Love Dependency Disease

1167 1167 Destruction

There is a faint fragrance in the shop, which seems to be the body fragrance of Li Heru.She stayed here for too long, making the whole room full of such scent, but it was a bit refreshing.

"Brother, what is your name?"

Li Heru sat down and looked at Liu Yi standing in front of him and asked.

"My name is Liu Yi, and Sister Li will call me Xiao Liu."

Liu Yi said.

"Let your brother be closer, sit down, the shop is small, don\'t dislike it."

"How could it be that Sister Li came out to open a shop on her own at such a young age. It\'s already amazing. Where is it like me, I still run and sell underwear to others!"

"This is also our fate."

Li Heru\'s character is very good, she smiled, "You have been running here for a day, I can\'t look down on my sister. So, your underwear, I want it all."

"All required?"

Liu Yi was a little surprised, "This... there are ten orders in my hand, there is no way to give you my sister..."

It stands to reason that you must be ten shops.

"Don\'t be so rigid."

Li Heru squeezed his eyes at Liu Yi, "There are a lot of underwear shops in this store, many of them are my good sisters. As long as I say hello, they can get the goods from you. But, this goods are all in the end It’s in my hands."

"Sister Li\'s method is good!"

Liu Yi was immediately overjoyed, "How much order will Sister Li take?"

"What is the minimum amount for your order?"

"This is really not booked, because I just arrived at this company and is still in the trial period, so I have not set a minimum amount for my order."

Li Heru nodded, "Then I will count as normal, a set of one hundred orders, I will take twenty of them with you."

"so much?"

Liu Yi was a little surprised, "Did my sister eat it?"

"It\'s too young to look at my sister. Although this shop is small, she still has some savings in her hand."

Li Heru said, pointing to his own shop, "I haven’t invested much before here, you have also seen it, small cost, but not very profitable. I just took the shop next to it and plan to expand. In this mall Without Red Star\'s underwear brand, I plan to monopolize your order here, and then slowly open a Red Star counter, so that the business will gradually grow."

"When Sister Li became a female tyrant, remember to support me!"

Liu Yi said half-jokingly.

"Okay, then you have to give your sister the most affordable source!"

Li Heru squeezed his eyes at Liu Yi.

"Okay, our company really has some discounts."

Liu Yi laughed, "For example, if you buy one hundred sets, you will be provided with ten sets of test supplies. But the quality of these ten sets of test supplies is also very good. You can also use them to sell them, or use them for activities to send guests, which is very affordable. of."

"That\'s really thank you!"

After listening, Li Heru was very happy. This is indeed a very good discount, which is equal to 10% more every time it is delivered!

"In terms of price..."

"In terms of price, I will also give my sister the cheapest price."

Liu Yi will not be stingy about these things. He feels that Li Heru can be a long-term customer of his own. "It is still the same sentence, when the sister gets rich, remember to support me haha."

"No problem, no problem."

The two were just joking, and at this time, a big five-three-thick man suddenly entered the door, swearing.

"Grass mud horse, I said why I made such a little money for Lao Tzu this month, why did he put up a little white face here! You stinky bitch!"

After this man came in, he raised his hand and gave Li Heru a mouth.


This slap in the face of Li Heru made Li Heru beat back a few steps and was supported by Liu Yi.

Without mana, Liu Yi didn\'t notice the person\'s arrival, and he couldn\'t block his slap in time.

Li Heru\'s face was gloomy, covering his face.

Liu Yi supported Li Heru, frowned, and looked coldly at the man opposite.

"How do you hit someone?"

"The grass mud horse has a little white face. Does Lao Tzu beat his own woman to control him? What do you do! Do I return him to hit you?"

With that said, this buddy rolled up his sleeves and was about to walk towards Liu Yi.

"Hou Chunhui! You are enough!"

Li Heru covered his face, raised his head, and yelled at the man on the opposite side, "You haven\'t done enough! Isn\'t it embarrassing?"

When the two quarreled, there were already many people watching.

Hou Chunhui sneered and hugged his arm, with a dragon on his naked arm.Liu Yixin said, this buddy is really not afraid of death, this dragon can not be tattooed by anyone.

"You\'re not ashamed of fucking raising a white face, I\'m so embarrassed!"

Hou Chunhui scolded, "This month, he gave Lao Tzu two thousand dollars. Isn\'t he enough for Lao Tzu to play two cards!"

"Hou Chunhui, have you finished?"

Li Heru asked, "You have gambled for the money I give you every month! Finally, you lose!"

