Love Dependency Disease

731 Chapter 731

The demon\'s flesh is very tyrannical!

Although it was pierced by a knight\'s gun, it was a blink of an eye to want to recover!

So the demon emperor let Liu Yi\'s knightly gun penetrate through his lower abdomen, and then shoot it with the palm of his hand, with the power of the wild flame, to crush Liu Yi\'s head!

"Stupid little man, Tomeng let your master avenge you!"

"Sorry, I don\'t want to die yet!"

Suddenly, nine rounds of golden little sun popped up behind Liu Yi, two of which were shining brightly and the golden glory!

At the same time, the shield on his left hand greeted him and hit the demon king\'s palm.


The bodies of the two flew out three or four meters, and then landed on the ground!

A piece of ground in the center was directly shattered by the power of the two people just now!Many floors are still falling apart!

"What power is this?"

The demon frowned, staring at Liu Yi, whose shield was smashed.

"It seems that this trick can\'t deal with you."

Sakura armor is not suitable for fighting masters, it is also suitable for cleaning up fish.

Liu Yi had to disperse his cherry blossom armor, and then put on the most commonly used imperial armor.

"He actually... even passed this set of armor to you?"

The demon embarrassed, looking at Liu Yi\'s familiar black armor, his body trembling slightly.

"Your master! Where is he, let him get out and see me!"

"For so many years... do you hate or read?"

Liu Yi, dressed in emperor armor, stood on the other side of the pothole, holding a scorpion tail gun in one hand, and asked the demon emperor opposite weirdly.

"I ask you, have you tasted waiting for others?"

The demon king did not directly answer Liu Yi\'s words, but asked.

"Especially waiting for someone you love...when you wait for him for a day, you may be complaining. When you wait for him for a year, you may be missing...but wait for a hundred years, a thousand years? No matter how much love, it becomes hatred!"

The demon squeezed his palm, "How much love was there, how much hate it is now! Not to mention that he chose me instead of mankind! He gave up on me and wounded me badly! When Xing Xuan broke my heart, my heart was already broken! Perhaps before that, I still had such a little love for him... But now it has been wiped out and turned into dust!"

Listening to this, Liu Yi was very painful.

If he can, he certainly doesn\'t want that.

If you insist on blaming it, you can only blame your fate!

"I think it\'s you two who have no chance."

Liu Yi sighed and said, "Demon Emperor, you have too deep an obsession. If you were willing to follow him back then, I am afraid that would not be the result. The error is not on him."

"What do you know! What do you count!"

The demon Emperor twitched and angered, "Let your master get out and talk to me!"

With a sudden flash of her figure, she directly crossed the hole and appeared on top of Liu Yi\'s head. Her palms were photographed towards Liu Yi with a broken army!

And Liu Yi raised his arm, blocked himself, and took the demon king\'s palm!


The floor under Liu Yi\'s feet shattered directly, and the demon king pressed Liu Yi\'s figure like this, falling all the way down!


Chen Cai was shocked to see Liu Yi fall to the top floor, trying to help him.

The figure of Ao Ri appeared in front of him, throwing a ball of lightning, which blocked his way.

"Your enemy is me!"

"Damn! Annoying guy!"

Chen Cai had to retreat and continue to fight with Aojiu.

Zhang Meixin took the opportunity to jump in front of Xiaomi to check her injury.Zhang Meixin was relieved to find that Xiaomi had only some skin trauma.

Fortunately... the lucky one...

"Call me your master!"

The demon emperor continued to attack Liu Yi frantically, but they were all blocked by the power of Liu Yishen, God Wang Jia.

The two of them had smashed through the unknown number of floors and finally landed on the ground.

On the ground, Liu Yi, wearing imperial armor, improved his defense by not knowing how many times!But the power of the demon emperor is not covered. At this time, the ground under Liu Yi has been cracked and the shape of the crack is no different from a broken spider web.

"You\'re very resistant! But I haven\'t used Jiuyin\'s demon power yet!"

The demon emperor slapped Liu Yi on the chest again, knocked Liu Yi\'s body back five or six meters, and then said arbitrarily, "Don’t force me to really destroy you! Now tell your master’s whereabouts I can still give you a life!"

"What\'s the use even if you two meet?"

Despite eating a lot of tricks, Liu Yi was not injured under the protection of Emperor Armor.He stood firm and asked the demon emperor in front of him, "Are you looking for an answer?"

"The same can be said!"

The demon emphasizing his head nodded, "I want to know, what are I waiting for in my 1300 years! When I know, maybe I won\'t be so confused again!"

