Love Dependency Disease

704 704 God is terrible

"It turned out to be you..."

Yin Qianxi was completely stunned. She never thought that the person she always wanted to overcome... she would be her teacher, her favorite boyfriend...

For a while, she really could not accept it.

"Return to Flame!"

Liu Yi\'s two knives were joined together, with a golden red flame long knife, fell into the loss group, and then the body turned, the long knife twisted, the flame swept around like a windmill, directly around a large group of zombies Cut it into two pieces and burn it into coke again!

"who are you!"

Yin Qiandashi saw Liu Yi coming out, and immediately screamed in shock.

"I am here to take your dog\'s life!"

Liu Yi looked at Yin Qiandashi on the screen and sneered. "Yin Qiandashi, you are a sinful person. Today is the time to send you to hell!"

"Fart! It\'s you alone? Die in my army of zombies!"

Yin Qiandashi roared, and then the zombies immediately turned around and rushed towards Liu Yi.

"Okay, let\'s send the things you are not ghosts to ghosts!"

Suddenly, Liu Yi condensed the incomplete golden Buddha power in his body, and then his hands stretched out slowly in front of him.

A golden Zen stick condensed little by little and appeared in the void!

There was a Sanskrit Buddha sound from outside the sky, sweeping around!

Hearing these Buddhist sounds, the zombies all wailed, and it seemed very painful!

Buddha can sweep away all evil!Liu Yi firmly believes in all this!

The golden zen stick is three meters long, with a thick finger, the shape is getting clearer and clearer, like an entity!

The sound of the Buddha in the sky is getting more and more deafening, causing many zombies to have black blood pouring out of their ears, noses, and throats, and then kneel to the ground.

Those elite zombies are not much better, one after another, huddled and shivered.

This Zen stick gathers all the Buddha\'s power in Liu Yi\'s body.

"Give me a go!"

Liu Yi pressed his hands down, and the zen stick smashed hard on the deck of the artificial island!


A golden aperture immediately spread out and directly impacted on the entire artificial island.

All the zombies turned into fly ash under the impact of this aperture!

Even those elite zombies are no exception, all turned into powder under the impact of this golden light.

"This, what power is this..."

Yin Qiandashi was stunned, and the whole person shivered slightly on the screen.

"This is the power of righteousness."

Liu Yi withdrew the Vulcan armor on his body and stood there with his hands on his back, looking at the screen, "Yin Qiandashi, do you think you hid well? I have found your place."

Through Xiaoxuan\'s ability, Liu Yi has found Yin Qiandashi\'s hiding place.

Sure enough, it was on this artificial island, and the hiding place was also obvious.

"Come out and see, is it boring to hide underground?"

"Do you think I dare not come out? Do you think I am afraid of your strength?"

Yin Qiandashi laughed, "You look too high on yourself! What you just saw is just part of my strength! Here, I have a perfect work!"

With that said, the ground in front suddenly cracked slowly, and Yin Qiandashi sat on a chair, followed by a black jar, not knowing what was in it.

Inside that jar, Liu Yi felt a kind of arrogant threat.

What\'s in that jar?

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but get curious.

Yin Qianxi did the same. Looking at the jar, he didn\'t know what other means his father would use.

"Yin Qianxi, you are just a failed work."

Yin Qiandashi sat there, looking at Yin Qianxi and said, "But a failed product that could bring the Sakura armor to such strength is really impressive."

"Failed product, what failed product?"

Liu Yi snorted, "Yin Qian Dashi, you beast, do you say your daughter?"

"Daughter? Ha ha ha, who said she was my daughter?"

Yin Qiandashi laughed again and again, and his words surprised Yin Qianxi.

What does this old guy mean? For the sake of experimentation, don\'t even want your daughter?

"My daughter, my Yin Qianxi, she is here!"

He said, and pressed the remote control in his hand.

Suddenly, the jar behind him opened to reveal a transparent glassware inside.

The figure of a girl was soaked in glassware, she floated quietly in it, wearing only a white long dress.

Everyone present was surprised when she saw her!Because the girl\'s appearance is not other people, just like Yin Qianxi!

"This is my real daughter, Yin Qianxi who is standing there now, but just a failed replica! Hahahaha!"

Yin Qiandashi laughed wildly, and the smiling Yin Qianxi was all cold.

She knelt slowly on the ground, herself...was it just a clone...

No wonder...she won\'t remember other lovers before...No wonder, her previous memories are so vague... no wonder...Dad can leave himself, regardless of...

Just a clone...hehe...

