Love Dependency Disease

711 Chapter 711

Almost instantly, a dazzling flame suddenly rose around, and the whole world was burned by this flame!

The golden bugs in the sky were burned to ashes directly, leaving no residue at all!

"Impossible...I, my power..."

Seeing the insect fog that he made with all his strength was destroyed in an instant, despair flashed in the girl\'s eyes.

"To say something very bloody, evil can\'t overcome justice after all."

After cleaning up the insect swarms, Liu Yi retracted the flame giant, re-armed his arms, and stared at the girl on the opposite side. "At this point, you should understand."

"What do I understand, why should I understand!"

The girl shouted loudly, "I should have everything because of you, because you destroyed them!"

"It\'s not me who destroyed it, it\'s you and your father."

Liu Yi said aloud, "Many acts of unrighteousness will kill you. You have never reflected on your mistakes, and you have been so arrogant and arrogant. In order to make yourself more beautiful, you will even sacrifice the lives of others.

"She was a fake and she shouldn\'t have existed!"

The girl growled, "Let her contribute to my existence, nothing more!"

"She is not your fake, she is my Yin Qianxi!"

Liu Yi told the girl loudly that his words made the girl\'s face pale and shocked, cold sweat continued on her forehead, and her eyes were full of despair.

"I will not……"

The girl murmured, and then the voice grew louder and louder, "I am the real girl of one can replace my existence...I am the real Yin Qianxi..."

"You can be anyone, but no one has admitted you."

Liu Yi held out his hand, and a green glow swelled in his palm, "I will abandon all your strength, and then you can go incognito and start elsewhere."

"I do not want!"

The girl suddenly exploded in the temple when she heard that her power was to be abolished.

She screamed, and layers of golden light appeared, "I don\'t want to lose power, I want to kill you, I am the strongest!"

Suddenly her body began to swell, and the speed was very fast!

Almost in the blink of an eye, her body turned into a giant of more than ten meters, and it is no longer humanoid, but a white giant worm lying on the artificial island!

The hard carapace on the body, with a pair of thin wings flapping behind, made a buzzing vibration.

"I wipe... this is not a monster?"

Looking at the giant beetle-like creature, Liu Yi couldn\'t help feeling a little sick.

The beetle suddenly raised a huge foot, stepped over towards Liu Yi.

"Hand of Shura!"

Liu Yi snorted, is it great to say big?

As soon as he waved his hand, a huge Shura\'s hand flew out, grabbed the worm\'s giant foot directly, and then pulled hard.


In the green blood, the bug\'s foot was directly torn off!

After the God of Heaven changed, Liu Yi, the power is not blocked by the alienated girl!

All her powers are looted, and she has not been systematically trained. Even if she is level with Liu Yi, Liu Yi can kill her with rich combat experience!


The huge beetle roared and rushed forward towards Liu Yi frantically.

"Tongtian Sword!"

Liu Yi\'s right hand pressed down hard against the giant insect. Suddenly, the Tongtian sword suddenly appeared in the sky, and then turned into a giant sword more than ten meters long in the blink of an eye, and then fell with the sound of Long Yin!


The huge Tongtian sword pierced the beetle\'s body directly and nailed it firmly on the deck!

The giant insect screamed, and the blood on his body was sprayed directly into the air, then turned into a green raindrop and fell.

The green raindrops are like the tears of the girl\'s despair.

"Are you crying?"

The huge bug eats Liu Yi\'s heart-warming sword, and it is estimated that it will no longer work.Liu Yi stood above the hilt of his celestial sword, staring at the big bug below him, and couldn\'t help but murmured.

"Hope for the next life, you can choose to be an ordinary girl."

Liu Yi prayed for this girl.

If you can choose, never choose this kind of life again, it is too tragic.

"I didn\'t expect that...even if this is the case, I can\'t beat you."

The man in the white mask didn\'t know when it came out again, stepped on the top of the half-building in the distance, and said slowly, "Sure enough, you guys are the life of a cockroach, a great life!"

"Who the hell are you?"

Liu Yi looked at the white-masked man coldly, "Why do you do right with me?"

"I said that, I am the only teacher, your enemy."

The white-masked man smiled and said, "Oh, so, you really are a brave guy. If you don\'t have those women to help you, without that Ai Ling beside you, you\'ve been dead for a long time, I don\'t know how many times !"

"You know Ai Ling?"

Hearing the news of her chick, Liu Yi suddenly glared at the tiger and burst out shouting, "Where is she!"

"Oh, did you mention your pain?"

