Love Dependency Disease

710 Chapter 710

"See? Hahaha!"

His own strength cracked the enchanted world, and the girl laughed excitedly.

She is the real god, no one can stop herself!

Absolutely, absolutely nothing!

The explosive power, coupled with the artificial island is already in tatters, this is even more swaying, a lot of seawater flooded up, and the island seemed to sink into the seawater.

"Ooo, I don’t want to die..."

"Come and save us..."

The people on the stage found that the artificial island was sinking into the water, and could no longer calm down, crying.

"Why are you not afraid?"

Xianhe Chunshui was also afraid of death, but she turned around and found Wang Yuzheng standing aside, her face indifferent, suddenly surprised.

"Why should I be afraid?"

Instead, Wang Yuzheng looked at the fairy crane Chunshui strangely.

"We are all dead, why not be afraid!"

"How can we die?"

Wang Yuzheng laughed, "With him, we will not die."

"He is not a god! And he has been defeated, didn\'t you find out?"

Xianhe Chunshui felt that Wang Yuzheng must be crazy, "How can he save us even if he doesn\'t know whether he is alive or dead?"

"You don\'t know him."

Wang Yuzheng is slightly small and proud.

"Do you know him well?"

"There is no need to tell you this. In short, believe him."

Wang Yuzheng sold a pass, and the angry crane spring water gritted his teeth.What time is it, you are still selling Guanzi, life is at stake!

But she was a clever woman, and she thought about it, right, could it be that the two of them met a long time ago?

Maybe...they are both Chinese, and Da Bosang is an agent, and many things are hidden very well...Look at Wang Yuzheng\'s appearance now, and Da Bosang\'s previous concerns about her...... , The two of them really have known each other for a long time!

Damn it... how damn Liu Dabo has concealed me!

Alas, a man in a mystery!

Xianhe Chunshui felt that Liu Yi became more and more obscured, especially because he was unsure about his life and death now, which made her think so much.

Will Wang Yuzheng say that he will come out to save us?

Big Bosang...if you can really have that ability, hurry up and come out...because, Miss Ben is really scared to death!

"Give me a complete split! Then become one with me!"

The girl has reached the fringe of madness, and her strength has also been strengthened to the extreme. She wants to use the shortest time to tear through the defense of the sky.

But at this time, the seawater around this artificial island suddenly turned into dazzling gold!

A golden brilliance flew out of the sea water, shining all around, and half of the sky reflected became brilliant golden!

Under such a light, all the people in Zhao began to have a warmth in their hearts, and that kind of fear also weakened a lot.

And the girl was a little panicked... what is the situation?

The five swords floating in the sky suddenly flew up again, and then plunged into the sea.

Soon, the artificial island slowly floated into the air, and the bottom edge was suddenly pushed by five swords, so just put it into the air!

"Look, I said earlier, is he alright?"

The masters of the five swords are all Liu Yi. At this time, he controlled the artificial island, and Wang Yuzheng said to Chunshui, who was surprised and rounded his eyes.

"Incredible...really incredible...are these true..."

Xianhe Chunshui saw more strange things today than she saw in her life.

"How could this be?"

The girl stabilized her body and looked at the golden light around her, "Did he not die yet?"

"Of course not, the teacher is very powerful."

Yin Qianxi laughed, "He promised me to accompany me, how could he die?"

"Do you think you are happy?"

The girl suddenly took two steps back, and then the wings behind her spread out, and then slowly flew into the air.

At this time, a figure also flew up outside the artificial island. It was none other than Liu Yi.

His eyebrows are imprinted with a symbol of the gods. The nine rounds of the sun behind him are constantly spinning, but only four of them are bright, and the other five are still dark.

The moment above his head was the brightest and dazzling, as if it could compete with the sun in the sky!

In the sea water, Liu Yi has completed the god change!

He will use the strongest force to solve this China and even the biggest crisis of humanity.

"Is it honestly not good to die?"

The girl flapped her wings and asked Liu Yi, who was opposite him, "Why do you have to come out and die again?"

"I am a natural person who likes to join in the fun."

Liu Yi was wearing a golden arrow-sleeved robe, stepping on a reddish auspicious cloud, holding his hands together, then said to the girl with a smile.

"The excitement is not over, how can I leave early?"

"It\'s a stupid human being. Since that\'s the case, let me kill you again in front of the fake!"

