Love Dependency Disease

1168 Question 1168

"I will help you."

Liu Yi said, reaching out and slowly lifting the wooden cabinet on the ground.

"I think Sister Li will definitely make your business bigger again. This is my phone. If you have any questions, please call me directly."

"thank you……"

Li Heru was very grateful to Liu Yi. Liu Yi didn\'t know why, and subconsciously opened his own good eyes.

The favorability is ninety-nine, and this figure floats on top of Li Heru\'s head.

Lying... The next step is basically to establish a love relationship!

Suddenly Liu Yi felt a little dazed. He followed his heart and walked between so many girls... Is this really good?

"This is your experience..."

A familiar voice seemed to appear in Liu Yi\'s ear.

Sister Fox Fairy?

Liu Yi did not see the familiar figure of Lin Tong, after all, Fox Immortal had been sealed in the spiritual realm by himself.

Seeing Li Heru\'s appearance in front of him slowly change, Liu Yi turned into Ma Yixuan soon!

Strange... what\'s going on... is it an illusion?

Or... what happened to your inner world?

"With your abilities, you can handle these women."

Ma Yixuan smiled and said to herself, "Every time you are with a woman, your strength will be improved. Liu Yi, Liu Yi, although you claim to be just, your ability is the most evil and the most inferior. Strengthening yourself by working with women and practicing double cultivation is a fact that you can’t change."

Shura field?

Liu Yi suddenly remembered the term. It seems that Lin Tong arranged his own experience not only to train his own spirit, but also to train his own emotional world.All along, my own feelings towards women are too immature!

For a long time, when meeting the girl she likes, Liu Yi has restrained herself, and does not want to stay in debt.But in the end, there will always be some intersections with these girls.

Especially when I abused the Queen of the Sea a while ago, I casually and the Queen of the Sea.But I don’t know why, the ghosts are so bad that they are like conquering the Queen of the Sea!Although he also gave the Queen of the Sea a new living environment, Liu Yi always felt that he had changed.

Perhaps as Sister Foxxian said, he is not enough, and his mood is far from enough, so when the strength is strengthened, the weakness of the mind will be more and more exposed!

"Come on, this woman will always be yours."

Ma Yixuan still stood in front of Liu Yi, pointing his finger at Gou.

"Every woman is your big meal... Have a good taste."

"I really like eating."

Liu Yi smiled, "But I am not interested in the taste that is not mine. Ma Yixuan, you can get out of my head!"

Liu Yi said that a finger lightly tapped on his forehead as if closing something.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Yixuan in front of Liu Yi disappeared and changed back to Li Heru\'s appearance.

"what happened to you?"

Li Heru asked Liu Yi, "Just how did you look at your soul?"

"Nothing, think of something."

Liu Yi smiled, "Sister Li, I\'ll go back and place an order for you. I can\'t accompany you any more."

"Don\'t say that, you are my cash cow now."

Li Heru smiled.

"We are mutual cash cows!"

Liu Yi squeezed his eyes at Li Heru, and said goodbye and left.

Several bras on Liu Yi\'s body hadn\'t had time to take off, went out not far, and met a girl head-on.

There are two men in black suits next to this girl, who seems to be the next class.

"Liu Yi?"

"Ah? Is it you?"

Liu Yi looked at the girl in front of her, a little surprised.

This girl is not well carried in Hong Kong, why do you run here?

"You are..."

Zhao Yali looked at Liu Yi\'s bodice and was dumbfounded.

"I said I was experiencing life... would you believe it?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Trust your sister..."


The two black suits next to him looked at Zhao Yali and asked.

"It\'s alright, you go back to the company first."

Zhao Yali waved her hands, and the two men immediately dispersed.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on?"

"This is not a place to talk..."

Liu Yi said, "Speak another place."

The two went to the cafe in the mall, and the two sat opposite each other, Liu Yi said.

"I don\'t have money to drink coffee, please invite me."

"Fuck, how could you have no money for coffee?"

Zhao Yali pouted, "Your money is enough to buy coffee shops around the world!"

"I\'m a standard poor egg now!"

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders. "There are only thirty yuan all over my body. I can\'t drink any coffee here."


Zhao Yali pursed her lips, "I will please, please, you little one."

She said, ordering two cups of coffee.There is more than a hundred cups of ordinary coffee here, and Liu Yi feels that he really is not a place that humans can afford.Hey, give up everything and come back again, and it turns out that you will be able to live at home.

"Speak, what the hell is going on?"

Zhao Yali asked.

