Love Dependency Disease

714 Chapter 714: Cheng Biting Gold

Yang Lingyu was a navy who had just joined the army. He gave up college entrance examination and joined the army as a glorious navy.

The people around were strongly opposed, and even his dad was angry to cut off his father and son relationship.

Because Yang Lingyu\'s academic performance is not bad, if you enter the college entrance examination, it is easy to be admitted to a good key university.

But he gave up this opportunity and signed up to join the army.

From Yang Lingyu\'s point of view, there is a good saying, regret for two years as a soldier, and regret for a lifetime if not a soldier!

Since he went to school, he has enjoyed reading various military magazines!He loves these, and loves his military career!

When he graduated from high school, he decisively chose the path he most wanted to take.

To be honest, life at sea is somewhat boring, although when I first started on a warship, when I saw the long-awaited weapons in the magazine, the excitement in my heart was hard to wipe out.

But when he floated on the sea for two consecutive months, this kind of life gradually began to dry up.

Sure enough to be a soldier, especially a navy, requires some patience.

Yang Lingyu is not only a military fan, but also a war mad.Originally boring, when he later received an order from his superiors to make them all stand by on the coast of the island country, he was finally excited!

Yang Lingyu is very much looking forward to the war between China and the island country, and then teach the group of little devils!

The most important thing is that he hopes he can make continuous contributions in the war.As the so-called hero comes out of trouble, Yang Lingyu hopes so!

But when the island nation\'s warships were on the opposite side, and when the other party\'s missiles started to be launched one by one, Yang Lingyu\'s heart finally turned into a feeling of fear.

It seems...war is not as simple as he imagined...

The island country actually launched a sudden attack!

Suddenly, many of the surrounding warships failed to intercept and were hit by those missiles, burning a blazing flame.

Looking at the comrades who screamed and fell into the sea, Yang Lingyu started to tremble.

Fear, fear, filled his heart for the first time.

He finally entered the war!

But he is facing death at any time!

The god of death seemed to stop on his shoulders, and he would cut off his head without knowing when!

A total of two maritime self-defense forces of the other party launched a raid together, and it was a bit of a panic here for a while!

But Huaxia\'s warships are not vegetarian, and soon began to organize counterattacks!

For a while, the two sides had the same artillery fire, the missiles exploded, and warships continued to burn, and then slowly sinked into the sea.

Yang Lingyu was scared. All the scenes he had planned before and all the scenes of heroes are now turned into bubbles!

At this moment, he even wanted to be a deserter!

Not that he was timid...but, really afraid of death...

"Offense, surprise!"

"Give the press!"

Artillery fire from both sides hurts each other!

However, because of the raid launched by the other party, Huaxia suffered a little loss and beat the rhythm for a while!

The navy commander of the island nation stood on a flagship, watching the opposing warships continue to be sunk, with a gloomy laugh in his mouth.

"Ji Jie... The victory of this war belongs to us!"

He has received an order to make a missile barrage for the three X-class missiles!

I didn\'t expect this raid to be so successful this time. The strength of Yamato\'s soldiers is really not to be underestimated!

However, the Chinese soldiers are indeed very good, the response is fairly timely, and the organization is very fast.Otherwise, the naval establishment of other countries will be broken up by yourself!It is estimated that in a few minutes, they will recover the situation and then suppress their troops.But it doesn\'t matter, they are fighting for these few minutes!

But at this moment, there was a thunderous shout suddenly in the sky.

"Fuck me all!"

Then, a huge palm print fell in the sky. The palm was nearly 100 meters wide. The flame of the palm was burning, and it directly hit the army establishment on the island side!


Just as an atomic bomb was detonated, a cloud of highland mushrooms exploded directly in the seawater!

The commander of the navy had not yet understood what was going on, and the whole person turned to ashes and drifted with the wind.

"God...who is that man..."

"Okay, it seems like a blood emperor!"

Huaxia\'s soldiers looked at the black armored men floating in the sky and exclaimed suddenly.

With his own person, he destroyed the Maritime Self-Defense Forces prepared by the two island countries...this is like God!No wonder the blood emperor\'s reputation in China is so great, it seems really well-deserved!

Yang Lingyu also stared blankly at the Blood Emperor in the air. This is the real hero... Alas, he has blood in his empty space, but he has not truly become a hero!

Liu Yi red eyes, floating in the air, looking for the traces of the three missiles!

Because the warships of the island country were all destroyed, the missiles were also clean, and the map immediately showed that one of them was a few hundred meters away!

Liu Yi took a shadow step directly in the air and appeared beside the missile in the blink of an eye.