The girl sneered, "I want her to know what it means to lose pain!"

As she said, she held out her hand and held it against the sky.

Suddenly, a huge silver-white lightsaber condensed in her hands.

This lightsaber was amazing, nearly 20 meters long and 5 meters wide, and fell directly towards the top of Liu Yi\'s head.

This sword could cut the artificial island in half, but Liu Yi couldn\'t help it.

Liu Yi just stretched out his hand, raised two fingers, and took the sword steadily.


A huge air wave immediately spread out from Liu Yi\'s fingers, and the surrounding buildings shattered again, showing how powerful the girl\'s sword was.

"How could it be... so easy..."

The girl could not imagine that she now has the power of God, but she can\'t help but the man opposite!

"There are so many people in the world that you can\'t imagine."

Liu Yi said, with a hard finger, he directly cut off the dazzling lightsaber.

The light turned into stars and scattered.

"Do you think you have the power of God? Actually you are too much difference!"

"Shao bullshit, this is the power of God! I can feel it!"

The girl roared, and then the white light gathered on her body, forming a huge silver angel in the sky!

The angel held out a hand, and grabbed it towards Liu Yi!

"Red Blood Code!"

The little sun above Liu Yi\'s head was even more dazzling, and at the same time, a golden-red fire dragon suddenly whistled and flew out of his body!

A small fire dragon with long fingers, when the wind blows, grows into a hundred meters in length in a blink of an eye, twists its body, and then hits the body of the angel with one head.


Even such a huge angel can\'t resist the impact of a divine fire dragon!

He crooked and fell into the sea.


The roar sounded as if a bomb had been detonated. That day, a huge body was directly smashed into the sea, splashing amazingly high waves!

"My angel... will not be defeated that way!"

Found that the gods he had condensed were easily shot down, and the girl\'s face sweated out in a hurry!

She hurriedly urged her strength to control the messenger who stood up again that day, half of her legs still stepping in the water.

The angel\'s body is so huge, so standing in the sea is completely okay.

The Divine Fire Dragon roared, rushed over again, directly wrapped around the giant angel, and then bent down the dragon\'s head, spurting a fiery flame against the struggling angel!


The angel couldn\'t stand the flames, and burst into screams.

"How is this strength is so weak..."

The girl\'s face was pale, and she couldn\'t believe it.

"I have told you that there are people outside, and there are days outside. This world is full of powerhouses. Even me, I dare not claim to be the strongest in the world, because there are many more powerful people than me."

"What? There are many better than you? Then, what am I really..."

I thought I was invincible in the world and I was called a god. I didn\'t expect the other party to tell him that he was so small...

It was really difficult for the girl to accept this fact in her heart...

It\'s terrible... how could it be...

"You were just an ordinary girl, now you are just turning yourself into a monster. You are not a god at all, you are a monster."

"I am not a monster! I am not!"

The girl collapsed again, and she felt that the world really didn\'t need to exist anymore.

"In this case, why not destroy it with me... this world..."

As she said, she opened her hands, and the clouds in the sky suddenly changed!

In this change, Liu Yi, who has completed the change of Tenjin, even felt a little depressed!

Then, he was surprised to find that from above the sky, suddenly the dense golden bugs flew down!

The number of these little bugs is extremely large, and they are spreading rapidly towards the surroundings!

Oops, these little bugs are really flying out, I am afraid that the whole world will be infected with zombies!

Frustrated, this woman is really frightened!

These bugs must not be allowed to fly out, otherwise it will really be over, and everyone can only play the live-action version of Resident Evil!

"Ha ha ha ha! Destroy together, destroy all together!"


Suddenly Liu Yi snorted, and two red flames sprayed from his nose!

At this moment, the power of the Red Blood Code was exerted to the extreme by him!

After the gods change, all the learning will become the highest stage!Liu Yi suddenly opened his arms, and a large piece of red fire broke out in his body!

These flames quickly condensed behind him, and in the blink of an eye, a huge flame giant with a height of 100 meters, wearing golden flame armor, stood in the sea like a god!

His hot body allowed the sea water to continuously evaporate, and the hot air formed a large smog, which filled the surroundings.


The god fire dragon suddenly flew to the flame giant, then turned into a huge dragon-shaped spear, held by the giant in his hand, and then stabbed fiercely into the sea!