"do not be sad."

Liu Yi was also shocked in his heart. He bent down, gently wrapped Yin Qianxi in his arms, and then said, "No matter who you are my Yin Qianxi."


Yin Qianxi burst into tears, tears hit Liu Yi\'s shoulder, soaking his clothes.

"Good, it\'s okay... I\'m here with everything..."

Liu Yi felt the emptiness and fear in Yin Qianxi\'s heart and hugged the girl tightly.

"It\'s just a copy. Do you still want to have a father-daughter relationship with me?"

Yin Qiandashi curled his lips and said coldly, "At that time, you were created to make you a substitute for my baby girl. Because my baby girl is to become the first generation of gods implanted with the great X virus. !"

"Lord God? It\'s ridiculous!"

Liu Yi patted Yin Qianxi on the back, then stood up, turned around and said to Yin Qiandashi, "She is there, but it is also a sad experiment. Yin Qiandashi, your ambitions should stop here. No matter what your X virus is, or your dragon slashing plan, I will destroy it myself!"

"Oh? Did you even know the dragon-cutting plan?"

Yin Qiandashi was a little wary, "Who the hell are you?"

"Huaxia Law Enforcement Officer."

Liu Yi said, shaking his hand, Xiao Taiji flew out of the body, whistling and hovering in the air, and walked around Liu Yi\'s body very spiritually.

"Everyone who wants to offend me of China\'s superb powers, kill without amnesty!"

"Hahaha, Huaxia law enforcement officer? It\'s ridiculous!"

Yin Qiandashi did not take Liu Yi’s threats into his eyes. “In front of my baby girl, it’s all scum! Counterfeit goods. Now let me see, what is the real authentic Yin Qianxi!”

Yin Qiandashi said, and pressed the remote control again, the vessel immediately split, and the liquid in it dripped to the ground.

The girl floating inside fell down, squatted there, and slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you finally awakened... Dad..."

The girl stood up, her wet white skirt suddenly became dry, and then glanced at Yin Qiandashi beside her and asked.

"Yeah, my dear daughter, go and wipe out your fake copy! And the Chinese man next to her, kill them together!"

"Hehe... I see, dear father."

The girl turned her head and glanced at Yin Qianxi, "It\'s really the same length as mine... Is that man your boyfriend? Gee... It\'s just a copy, and the vision is too bad. My true Qian Yin , A hundred times more handsome."

"That little white face?"

Yin Qianxi\'s face was pale, and Liu Yi laughed, "Probably your so-called authentic, that\'s all it\'s about taste."

"Annoying stinky man!"

The girl snorted, "Eliminate the counterfeit, come and clean you up!"

After that, she slowly raised her white palm.

"It\'s been a long time since I came out, and I don\'t seem to be familiar with power..."

Her little hand fell on the building next to it. Suddenly, the building was directly penetrated, and then rumbling began to collapse.

This scene terrified many people!

What a terrifying power this is!Crushed a concrete building with just one palm!

This woman... so terrible!

"Hahaha, this is my good daughter! Your strength is perfect, Lord God, really Lord God!"

Yin Qiandashi laughed, but he couldn\'t be more proud.

"Perverted... This man is really perverted..."

Xianhe Chunshui stared blankly at all this and murmured in his mouth.

"Now it\'s you, fake goods."

The girl\'s figure suddenly disappeared in place, appeared in front of Yin Qianxi in the blink of an eye, and then patted Yin Qianxi\'s forehead with his palm.

Even the building can be destroyed instantly, how can Yin Qianxi\'s body withstand this palm!

The girl\'s mouth was already smiling, her strength, it was appropriate to kill a fake.

In this world, only one person can be called Yin Qianxi!

At this time, Liu Yi, who was standing behind Yin Qianxi, didn\'t know when she appeared in front of her. She also slapped her hand and patted it with the girl\'s palm.

The girl wanted to laugh at that time. This idiot is really crazy. Do you want the hero to save the beauty?

I am afraid that his body will be smashed by himself!

But soon, the girl couldn\'t laugh because the man on the opposite side was unharmed and did not take a step back, but his body flew out like a missile, directly penetrated a building behind him, and then smashed from another section It came out and finally hit the wall of a building before it stopped.

"How can it be!"

Yin Qiandashi stood up directly and looked at Liu Yi, his little eyes almost glared!

"How could you beat my baby girl! This is impossible!"

"Just thirteen stars."

Liu Yi smiled faintly, "I really thought I created a god? Tell you, God, it\'s more terrible than this!"