Love Dependency Disease

726 726 Cohabitation Day

Speaking of going to the bathroom, Wang Lele couldn\'t help but remember the last time he came, his blushing face suddenly turned red, and the charm in his eyes was a little more.

Hey, this girl can’t do Fa-rectification on the spot, it’s really disturbing!

This developed so well, what did you grow up to eat?

Even if you drink Shengyuan milk powder every day, it should not be so exaggerated!

Wang Lele\'s figure is a model that makes every woman jealous and every man crazy!

The huge breast, but also with a slender bee waist.

The Huaxia girls are very strange to say, especially beautiful, and they are basically weak on the chest.

For a woman with big breasts, that figure must be a bit plump.

Occasionally, there are individual child faces***, really sincere!

Lele belongs to such a top grade, so the boys who chase her can also be ranked from Qingbei to HKUST!

"Brother Xiao Yi, can\'t I..."

Wang Lele also knew her brother Xiaoyi’s thoughts. She whispered, “Last time was too shameful...and it was bad to be discovered by Little Butterfly sister...Will you wait next month?

"Why next month?"

Liu Yi felt very hot in his heart, and it was hard to wipe out.

"Next Brother Yi\'s birthday..."

Wang Lele\'s words surprised Liu Yi.

Lying trough, your own birthday?

It seems that I have forgotten this matter... I have lived for too long, and I can\'t remember my birthday.

Especially in the five hundred years of Shura Dao, no day and night, who can remember these?

Liu Yi never thought about birthdays or anything, so he didn\'t set Xiao Xuan to remind himself.

And Wang Lele, even remembering his birthday... This had to touch Liu Yi a little.

"Brother Xiaoyi\'s birthday is very close to Christmas, so Lele remembers it."

Wang Lele said with a grin, "When the time comes, Lele will pack herself up with Xiao Yi brother, OK?"

"This... of course...but can you open the gift in advance?"

Liu Yi licked his tongue and asked.

"Oh... Brother Xiaoyi, don\'t make trouble... Don\'t be so anxious, really...Isn\'t it all yours sooner or later..."

Lele gave Liu Yi a light hammer and pushed Liu Yi away.

"Sister Fluttershy will be back soon, let\'s not be too ambiguous!"

This girl... it was her who obviously hooked up with her, and she ran again to say such a decent word!

"Humph, you won\'t be able to get out of bed next month!"

Liu Yi snorted, causing Wang Lele another shame.

Murongdie returned quickly, and the three of them ate for a while. It was not too early to watch, and Liu Yi sent the two girls back to rest.

Looking at the entrance of the University of Science and Technology, Murongdie\'s eyes blurred for a while.

Probably this girl remembered the last thing again. That time, she kissed Liu Yi at the school gate and was discovered by Wang Yuzheng.

"Liu Yi, don\'t leave me in this life, will you?"

While drinking more, Murongdie had the courage to speak his mind.

Usually, she is a person who hides her heart deeply.

"Relax, I will love you for 10,000 years, 20,000 years, until the sky is old."

"Hee hee, he knows how sweet he is. Where can we live for so long, not Wang Ba!"

Liu Yi\'s mouth twitched and rubbed for a while. This girl likened the immortal to the king.

Later, he will definitely take these girls to cultivate immortals. By then, they will be together for a long time.

That\'s the day I pursue!

Otherwise, he cultivates longevity all alone, what is the use of longevity?

Liu Yi sent the two girls back to the dormitory building, so he took advantage of the night to go back.

He is now an instructor of the University of Science and Technology, and arranged the instructor dormitory for himself.

In the past, they used to live in a dormitory with Lai Junwen at the University of Science and Technology, but now they live in a teacher\'s dormitory. Is this treatment an increase?

Liu Yihe laughed a little and saw that it was a little late, so they did not ask Lai Junwen to come out.

Let them be a surprise tomorrow.

Liu Yi went to the dormitory building, took the key Liu Hongxian gave him, walked to Room 302 on the third floor, and then took out the key to open the door.

After opening the door, Liu Yi raised his head, and his expression immediately turned into consternation.

A beautiful woman wearing only a small inner piece was standing in the room, her upper body completely naked, and a pair of plump jade rabbits jumped gently in front of her because the owner was frightened.

Her figure is almost the same as that of Wang Lele. A pair of white and blue striped underpants wrapped her lower body beautifully, her two long legs are dazzling, and her bare feet stepped on the carpet.

While her hair was wet, she was wiping her hair with a towel, apparently just after taking a shower.

Seeing a big man standing in front of her door, she was also stunned there, and did not react for a long time.

"Zhang, Teacher Zhang..."

Liu Yi\'s brain was delayed for two seconds, and this was reflected.

Nima, isn\'t this Zhang Meixin!

Their biology teacher and famous person on the school flower list!And it is also a genetic rabbit warrior in the zodiac!

