Love Dependency Disease

728 Chapter 728

Liu Yi is practicing his second helix in the world of consciousness, and suddenly feels that someone is pressing on himself.

He quickly opened his eyes and found that Zhang Meixin was lying on his body, a pair of dark eyes staring at himself.

Her full breasts, under the thin pajamas, seemed to be unobstructed, pressing on her chest.The beautiful touch makes Liu Yi\'s lower body can\'t help but start to have a rising trend!

In addition, the fragrance of Zhang Meixin\'s body is refreshing, and it penetrates into the nose. It is like some kind of strong aphrodisiac, which is too fatal for men!

What is this big girl doing?About three chapters of the law, but also climbed into his bed in the middle of the night?

"You, what are you doing..."

Liu Yi asked subconsciously.


Zhang Meixin thought that Liu Yi saw the little old lady after the ugliness, resisting the strong smile in her heart, and then posted it to Liu Yi\'s ear seriously. …"

Damn it!Is your original face a hungry and beautiful young woman?

At the time, Liu Yi wanted to yell out, but he was afraid of being beaten, and he was afraid of destroying this sultry atmosphere, so he dared not speak out.

"I am very hard... I never dared to show such an image in front of outsiders... I endured so hard..."

Zhang Meixin continued, what Liu Yi thought.

Nonsense, who dares to take out so hungrily to outsiders!

Isn\'t that death?

But this... you don’t want to show it to me, neither Liu Yi nor Liu Xiahui...

This level of temptation-confusion...lethality is really too strong...

"So, I beg you to help me... Except for you, I don\'t know who to help..."

Zhang Meixin hugged Liu Yi\'s neck, almost touching his face, exhaling like Lan, saying, "You are a good person, I believe only you can save me..."

She feels that she has finished speaking in the image of an ugly old lady. Liu Yi has been scared into a mad dog!

But Liu Yi thought of another meaning, Nima, so hungry?

But looking at it this way, this girl might not be the first time... Such an extreme temptation-confusing, Liu Yi will inevitably have a desire to make mistakes.

One of his hands began to squeeze unreliably on Zhang Meixin\'s raised buttocks, and then gently knead.

Zhang Meixin almost groaned out, his body trembling slightly, his heart was shocked, and his eyes were even wider.

Nima!Is this guy fighting me?

By the way, he knew he had the ability of illusion!Huh, he must have discovered that he was tricking him with illusion!No, it must be performed to the end, the old lady will not believe it, this man is so powerful, and can be a ugly old lady with pustules!

Change to a normal man, I am afraid that even the idea of ​​*** can\'t be born!

Who is afraid of who!Come here!

Zhang Meixin, with courage in mind, gradually put a small cherry mouth towards Liu Yi\'s mouth.

Such a disgusting face, do not believe that disgusting will not die you!Die Liu Yi Die Liu Yi!Surrender immediately to me!

In Liu Yi\'s eyes, Zhang Meixin is like a beautiful young woman who has been hungry and thirsty for a long time.

This also counts, serving the people, right...

Liu Yi stretched a hand from behind, attached it to Zhang Meixin\'s head, pressed her head, and took the initiative to kiss her.


Zhang Meixin directly lost his guard, and his tongue was invaded by Liu Yi, which felt a little soulless for a while!

This... how could this be...

He really can kiss himself... Isn\'t he sick?

God...Liu Yi, it\'s too heavy...

Ah... what\'s below, so stiff, between my legs... well, why rub it back and forth... actually, there are still some comfortable feelings...

Although Zhang Meixin has a long childhood face and has been single, she is already the age of a young woman. At the age of 278, the demand for sex has begun to take shape.

Liu Yi was so teased that she had some tendency to lose first.

And Liu Yi originally pressed Zhang Meixin and shrank back, bouncing directly under her pajamas, and then all kinds of tricks, kneading Zhang Meixin\'s proud plump zone.

"Um...don\'t...don\'t do this..."

Zhang Meixin is finally getting out of control, so if I continue this, I am afraid that I really will be lost here today!

She wondered how Liu Yi could talk to an ugly wife...does he really have such a strong taste?

Or is he still competing with himself for endurance and wants to let himself lose?

No... Zhang Meixin cannot succumb to a man, who is afraid of who!I don’t believe what he can really do!

As soon as this idea came out, Zhang Meixin felt that Liu Yi\'s finger had gently opened his underwear, and then the sound of the zipper of the pants was unzipped, and then there was something hot and a little hard object, which was against himself Above the important guardian zone!

Zhang Meixin shouted in his heart, no, this is absolutely impossible!

In this way, I lost my body!

But the body subconsciously does not want to stop, it seems to want to continue the same!

This kind of thought is like a person who wants to get up in the morning. Although he strongly tells himself that it is time to get up, his body will still lazily shrink into the bed and do not want to come out!

