Love Dependency Disease

713 Chapter 713

After the snow flakes fell, many Ninja soldiers simply couldn\'t dodge it, and they were directly frozen into ice sculptures, which were placed on the surrounding roofs like the Snow Festival exhibition.


With Liu Yi\'s right hand, all the ice sculptures shattered into pieces of broken ice scattered all over the place.

"Okay, so scary..."

"Is this guy a demon?"

When those ninja soldiers have seen such a bullying trick, they are all silly.

"Quick, don\'t be stunned, attack from a distance!"

A leader suddenly pulled up the mask, a red fireball spewed out of his mouth and smashed towards Liu Yi.

The other surviving Ninja soldiers have learned a lot. They spouted red fireballs one by one and gathered in all directions towards Liu Yi.

The power of each fireball is comparable to a missile, and the explosive force is enough to fly an armored vehicle!

And Liu Yi stood on the ground, only stretched out her right hand, and then displayed the law of the Red Blood Code!

The fireballs flying in all directions immediately spun up like asteroids orbiting around the sun, and began to cycle around Liu Yi\'s body.

The other Ninja soldiers are dumbfounded, lying on the trough, what kind of method is this, how is it so strange!

Fireballs flew one after another, and then Liu Yi snorted. The fireballs suddenly turned into little red phoenixes, and flew out.

These fire phoenixes are extremely fast, and with the sound of Feng Yin, they have passed through the bodies of ninja soldiers!

For a time, those ninja soldiers were directly burned into coke by the flame of the fire phoenix, the scene was like a purgatory, very terrifying!

Now there is a majestic breath in this palace, just like a hell on earth!


"Yeah, the butterfly!"

These ninja soldiers no longer have the mentality to fight, and one by one began to race to escape.

But where their speed can be faster than the flying phoenix, they were soon caught up, and then ignited by the flame.

More corpses appeared in this palace. Although so many people died, there was no drop of blood.Either freeze into ice or burn into dross.

"Master, there is a radar reflection of the helicopter in the distance!"

Xiaoxuan suddenly issued a warning to remind Liu Yi.


Liu Yi packed up the ninja soldiers who blocked the road, looked up at the map, and saw the little red dot flashing on the map.

He flashed, stepped on a shadow step, and appeared directly at the apron in the palace!

A military helicopter is slowly rocking the propeller, taking off at any time.

An old man in a white robe and a man in a black suit are in a hurry to get on the plane, and when Liu Yi suddenly appears, the two are scared together.

Nima, isn’t there so many ninja soldiers, why can’t you stop it for a minute?

"The emperor, and the prime minister of the island country?"

Liu Yi saw them and chuckled, "Just right, I\'ll calculate the general ledger with you here."

"This gentleman, please don\'t ignore my existence."

Ise Shuiyue, who was wearing a witch costume, stood there, his face not flustered, and he didn\'t seem to care about Liu Yi\'s power.

"Shuiyue, hurry to hold this man!"

The emperor shouted loudly, "The Yamato nation will not forget your sacrifice!"

"Leave it to me, Your Majesty the Emperor."

Ise Shuiyue finally raised her head, and Liu Yi saw the decisiveness and the determination to die from her eyes!

Is this woman...willing to die for the emperor?

Her name is Shuiyue... Is it Sister Shuiyue who Xiaolihua has always mentioned?

It seems that she is a member of the Ise family, the island\'s last powerful force.

Speaking of this, the Ise family and Huaxia also have hatred. The people of their family have killed many people in Huaxia, just for the sake of genetic maps!

"Give my life and summon the most evil ghosts in hell!"

She said, taking a dagger from her arms and stab it in her heart.

A burst of blood spewed out immediately, and then Ise Shuiyuexiang disappeared, and his body fell to the ground.

Blood was flowing on the apron, and a strange circle was formed strangely!

The radius of this strange circle is five or six meters, very huge!

Then, the spirit of Ise Suiyue flew out of the body and floated in the air.

Soon, a crimson arm stretched out from the strange circle under him, and directly caught on the soul!

An ugly head of a goblin came out of the ground, and then stuffed that soul into the mouth and chewed it!

Liu Yi felt cold in his heart. This ISE water moon is too stupid!

Not only sacrificed life, but even the soul!

Can\'t look straight!

"Haha, with this ghost, how can you stop us?"

The Emperor and An Qingnai saw the four-meter-tall ghosts crawling out of the ground, roaring again and again, and their faces were filled with joy, "Before the destruction of China, you must be the food of this ghost! Hahaha!"

The ghost came to the earth, couldn\'t help being excited, patted his chest, and roared!

Suddenly, an air wave spread out and uprooted the impact of several trees around!

The helicopters were shaken in the air by the impact, flying a long distance towards the top.