The man in the mask laughed strangely, "Sure enough, your weakness is always in the woman\'s body! If you want to see Ai Ling, don\'t dream anymore. Now she is kind enough not to kill you!"

"Tell me where she is!"

Liu Yi uttered a roar in his mouth, just like Chun Lei, just blasted so loudly that the building underneath the masked man shattered it piece by piece!

"Sure enough there is some strength, but what can this prove?"

The man in the mask shivered slightly, but quickly calmed down, floating in the air, sneeringly, "When I teach the master to do a great job and destroy you, it is like crushing ants! You still enjoy your little life now Because soon you will die!"

"You are the one to die!"

Liu Yi held out his hand and gave a hand to the mask man!

Shura\'s hand also flew out to assist Liu Yi\'s attack!

Day Yao Palm?Disillusioned!


The air made a distorted cry, and the white-faced man on the opposite side quickly guarded his hands with his hands, and a white light shield condensed in front of the whole body!


The power of disillusionment shot on the light shield, directly wearing a masked man\'s body, and blasted on the deck of the artificial island together.

Liu Yi\'s power and its hugeness?

The power of this palm directly interrupted a small half of the artificial island!

The masked man\'s body fell into the sea with large pieces of rubble and steel.

"Do you think you can hide this way?"

Liu Yi snorted and moved his right hand upward!


A huge icicle lifted directly from the sea, and a huge ice lotus bloomed on it!

And the body of the white mask man is frozen in the white ice lotus!

The Red Blood Code of Liu Yi and the Jiu Xuan Heart Sutra have all been promoted to the extreme!

Such strength really made the white-masked man who thought he was very powerful unable to resist.

This white-masked man is no other than Li Heqiang.

He was sealed in ice, terrified.

No wonder the leader doesn\'t allow him to have a positive conflict with this guy... his strength is so fierce, he seems to be completely not an opponent...

Damn, it\'s obviously already integrated with the power of an angel, why can\'t he beat him!

Damn...Is Li and Qiang destined to be better than his Liu Yi?

So did your little teacher Bai Xiaowei like him so much?

No... I must be stronger than him!

Find a way to cultivate the Demon Dafa!In this way, one day he can defeat him!

At that time, the little teacher and sister will automatically consciously throw themselves into their arms!

But... can he live to that time?

"Little Tai Chi!"

Liu Yi waved his hand, and the Taiji sword floated directly above the ice lotus, and then began to spin up and down!

"Since you don\'t want to say it, then you die!"

During the speech, the little Taiji took a green light and spurted it towards the ice lotus!

I don\'t want to die!

At that moment, Li Heqiang wailed.

At this moment, the void was suddenly torn apart!A huge black light hand stretched out from the torn void and then shot on the little Tai Chi!

This palm opened for more than ten meters, and the huge force flew the little Tai Chi!


Liu Yi saw the flying demon claws, and was shocked in his heart, but who is the master who ran out to make trouble?

"He Fang Gaoren, there is a seed out to see you!"

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll meet you someday!"

A dull voice came from the sky, exploding in Liu Yi\'s ear.

"This is my person, I will take it away first."

With that said, the demon claw caught on the ice lotus, directly pulled off the icicle below, then grabbed the whole ice lotus, and then retracted.

"It\'s not that easy to run!"

Liu Yi\'s eyes spewed a flame of anger, Nima\'s, he didn\'t take Laozi seriously, dare to rob someone in front of him!

He stepped on the Tongtian sword, withdrew the small Taiji, held it in his hand, and took another bite of fairy wine, and then flicked the long sword!

"Don\'t ask Yunxiao Jiuzhongtian, one sword has broken through Kyushu!"


A white sword qi flew out obliquely in an instant, forming a horizontal straight line, slashing towards the demon claw\'s wrist.

Liu Yi thought that this wrist would be cut into two pieces. Unexpectedly, a strong demon qi suddenly emanated from the demon claws, and then formed a series of black pythons, opened a big mouth of blood basin, and scrambled forward.

"Puff puff!"

Jian Qi cut off those black pythons, but was hindered by it, and the speed was slower.

Master tricks are all against the clock. In this slowing gap, the demon claws have grasped the ice lotus and disappeared into the void together.


Liu Yi stepped on the Tongtian Sword. The Tongtian Sword fell directly for three or four meters. The sword edge emerged from under the island.

Let them run away!

The only thing to teach is what kind of power it is!

Sooner or later one day, I will teach this damn only one!

But now, he has more important things to do!