Love Dependency Disease

725 725 It's Time to Go to the Toilet

A-level hunter has the power, if judged by Xing Xuan, it is about ten to eleven stars.

When I met Sister Li Biyue, her strength was eleven stars, and now she seems to be much stronger.

The two guys in front of them did increase part of their strength through such assimilation ability, but their actual combat experience is really far from Li Biyue.

Even without Hualong, Liu Yi dealt with these two people easily.

The two scimitars reached his waist, Liu Yi just smiled, and then his fingers quickly turned into a spell in the air, and a loud scream.


Liu Yi used this trick very smoothly.Almost in an instant, the body of the white hunter was fixed there, unable to move, and a big "fixed" word appeared on his head!


The hunter in black did not expect that his brother was so easy to get done, but at the same time shocked, he did not forget that he also followed suit!

The iron pliers on his arm waved towards Liu Yi, with a whispering wind!

Liu Yi only stretched out one arm, directly blocking the iron pliers waving by the black hunter.

At the same time, he took a pistol made of dark power in his other hand and fired at the black hunter\'s eyebrow.


A bullet hit the hunter in black immediately, but was blocked by the crab shell on his forehead.

"Hahaha, the crab shell on my body is very strong!"

The black hunter laughed proudly, "Guns don\'t work for me!"

"Then use your fists."

Liu Yi stepped on a momentary step, and instantly reached the black hunter, and then slapped it on his forehead.

"You can\'t even penetrate bullets, what can you do to me!"

The black hunter is also very proud, thinking that his defense is invincible!

And Liu Yi snorted coldly, with a hard hand.


The crab shell on the black hunter\'s forehead was suddenly crushed, his head was directly smashed, and blood and brain pulp flowed to the ground.

"Little brother!"

The white hunter on the side had just untied the setting spell and saw his brother\'s head was crushed and his eyes were red.

"Huangquan Road is lonely, so go with him."

Liu Yi learns what the big villains on TV often say, and then turns around, pressing the palm of the white hunter.

Little Taiji appeared out of thin air, and fell down like white lightning directly, pierced the head of the white hunter, and nailed his body to the ground.

Immediately died, the two hunters fluttered the street quickly.

"How, how is it possible..."

Qiao Jiahui didn\'t know that Liu Yi had a more terrible identity. I saw that the two senior hunters he had hired for a large price were killed so easily. It was unbelievable. It felt like a dream.

"Like Mr. Joe said, there is some power in this world that you haven\'t seen before."

Liu Yi withdrew the Tai Chi sword, then clapped his hands and killed two hunters, but it seemed to have done something insignificant.

Next to the Red Scarf Army came forward, very skillfully began to deal with the body, the old Master Qiao and Murong Hong looked a little numb.

Nima, this group of guys seem to kill people often... Sure enough, they are gangsters, not stubborn!

Mr. Qiao even has a feeling that if he is killed, he will be dealt with silently in this way...

For an instant, an unprecedented cold enveloped him, making his body tremble slightly.

Murong Hong...what kind of aunt did you find?

"Okay, all the obnoxious people have been cleared up, Father Joe, should we get back to business?"

After Liu Yi got the two hunters, he sat down again and asked Grandpa Qiao, "I am actually very good at talking. If there is any objection to Grandpa Qiao regarding the past, I can raise it."

What a P!Killed two people directly in front of myself, and said to him that he was good!

Qiao Jiahui really wanted to scold mother!

I have been in the mall all my life, and it is the first time I have met such an opponent!

In front of him, I felt I was too weak...

Damn it, he is clearly a commercial predator of the prosperous country, how can he be reduced to such a field!

Qiao Jiahui felt like he didn\'t understand this matter!

But everyone\'s knives are about to be placed on their necks, saying that the rest are useless.

"20 billion... I don\'t have so much liquidity in my account..."

Qiao Jiahui finally confessed, and said sullenly.

"Well, Master Father-in-law, what do you think should be done?"

Liu Yi asked Murong Hong\'s opinion and gave him face.

"Well... Well, anyway, with the face of my son-in-law, the bank will lend me money and let Grandpa Joe help me with 10 billion yuan. The projects we have worked with before can be continued, right? "

"Yes, we will be good business partners...

Qiao Jiahui crushed two big teeth.

"Okay, it seems that the matter is over."

Liu Yi clapped his hands and said with satisfaction, "It\'s still a pleasure to meet this time today, at least we all got what we wanted."

Lying trough, you guys got what you want!

My Qiao Jiahui is really big today!

"I don\'t have to move out of this club for a while now. Father Joe remembers to pay me a rental fee every month. Well, just hit our Red Star account."

