Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 35: 1st town in the world

Although water bandits have appeared near Xia Village, it is not a priority to eliminate them.

   The second-level shipyard and the second-level wharf were completed, and a large amount of wood and other materials were also shipped. So Chutian used the fourth-level fish market drawings dropped by the Yellow Turban leader Zhang Kai to add a landmark economic building to Xia Village.

   The fourth-level fish market is a building that can only be found at the town level. If Xia Village has a four-level fish market, freshwater fish can be regarded as a special product, attracting residents from surrounding villages and towns to buy and sell freshwater fish in Xia Village, thereby promoting the circulation of other commodities in the village.

  The harvest time of wheat near the Yihe River is at the end of June, and the planting time is at the beginning of October. There is a period of time to mobilize a lot of labor.

   Chutian took advantage of the construction of buildings as much as possible before the busy farming period, to enhance the prosperity of Xia Village, and prepare for upgrading the first-level town.

   Villages are divided into three levels, market towns are also divided into three levels, and further up there are small cities.

   The conditions for upgrading a market town in a third-level village are more stringent than before, and there are three most important conditions:

   One, the population is greater than 2000.

  Second, prosperity is greater than 500.

   Third, the expansion cost of 100 gold.

  Population is the foundation of the territory. Prosperity measures the comprehensive strength of the territory. As for the cost of 100 gold, it is the cost of expanding the territory directly under the jurisdiction.

   The population of Xia Village is close to the 2000 mark, and it is not difficult to meet the first condition.

   The second condition requires the construction of various buildings to increase the prosperity of agriculture, commerce, culture, and military. The current prosperity of Xia Village has reached 407.

   "It is estimated that after the construction of the fourth-level fish market, the prosperity is not far away from 500. The third condition is somewhat troublesome..."

   The Lord’s Mansion will pay monthly salaries to the officials, infantry, and cavalry of Xia Village. The monthly salary of an elite infantry is 1.5 taels of silver, and the salary of a light cavalry is 2 taels of silver. There are 30 light cavalry and 70 elite infantry in Xia Village. The total monthly salary of the army alone is as much as 165 taels of silver.

   This does not include the salary paid to the generals of Hua Mulan, Wu Shang, and Zhao Qi.

   The officials in Xia Village also have a monthly salary of one hundred taels of silver.

   To speak bluntly, Xia Village\'s income is completely in a state of making ends meet. The reason why Xia Village can still operate normally is all because of the spoils that Chutian seized from the Yellow Turban Army and the 200 taels of gold obtained during the last event.

   In order to build a fourth-level fish market, a second-level shipyard, a second-level wharf and other buildings, a new sentry ship was added. The village warehouse in Xia Village has bottomed out.

   You have to find a way to get 100 gold.

   Chutian somewhat understands why Xiaozhu Village abandoned the barracks to fully develop the economy. Xiangyong in Xiaozhu Village does not have to pay salaries and can save at least 100 taels of silver each month.

   When Chutian thought of this, he already knew where to get 100 gold...

   In order to develop freshwater fisheries, Chutian asked the Lord’s Mansion to post notices to encourage some villagers to engage in fishing and fish pond farming.

   The occupations of villagers are not fixed, and will change due to the village’s buildings, policies, and regional location. For example, farmers may become fishermen or carpenters.

   After the notice was posted, a dozen villagers soon showed a tendency to change jobs to fishermen, and one villager used his life savings to purchase a small fishing boat from a secondary shipyard.

   The fourth-level fish market initially covers an area of ​​10,000 square meters, and it can be expanded into a large bazaar covering an area of ​​20,000 square meters, enough to accommodate hundreds of stalls.

   For Xia Village, where there are only dozens of fishermen, the fourth-level fish market is very large. The fourth-level fish market is not a village-owned building, and the construction time is ten days.

  While waiting for the completion of the fourth-level fish market, the construction of the first military vessel in Xia Village, the sentry ship, was completed.

   "Lord" is different from the actual world, and the speed of construction and training is faster. If you want to achieve the glory of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty according to the development speed in reality, you need decades of accumulation of Wenjing.

   Chutian immediately arranged for eight sailors to use the sentry boat for training.

   "There is still a lack of drawings for the navy camp."

   Chutian discovered that there were sailors, but no suitable sailors.

  The navy is different from the infantry. Infantry can also use sentry ships to fight on the water, but their attributes will be greatly reduced. Infantry who is seasick will lose their combat effectiveness, just like Cao Cao\'s mighty northern soldiers were defeated by the Soochow Navy in Chibi.

   Other places also need money, especially for a third-level village to upgrade to a first-level town requires 100 gold. Chu Tian temporarily gave up the idea of ​​purchasing the navy camp drawings.

   "Ding! Congratulations to the lord of Youzhou in Eastern Han District, ‘A Little Soldier at the Border at the End of the Ming Dynasty’, for upgrading his territory to the world’s first first-class town-Liaodong Town, rewarding a diamond-level recruitment order!"

   The system prompt that sounded suddenly made Chu Tian amazed, so soon there is a village upgrade to a first-class town? !

   "A soldier at the border gate at the end of the Ming Dynasty, isn\'t this the second player in our Eastern Han District?"

   Chutian opened the ranking list. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a small soldier in the border area had a territorial prosperity ranking first with 502, surpassing the original number one Lao Qin.

   This player is probably also a lord with a special hero~www.novelhall.com~ The players in the entire Eastern Han Dynasty are shocked. The territorial prosperity of the Eastern Han Dynasty has always been the leader of the Guanzhong region, "Luo Qin". As a result, during the event, a lord of Xuzhou District "I just want to farm well" grabbed the top spot, and now hit the world\'s No. 1 town, and ran out of the lord of Youzhou District, "a soldier at the border at the end of Ming Dynasty".

   Players in other civilized areas learned that the world\'s first town appeared in the Eastern Han District, and were deeply shocked.

   The lord of the Holy See should be the lord of the Holy See, "God will bless you".

   As a result, the honor of the world\'s first town was robbed by the lord of the East Han District.

  The honor of the world\'s first hero is also in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   "The Eastern Han District is really powerful. After entering the city-state era, their internal fighting will be very tragic."

   "Dongying District, Goryeo District, Annan District, and India District around Donghan District will be unlucky in the future."

  The players in the Holy See have expressed emotion.

  Eastern Han District, Youzhou Liaodong County, the area under the jurisdiction of Xiangping County, a lord led two hundred cavalry and one hundred players to attack a small nomadic tribe nearby.

   The light cavalry swung their sabers into the tribe. A dozen herdsmen who tried to resist fell under the sabers, blood staining the blood trough of the red sabers. The remaining herders became captives.

The lord, riding a war horse, looked at this group of humble prisoners indifferently, and said to a guild president: "All the labor is incorporated into my town, and I will try my best to attack the second-tier town. The other spoils will be divided by you. As long as your guild helps me. I will give you the rewards for hitting the world\'s first city in the future."

  The leader of the Yan Riding Guild carried a gold-class longbow: "You attack the first lord, and I attack the first guild. Happy cooperation."

   The lord nodded, and said to the generals around him: "Zu Dashou, lead his troops back to Liaodong Town."