I\'ll just wipe it...Why would she be in her dormitory!The most important thing is... equal to not wearing anything?


Zhang Meixin only remembered the screaming at this time. She grabbed a vase on the side and dropped it at Liu Yi!

It is indeed a zodiac beast!The level of the lost vase is amazing!

Liu Yi, while vomiting, stretched out his hand and caught the vase directly in the air.

"I said, Teacher Zhang, you\'re too ruined! Such a good vase, if you lose it, you will lose it!"

After Liu Yi catches the vase, he doesn\'t forget to make a speech.

"You bastard! Why are you here!"

Zhang Meixin quickly wrapped the towel on her chest, but her chest was too full, and she couldn\'t wrap it at all. She could only block important parts, and still exposed a large piece of snow outside, attracting Liu Yidi\'s sight.

"I said I live here, do you believe Teacher Zhang?"

Liu Yigan laughed twice, he didn\'t know how to explain it, but he cursed Liu Hongxian to death.

Your sister, did she adjust herself at last?Arrange yourself to live in a dormitory with a female teacher?

Although there are separate rooms in the dormitory... but it is a little too unscientific to live with girls!

Especially Zhang Meixin, such a brave beauty...

How long can I live with her?Can it exceed thirty seconds?

"I believe your uncle, how can the school arrange for men and women to live together! This is the school, not the Nima Love Hotel!"

Zhang Meixin scowled angrily, staring at Liu Yi.

"But I really live here..."

Liu Yi was aggrieved, extended his index finger, and shook a key hanging on it, "Look..."

"Why do you have the key!"

Zhang Meixin\'s eyes flashed, "This is a teacher\'s dormitory! Haven\'t you been expelled from HKUST? Even if you haven\'t been expelled, you should live in a student dormitory!"

"That...I\'m a counselor now..."

Liu Yi took out his work permit and gave Zhang Meixin a glance.

"Nima! This is not scientific!"

Zhang Meixin almost bit his tongue, "Did you buy the superior?"

"Hey, hello, Teacher Zhang, it\'s too much to say so!"

Liu Yi said with great grievance, "I was thrown dirty water by the superiors of the dragon group, and was expelled from the University of Science and Technology. Now I am back, you even said such things..."

"Okay, this is wrong with me, but even if you become a counselor, you can\'t live with me!"

Zhang Meixin picked up a white shirt, put it on his body, then turned around, pulled off the towel, and fastened the buttons of the shirt.

Liu Yixin said, useless ah sister... Your chest is too big, the shirts are almost exploding, and the two bumps on the chest are even more obvious!

However, Zhang Meixin obviously didn\'t notice this. She just thought about the dormitory, "Is the school crazy, arrange us to live together?"

"I don\'t know about this...I thought it was a single dormitory..."

"Of course it is a single dormitory!"

Zhang Meixin gritted his teeth and said, "This is the only single dormitory in the whole dormitory building. It used to be my only one! Damn, I asked the school leader to ask!"

With that said, Zhang Meixin picked up the mobile phone on the table and began to call angrily.

"Hey, Director Wang, what\'s going on, how can I live with a male teacher...what is not enough in the school dormitory? Then we can\'t arrange for men and women to live together? What? Do you believe in the character of our two? , Even if you can believe that Liu Yi is a good man, you have to believe that the old lady can control it!"

I wipe, this girl is too open, say anything.

However, it seemed that the call had no result. Zhang Meixin hung up the phone angrily and gave Liu Yi a glance.

"You sleep in the living room! I sleep in the bedroom!"

Liu Yi glanced. Fortunately, there was a couch in the living room. It should not be too uncomfortable to sleep.

Hey, who let himself be put together and lived with a beautiful woman.

Forget it, take a loss and admit your fate.

Liu Yi sighed softly.

"Fuck, it seems you feel wronged?"

Zhang Meixin saw that Liu Yi was still sighing, and suddenly no more anger came.

"Living with the old lady, and still wronged you?"

"How come! I\'m so happy to die!"

Liu Yi said quickly.

"Fuck, wolf child ambition, really wolf child ambition! Tell you, if you dare to do anything to me at night, you will be dead! The old lady makes a illusion, let you and ten thousand beautiful women, let you **** and dead!"

"Hey, Teacher Zhang, there is no need to be so vicious!"

Liu Yi really got a white hair sweat, this Nima is too scary!

"Huh, you know you\'re afraid! The old lady\'s methods are cruel!"

Zhang Meixin threw a small fist threateningly, then thought of something, turned and bent over to turn something in the cabinet next to it.

I\'m going... Is this girl natural?

She wore a pair of underpants at her lower body. With such a bend, her hips were raised directly, and her full hips almost filled Liu Yi\'s eyes.

Nima... Is this asking Lao Tzu to create a crime scene!

Don\'t bring such a dad!Ahhhh!