Love Dependency Disease

727 Chapter 727

Zhang Meixin was also a little bit natural, apparently unaware of his unintentional posture, and even caused Liu Yi to almost get into trouble.

"Okay, I found it!"

Zhang Meixin took out a piece of paper and a pen from the drawer, then sat down at the table and spread the paper.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Yi is a little puzzled.

"Of course it is three chapters of the offer law!"

Zhang Meixin gave Liu Yi a glance, "Do you think you can live peacefully with a girl? Of course, there are some rules!"

As she turned her pen, she thought, "Well, the first thing is to use the toilet... When I am not at home, you can use the toilet casually. But when I am at home, if you want to use the toilet, you must first I can declare it!"

"I wipe, you\'re crazy, you have to declare when you go to the toilet?"

Although Xiuxian\'s body does not need to go to the toilet at all, Liu Yi still feels that his human rights have been thoroughly insulted!

"Of course, there is such a toilet at home. What if you want to go to the toilet when I am going to use it? I can\'t go to the bathroom for a long time after you finish it. How troublesome I am!"

"I rely on..."

"Moreover, every night from 8 to 10 pm is my time when I can\'t take a shower. The bathroom is forbidden for you during this time! You dare to come in, don\'t say the old lady is welcome to you!"

With that said, Zhang Meixin stood up, stretched out a beautiful leg, stepped on a chair, and pressed his hands against the table. He gave Liu Yi a rogue glance, and seemed to want to frighten Liu Yi.

But she didn\'t know that her little Nene was really a little tighter, and when she split the leg, a playful black little hair came out from her little Nene.

Liu Yi hurriedly took back her sight and meditated on the Buddhist Sutra.

The relic color is not different, and empty is not different, color is empty, empty is color...

"Then the kitchen, will you cook?"

Zhang Meixin looked at Liu Yi and asked.


"Well, you cook every 1-3 days every week!"

"Wipe, why do I do one more day! Are you responsible for two, four, six?"

"No, we eat in the cafeteria on two or four."

"I wipe, are you going to die! This is an unequal jump, I firmly refuse to accept it!"

Liu Yi began to defend his human rights.

"I\'m asking for your opinion again, this is the clause that you must obey when you live in! Young man, what else do you want, living with a big beauty, you should laugh out of your dreams!"

"I want to resign now, ah!"

"Is that so exaggerated? Well, let\'s abolish cooking!"

Zhang Meixin reluctantly scratched off this piece of paper, "But the food in the cafeteria is really tired..."

"I will cook a big meal for you once a week, it\'s time to thank you for sharing with you, how?"

"Humph, you guys are kind of conscience!"

Zhang Meixin nodded in satisfaction, his chest pressed against the table, and the full one was like a small watermelon, Liu Yi slobbered.

Nima...Why is this girl so big, even Wang Lele is not an opponent!

Unscientific, what the heck grew up eating!

Liu Yi is studying scientific issues, and Zhang Meixin writes down again.

"The bedroom belongs to me, and the sofa belongs to you. You cannot enter the bedroom without my permission!"

Zhang Meixin wrote scrupulously.

"Relax... I\'m sure I won\'t run into your bedroom!"

Liu Yi hurriedly declared, "There is no gold in your bedroom, what am I going to do in your bedroom!"

"That\'s not true. For you boys who are in adolescence, what kind of underwear are girls, but your magic weapon!

Zhang Meixin said solemnly.

"I depend, this pure bullshit!"

Liu Yi immediately refuted this unfounded statement, "Mr. Zhang, you are insulting all our men! I want to sue you for defamation!"

"I saw it in an online novel! I didn\'t run!"

"I\'m relying on, what a novel with no temperament?"

"What is it called "Fake Doctor"... In short, you are going to sue you one by one! Anyway, I have to guard against you! I am a girl, although I can order illusion, but there is no way to compare with you, the Chinese law enforcement officer! "

Zhang Meixin thought of Liu Yi\'s current bullish identity, which was a despair.

It can be said that if Liu Yi wants to use force against her, then she can only accept it in tears.

Not to mention the law enforcement officer, the dragon gene in his body is the strongest of the zodiac signs!

Alas, it was right or wrong to get him into the Chinese zodiac.If something really happened, Zhang Meixin, would you consider yourself dead?

Zhang Meixin wanted to slap herself, but she was afraid of the pain, so she refrained.

"In short, there is so much to say for now. If I want to add it, I will add it at any time."

Zhang Meixin said, affixing the piece of paper to his bedroom door, "If you don\'t obey, hum, then you can only be driven out of here by the old lady!"

"Okay, I will try my best to follow it!"