"in fact……"

Liu Yi explained briefly and rudely, and Zhao Yali couldn’t help laughing afterwards, “You said you’re not wrong, you have to toss yourself. If you have the strength, you can’t do it. It’s hard to get tired. ."

"The road of monasticism is very difficult to go against the sky."

Liu Yi said seriously, "We monks are different from those of you who have abilities. You are more arbitrary and do not know how to control your own power. So your power will grow to a certain stage and you will not Continue to grow. No matter how strong you are, you can\'t escape the oppression of Heaven."

"Tian Dao? What is Tian Dao?"

Zhao Yali couldn\'t help asking.

"After you have power, do you feel that a huge force is above you, making you feel insurmountable and making you feel terrified?"

Liu Yi asked with a smile.


Zhao Yali nodded, "There seems to be some power that has been pressing on top of my head... Sometimes it makes me breathless. I feel that if I violate this power... I will die..."

"Yes, this is the terrible heaven."

Liu Yi said, "The more powerful you are, the more you feel like you are approaching this heaven."

After Liu Yi finished speaking, he extended a finger and pointed to the sky, "As immortals, we are going to go against the sky constantly. Without a strong heart, sooner or later, we will twist our souls and become terrible. devil."

"Are you going to become a devil?"

Zhao Yali asked Liu Yi with some surprise.

She has the blood of an angel, so she has her own unique insight into the devil\'s understanding.

"No... not the kind of devil you think, but it won\'t be too far apart."

Liu Yi said, "I don\'t want to be like that, so I need to practice."

"Strange monk... Fortunately, I don\'t need to. If I want to live like you, I will be forced to die."

Zhao Yali said, "Exactly, this mall was invested by me. I am worried about which counters to do recently, so you can do it for me."

"No no no! I don\'t want to rely on the power of others!"

Liu Yi hurriedly said, "I want to practice by myself."

"I didn\'t help you."

Zhao Yali rolled her eyes, "Don\'t you know how to do business? Is business good for mutual benefit? I need you to provide a source of goods for me to make a counter, and you need me to provide you with a place to complete your order, don\'t you? "

"Sounds reasonable..."

"Of course, but we are talking about business now,"

Zhao Yali smiled, "I need you to give me the biggest discount, new products must be supplied as soon as possible each season! Moreover, the period of this counter is ten years, not less than a year!"

"...You are so cunning..."

Liu Yi felt that Zhao Yali should be renamed Little Fox at this time, "but I also have a condition, you only have to promise me."

"You said."

"I have a selection of store managers to recommend to you. If you want to make a counter here, you have to hold her accountable and let her take a share."

"I take back the sentence I just said you don\'t understand business."

Zhao Yali looked at Liu Yi very depressed, "You guy... which sister paper did you see again?"

"Don\'t make trouble, I\'m doing serious business, but I think that person is very suitable."

Liu Yi said, "When will your counter be made?"

"The place has been reserved, just waiting for the supply."

Zhao Yali smiled, "The slowest three days have been fixed, when will you order me?"

"at any time."

Liu Yi squeezed her eyes at Zhao Yali, "How many sets do you want?"

"Let\'s have 50,000 sets first."

Zhao Yali said, "After the counters are built in the future, it is estimated that this number will double, but for the time being it will not work."

"I look forward to that day."

"May our cooperation succeed."

Zhao Yali said, reaching out and holding Liu Yi together.

"I\'m giving you such a large list, wouldn\'t Mr. Liu have a drink with me?"

Zhao Yali squeezed her eyebrows at Liu Yi, then said.

"Do you think I am an escort?"

"Please, that salesman won\'t drink!"

Zhao Yali gave Liu Yi a white glance, "Want to do such a big deal without drinking alcohol? Are you called Lilian?"

"you\'re right……"

Liu Yi thought about it for a while, and it seemed to be the case.

"Then I will lay down my life with the villain today."

"Hey, hello, this sentence is to lay down your life with the gentleman!"

"You are not a man, how can you be a gentleman."

"Then I am not a villain, am I a woman?"

Zhao Yali looked at Liu Yi vigorously.


Liu Yi shook his finger, "Confucius said, only villains and women are difficult to raise!"

"Screw you!"

"Where are we going to drink?"

"Go to a good place."

Zhao Yali laughed, "But your clothes are not good, let\'s go and choose two sets of clothes with me."

"Don\'t make a fuss, my clothes are very good, they are all high-quality materials, and I add more than a hundred to the whole body, so I won\'t change it!"

"You... I pay!"

"Occasionally change clothes and mood, I support you, let\'s go!"