Trailing the tail flames behind the missile, it flew in the direction of Huaxia.

"Freeze me!"

Liu Yi folded his hands together, and suddenly, a white frost burst from his body, impacting on the missile.

In an instant, the missile turned into a white ice sculpture.

Liu Yi flew directly and kicked the missile.

The missile was instantly kicked into a meteor, rushing directly into the atmosphere!

When bursting into the atmosphere, the flames burning above failed to burn the frost that covered it!

How can Liu Yi\'s current Jiu Xuan Heart Sutra be melted by this ordinary flame lock!

At least, it must be the level of Samadhi real fire!

The missile was finally sent into outer space, and then became cosmic trash, drifting in space.

The outer space is cold enough, this thing will only grow more frost.Even if there is an accident, it doesn\'t matter if it explodes, because such an environment simply can\'t let the virus survive.

According to the same method, Liu Yi reapplied the technique and found another missile, and then sent it into space.

In this way, only the last missile remains.

Liu Yi used Xiaoxuan\'s ability to quickly find its location, which was getting closer and closer to China\'s land!

Liu Yi stepped on the shadow step, several ups and downs, and appeared in front of the missile in a blink of an eye.

He folded his hands again, ready to freeze this thing!

But at this moment, a wave of fire hit the missile, turned into a ring of fire, and spread directly out.


Liu Yi\'s body was hit by the ring of fire and flew directly out of a distance of nearly 100 meters!

At the same time Liu Yi was shocked, he was surprised to find that above the missile, a man wearing a black-red robe embroidered with nine golden dragons was standing.


At that moment, Liu Yi\'s heart chilled!

Nima, how did you get this guy out!

Did you go out and watch the almanac?


Without waiting for Liu Yi to react, the Great God leader stretched out his hand. Suddenly, a flame arm stretched out from the void, caught Liu Yi\'s neck, lifted him into the air, and flew with the missile.


Liu Yiming has changed his gods, but he is still weak like a child in front of the God God!

He exhausted all his strength, and he couldn\'t get rid of the shackles of the great god leader.

"Nine Yang Divine Power..."

The God of the Great God stared at the nine rounds of the sun behind Liu Yi, and the eyes under the hood appeared to glow red.

"Are you still back in the past? How is this possible, I have already killed Jiujinxian!"

"Actually, you killed Jiu Jianxian?"

Liu Yi heard this, his eyes red, and shouted, "Why are you damn guy, why should you stop me from going back to the past, afraid I might gain strength and kill you?"

"kill me?"

The Great God leader suddenly laughed, "You are really naive, and you still want to kill me with your power? Tell you, I am destined to be stronger than you forever, even if you practice to the level of the top great cosmic god of this time , You are not my opponent!"

"Then why do you stop me?"

"Because I don\'t like you!"

The answer of the Great God Leader leaves Liu Yi in the dark. Where is the answer under this logic?Daddy?

Don\'t you look hateful?Why does he feel uncomfortable with himself?

"I already warned you not to continue to practice strength! Otherwise, I will destroy you personally. It seems that you are still not memorable, very good, then I will come and cook you personally, so as not to leave one in the future. Scourge!"

The God of the Great God said, stepping on the missile under his feet, and then the flame arm shrank, dragging Liu Yi to his front.

At the same time, he slowly raised his right hand, and a green light radiated from his palm!

Seeing this light, Liu Yi\'s eyes shrank suddenly!

Star Breaker!

Malle Gobi... Isn\'t this guy a crossover?

Lying trough, how is my current strength against the crossover?

No wonder I have never beaten this guy... turned out to be a 28-star crossover!

Dog Day!

Whoever provokes yourself, how can you get such a shaman!

If you really eat this star crusher, then it will be over... power is equivalent to wasting it. Even if you leave a few helixes, you cannot grow to the highest.

Could it be...I Liu Yi will stop here?

"watch out!"

At this moment, a slim figure suddenly fell in the sky!

The figure was wrapped in a black robe, also covering the face, and she could not see who she was.

Her voice was obviously handled, revealing a hoarse voice. If you don\'t look at her body, it\'s really hard to tell if she is a woman.

She fell down without any help, but she waved a big red sword with both hands, and fell towards the god leader.

"It\'s you?"

Seeing this woman, the God of the Great God did not take the initiative to attack, but lifted up the green palm, and his palm became a dazzling red!

A crimson fire dragon was spinning in front of him, and with a bang, blocked the woman\'s sword!

"Let him go!"

The woman scolded coldly while following the flight.

"You shouldn\'t stop me."

The Great God leader seems to be in a state of hesitation.And Liu Yi was surprised again and again, Nima, who is this girl?