Zhang Meixin felt that he was about to finish!

But at this moment, she thought of a beeping alarm in her room!


The alarm sounded Zhang Meixin completely awake, pushed Liu Yi away, and like a frightened deer, jumped off the ground in panic and ran back to his bedroom.

I wipe?

Liu Yi was stupid, lying on the sofa, blinking and blinking his eyes, what is the situation?

Did the duck that you brought yourself fly like this?

"Yes, it\'s a laboratory alarm..."

Zhang Meixin blushed and walked out of the bedroom, holding something like a signal receiver in his hand, and said, "There is something in the, you go with me..."

"what is going on?"

Liu Yi put on his trousers, sat up from the sofa, and looked at Zhang Meixin puzzledly, "Isn\'t it what you want? Why did you run away again?"

"Is it your taste?"

Zhang Meixin blushed and gritted his teeth, said, "Who knows you are such a bastard... Even an old lady with a pustule on her face will not let go..."

"What old lady with pustule?"

Liu Yi puzzled, "Is there anyone else in this room?"


Zhang Meixin was very surprised, could this guy not see his magic?

Or is he deliberately pretending?

"Ah, it\'s on fire!"

Suddenly she reached for the carpet next to the sofa. She used illusion to create the illusion of a fire, and wanted to see Liu Yi\'s reaction.

The average person will scream and run away, or go to extinguish the fire?

But Liu Yi tilted her head strangely and looked at herself puzzledly.

"Fire? Where is the fire? Teacher Zhang, are you asleep?"

"You, you can\'t see my illusion?"

Zhang Meixin looked at Liu Yi in surprise.

"Illusion? Oh! I know!"

Liu Yi smiled and pointed to his own eyes. "My eyes can automatically see through some small illusions. I naturally cannot see your illusions."


Zhang Meixin rubbed his hair and screamed again and again.

She is really going crazy!

I am proud of myself, enough to be perfect for the plan!

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Liu Yi took advantage of it!

Ahhhh!How to face him in the future!

God, those words I just said... When it was finished, when he heard it, he must think that he was a young woman with dissatisfaction... woo woo...

"Teacher Zhang, what\'s wrong with you?"

Liu Yi didn\'t understand what happened, and watched Zhang Meixin curiously.

"You, you must forget those things tonight, otherwise I will kill you!"

Zhang Meixin bit her silver teeth and said to Liu Yi fiercely, "Now follow me to the laboratory first, and I will explain to you on Lao Niang Road!"

Having finished speaking, she went into the bedroom and began to dress.

Liu Yi is very puzzled. What is this girl doing?

Zhang Meixin put on clothes very quickly, put on a pair of pants directly, and walked out in a white coat.

Liu Yixin said, this girl doesn\'t know how to dress up, no wonder he has no boyfriend!

Two people, Ma Ke, Xiaomi\'s sister-in-law, deserve to be good girlfriends!

Some places are exactly the same!

"Hurry up! It\'s an emergency alarm, you can\'t delay!"

Zhang Meixin said, directly opened the window, and then bent his knees, jumped directly out of the window.

Liu Yixin said that he didn\'t know who was delaying time just now. He jumped out of the window and followed beside Zhang Meixin.

On the way, Liu Yi heard Zhang Meixin explain that she finally knew what had happened.

He really wanted to laugh, but saw Zhang Meixin\'s hateful gaze and refrained!

This girl is too funny, even wanted to scare herself with such a little illusion!That\'s why I lost my wife and broke down!

"If you dare to laugh, and die hard today, I will die with you too!"

Seeing Liu Yi\'s expression, Zhang Meixin gritted his teeth and wanted to kill.

But thinking of Liu Yi\'s single-handedly overthrow of an important base of the US military, Zhang Meixin gave up!

Alas, bitter water can only be swallowed into his stomach!

The two quickly arrived at the laboratory and found that it was a mess.

"How did it happen, didn\'t it mean that everything was removed?"

Looking at the messy laboratory, Liu Yi couldn\'t help but frown and asked, "How can it be like this?"

"I do not know either……"

Zhang Meixin squatted down, stretched out his palm, and stuck it to a comatose guard beside him.

Rabbit\'s ability is not only illusion, but also some healing power.

Soon, the guard woke up, opened his eyes, and said vaguely.

"Zhang...Dr. Zhang..."

"What happened to the laboratory? Why is this happening?"

Zhang Meixin asked quickly.

"There are... there are enemies invading..."

The guards spoke very hard, "War, Xiaomi, the warrior... was captured by them..."


Liu Yi and Zhang Meixin exclaimed at the same time, Xiaomi was arrested?What did the enemy catch her?

"It turns out that they are planning to directly extract the genes of the genetic beast!"

As a professional, Zhang Meixin wanted to understand it in an instant, and clenched his fists fiercely!