Love Dependency Disease

702 Chapter 702: Finally Appeared

Liu Yi couldn\'t imagine that Yin Qiandashi was so desperate to such a degree!

what is this?patriotic?

Even if you don’t love your own home, why not talk about patriotism!

The ancients often said well, self-cultivation and family management.

If someone who can give up even his own family...where can his patriotism rise?

Anyway, Liu Yi doesn\'t believe how high it will be!

Yin Qianxi is his daughter, Xianhe Chunshui is his wife, and Yin Qiandashi puts his two most important family members in such terrible danger!

Is this guy still human?

Liu Yi looked at the wailing monsters around and screamed at the zombie tide, he didn\'t know what to say.

Many people were too late to respond, and they were rushed to the ground by the zombies who came over.

"Everyone retreat to the stage! Hurry up!"

Xianhe Chunshui responded quickly, she hurriedly took the microphone and shouted.

In order to stand out, the stage is more than three meters high, and these zombies will really not be able to climb up for a while.

Only a wooden step can come up. At this time, many people rushed up frantically. Fortunately, the stage is still big enough to accommodate these people.

But some of the slower ones are suffering. Those zombies are running at a speed comparable to Liu Xiang, throwing the people in front one by one on the ground, just like the hunting beasts!

At this time, everyone ran crazy, and wished he had grown four legs, took out the strength of running milk, and raced with death!

After running, you may survive... but if you run, you can only wait to die!

The wooden steps of the stage are now full of people, and many people have even been squeezed out.

The zombies also ran over and rushed to the steps.

"That does not work!"

Xianhe Chunshui pointed at several bodyguards and said, "Smash the steps immediately!"

"Yes, but..."

There are still many people on the steps who are desperately crowded up.

"If you don\'t smash it, everyone will die!"

Seeing the zombies rushing up the steps, the fairy crane screamed.


The bodyguards were also worried that zombies would rush up. They had to draw out their swords and then chopped up the steps in the screams of a group of people.

A lot of people fell off, some hands grabbed the edge of the stage quickly, but didn\'t wait for luck, they were quickly dragged down by the zombies below!

A few minutes of kung fu, the modern artificial island that was full of joy before, has now become like hell!

The stage with a height of more than three meters became the only safety guarantee at this time.

Below the stage, there were hordes of zombies, staring greedily at the stage, jumping up and down, but unfortunately they couldn\'t jump up.

"Woo...Why is this..."

"It\'s terrible...I\'m going home..."

"All communications are broken, searchable!"

People panicked, and several students even started to yell at Yin Qianxi.

"Yin Qianxi, what the hell is your dad doing!"

"Does he want to murder us? Then we will push you down first!"

"Everyone calm down."

Liu Yi appeased these students, "You are useless to get angry at Yin Qianxi, haven\'t you seen her trapped here too? Yin Qian Dashi is already mad and mad, you blame Yin Qianxi for no effect, or think about how to live Right!"

"Damn! Yin Qiandashi, the bastard!"

The fairy crane spring water is going crazy, and she is now in danger, even if she is the queen of commerce, there is no effect in such a place!

Is it really dead here?

Looking around, the entire artificial island was closed, and there were zombies everywhere. When you stepped off the stage, it was a dead end.

And people need to drink water and need to eat.On such a big stage, these people can\'t persevere for a few days, they will starve to death!

Without all the means of communication, no one will rescue them!

That is to say, all are dead!Going is dead, and sooner or later it will die!But it is a matter of early death and late death for a few days!

"Ooooooo... we really have to die like this..."

"I don\'t want to die...I want my mother..."

Everyone panicked, and some people were already crying loudly, and the crying was miserable.

Yin Qianxi stood there, staring at all this, with an unbearable look in his eyes.

Wang Yuzheng shrank behind Liu Yi and saw a scene like this hell.

But she was better, after all, she had seen similar scenes in a nightclub in Kyoto before.

At that time, Liu Yi protected them, and now it is fine.

As long as Liu Yi is present, all problems are not a problem.

"Think about it, President!"

Some people turned to Xianhe Chunshui, "How should we go out? We don\'t want to die here!"

"I am thinking of a way!"

Xianhe Chunshui\'s head was about to explode, and even the satellite phone was not working at this time. She really didn\'t know what to do.

Can you survive?

Just when she had nothing to do, the zombies suddenly began to change their attacking methods.

