Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 34: Water bandit

Several players are being chased by water bandits by the Yi River 10 kilometers south of Xia Village.

   The water bandits had terrible scars on their faces, and the iron knives slashed them, which made the two players in front of them feel hard.

   "Archer, let go of the arrow, we can\'t hold it!"

   The two players were struggling to face the attack of the water bandits, and hurriedly asked their companions behind for help.

   A few arrows flew and shot at the water bandits.

   "A few broken arrows just want my life!"

   The water bandit slashed the flying iron arrow and slashed it on the player\'s shoulder!


   The player screamed and quickly took out the hemostatic medicine.

   The water bandit didn\'t give the player time to react, and he slashed it down again. The player fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

   "Retreat, we are not opponents of water bandits!"

   The small captain holding a bow and arrow gritted his teeth. The level of the water bandits is very high. Their group of level 20 players could not kill the few water bandits in front of them at all, and therefore sacrificed a companion.

   The water bandits were chased and killed, and the two sides fought in a melee, and many players had stab wounds on their bodies.

   "Damn, they are too strong!"

   The player team fought and retreated, and finally escaped two kilometers. The water bandits seemed unwilling to stay too far away from this water area, so they didn\'t chase them.

   The atmosphere of the whole team is low. Because they couldn\'t leave the game, they didn\'t know if they were really dead after being killed by the water bandit before they had no resurrection skills.

   The team leader looked a little embarrassed: "It was all my fault that provoke the water bandits. This group of water bandits should be level 30 or even 40. My current force is 35, so I can\'t kill a water bandit."

   "Captain, let\'s go back to Langya City, it\'s too dangerous outside."

   "The wooden boat has been robbed by the water bandits. We went to a nearby village to supply and heal my wounds. I ran out of hemostatic medicine."

   "There is a dangerous water village here. Will there be a village nearby?"

   "Maybe there."

   This team of players retreated to the north.

   To the north is Xia Village.

  The second-level shipyard has been built. This shipyard is accompanied by a wooden dock, right by the Yi River, which can produce ships less than 20 meters in length.

   Two boatsmiths and a dozen carpenters, painters and other special talents work in the shipyard.

   "In addition to wood, we need tung oil, hemp rope, hard sails, iron nails..."

  The shipmaker listed the raw materials needed to build the sentry ship.

   When Chutian saw the dense list of materials, it was also a headache, so he had to entrust a caravan to collect the raw materials. After all, Xia Village is just a large-scale three-level village. If you specialize in shipbuilding, you can produce all the materials. Unfortunately, Xia Village is not a village specializing in the production of wooden boats. Many materials, such as tung oil, have to be purchased.

   "There should be lords specializing in shipbuilding in Jiangdong and Jingzhou, but for me, it is enough to have a certain shipbuilding ability."

   Chutian continued to entrust the caravan in Xiaozhu Village to purchase materials.

   When Chutian took two soldiers to patrol the shipyard, Elder Li ran over in a hurry, coughing constantly with his wooden staff.

   "Elder Li, now the Yellow Turban bandits have fully retreated, and the village is stable, why are they so panicked?"

   "There...a group of strangers came to the village."

   "What\'s so strange about this?"

  The foreigners mentioned by Elder Li are also free players. Free players in the Eastern Han Dynasty can be transferred to military commanders, counselors, civil servants, assassins, blacksmiths, poets and other professions. For Elder Li, the player is part of this world, so there is nothing strange, but he calls the free player an alien.

   Chu Tian was not surprised that free players appeared in Xia Village. There were hundreds of millions of players trapped in "Lord". Even though the area of ​​"Lord" has been expanded ten times, the players will generally concentrate around important cities, such as Luoyang, Chang\'an, Xiangyang, and Chenliu.

   During this period, there were a few free players in and out of Xia Village, and Chu Tian treated it as an ordinary refugee. If there are free players in the life category, Chutian is also happy to let them buy a house in Xia Village, promote Xia Village\'s GDP, and bring effect bonuses.

   If free players do not have good equipment and skills, they will not have much advantage over the elite infantry and light cavalry in Xia Village. Moreover, free players and the army are different. It is difficult for them to form a large-scale army, after all, no one accepts anyone.

   A small number of free players cannot threaten the security of Xia Village, but players who want to cause trouble in Xia Village, Xia Village has a cell and a complete set of criminal laws.

   "The team of strangers was injured. I heard they were injured by water bandits 10 kilometers south of our village. They mentioned that there was a water village there."

   "There is a water village 10 kilometers away? Let\'s go back."

   Chutian was quite surprised when he heard this important information.

   The distance of ten kilometers is not far, or even very close. It only takes one hour to walk ten kilometers on foot, and it is not much slower to bring equipment.

   This is still a water village, you can walk along the Yi River to Xia Village.

   Chutian and Elder Li returned to the village and saw the player team coming to Xia Village.

   This player team is healing in the second-level medical center of Xia Village. It is estimated that there is a water village 10 kilometers south of Xia Village. It is the news that Elder Li\'s daughter Li Lan heard when healed the players.

   "I just want to farm well, is it you?!"

   The captain of the player squad showed a more surprised expression when he saw Chu Tian.

   Chutian was stunned, only to realize that his game name was "I just want to farm well". The captain of this player squad is Xiaopang, the vice president of the Wolves\' Guild.

   "It turns out that I wanted to farm well, so I’ve been looking forward to it!"

   Other players heard that it was the number one "I just want to farm well" in the last Yellow Turban trail event, and they were immediately in awe.

Since Chutian surpassed the "old Qin", UU reading www.uukanshu.com has become one of the most interesting lords in the Eastern Han Dynasty. At present, the prosperity of Xia Village ranks 12th in Xuzhou District, which is considered a rare large village. .

   "It seems that you have encountered a very powerful water bandit. I want to know the details of the water bandit."

"Yes, it is about 10 kilometers away from your village. There is a water village connected by dozens of wooden houses. The water village has four wooden arrow towers and more than 20 small boats. We used to take a small boat to approach there. It was discovered by water bandits and attacked by them. We abandoned the boat and fled, and a companion on the shore was killed by water bandits."

   Xiaopang\'s expression is a little dim when he mentions his companion who died in battle.

   "Lord" is no longer as simple as a game, and no one knows what will happen if you die.

   Dozens of wooden huts are the size of a village. This group of water bandits live by looting goods and have to guard against them.

   Every county has small forces such as Yellow Turban Bandits, Bandits, Water Bandits, Mountain Barbarians, Qiangs, and Horse Thieves. These small forces will also affect the development of surrounding lords.

   "In the future, I will try to extinguish this group of water bandits and avenge your companions."

   Chutian promised to come down.

   The ten-kilometer water bandits will be wiped out sooner or later, so it is better to sell them a favor.

   "We live in Langya City. If you plan to send troops to encircle and suppress the water bandits, contact me in advance when that time comes. I can call a team of free players to help you. How can we not let our people die in vain!"

   "Brother Farming, there may be hundreds of water bandits in that group, and their level may be 30 or 40. If you don\'t have hundreds of soldiers, don\'t attack the water bandits easily."

   The players of this team are also very loyal, reminding Chutian of the danger of water bandits.

   Chutian is not an impulsive person either: "When our Xia Village is upgraded to a town, we will definitely destroy them."