Hou Chunhui sneered, "You are Lao Tzu\'s woman, you give money to Lao Tzu, it\'s just right! Lao Tzu likes to gamble, why didn\'t you say it when you won money?"

"I was also blinded by lard!"

Li Heru said regretfully, "But gambling is simply a bottomless hole! One of my clothing stores has been lost by you. What do you want?"

"Less him nonsense, hurry to give money to Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu hurries to turn over the book!"


Li Heru said decisively, "No point!"

"No? Did you cheat him without you here?"

Hou Chunhui pointed at Liu Yi and scolded, "The grass mud horse, I think your bitch is just beating!"

"You\'re crazy for you!"

Li Heru argued, "People are salesmen, come to me to contact the goods!"

"Promote a fart! Is he the guy who sells your underwear?"

Hou Chunhui didn\'t believe Li Heru\'s words at all. He glanced at Liu Yi and sneered. "The vision is not bad. The little white face he looks for is pretty handsome. You have money for the little white face. You don\'t pay Lao Tzu.

"You\'re enough, I didn\'t raise a little white face, and I have no money for you!"

Li Heru said, "Hurry back, you are not welcome here!"

"If you don\'t take out the money today, not only will I not leave, but will he still smash you all here!"

Hou Chunhui said, leaning on a big belly and slaps the hanger down to the ground.

With a bang, the hanger hit the ground, making a loud noise, and Li Heru shouted in shock.

People around also screamed out, apparently frightened.

Liu Yi frowned, this man, too much!

"You, how can you do this!"

Li Heru is going crazy, "How can you smash my shop!"

"I don\'t just want to smash your shop, do you want to hit you again?"

Hou Chunhui said, slap and hit Li Heru\'s face again.

Li Heru closed his eyes, and Liu Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and directly caught on Hou Chunhui\'s wrist.

Although he had no mana, Liu Yi\'s power was still much larger than normal people, and he immediately pinched Hou Chunhui\'s wrist.

"You little white face, do you want to start her?"

Hou Chunhui smiled disdainfully, "It seems that you are not afraid of death!"

"I\'m scared of death."

Liu Yi said honestly, "But I hate men who beat women even more. Such men should be called scum!"

"Grass mud horse, I think you owe him!"

Hou Chunhui said, waving the other hand, and slapped towards Liu Yi\'s face with a slap.

"Be careful!"

Li Heru shouted worriedly.

Liu Yi laughed, although he was a mortal, but those memories of fighting were deeply imprinted in his own heart.

He could clearly see the slap from Hou Chunhui. After the slap came, Liu Yi had already kicked the buddy\'s stomach.


With a muffled sound, Hou Chunhui\'s huge body was kicked and flew out immediately, and fell directly outside the shop. He groaned in pain.

"Grass... my stomach... cough... hurts, it hurts me!"

Liu Yi walked out of the shop and punched hard on the ground beside Hou Chunhui.


The floor trembled a little, making Hou Chunhui pale.

He looked fierce in appearance, but he was actually a bully and fearful master.

Now Liu Yi is obviously more fierce than him, and he is immediately shocked!

Nima, the bitch of Li Heru, where did you find this man!

"Dare to come next time and interrupt your dog legs!"

Liu Yi scolded mercilessly.

Hou Chunhui climbed up in embarrassment, and then ran out ruthlessly while running out.

"Mother, don\'t think this is the end! I will kill you sooner or later!"

After Hou Chunhui finished speaking, he turned away and ran away, daring not to return his head.

"Cut, bluff."

Liu Yi clapped her hands, then turned around and returned to the store. "How can you marry him like this?"

Inside the shop, Li Heru is squatting on the ground, packing up the underwear on the ground.

These underwears are already dirty, I\'m afraid Li Heru will have to clean them up after returning home.

"When I first met him, he was very good."

Li Heru bowed his head again to pick up underwear, and said weakly again, "But I don\'t know when to start...He is obsessed with gambling... At the beginning, he really won some money, and I saw that money was confused, and even put My clothing store was mortgaged, and I gave him all the money to bet... As a result, I am what I am now."

Li Heru smiled bitterly.

"This is probably the sin I did in my last this life requires me to pay it back."

"Why not divorce?"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help asking.

"Although he is scumbag, my mother-in-law has always been kind to me."

Li Heru said, "My mother-in-law is seriously ill now, and Chunhui doesn\'t care about him at all. It is because I am caring for my mother-in-law. I need money to treat my mother-in-law.

"That doesn\'t delay your divorce, can you take care of the divorce?"

"Mother-in-law is very sick...can\'t stand such stimulation."

Li Heru smiled bitterly, "I said... this is probably my life..."