Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 33: Class 2 shipyard

A caravan came to Xia Village and brought a lot of wood and grain.

   This is the caravan from Xiaozhu Village, accepting Chutian’s entrustment to collect the supplies needed by Xia Village. Because of the commission provided by Chutian, the caravan in Xiaozhu Village is getting bigger and bigger, now it has 30 horses. The horses used by caravans are still different from the horses used by cavalry, and the price is cheaper.

   "Lord of the village, in order to collect the materials you need, we have made several trips back and forth between Langya City and Xia Village."

   The caravan leader got off the carriage and came to the lord’s mansion to visit Chu Tian.

   "Thanks for your hard work. How about your village chief?"

   Chutian met with the caravan leader of Xiaozhu Village. This leader is also a special talent-a businessman.

   "Our village chief is currently busy expanding the planting area of ​​mulberry trees and building textile workshops. She has also established trade relations with the silk shop in Langya City. From now on, Xiaozhu Village will provide a batch of raw silk, even silk to the silk shop."

   The caravan leader took a sip of tea and mentioned the recent development of Xiaozhu Village.

   Textile workshop? silk?

   Chutian quickly understood the idea of ​​Xiaozhu Village.

  Silk, tea, and porcelain are famous specialties in the Eastern Han Dynasty. If different civilized areas are opened in the future, which Eastern Han area lord’s goods are more competitive, merchants from other civilized areas will naturally find him to buy goods.

   The village head of Xiaozhu Village is indeed a commercial talent.

   Players have various identities in reality, they are proficient in different fields of knowledge, so even if there are experts who can make nuclear bombs, it is not surprising. It’s just that "Lord" has technological limitations, and items beyond the set will be automatically invalid.

Chu Tian thought far away, and the caravan leader took out two drawings from his arms: "These are the two drawings you asked the villain to buy, the drawings of the second-level shipyard and the second-level dock. We will take the wood and grain from The surrounding villages are bought. Our caravan makes a little hard money."

   Chutian accepted two drawings. In order to purchase two drawings, he paid a lot of real money. The drawing of the second-level shipyard is 250 taels of silver, and two shipbuilding skills books are attached to prevent the lack of boatsmiths in the village. Boatsmiths are rare among special talents, especially those who can build boats and boats.

  The drawing of the second level wharf requires 150 taels of silver, which can accommodate many small boats, but cannot accommodate medium and large warships, cargo ships, and sea ships.

   Only Langya City has such drawings for sale.

   "Thanks for your hard work."

   The ultimate goal of Chutian to build these two buildings is to build a four-level fish market.

   The four-level fish market can bring a lot of tax, and it is a relatively high-efficiency building for Chutian, who has to spend money everywhere. As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains and water for drafting, Xia Village is close to the Yi River, and can fully utilize the freshwater fish resources and water transportation advantages of the Yi River.

   "The villain is just to support his family. The village chief has a job for the villain, but the villain is grateful. The villain will go and bring the wood over."

   The caravan leader only visited Ban Zhuxiang\'s time, and then rushed to collect supplies.

   Chutian got two blueprints and immediately asked Li Li to dispatch resources to build a second-level shipyard and a second-level port.

   Xia Village already has a first-level shipyard and a first-level wharf. With the second-level drawings, it only needs to expand on the original basis, and the materials that need to be consumed are less than that of rebuilding.

   There are more types of ships that can be built by the second-level shipyard. The types of ships that can be built now include small wooden boats, scout ships, small fishing boats, and small cargo ships.

  Small wooden boat: a civilian paddle boat, suitable for water travel, and can also be used for fishing, cargo transportation or combat, but the load is limited and there is almost no defense effect.

  Small fishing boat: civilian fishing boat, suitable for inland rivers, lakes, and offshore use, and can improve fishing efficiency.

  Small cargo ships: civil transport ships, cargo ships with a net load of less than 10 tons, which can be used to transport grain and other materials.

   The first three types of ships are civilian ships. The so-called civilian use means that villagers can place orders with shipyards to produce small wooden boats or small fishing boats and cargo ships. As long as the shipyard does not have a warship under construction, it will generally take orders from the villagers and earn income.

   As for the scout ships that appeared in the second-level shipyards, they already belong to the scope of military ships.

   The so-called scout ship, the name comes from ancient records, that is, the small boat used to perform investigation and patrol tasks, also called the sentry ship.

   [Name]: Scout Ship (Sentinel Ship)

  【Class】:Second-tier vessel

   [Length]: 11.4 meters

   [Width]: 2.43 meters

  [Cost]: 10 taels of silver

   [Configuration]: single mast, 1 scull with 8 oars, no female wall

   [evaluation]: Flexible, fast boat, lack of offensive and defensive means, suitable for reconnaissance, patrol, challenge, suspicion, ambush.

   "After the completion of the second-class shipyard, build a sentry ship."

   Chutian hasn\'t been able to support a powerful navy, just a scout ship requires eight sailors.

   The combat capability of the scout ship is better than nothing. For rowing boats, in order to ensure speed, there are generally more sailors than soldiers. That is to say, a scout boat cannot hold a few soldiers except sailors.

   A scout ship was built because Xia Village was close to the Yi River, and a sentry ship was needed to search the nearby waters. In "The Lord", the Yi River with a drainage area of ​​170,000 square kilometers is a large river. UU看书www.uukanshu. When some free players in com were exploring this world, they found that there were water villages on some big rivers, so Chutian had to be wary of threats from the Yi River.

   In addition, water battles and naval battles are also a major setting of "Lord". For the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the water battle on the Yangtze River was important, and most lords still focused on land. But for the lords of certain civilized areas, they will focus on naval battles, such as the Viking District, the Venetian Merchant District, and the Holy See.

   Chutian has consciously trained sailors.

   If areas of different civilizations are opened up, the navy will have to conquer other civilizations in the future.

   It will take time to complete the second-level shipyard. Chu Tian hired two carpenters and gave them the skill books of boatcrafters to study and transfer them to become boaters.

   At the same time, he ordered the recruitment of eight savvy civilians and transferred them to sailors.

   So Xia Village had the first navy-eight sailors with a combat power of only 5.

   "Xuzhou and Qingzhou are both sea states, and there are many deep-water ports, especially Qingdao in Jiaozhou Bay."

   Chutian calculated that the actual distance between Langya City and Jiaozhou Bay was about 250 kilometers. The area of ​​"Lord" is increased by 10 times. If the surface of the three-dimensional space is ignored, the length of the side is increased by 3.16 times, and the straight-line distance between two points is increased by 4.47 times. In "The Lord", the distance between Langya and Jiaozhou Bay is about 1,100 kilometers.

"Too far."

   Chu Tian shook his head, and didn\'t think about things that were too far away. Now Xia Cun didn\'t even have the ability to build warships. The real warship is not a scout ship, but a ship such as walking stern, stern, fighting ship, and building ship.

  Zou Ke is a ship that can only be built by a third-level shipyard. It requires an intermediate shipbuilder. As for the ship, the ship, and the ship, you need more advanced shipyards and shipmakers.