Love Dependency Disease

703 Chapter 703

In the white smoke, the elevators with the same big pots split apart, and then zombies with different shapes appeared from the inside!

Each of these zombies is more than two meters tall. They are covered in copper and iron clothes. They don\'t run like other zombies and run wildly, but stand on the spot, with a pair of red eyes falling on Yin Qianxi.

"These little pets are a little different."

Yin Qianda strangely laughed a few times, "They are the elite zombies that I cultivated. They are all copper and iron bones. My daughter, you have to be careful."

After that, the elite zombies had slowly lifted their feet and walked slowly towards Yin Qianxi.

At first it was slow walking, then gradually speeding up, and finally trotting.

Several zombies in front of them were directly waved by these guys and flew more than ten meters away, or directly torn in half!

"The levels of these guys are different..."

Liu Yi narrowed his eyes. It seemed that there were genetic beasts in these zombies, and they also exuded some strange ghosts!

Sincerely become an elite zombie, how many forces have gathered!


An elite zombie had rushed to Yin Qianxi, opened his arms and growled.

"Go to hell!"

Yin Qianxi immediately waved a knight\'s gun, sweeping it hard on the elite zombie.

But the elite zombie only splashed red Mars, and did not hurt the flesh inside.

This time not only did not hurt him, but aroused his fierceness!


The elite zombie stretched out his arm and extended it by three or four meters, grabbing directly on Yin Qianxi\'s body, then dragged her body into the air, spun a few times, and finally hit the ground hard.


The earth directly cracked a few cracks, and Yin Qianxi was smashed with some eyes and Venus!

This elite zombie... a lot of strength!

"Good guy! It\'s so fierce!"

Liu Yi was taken aback. Yin Qianxi was afraid of losing money!

"Dragon Ride Form!"

However, Yin Qianxi quickly climbed up, directly evolved the dinosaur mount, and turned over to ride up, ready to use the dragon ride form to kill these elite zombies.

Riding a dinosaur, she drove left and right in the zombie swarm, assassinated constantly, and flew out the elite zombie just now.

Yin Qianxi in the dragon riding form has much higher strength.

Several elite zombies were directly attacked by her with the dinosaurs. Although they could not be killed, they could not affect her for a while.

But at this time, hundreds of zombies were desperately killed, and they rushed to Yin Qianxi\'s body one after another and were continuously beheaded by Yin Qianxi!


An elite zombie didn\'t know when he came to Yin Qianxi\'s side, then stretched out his fists and smashed it hard on the dinosaur\'s neck.


The mechanical dinosaur wailed and was tipped directly to the ground.

Yin Qianxi\'s body also rolled down, rolled around in place, climbed up again with a spear.

More zombies in front of her and those elite zombies surrounded her.

"Sakura flurry!"

With a spear in his hand, Yin Qianxi suddenly released his strongest film killing skills!

Large pieces of metal cherry blossoms flew out, fighting among these zombies.

I don\'t know how many zombies were directly torn into pieces and lay in the pool of blood.

The elite zombies did not suffer much, and several of them came to Yin Qianxi in front of the cherry blossoms.


An elite zombie\'s fist fell on Yin Qianxi\'s body, instantly struck her out, and then hit the ground.

More zombies fell on Yin Qianxi, who was swept away by Yin Qianxi with a lance.


Yin Qianxi was very embarrassed now, she climbed up again, carrying a spear, her eyes dignified, and looked carefully at those elite zombies.

"Hahaha, dear daughter, you can\'t deal with these elite zombies! Of course, I had expected it already. After all, you are also a failed work.

Failed works?

What does Yin Qiandashi mean?

And Yin Qianxi didn\'t think so much at this time, she took a deep breath, raised her knight\'s spear, and said slowly.

"In this case... I can only take the trick I practiced... originally intended to deal with the nasty samurai..."

Used to deal with my moves?

Liu Yi is a little weird in his heart. He said, "Isn\'t this a fight from your own family?"


Yin Qianxi held a knight\'s spear and muttered something in his mouth.

Then, the silver armor on her body suddenly broke apart and turned into cherry blossoms, and then gathered on her knight spear!

This knight\'s spear immediately turned into a spiral, more refined and full of lethality!

Several blood grooves were opened above it, surrounding the gun body, making the whole spear more fierce.

The weapon, this thing is now a real weapon!

But Yin Qianxi did not have any protection at this time... This made Liu Yi couldn\'t help worrying.


