Love Dependency Disease

712 712 Emperor's Conspiracy

"Sir Anqing, why do you kneel in front of me?"

In the emperor\'s residence, the emperor was wearing a white robe, sitting on his knees at his desk and slowly drinking the tea in the cup.

A man in a black suit kneeled in front of him with cold sweat on his face.

Behind the emperor, there was a beautiful girl kneeling down. The girl was dressed in a standard island kimono. The upper body was white and the lower body was red.

"Your Majesty...I, our plan failed..."

An Qing Naisan is the current prime minister of the island nation, and he is also very unlucky.

The current situation in the island countries is actually very fucking, they have been controlled by the godfather of the United States.The United States belongs to a predatory economy. It often plunders people’s economies to meet its own needs.Later, the countries in Europe were robbed and wept. They didn\'t finish up with Lao Mei. In the end, the son of the island nation remained.

When the godfather couldn\'t get along, he robbed his son. The island country was robbed by crying father and shouting mother.

The best way for their economy is to work together with Huaxia, especially the China-Japan-South Korea trade circle that was almost established that year. If this is done, then the Asian economy will be nothing old.

But the godfather saw if this would work, and immediately came to fuck his own son.The godson can\'t stand being fucked. In order to please the godfather, he can only bite Huaxia. In the end, the trade union can only go away.

The island country often changes its prime minister for simple reasons.A pro-American prime minister came up, so he had to face Hua Xia.But working against Huaxia is not conducive to their own economic development.In a few years, the island nation’s economy began to decline, and some promises could not be made, so it could only be disgraced.

If a pro-Chinese comes up, the resignation will be faster, because the godfather is not happy!

The same is true for An Qing Nai San. When he first came to power, he was actually a pro-China. He did not expect to be stepped down after a few days.This man began to think behind closed doors, and finally came to a truth.If you want to do long-term for the prime minister, you must follow the godfather!

Work against China, and not only against China, but also bring China down!

The current situation in the island country is that the American godfather has covered the sky with one hand. If he wants to kick the godfather out of Huaxia completely, he can only fight with Huaxia!

The godfather\'s conduct will not fight with China!In view of such a security treaty between the two sides, the island country does not have its own army, and the godfather stationed it to protect the island country.When the island country is in a state of war, the godfather must help the island country participate in the war!If you don’t take part in the war, you will have torn up the security treaty, and the island nation will never be held back by the godfather again!

But in this way, he will have an enmity with China.China\'s current military strength is not something that island nations can contend with. Once it really fights, it will definitely hurt the island nation.

Therefore, under the emperor\'s instructions, An Qing Nai San decided to plot this time to fight against China and defeat China once!

First declare war with Huaxia and enter the battle state, so that the godfather will tear up the treaty.

Subsequently, the leading virus X in China, and the outbreak of water sources, began to completely outbreak, let China directly gameover within two months!

At that time, the island nation will enter China again and unify China\'s territory!Originally everything was planned perfectly, but I didn\'t expect that a "Liu Dabo" was suddenly killed halfway down, disintegrating their experiment on the artificial island, and even killing the mother body they used for the experiment!

As a result, their War Dragon plan directly declared bankruptcy!

And An Qing Nai San has already announced that he has entered a fighting state with Huaxia in the morning!If there is no X virus, really fight with Huaxia, they will be peeed!

Hundreds of China\'s warships, with an aircraft carrier outside, have stopped at their offshore, and the people of many island nations have peeed.

Seeing that the fighting between the two sides was about to ignite, it turned out that at this time, X virus went wrong!

An Qing Naisan was sitting in front of the emperor, hesitating whether to blame.

"I already know."

The emperor is an old man in his fifties. He is slowly tasting tea. His face seems indifferent, but his gently shaking hands have betrayed his inner fear.

"I have just seen through the eight mirrors of Shuiyue..."

The island girl who was sitting on the side was holding a black mirror.

This mirror is just one of the three artifacts of the island nation, the Eighth Mirror.

"Your Majesty...we... what should we do now?"

"What about Yamato troops?"

"Also, still recuperating..."

There was cold sweat on An Qing\'s forehead, and no one expected that at the critical moment, Yamato\'s troops were also abolished.

"Alas, it seems that this time the god Tianzhao did not bless us."

The Emperor\'s hands shook even more, with a little despair in his voice.

"At the moment, there is only one way..."

"any solution?"


The Emperor spit out these three words, making An Qing shake.