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders, but I didn\'t expect such a trouble to share a house.What the hell is going on, get yourself and Zhang Meixin together, this is not to add chaos to yourself!

Although renting with a big beauty is fragrant, but troublesome things are also coming one after another.

I hate so many troublesome things now, originally I wanted to take advantage of my mentor to practice my skills.

Jiuyang Divine Power has reached the ninth level as soon as possible, so that it can fight against the goddamn god leader.

Liu Yi is only one strange thing now. Why can the Great God Master know his own moves so clearly?

Has this guy already practiced the six supernatural powers of the highest realm of Buddhism?

The so-called six supernatural powers are six kinds of supernatural powers. The first is supernatural powers, the second is eye power, the third is ear power, the fourth is heart power, the fifth is fate power, and the sixth power is powerless.

This great god leader may have mastered his heart, or a more powerful fate!

He can understand what the six Dao sentient beings think, and Fate can know all the fatal reincarnations of the six Dao sentient beings, and they are very powerful!

Since the Archbishop knows everything about is probably related to these two supernatural powers.

Liu Yi made up his mind. After preparing to get the complete Buddha power in the future, he should also practice the Buddha\'s mentality. Maybe one of the six supernatural powers can be realized.

Shenzutong can appear anywhere you want, it is called teleportation!Tianyantong can see the bitterness of six sentient beings, looking up at the nineth heaven, looking down at the eighteenth level of hell, there is no escape.Tian Er Tong can hear all the joys, sorrows and joys of the event, which is no different from the second baby Shunfeng Ear in Huluwa.

As for the last missed pass, it is a powerful magical power!

Cultivate into omniscience, you can transcend the three realms and six ways, immortal, and do your best!

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

Zhang Meixin said a lot, and found that Liu Yi was not listening, and was a little bit dissatisfied. "When you chat with a big girl, you can also sneer, and you deserve your whole life!"


Liu Yi woke up and heard Zhang Meixin\'s irony, and he suddenly laughed.

"Can we also have girlfriends?"

Liu Yi patted his chest.

"Lesser! Xiu Ai must die!"

Zhang Meixin snorted, Liu Yi\'s words just made her hurt!

She is so big, she has never had a boyfriend!

As I said before, Zhang Meixin has failed several times in love, and no man can accept her big nerves.

Especially when she was eating and talking about the flirtatious look of the autopsy!

"It\'s not early, I\'m going to bed! I took a shower today, and you can use the bathroom."

Zhang Meixin also seemed a little tired. She stretched her waist and walked towards her bedroom. After entering, she did not forget to lock the door.

Liu Yi helpless, Khan, this girl really thought she could force it?

Although I\'m a little fancy, I\'m definitely not obscene!I can\'t do that shameless thing myself.

Liu Yi was busy for a day, and then he took a break.He didn\'t think about anything else. He lay on the sofa and closed his eyes. The whole person entered the spiritual realm and began to practice in the spiritual realm.

Liu Yi sat cross-legged in his own conscious world, with nine rounds of small sun emerging behind him.

Among them, the light of the second sun is constantly strengthening, and it takes about half a month for Liu Yi to turn on the second sun.

By that time, his deity can become stronger and last longer.

Real men must last!

After Liu Yi began to practice, Zhang Meixin was tossing around in bed, making it difficult to sleep.

She felt that she should take the initiative to let Liu Yi know that he was amazing!

Otherwise, really waiting for him to bully him, then everything will be too late!

After Zhang Meixin decided, he clapped his palms and then began to wait for the late night to come.

Until more than twelve in the night, Zhang Meixin slowly left the bed, only approved a piece of pajamas, crept open the door, and then slipped into the living room.

Liu Yi lying on the sofa is quite honest.

If this guy can always be so honest, he doesn\'t have to scare him?

No... this thing for men... can bear it at first, who knows what it will look like in the future?

Frightening him a little by himself is also for his good!

Zhang Meixin strengthened his determination, then reached out and applied a illusion to himself, turning into an ugly old lady.

Zhang Meixin\'s idea was simple. He wanted to disguise himself as an ugly old lady, and then went to Liu Yi\'s bed to lure him.When Liu Yi wakes up and finds that an ugly wife is lying on her bed, I am afraid that she will be scared!

Haha, and then tell him when he is, this is what he really looks like!

By that time, Liu Yi will never have any thoughts about himself hahaha!

Great, Zhang Meixin, you are a genius!

Zhang Meixin covered his mouth and snickered twice, then quietly climbed onto the sofa, the hot body pressed against Liu Yi\'s body.

But the girl thought well, but she didn\'t know that Liu Yi\'s eyes had the effect of real eyes when they were normal.As long as it is not a particularly complicated illusion, or a illusion directly acting on the human brain, it will not work for him.