"Hahaha, this is the power of ghosts and gods! Who can resist!"

An Qing Naisan couldn\'t help being proud when she saw the ghost.

"Oh, this is Shuiyue\'s soul power."

The emperor smiled, "We can carry out the final plan with peace of mind."

"Yeah, China will eventually turn into hell!"

The voices of the two people spoke to Liu Yi\'s ears without a word.

Is there a final plan?

These gangsters!


The ghost suddenly jumped in front of Liu Yi, and roared loudly at it, and a stench came suddenly.

It is a ghost and hell of hell, has a bad temper, and is quite powerful.

For the little bug in front of him, he didn\'t even put it in his eyes. He was about to blow him to death with a roar!

But unexpectedly, the man was safe and sound, but instead extended his right hand and caught the evil spirit.

Suddenly, a huge Shura\'s hand stretched out, caught on the ghost\'s head, and then grasped hard!

Just like squeezing an egg, the ghost\'s head was directly caught by Liu Yi!

The black smoke flew out of the ghost\'s neck and then spread into the air.

The ghost and god had been killed by Liu Yi before he was happy in the world.

The Emperor and An Qingna almost fell off the plane three times, lying in a trough, a violent ghost, how could they be killed in one face!

Is he too unscientific?

"It doesn\'t matter, Your Majesty the Emperor, we have flown so high, he can\'t catch up with us!"

An Qing Nai San looked at Liu Yi, who was as big as a match, on the apron, comforting the emperor.

At this moment, Liu Yi reached out to the sky again!

Shura\'s arm flew directly 100 meters away, then caught at the tail of the helicopter, pulled the helicopter and pulled it down!

The alarm sounded in the helicopter, and Emperor and An Qingnai were pale, grasping the surrounding objects and falling with them.

"Hurry, pull it up, pull it up!"

An Qing yelled repeatedly, but the driver was already crying.

"Me, I have tried my best and the plane is out of control!"


An Qingqi scolded, he held the door with one hand, and pulled out the pistol with the other hand, facing Liu Yi on the ground, pulling the trigger repeatedly!


A dozen bullets hit Liu Yi in the past, but Liu Yi didn\'t take those bullets at all.

The sky-turning seal automatically appeared on the top of the head, displaying an enchantment, and Ding Dang Dang blocked the bullets.

"Damn, why is this so!"

Both the Prime Minister and the Emperor are stupid at this time, and all means are ineffective against the Chinese demon!

The helicopter was directly caught back to the ground, and then Liu Yi waved his hand and broke the propeller above!

The propeller whistled and flew out, directly chopping off a house next to it, and then smashing it inside.

"Tell me, what is the plan below?"

Liu Yi came over, picked up the prime minister with one hand, and stepped on the emperor who wanted to struggle to crawl with one foot.

"Baga! You damn Chinese pig!"

The Prime Minister shouted loudly, Liu Yi was not polite, reached out, grabbed his head abruptly, and then threw his head and corpse aside in the spurting blood.

The head grumbled a few times on the ground before stopping in front of the emperor lying on the ground.

Seeing the prime minister\'s wide-eyed eyes, the emperor was almost scared to pee.

"Do you want to say?"

Liu Yi withdrew his feet, and the emperor was already frightened that day, and even had no strength to climb.

He squatted on the ground, looking at the emperor and asked.

"One, everything is late..."

The emperor stared dumbly for a long time, and suddenly laughed, "Everything is late! Even if you kill me, it is useless. There are thirty seconds, and the three missiles with the X virus will be different from three. The base under the sea sprayed out and flew to your beloved China continent! Ha ha ha! No one can stop the rise of my Yamato nation, even if you kill me, Hua Xia will perish! Ha ha, ha ha ha ha..."

"Even if possible, you can\'t see it!"

Liu Yi reached out and pointed at the emperor\'s finger. Suddenly, the emperor screamed. His body was constantly twisted, and soon his flesh exploded, and a white bone sword fell on the ground and stabbed into the ground below.

"This kind of wolf ambition is not worthy of being a human being."

At the same time, Liu Yi grabbed his struggling soul and fed Xiao Taiji.

Xiaoxuan also started to count down, with 25 seconds left.

As soon as Liu Yi flashed, he flew directly into the air, and at the same time ordered Xiaoxuan.

"Xiaoxuan, to track the missile signal over the island country, you must find all three missiles!"

"Knowing the master, I have now let the satellite control!"

Xiaoxuan immediately pulled out the coastal map of the island country, and then many red dots appeared on it.

"I rely, why are there so many red dots?"

"At present, both China and the island countries have declared that they are ready for war, and the warships of the two sides are facing each other!"

"Don\'t worry about them, track missile information!"


Start now, race against time!