Love Dependency Disease

1166 Chapter 1166 Li Heru

Liu Yi\'s hands grabbed Liu Jiayue\'s waistline with impunity.

No matter how powerful a woman\'s creature is, few people are not afraid of itching.

The same is true for Liu Jiayue. After being caught by Liu Yi, he suddenly felt a little itchy.

"Don\'t scratch, don\'t scratch, hahaha!"

Liu Jiayue couldn\'t help but laughed out loud.

She rode directly on Liu Yi\'s body, desperately pressing Liu Yi with her own arm, so as not to let Liu Yi move so indiscriminately.

But how could Liu Yi let Liu Jiayue so easily?

The spring breeze blows, the drums of war, who I am afraid of Liu Yi hero!

Liu Yi and Liu Jiayue were having a lot of fun, and the two finally rolled together on the camp bed.

"Crunch! Bang!"

The camp bed was finally unburdened and collapsed directly.

Liu Yi and Liu Jiayue fell heavily on the ground. Fortunately, Liu Yi\'s body was underneath, otherwise Liu Jiayue might fall and be injured.

Thanks to Liu Yi\'s body is still quite strong, but this fall is also seven meat and eight elements, his eyes hurt Venus.

Nima, so fucking hurt!Liu Yi really wanted to scold his mother, but considering that Liu Jiayue was still riding on himself, Liu Yi gave up this idea.


The two were close again, and this time Liu Jiayue was riding Liu Yi\'s waist in a very evil posture.

If outsiders see it, they will definitely think that the two are doing what they should not do.

"Me, I went to work..."

Like a frightened bunny, Liu Jiayue jumped from Liu Yi\'s body and ran to reopen the computer program.

Liu Yi can\'t sleep anymore, it\'s time to go to work.

"You, don\'t sit in the house anymore."

Liu Jiayue\'s voice was a little low, but it still came into Liu Yi\'s ear.

Liu Yi also felt that there was no point in continuing to sit in the office, so he tidied up and turned to go out.

Liu Yi didn\'t know where to go for the underwear order of ten orders.

If it depends on the relationship, whether it is Murong Die or Zhao Yali, they are their most firm back mountain.If you look for these two little girls, let alone ten strokes, it is one hundred and one thousand, even tens of thousands!

But Liu Yi has agreed with Lin Tong, everything is done by his own hands, not by others or by mana.

Liu Yi stood in front of a comprehensive shopping mall, took a deep breath, and walked in with his feet raised.

There are many small shops in this large mall, located on the fifth floor.On the fourth floor, there are boutique counters, where there are special counters for Red Star underwear.Red Star\'s underwear sales policy, the counters sell fine products, while the small shops are in the hands of low-end underwear, the price is relatively cheap, suitable for public purchase.

Liu Yi is responsible for selling this kind of underwear. For example, Liu Jiayue and Xinxin Mall signed counters. There is no way for Liu Yi to be responsible.

Liu Yi went directly to the fifth floor, and then walked around next to an underwear store.

Nima...It\'s too difficult...He is a divine emperor, and he came down to sell underwear!

Such a thing... simply unreasonable!

No, you must keep your temperament!You must never do such a shady thing!

Liu Yi strengthened his conviction, and then strode forward.

The female clerk in the underwear shop looked at Liu Yi for a long time and couldn\'t help but say, "What are you doing?"

"Miss, do you need underwear?"

Liu Yi asked.

The words immediately attracted the contempt of the female clerk.

"Stinking rogue!"

"You, don\'t get me wrong! I\'m from Red Star Fashion Women\'s, which specializes in selling underwear."

"Oh, it\'s a salesperson."

The woman\'s eyes are a lot more kind, but still with a little contempt, "Our underwear is enough, you don\'t need new goods, you go."

"Don\'t be beautiful, our company has released a lot of new underwear recently! Try the new generation!"

Liu Yi started to use his mouth, but he hasn\'t done any marketing yet, see if he can play this set!

"I have said that our supply is sufficient, why are you so annoying!"

The woman continued to push Liu Yi, but Liu Yi was cheeky and unyielding and asked after chasing the female clerk.

"You are so annoying!"

"Don\'t be so ruthless, there is no righteousness in trading, right?"

Liu Yi bitterly pleaded, but this woman did not agree with life and death.

Liu Yi had no choice but to leave this small vendor.

There are a lot of bras sold in these three floors. Liu Yi paid attention and found that there are quite a lot of people buying bras here.But the bras here are a bit outdated, and many of Red Star\'s underwear are still trendy. If they are sold at the counter, there must be a lot of women.

"The bras here are too old-fashioned, are there new ones?"