"Okay, do you want to know? Then I will fulfill you."

Liu Yi took a deep breath, and he held out a hand, calling out loudly.

"Come out, heaven!"

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light burst into the sky, and then a huge sword fell from the sky, crashing down along the two people and smashing the ground cavity, instantly occupying in front of Liu Yi and Yaohuang.

"Just that was..."

Ao Ri was attracted by the sword, "Impossible..."

"this is……"

The Demon Emperor\'s expression was also dull, and his eyes fell on the huge sword.

How could she not know this sword?

Tongtianjian... This was originally her love sword... Later, she was cut off and belonged to the sword emperor Liu Yi.

"Liu Yi, what are you doing!"

Zhang Meixin was lying next to the pothole, Hedong Lion roared, "That broken sword almost cut on the old lady!"

"Liu Yi...Liu Yi..."

The demon emperor stepped back two steps, looking at the man in black armor standing in front, suddenly his feet were soft and almost fell to the ground.

"Yes, I am Liu Yi, and I am the Sword Emperor!"

Liu Yi stretched out his hand and removed his head armor, revealing his original appearance, "Two months ago, I used the wine sword technique to cross 1,300 years ago. I met you and made you become a demon emperor. . All of this is my fault. However, you also have certain responsibilities. If you insist on prosecution, bear with me these errors!"

"Error? Where did I get it wrong?"

Zhang Yunyun suddenly laughed, with a bitter smile, "You are just going back and forth in an instant, but I have been suffering for 1300 years! Sword Emperor, brother, you, what a cruel heart... "

She stretched out her hand and gently touched her chest, "You know when your broken star hand hits me, when my star is cracked, when you seal me in the demon world, How painful is my heart? Although you killed my mother, although you refused to live with me in the demon world..., but I admit, I still have a hint of fantasies about you... But, you personally destroyed such a little, you really...really...too disappointed me."

"If it is not for you to insist on destroying the human world, how can we both of us take such a dead end?"

Liu Yi’s eyes are not cowardly, he looks directly at Zhang Yunyun’s eyes, “This path is chosen by the two of us, no matter what you want, I will follow Liu Yi. If you still want to invade the human world, I Liu Yi will still fight you to the end. But Yun Yun, the mistake of 1,300 years ago, I don’t want to continue. If you still want to come back to me now, I will still treat you as I did then. You will always be my little princess."

"Is it your only little princess?"

Zhang Yunyun asked.

"This... looks unlikely."

Liu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He could not give up other women for the sake of the demon emperor alone.

He admitted that the demon emperor paid a lot for himself.But Murongdie, Wang Yuzheng, Lin Tong, these girls, do they pay less for themselves?

If only one of them is chosen, then Liu Yi will really be unable to forgive himself.

He is destined not to be a woman.

"If that\'s the case, why should I say more?"

Zhang Yunyun sneered, "My good brother, can you give me back my feelings for you? You used to cheat me, but you still cheat me. Brother, is it really that funny to cheat me?"

"You still like to find faults in other people."

Liu Yi sighed, "Why don\'t you want to look at your shortcomings?"

"I\'m right, I\'ve never been wrong!"

Zhang Yunyun shouted, "Is it wrong to like someone? Would it be wrong to want to stay with you for a lifetime? Brother, don\'t give any reason to your own dedication! A man like you should be killed! Let me kill myself! After you, and then make your body into a specimen, accompany me every day!"

Is this girl...perverted?

"You are crazy!"

"Yes, I\'m crazy, so what!

Zhang Yunyun laughed, "I\'m crazy, after falling in love with you, I\'m completely crazy! All of this, you are forced! You are forced, you know?"

Khan, it sounds like a curse, but one word is missing.

"Good brother, I didn\'t expect you to be alive, but you have to pay for it."

Zhang Yunyun stretched out a palm, squeezed tightly, and then said, "I\'ve been hit by my nine-yin demon power, and I can still survive. It\'s worthy of the man I was looking at. But that\'s it. Today, I want to end you completely!"


Liu Yi took a deep breath, "The grudge of 1,300 years will come to a result at this moment."

"It won my heart! Brother, I have just penetrated the mystery of the gene map. Now Xing Xuan in the body has begun to repair it."

With that, she reached out and grabbed a long black sword. "The spells I learned from you then use them to bury you!"


Liu Yi has shot Zhang Yunyun, and Zhang Yunyun also shakes the sword.

"Ask Jun how sad it can be that a river flows eastward!"