a thousand years boss!"

"Although I haven\'t practiced for a thousand years...but I have practiced for more than three years."

Liu Yi counted the time and said, "But my strength is still recovering, and it\'s not bad to have you protecting me."

"It\'s not fair!"

Thinking of his hard work for a thousand years, just after catching up with the boss, Chen Cai felt like crying.

"The two of you perverts are actually Heavenly Masters!"

Zhang Meixin listened directly, it seems that he is the strength of the terrain?It\'s not the same as the Heaven Rank...not a little bit!

"What we experienced is beyond your imagination."

Liu Yi appeased Zhang Meixin, "Now let\'s find Xiaomi."