Love Dependency Disease

1165 Chapter 1165 A Warning

"Your face... dead face..."

The ghost said, "It\'s close...your danger...close..."

"Will I die?"

Liu Yi laughed, "If there is one day, I would like to know who will kill me."

"he is……"

The female ghost hadn\'t finished talking, and suddenly her body was extremely twisted, and then she was wiped out!


Liu Yi woke up again, this time, he could not feel the power of the soul.

The ghost is dead, she has died before she can tell her final result!

too weird!Who killed her?There is only myself and Liu Jiayue, but Liu Jiayue is undoubtedly an ordinary person!

In the midst of it, Liu Yi seems to sense that there is some terrible power that is monitoring himself in the dark!

"who is it?"

Liu Yi asked loudly, "Come out!"

"You\'re crazy!"

Liu Jiayue was taken aback, could not help but scorn, "Where are the two of us? You have a nightmare, you!"

"Yeah, it\'s a nightmare..."

Liu Yi couldn\'t explain anything else. He sighed, covering his forehead and saying, "A bad nightmare."

"A big man will be scared by nightmares, cut, it\'s really useless!"

Liu Jiayue said, the phone suddenly rang.

She took out her mobile phone and found that there was billing information on it.


Liu Jiayue suddenly exclaimed, this penetration is not light!

"Are you crazy?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Me, my credit card, my credit card!"

"What happened to your credit card?"

"My credit card was stolen, it was stolen and swiped for a full 200,000, 200,000!"

Liu Jiayue couldn\'t help crying, "God, who did this, a full 200,000 oh, oh, how long will I have!"

"This kind of thing...Emo can help..."

Liu Yixin said, Nima, that female ghost\'s prophecy really worked... This Liu Jiayue is really a poor ghost.

"Damn the thief! The Bora I just bought can only be sold now!"

"Falling sadness..."

"Damn! Damn! I want to call the police, I want to call the police!"

"It\'s useless."

Liu Yi comforted, "When the thief seizes, the money is almost spent, or he will never come back."

"Then I can\'t make the thief feel better! I want to call the police!"

Liu Jiayue said, took out his mobile phone and made an alarm call, as Liu Yi expected, there was a record of the information there, and then what should I do and go.

But since the other party swiped the credit card, there must be a record.Maybe one day, it can really catch people out.

"Festivals will change..."

Liu Yi can only comfort her, "Let\'s finish the project first. After finishing this project, can you still get some money."

"Probably about one hundred thousand."

Liu Jiayue sighed, "plus the money to sell Bora, just put it together."

"It seems that this time you are going to play for nothing."

"That must be done..."

Liu Jiayue mourned with tears. "Otherwise, this credit card will not be available. Without credit, I can\'t even buy a house... I haven\'t bought a house yet."

"Take your time...I still sleep in the office."

Liu Yi lay in bed, "I\'m so happy to live, what are you afraid of?"

"I am different from you!"

Liu Jiayue looked at Liu Yi contemptuously, "You will know at first glance that you are a guy who is not hungry when you are full! I can\'t do it, I still have a mother to feed!"

"You look down on me!"

"Yes, just to look down on you, do you have an opinion?"


"Well, if I want to make it worthwhile, I\'ll finish those ten orders quickly!"

"Don\'t you say Wubi?"

Liu Yi hurriedly asked.

"Amused you, you really believe it! Ten strokes, no less than one stroke!"

"Hey, hello, you don\'t count!"

"You believe in women\'s words, enough to prove how stupid you are!"

Liu Jiayue seems to use Liu Yi to vent his dissatisfaction, "Just ten strokes!"

"How can it be so shameless..."

Liu Yi was also very dissatisfied. Was the 50% discount I just mentioned disappeared so quickly?

"what do you know!"

Liu Jiayue glared at Liu Yi. "Do you think these ten pens were set by me? This is the company\'s rules in the past! You are now provoking people who should not be provoked. How about you! He will always trouble you if there are fewer of these ten strokes! He can’t finish the task. At that time, he will fire you again, and I can’t really protect you!”

"Okay, the manager is for my good, ten strokes, I can\'t do it."

Liu Yi sighed, it seemed that he could not escape the life of selling underwear.

He was not talking about other things, but closed his eyes again and enjoyed his rare sleep.

This time, there was no female ghost in dream anymore, and Liu Yi had a good sleep.

"The time is almost up."

At this time, in the Qin Palace.

Ma Yixuan knelt in front of the statue of Emperor Qin with a pious face.

A stood behind him and said slowly.

"The power of Emperor Qin has regained some consciousness, and we should also give His Majesty Emperor Qin the gift of resurrection."

"Do you need any help?"

Ma Yixuan asked, "As long as I can work, I will definitely do it."