A beautiful woman who was buying underwear strolled in a small shop for a long time, then said dissatisfiedly.

"This... this is already the latest item of our season."

The boss said awkwardly.

At this moment, Liu Yi also got rid of his wits and took out samples of their goods directly from his backpack, then hung them on his body and walked around.

Soon, Liu Yi was full of flowers, like a human-shaped signboard!

Corsets hung everywhere on his body, attracting the attention of everyone around him.

Is this new performance art?Isn\'t it amazing?

However, I have to say that Liu Yi walked a few laps like this, and it really worked.When Liu Yi passed an underwear store, a woman pointed at the underwear on Liu Yi\'s body and said, "Just like that, give me a set."

"Sorry...we don\'t have such a style here..."

"None of them, don\'t you say that the style is very new and complete?"

"This this……"

After Liu Yi walked through several stores, this situation appeared in several stores.

This is what Liu Yi expected, after all, the bras produced and designed by Red Star are very fashionable, and girls will definitely like it after reading it.

Although it is a bit cheeky, but for the sake of life... I have to make a last resort.

"That little brother, you stop."

Just as Liu Yi showed her performance art in the audience, a beautiful woman with a good appearance suddenly shouted Liu Yi.

Liu Yi turned her head and took a closer look at the beauty.

The beautiful woman was wearing a pink sweatshirt. The sweatshirt was slightly tight, and her hips were wrapped up, which was a bit tempting.

This beauty looks pretty good, with red lips and white teeth. If you rate it, it is enough for 6 points of beauty.The figure is also very good, the chest is not too big, but not too small, under the zipper of the pink sweatshirt, revealing a beautiful clavicle, and a deep groove.

Her two long, round, straight legs are very tall and sexy.It is said that beautiful women look good, they must look at their legs.Although some beautiful women have good looks, they have a pair of short legs, and the overall score is lowered.And some women look average, but with two long legs, they can instantly increase the score.

Obviously, in front of this beauty, the score has been raised a lot.

She wore a ponytail, some clean and capable appearance.However, Liu Yi noticed that on the ring finger of this beautiful woman, with a wedding ring, it seems that she is already married.

"This little brother, please stay."

The beauty shouted Liu Yi again.

Seeing that this beauty opened a lingerie shop, Liu Yi walked over.

This underwear shop is also a small shop with a small scale. It has a space of three or four square meters and is covered with various bras.

"Beauty, do you want a corset?"

Liu Yi is also out of the question, anyway, he is a salesman, it is nothing wrong to directly promote his underwear.

Glorious labor!

"Are you all wearing Red Star brand underwear?"

The beauty asked with a smile, "Is it real?"

"Of course it is genuine! We have a delivery note!"

Liu Yi said decisively, "I don\'t believe you can call our company, I also have a job number. There are also these underwear models, you can also go online to check, fake one, I will accompany you ten!"

"Hee hee, you guys are really funny, I\'m kidding you, you run here for a day, everyone knows you are a Red Star employee."

The beauty suddenly laughed, causing Liu Yi to have a black line.Nima, this sister of love takes herself as a Sunday.

"Then do you want..."

Liu Yi asked slightly depressed, "I don\'t want to leave."

"Oh, my brother is quite tempered, is this angry?"

The beauty couldn\'t help covering her mouth and laughing, shaking her own ponytail.

The girl had really long hair and a long pony tail swaying on her hips.

"It\'s just a joke with you, you get angry, so what do you salesman do?"

Liu Yixin said, Nima, was also taught by this girl.Forget it, who makes himself just a little salesman now.

"Okay, sorry, I had a bad attitude just now."

Liu Yi immediately turned around and bowed to the beauty.

The beauty was a little surprised, "You\'s kind of funny. It looks like it\'s not very young?"

"twenty one."

Liu Yi said the approximate age of a student who had just graduated and left campus.

"No wonder, youthful."

The beauty smiled, "I am six years older than you, just call me sister."

Nani, why should I recognize a cheaper sister, you already have a Li Biyue!

But here, there may be nothing wrong with identifying a sister.Isn\'t it normal to engage in sales promotion?

"What\'s your name?"

"My name is Li Heru."

"Then I will call you Sister Li!"

Liu Yi\'s mouth is very sweet, "Sister Li looks pretty, and when I was my sister, I really made it."

"I just thought you had a temper tantrum, and now you can talk."

Li Heru couldn\'t help but laugh again, "Okay, okay, you have become a landscape with your underwear, come in sister here."

Saying that, Li Heru turned and entered his shop.

Liu Yi was behind, looking at Li Heru\'s buttocks and snorted a few times before he followed in.

The shop is really a bit small, Liu Yi feels that it is more like a place suitable for cheating!