An elite zombie rushed to Yin Qianxi and was ready to attack Yin Qianxi again.

Yin Qianxi grabbed the knight\'s spear with both hands, and then pierced hard, directly pierced the head of the elite zombie, and flew him into the air!


Seeing this scene, Yin Qiandashi couldn\'t help but be surprised, "You can actually penetrate the elite zombie defense!"

"Dad, you too underestimate me...after all, I am also from Yin Qian\'s family..."

When Yin Qianxi finished talking, he turned and continued to plunge into the zombies, and began the killing.

Every time she wields a knightly gun, she will also bring a storm of cherry blossoms, killing the surrounding zombies and bringing flesh and blood!

This guy is like a human meat grinder now!

"Yin Qianxi... She has such power..."

Xianhe Chunshui sat there dumbly, watching this scene.

Yin Qianxi, who has been with herself for two years...Why has she never discovered her side?

"You are my daughter, why should you be right with me?"

Seeing that his experiment was constantly being murdered, Yin Qiandashi finally seemed unable to sit still.

"I am correcting your mistakes, Dad."

Yin Qianxi said while fighting the zombies, "Yin Qian\'s family\'s mistakes, let me correct them, and I will make up!"

"It\'s such an arrogant daughter! In that case, give me one of my favorite pets as a reward!"

Yin Qiandashi gritted his teeth and said that a jar more than two meters high suddenly popped out of the ground and shot directly into the air, then cracked with a click!

With the billowing white smoke, a little black bug flew out.

These dense little bugs were like black smoke, swimming around in the air, and then seemed to be attracted, rushed towards the zombies.

Soon, the little bugs got into the zombies, and those zombies shivered and howled continuously.

In the blink of an eye, the bodies of these zombies changed!A pair of meat wings stretched out from behind their backs, helping them to jump higher and even glide a distance.

And the elite zombies also crawled into such worms, which made them evolve more fiercely, and they grew terrible bone spurs!

"what are these?"

"Okay, what a terrible look..."

Everyone on the stage was stunned, and the zombies had not put the three-meter-high stage in their eyes.

"It\'s okay... Yuzheng, there will be police to rescue us soon..."

Dong Cangjian watched Wang Yuzheng hiding behind Liu Yi, feeling uncomfortable for a while, trying to attract Wang Yuzheng\'s attention.

At this time, a zombie jumped up directly, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and with a shocking speed and bouncing force, directly bit off a head of Dongcangjian, then crossed the stage and fell to the other side.

Blood was sprayed on Dongcangjian\'s neck, and his body walked forward weakly for a few steps before kneeling down on the ground.


"Help, help!"

The stage is no longer safe, which makes people panic again.


Yin Qianxi was taken aback, she turned around and wanted to return to the stage, but the belly of the two elite zombies split apart, and a intestine flew out inside, directly wrapped around her!

At this time, another zombie jumped from under the stage and bit at Wang Yuzheng!

All the people couldn\'t help but turn their heads over and couldn\'t bear to see the next bloody scene!

At this moment, Liu Yi moved.

He threw a punch and smashed the zombie head directly from the air!


The zombie\'s head exploded, and his body rolled and flew out, hitting several islanders, frightening them to scream.


Yin Qianxi, who had just cut off those intestines and was ready to come to her aid, was shocked when she saw this scene.

His teacher... his boyfriend... even hit a zombie head empty-handed?

"No one should leave this stage."

Liu Yi said, took out the Emperor Shield from the void, and then hit the center of the stage with a loud bang.

The emperor\'s enchantment was released to protect the security here.

The zombies jumped up and bumped against an invisible wall before being bombed out and smashed back to the ground.

"As long as it is here, it is safe."

"Where are you going?"

Xianhe Chunshui was a clever woman and immediately asked.

"I\'m going to help Yin Qianxi."

After Liu Yi finished speaking, he never touched again and reached out to touch Wang Yuzheng\'s hair lightly, "Obviously wait here for me to come back."


Wang Yuzheng nodded cleverly, she was used to the days behind Liu Yi.


Seeing this scene, Yin Qianxi felt a little sour in her heart.

She seems to have a feeling that at this moment, the teacher who has always been with her... suddenly far away.

"Sorry, Xi, I also concealed something from you, so we evened it!"

Liu Yi said, as soon as he leaned over, he jumped directly into the air.

At the same time, the golden-red armor slowly hung on his body.

The two swords were joined by him, and then a golden flame burst out of the sword!

"\'s you..."