"It\'s time you showed your loyalty."

A said to Ma Yixuan, "Qin Huang is waiting for your loyalty!"

"I will do it."

Ma Yixuan laughed, "I will let the Qin Palace know that my life was not saved in vain."

"hope so."

A said, "It\'s not too late, let\'s go down quickly."

"I will do it, but what about the imperial palace of Qin promised me?"

Ma Yixuan smiled all the time.

"You cunning woman."

A smiled, "It\'s better not to play with us, otherwise, you have a good look."

"The Qin Palace is where I live, and His Majesty Qin is my reborn parent. How can I play tricks with the Qin Palace?"

Ma Yixuan laughed, "It\'s just that people are weak women, need something to defend themselves..."

"Give her something."

A said, C sitting next to him handed over a golden sword.

"This Qin Emperor Sword is loaned to you first. Unlike tricks, Qin Emperor Sword belongs to the great Qin Emperor. When His Majesty Qin Emperor wakes up, it will naturally return to His Majesty Qin Emperor."

"Thank you for reminding me again, the little woman will go down."

Ma Yixuan said, his body turned into a blood, and then disappeared in the Qin Palace out of thin air.

"I don\'t trust him."

Bing shook his one arm and said, "This woman is so cunning that I can\'t even see her!"

"We don\'t need to see through her."

A said, "We are just using this woman. Now that the Qin Imperial Palace can use it, we are the two of us. We must preserve our strength until the day His Majesty recovers."

"Yes, at that time, our strength will be restored!"

C raised his one-handed arm and growled, "I want to make Liu Yi pay the price!"

"you will."

A nodded, "So now, we want to use that woman."

"Hope you didn\'t save her in vain."

"I never misunderstand people."

"You misread Liu Yi..."

"I won\'t read the wrong person twice..."

Liu Yimei slept beautifully, then stretched out and sat up.

It was already dawning, and Liu Yi found that Liu Jiayue was lying on the table sleeping, and the computer was still on.

This girl must have stayed up all night.

Liu Yi walked over and glanced at the girl’s design, which was pretty good.Sure enough, Liu Jiayue is capable, otherwise he will not take the position of manager.

It\'s a pity... This woman is a poor ghost... Although Liu Yi doesn\'t believe in fate, he is a fairy, so he can go against the sky.But ordinary mortals, can they do it?

At this time, Liu Jiayue\'s cell phone rang, and it was estimated that it was an alarm.She was also awakened directly, then stretched out.

"Ah... It\'s so tiring to sleep at the waist... But I finally wrote more than half of the design! Not tired!"

Liu Jiayue said, his feet were stretched out, and as a result, he kicked on the power supply.

The power was cut off and the computer shut down directly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Liu Jiayue is really going crazy this time, and Liu Yi doesn\'t know what to say, this girl\'s\'s too bad!

Liu Yi can only mourn for Liu Jiayue in his heart.

At this time, Liu Jiayue suddenly stood up.

Liu Yi hurried down again, closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Ah! The old lady is so miserable, this guy is still sleeping so sweetly!"

by!You have a woolen relationship with me!

"No, the old lady is unbalanced! Get up, get me up!"

Liu Jiayue shouted several times in Liu Yi\'s ear, Liu Yi pretended not to hear.

"Get up!"

Liu Jiayue couldn\'t see Liu Yi, she even reached out her hand and pushed a few on Liu Yi.

"Get up, bastard, get up quickly!"

Liu Yi pretended to sleep like a dead pig!Lord just doesn\'t wake up, what can you do with me!

"Damn... It seems that only water can be poured..."

Liu Jiayue muttered.

"Oh... who\'s so noisy this morning..."

Liu Yi hurriedly stretched his waist, then slowly opened his eyes.

"Fuck, the old lady knows you are pretending to sleep!"

Liu Jiayue is not a fool, and immediately analyzed, "Are you gloating!"

Liu Yi raised his right hand, "I swear, I don\'t have it!"

"Without a fart, look at you with smiling eyes!"

"I go, my eyes are sleepy and hazy!"

"Nonsense, watch for yourself!"

Liu Jiayue said, sitting on the bed buttocks, and then took out a small mirror and placed it in front of Liu Yi.

"Where there is, this is exhaustion!"

"It\'s sarcasm! Look at yourself!"

Liu Jiayue pointed directly at Liu Yi\'s eyes and said, "Full of ridicule! ridicule!"

"Please, although you are a manager, don\'t you blame me for anything?"

Liu Yi said uncomfortably.

"Humph, you deserve it!"

"I\'ll revenge you when you\'re here!"

"It\'s up to you, don\'t make me laugh at the big teeth."

"Then let you see my uncle!"

Suddenly Liu Yi stretched out sinful hands at Liu Jiayue.