I used to run around and jump, but now I lie down one by one under the stage, and then the zombies behind them step on their bodies, just like the stacked Luohan, this situation makes the people on the stage in despair!

In this way, they will be able to rush to the stage in less than a minute!

"Are we... dying?"


All people are desperate, and death is coming soon.

Liu Yi frowned, he was thinking, whether to shoot.

Xiaoxuan gave himself a signal, and according to the signal source, it had been tested that Yin Qiandashi was on this artificial island.As long as you work hard to find out, you can get the guy out!

But he wanted to observe more, but now he is hesitating.

Should these islanders save them?

Recently, the relationship between the island country and China has become unprecedentedly tense. The character of the island country is really a villain mentality.They began to deny the facts of the Tokyo trial and intended to rewrite the results of World War II.

They only admit that they are "lost nations", and the Tokyo trial is only a triumph over a defeated nation\'s trial!

Moreover, they also sent troops to follow the entire naval exercise of Huaxia. They even broke in and refused to apologize!

Relations between the two countries are tense again, and it seems that there will be war at any time!

Therefore, Liu Yi began to hesitate to save these people... Although the war is the will of the country and does not involve civilians... However, those island countries dominated by right-wing elements really make Liu Yi annoying.

Just when he was entangled, Yin Qianxi took two steps forward, stood on the edge of the stage, and then looked back at Liu Yi with some desolation.

"Teacher... I\'m sorry... One thing, I deceived you..."


At this time, Yin Qianxi suddenly said something like this, which surprised Liu Yi.

Could it be that Yin Qianxi wanted to explain her love life because of death?

Did she really like others?Or still like someone?

"Teacher...I love you, only you...but, I am not an ordinary girl..."

Yin Qianxi said, suddenly he took out a silver-white metal waistband with a sad face, "I want to save these people...please forgive me..."

With that, she buckled her belt around her waist and tweeted.


In the sky, pink cherry blossoms suddenly began to fall.

Yin Qianxi\'s body began to be wrapped in silver-white armor, and the marks of cherry blossoms were so dazzling.

Sakura Knight...

Liu Yi was shocked. He never thought that Yin Qianxi would be a cherry blossom knight...

This kindness is so good that even the ants don\'t want to trample on to death... Actually, it will be the cherry blossom knight who uses violence to control violence!

How is this possible?

"My father\'s mistake, let me correct it!"

Yin Qianxi said, extending his right hand, a knight spear appeared in her hand.

"For justice!"

As soon as she jumped into the group of zombies, the zombies saw someone coming down and immediately surrounded them with a group of hungry wolves who smelled the meat.

Yin Qianxi is now the Sakura Knight, how can he be afraid of these ghosts!

She screamed, and the big shield in her left hand slammed into it, knocking over several zombies that were thrown up. At the same time, the knight\'s gun in the right hand swept through all directions, and divided many zombies directly into halves!

It seems that the shield is a bit obstructive. Yin Qianxi finally smashed the shield directly on the ground, and then carried the extended knight\'s gun, left and right to kill these zombies, just like cutting melons!

Like the patron saint, she stood around the stage, protecting the stage from zombies.

"Okay, so amazing..."

"Student Yin Qianxi... so handsome!"

"The savior, the savior finally appeared! God God bless you!"

The people on the stage were happy, and Yin Qianxi, dressed in cherry blossom armor, wandered around the stage, constantly slaughtering the remaining zombies.

"My daughter, your performance really surprised your father!"

The picture above the building lit up again, and it seemed that Yin Qianxi\'s performance was seen through the monitor. Then Yin Qiandashi slowly clapped his hands and said, "This cherry blossom armor is left for you, but it is the best use."

"Father, close it!"

Yin Qianxi shouted to the TV screen, "I know, you can hear me! Don\'t make mistakes anymore, Chunshui and I are very sad!"

"Hahaha, for the great emperor, to conquer the entire China, such a small sacrifice, what is it!"

Yin Qiandashi laughed, "You guys are all used for experiments, but it is a contribution to our Yamato nation. You should be grateful to Dade!"


"Pervert you!"

"You murderer, let us go out!"

People shouted, but Yin Qiandashi didn’t listen to their shouts at all, but continued to say slowly, “The game is just beginning, you are too anxious to leave. My daughter, let’s see for the father Will the cherry blossom armor left for you overcome the little pets that are fathers?"

In the speaking room, several elevators emerged from the ground, and then slowly opened with the white smoke.