"This... how can this... how can I, the Yamato nation, fail..."

"How can we fight against China in our military?"

The Emperor said slowly while drinking tea, "Do you think it is possible?"

"Always try... Defeat without hitting, what should our reputation do?"

An Qing was excited.

"An Qingjun, you know, why can we always face Huaxia?"

The Emperor asked suddenly.

"Because of the integrity of our Yamato nation, because of the glory of our Yamato nation! Because of our strong national power!"

An Qing Nai thought for a while, and then said.

"Oh, those are all for others to hear. As the prime minister, do you want me to pick them up?"

The emperor smiled. "There are no outsiders here. Say, why?"

"Because we are defeated...but it is the United States that really defeats us."

An Qing is heavy on Sany\'s face, "It\'s two atomic bombs from the United States... which hurt us... convinced us..."

"Yes, so we have not been convinced of Huaxia. But you also know that there is no X virus this time. Once we start the war, the result is that we will be completely defeated by Huaxia. This time Huaxia will not miss the opportunity. They also We must be busy shifting domestic contradictions and spitting blood on us by the way. From then on, we will completely subdue the power of Huaxia. How can we do right with Huaxia in the future?"

"Your Majesty\'s lesson is... It seems that surrender is the only way?"

"Actually, I don\'t want to surrender. Once I surrender, the Yamato nation will be reduced to a joke..."

The so-called right wing is extremely high nationalist elements.

Both An Qing and the Emperor are such people!

"Fortunately, I am worried that Yin Qianjun will fail, so I have prepared one more hand... This hand is our final trump card. If we succeed, we can still make a comeback. However, in this way, we have to bear a lot of Public opinion pressure."

"What is it? Please express your majesty!"

An Qing couldn\'t help asking.

"Below the coast of the island country, there are three secret bases that I sent to build, and that is where our second nuclear strike is."

There was a trace of poison in the eyes of the Emperor, and said fiercely, "There are three intercontinental missiles loaded with X virus inside. As long as we launch at Huaxia, even if they intercept halfway, the X virus can reach their coast as if they were halfway. Then start poisoning from the coastal part! But in this way, everyone will know that this missile was released by us. I am afraid that the pressure of public opinion will be not small at that time!"

"Your Majesty, anyway, all are dead, why don\'t you fight for it!"

An Qing clenched his hands and said, "This world has only result theory, no process theory! As long as we win and take the land of China, we are the king of Asia! At that time, who dare to have anything to us words?"

"You are right about this."

The emperor nodded, "Let\'s go ahead and do it... For the rise of the Yamato nation, for the prosperity of Great East Asia!"

As the two men discussed the vicious plan, Ise Shuiyue suddenly whispered.

"Your Majesty, Your Excellency, that person has already come towards us."

When she speaks, she is singing, touching and beautiful.


Hearing Ise Shuiyue, the two were surprised at the same time.

The Chinese man came to this side. Does he want to be detrimental to the two most powerful people in the island country?

"Send someone to block him!"


An Qing bowed, then immediately took out the phone and told the people below.

At this time, Liu Yi was in the air, with a golden light, like a golden thunder, and instantly fell into the island\'s Imperial Palace.


A house was directly shattered into rubble by the falling Liu Yi. He walked up a golden thunder arc and looked around.

According to Xiaoxuan\'s guidance, the emperor should be here, but it is still unknown which room it is in.

"Baga, who dares to break into my palace, don\'t die!"

A row of Ninja soldiers suddenly appeared on the surrounding roof, yelling at Liu Yi.

"Shrimp soldier crab."

Liu Yi said lightly with both hands.

"You are not the culprits, I will not kill you, you run away."

With a hint of kindness, Liu Yi persuaded.

"Hahaha, you guys can talk big!"

"Standing here is the most elite ninja soldier of the entire Yamato nation! Even if an army comes, we must obey back in front of us!"

Those ninja soldiers did not lead Liu Yi\'s feelings, but instead sneered and sneered.

"Ah, since that is the case, then blame me for being merciless."

Liu Yi said, extending his right hand and pointing at the sky.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and then large patches of snowflakes began to fall toward the bottom.

This snow is very white and very beautiful. Those ninja soldiers are a little puzzled. Where is the attack power of snowflakes?

A ninja soldier couldn\'t help but stretch out his hand and caught a falling snowflake.

And at this moment, his body directly frozen into an ice sculpture!