Liu Yi patted the ass and stood up, his face was smiling, suddenly serious, his eyes filled with a killing intention.

"Also, there is one thing I have to tell my grandfather in the end. Murong Die is my woman. Whoever dares to hit his mind, I will send him to see God! Grandpa Qiao is a smart man, I won’t say anything more. It will be more pleasant to meet again."

After talking, Liu Yi turned and went outside.Murong Hong hastened to keep up, and today he is out of anger!

Qiao Jiahui sat on the chair decadently, crying without tears.


Fluttershy found a devil to be her boyfriend!

"Liu Yi, you are so handsome! Why didn\'t I see it?"

As Murong Hong walked, he patted his uncle shamelessly.

"Uncle has won the prize, these are just trifles."

In fact, Liu Yi is not humble at all. Compared with those of the cultivation of immortal world, this thing is really a small thing.

"Hahaha, it\'s too modest. If it\'s a small thing, what would be a big thing, save the world?"

Listening to Murong Hong’s laughter, Liu Yi said that saving the world is impossible, but he has just saved China once.

"Come on, my good son-in-law, happy today, let the two of us go for a drink!"

Murong Hong intends to be the host, and Liu Yi has a drink.

But Liu Yi quickly refused, "Forget it, uncle, I said OK to invite Fluttershy to have dinner with them! And you must not tell Fluttershy that I have seen you, otherwise she will get angry!"

Thinking of Murongdie\'s anger, Liu Yi couldn\'t help shivering.

Murong Hong felt weird. Nima, such a powerful man, would be afraid of his wife!

With that said, who can trust his mother!

The two stood at the door of the clubhouse at this time. Liu Yi called someone from the Red Scarf Army and said, "Find a car and take my father-in-law back."


The Red Scarf quickly arranged a black Audi A8 and drove in front of them.

"Uncle, I won\'t give you away, drink it next time I meet!"

"Good, Liu Yi, thank you very much this time..."

Thinking of his attitude when he first met Liu Yi, Murong Hong blushed a little.

At that time, it seemed that there was no difference between him and Qiao Jiahui, but fortunately, he later changed his mind about Liu Yi, otherwise he really wanted to kill himself here today.

"Uncle is too polite, because they are all a family, don\'t say two things."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Murong Hong nodded again and again, warm in heart.

The Audi A8 drove away quickly, and Liu Yi did not dare to delay anymore. Obediently returned to Qingbei to pick up Murongdie and they went.

Fortunately, Liu Yi will also fly Yu Jian, this thing will not jam, and soon arrived at the destination.

There was still a period of time before the end, and Liu Yi worked again for a while, and didn\'t close up until 7 o\'clock.

Spicy hot is definitely not good, Liu Yi led two girls to eat barbecue in a nice little shop outside the school gate.

In fact, for Murong Die and Wang Lele, it doesn\'t matter what they eat. As long as they can be with Liu Yi, they are happy to eat bran.

The two girls kept talking to Liu Yi about what happened in the last two months, and Liu Yi could be regarded as making up for the missing information in the past two months.The two chicks were very honest and didn\'t drink beverages. They even ordered beer.

"Brother Xiaoyi, in short, just come back!"

Drinking a little more, Wang Lele blushed and couldn\'t help but talk more.

"During the time you were away, Xiaodie\'s sister dreamed of your name."

"Nonsense, nonsense!"

Murongdie didn\'t drink too much. After hearing this, she blushed and immediately whispered, "When did Miss Ben sleep and shout this guy\'s name!"

"Hee hee, Sister Xiaodie doesn\'t believe it and ask your roommate! They all listen clearly!"

Wang Lele smiled, and there was a flirtatious look in her eyes, and Liu Yi looked itchy in her heart.

This girl seems to have developed better, and it is also a bit mature, so you can pick it up!

"Clear your sister! Make rumors and crush your milk!"

Murongdie glared at Lele fiercely, then put down the chopsticks, stood up, and scared Wang Lele shrinking behind Liu Yi.

"Sister Fluttershy... so many people here... shall we go back and pinch?"

"Pinch your sister, you slut, Miss Ben goes to the bathroom!"

Murongdie rolled his eyes and then turned away.

"Hee hee, scared me to death, thought Sister Fluttershy was violent."

Wang Lele patted his chest at ease and said.

"You, you can\'t let her down, it\'s just the rhythm of your own death."

Looking at Wang Lele, Liu Yi couldn\'t help but squeeze her nose indulgently.

"Why...the people just tell the truth..."

Wang Lele felt that her mouth and sexy lips made Liu Yi have the urge to bite.

Liu Yi asked subconsciously.

"That... Lele, don\'t you go to the bathroom?"